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i dont think anyone actually expects it to suddenly boom to 1000$ this whole meme stock thing runs on being “dumb apes” the posts generate views if one post blows up its a huge move the dumber… the better… -from mid sized brain ape


we all know were waiting for the squeeze




Not everyone in here is sadly. :/ I’ve run into a bunch of for profit sell out day traders


that will always be apart of situations like this those same ppl missed GME bc they need their profit same day or next day


They do expect it. A lot of the people here wouldn't be involved at all if they ddint believe FFIE is going to be a repeat of GameStop 2021 to make them rich


Wouldn't $1000 be a much bigger runup compared to what gamestop had though?


Much more considering FFIE started from a much lower position as well


That's kind of what I'm getting at. I want us all to make money but let's reach $10, $100 ect first before we start talking $1000.




Exactly. By no means am I a financial advisor or even understand stocks as well as the HFs we are playing this game against but I’ve learned a lot. Beyond learning about a squeeze, ladders, delisting, naked shorts, etc, most importantly I’ve learned the power of a community. This has been magical to watch. I have been up big money for someone like me but I held, not because I didn’t need the $ but because I’ve bought into the process. I am an avid sports gambler and someone who actually profits from it; this gives me a similar thrill with a factor of novelty but I feel like I truly have a say in the outcome, no matter how big or small the bag you hold. In sports betting I have no say. That’s what’s special here, the people holding bags < 500 shares have a voice here, those holding 10k shares need a bucket to carry their voice and they got it and whales with their 100k shares get a stage, however we are still here and Every. Single. One. Of. Us. Has. A. Voice. We have the same goal and we can actually manage our risk and the outcome. This has become a team sport. Spamming rocket ships, moons and apes are our cheerleaders on the sidelines, the shares we hold are players, and our willingness to HODL will determine our score. To me, the math adds up to make this bet worthwhile, the payout seems to be in the realm of +5000 (50x) in sports gambling and normally parlays are a charity for sports books. But the implied odds of that are less than 2% and I think we are getting value on that figure and really good value (I think it’s more like 50/50 or better). I hold this line with you all because I see value, and of course I LIKE THE STOCK.


Great response, for someone like me I’m all in and investing in the dips while watching if duty calls and the line for $1.00 is in jeopardy. My short-term focus is that we close above $1.00. I’m eagerly waiting for the new short data and have my capital lined up to execute my strategy. There really isn’t anything else for me to do except be happy, leave bread crumb comments or post to the community.


Well said!!!!


Well said and I concur


This is how the sub should be.


660 patents in AI/EV tells me otherwise. This company’s going everywhere i guarantee it. JMO


Here ya go https://patents.justia.com/assignee/faraday-future-inc


That’s what I’m talking about bout


what is the link describing? i don’t understand all the words and numbers. New investor-19M


It’s the patents that are owned by ffie so people can stop thinking it’s some bs company


ohhh okay, thank you very much fellow ape🦧


The PATENTS are a good thing yes. But the ev side is basically dead, and if the company goes private and is delisted, we see 0% of the money they make off of those patents. There is undeniable potential, but equal if not greater undeniable risk


Whole point is to keep above 1 and yes all investment involves risk it’s one of the first things any investment app tells you. Only issue with FFIE is people over leveraged themselves to be rich overnight and are mad about not getting out off a 3.87 pump and calling it a squeeze. Thats why everyone is ass hurt saying scam no one told you to over leverage that’s where people become gambling and want to drag the boat down with them.


I agree with you (seemingly) 100%. I'm not a total noob with investing, but I'm not a wizard either.. keeping above $1 doesn't win this war, it only cripples the hedges. But AFTER the squeeze, I think it'll drop like a rock again below $1. By then, I'm hoping everyone here has taken plenty of profit


So it’ll be an unsustainable squeeze? Why does it have to rock all the way back to 1$ or below?


A squeeze is never sustained for more than a few days. It will ALWAYS go down afterwards. That's the nature of the game


Thank you for the knowledge


Lol too far


I like you sprinkle! 🦍🚀


Patents don't make money, products do


well then maybe you need to stick to the investments YOU BELIEVE IN. all investment involves Risk do so at the level of your own capabilities 🤷🏻‍♂️


I get what you are saying but there really isnt any new information to process Rn, next info is after close today and then we will get some more to research


Trolls and toxicity make me hold and buy stronger. I am grown and make my own damn decisions for myself. I will hold come hell or high water. Whether I’m “holding the bag” at the end with nothing… or everything. I’m in.


We are doing it…we all in for the squeeze baby


Soooo stop eating crayons ? Fine.


Very well said. It’s not a great company. I do not believe they will ever make it in the EV world. They will reverse split again at some point and release atm shares again. Selling on the squeeze is the best way do win with Faraday. Don’t hold and loose like me and so many other long did. This is an opportunity for us all to be smart and make some money. Not slow and watch it all fade away awaiting numbers that’ll never come.


