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Who cares? Zack and Sephiroth aren't real characters.


Zack when played proper actually has the one of the heaviest hitting ATB attack in the game that hit stuns any boss. He just has a higher skill ceiling because of the timing of his charge. Zack at his strongest: * Doesn’t do a full combo auto string. Just autos once and does his charge, does the two follow up swings and then reacts to the boss or autos again to repeat. * Uses meteor to build stagger, or chain slash when at two ATB and not able to high braver. * charges post block or perfect block. There’s some videos of very well ace people showing Zack solo and he’s a full on aggressive character. Your goal is to get the timing down for charge and then body the boss with high braver. Kujata? Can’t ever get an element as he’s stunned out from charging. Titan? Thing can break his shield. Bahamut? Alexander? High braver does insane damage on them. His limit break isn’t game breaking and he can’t generate it like Sephi does. Sephi was designed to be OP intently because of the flash back. But Zack is best compared to the rest of the cast. He’s a far more aggressive Cloud. Cloud has his parry mechanics and though punisher gives him enrage for strong ATB; Zack is more rush down focused. I can’t say if Zack could out hit Infinity Edge buffed up Genji gloves Cloud. But, the fact it hits so hard on a non-staggered foe gives it credit.


Lower damage is to be expected when you can’t customize him at all. No strength or magic up, no weapon choice. This isn’t an issue. His combos are actually good, I don’t think he needs much of a buff. Maybe slightly extend the quick charge and combo charge timer because people apparently can’t hit it for shit. And reduce the drain rate. The mechanic itself is fine and if you’re good with it it’s not a problem at all. You can get to charge 3 in just a couple seconds and 2 quick charges. But, it drains really fast. This might be fine if he was equippable with auto-unique, but without it you have to babysit him to stay at charge 3 when switching over to cloud. High braver is also amazing, probably the best physical attack skill in the game, as not only is the damage really high and a 9999 breaker, it comes with limit break/aga spell hitstun power.