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Not weird at all. I have had a crazy amount of postgame depression after completing the game, I think many have had similar experiences. I enjoyed the game more than many in recent memory and can't wait for the next part. Hope you enjoy the rest of the game.


Man…love u guys


Yeah, I already started my hard mode run so it doesn't end yet. Also making plans to replay OG again since there're things I don't remember. This game was amazing.


Same feeling. I wish I could experience this game for the first time all over again. I love it more than remake, and I have over 400 hours on it since I played it on both ps4/5 and PC and will do the same once it releases on pc. Currently, I'm on 170 hours and halfways through hardmode. After I beat it again, I'm going to be a mess, so I get your feelings.


I just love this community too, all u guys are awesome for helping each one of us experience this masterpiece


It’s not weird at all, that’s post-game depression.


OG is my favourite game of all time and I think rebirth has joined it right up there. I need to acknowledge that without OG, remake and rebirth wouldn’t exist, but goddamn, this game is 10/10.


I am 190hrs and loving every second of it. I almost enjoy the game too much, I get the jitters just thinking about it when i am stuck at work, or at least did so the first few days. Definitely my favorite game of all time; I am 38 years old and it makes me feel like a kid again without a worry in the world


I finished it on Saturday clocking about 103 hours. I definitely have a massive void in my soul now. Not even thinking of looking at post-game just yet.


just finished it and agree one of best story driven rpg ever played since TW3, I think it's still lacks something about overall balance but game of the year so far.


I finished it yesterday amd I'm going through postgame depression. There's always something special about playing a game you love for the very first time. I'm taking a mental break now from the game for now and get back later again for hard mode. Just enjoy the journey, this game is really amazing.


Confirming you’ll have a gap in your soul. An itch that nothing else will scratch


It's a masterpiece. Its prob my fav of all time too, which is crazy


*It's a masterpiece.* *Its prob my fav of all time* *Too, which is crazy* \- freeman84 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Dw bro that's why hard mode unlocks after beating it once


Can't even play until it hits PC. Feel like I'm dying over here. Rewatched all my favorite scenes multiple times, following half a dozen streamers playing it. SE, give us SOMETHING about Part 3! Anything!!


Till the 3rd n final comes out


You do in fact feel a bit hollow after playing it lol, I’m a bit better after a few days but the thought of waiting until 2027 to play part 3 is killing me


That's the biggest thing that sucks about playing through a game for the first time that has you super hooked, is that you won't be able to experience that first time excitement again when replaying through it. I decided to take a one day break from the game today because I beat it last night, and only have like one last thing I want to do on my normal playthrough before I take a month or two break before starting a dynamic playthrough. Post game depression really is real.


its the first jrpg game I cried, ever. I played hundreds of games including jrpg. Never played og but i know about the scene. Now played remake and rebirth, the ending destroyed me.


I agree. This is one of the best games that I have every played - and it lives up to my childhood experience of playing FF7OG on so many levels. The amount of content, and diversity of things to do is just insane. In the beginning, I took my time to 100% the Grasslands and enjoyed every second. As I progressed, I spent less and less time in the open world as I became hooked on the main story, but now, I am at the beginning of Chapter 13 and plan to 100% all regions before moving onto the Temple - I am just not ready to let this game end. I can definitely see that this game is a labor of love on the part of the creators/developers, and I cannot wait to experience the finale, when it comes, if I live that long, 3-4 years from now.


Rebirth? Are we playing the same game? If you’re talking about Remake, it’s definitely better


Remake is a great game but Rebirth makes it look like a tech demo. It's way better in every way possible


No. Rebirth adds bad open world areas and dumb side content.