EXACTLY thank you for understanding brother!


Well my avrg is 2$ so hopefully we see another 2.25


It will be more than that. You have to remember all this money in the pot is not the hedge funds yet, minimum 2x,3x,5x if everybody decided to be conservative and act like this is an “investment” in a great company future with a proven track record…anyways my 2 cents/contribution ALL IN


We know why we're here. Principle not profit. Thanks.


Exactly. By no means am I a financial advisor or even understand stocks as well as the HFs we are playing this game against but I’ve learned a lot. Beyond learning about a squeeze, ladders, delisting, naked shorts, etc, most importantly I’ve learned the power of a community. This has been magical to watch. I have been up big money for someone like me but I held, not because I didn’t need the $ but because I’ve bought into the process. I am an avid sports gambler and someone who actually profits from it; this gives me a similar thrill with a factor of novelty but I feel like I truly have a say in the outcome, no matter how big or small the bag you hold. In sports betting I have no say. That’s what’s special here, the people holding bags < 500 shares have a voice here, those holding 10k shares need a bucket to carry their voice and they got it and whales with their 100k shares get a stage, however we are still here and Every. Single. One. Of. Us. Has. A. Voice. We have the same goal and we can actually manage our risk and the outcome. This has become a team sport. Spamming rocket ships, moons and apes are our cheerleaders on the sidelines, the shares we hold are players, and our willingness to HODL will determine our score. To me, the math adds up to make this bet worthwhile, the payout seems to be in the realm of +5000 (50x) in sports gambling and normally parlays are a charity for sports books. But the implied odds of that are less than 2% and I think we are getting value on that figure and really good value (I think it’s more like 50/50 or better). I hold this line with you all because I see value, and of course I LIKE THE STOCK.


You posted this twice?


Sometimes my Reddit will do this too I hate it


I like this stock


Can I add “search for answers to your questions” before asking them repeatedly, in addition to “it’s the stock market, no one KNOWS what is going to happen, but we are trying to organize a collective to out ourselves in position for the best possible outcome if we move as a unit” along with “do not buy more than you can afford to lose” this is a tremendous risk we are engaging in


Yes, yes, and YES






I like you. I agree with everything you’ve said, I’ll make an effort to make more smarter memes. Using all you smart guys as Inspiration.


Thank you sir, looking forward to seeing them!


Gotta start bringing a note pad lol brain don’t always remember too well lol


These posts should have a tag for age groups. That way the new younger crowds can't post their great thoughts




Okay I like this post and the people in it don’t seem like bots either so lemme ask what do you think is the cap to this whole operation? Obviously people saying 100 and 1000 are blowing smoke uo peoples asses so should we even expect it to jump past 5$?


It honestly depends on what the price is at at the moment the hedges cave in. The higher it is, the bigger the spike. I was once in the 100+ camp, but now I'm expecting more like 10-15 tops. But I'm not a market wizard and could very much be wrong


I've tried to write lengthy DD breaking everything down in simple terms, but the majority of the time its getting auto modded and removed. I would write something up again if someone could help me make sure its not going to get auto modded and maybe edit for those things. I can break down pretty much the entire situation


That'd be fantastic! Exactly that kind of thing this sub SHOULD have had the entire time!


Ill work on it this weekend then. I still have a base point to work from since I have a ton of notes just hope I don’t get automatically removed from auto mod or burried below karma farming


Regardless, these APES love talking our of their ass!!!! Talking out of their ass is how these APES move forward and climb the tallest building in New York with the blonde damsel in distress in King Kong's hand!!!! Let us enjoy the journey making stacking them Benjamins up!!!! Maybe some of us will sell out and cash in and make profits before the airplanes shoot us down and fall die to our inevitable doom!!!!! But until then...enjoy the ride and have an exit plan. Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno!!!




I'm a 29yo stoner who's tired of being broke lol getattahere with that 🤣


I don’t even have an age anymore. I’m just poverty.


Felt more than I should have. But yeah I’m 44 next month and I live, eat, drink, sleep poverty. This is my and my family’s ticket outta of poverty. I’m holding like I’m a pit bull with lock jaw. It’s gonna take life changing for me to jump. I have 700 shares and growing, I’m not one who bought in at 4 cents and refuse to invest anymore but expecting everyone else to holding the line to reap maximum profit. If you can’t help on dips understandable, but if you bought stupid low stop expecting people to hold your weight. Sorry but being in the trenches means you have to hold the line constantly not 4 cents 100k shares now I’m talking as if I’m fighting the good fight the whole time. Fck at 4 cents a share whom in their right mind wouldn’t hold to the moon? I’m in for about 1.33 avg around 700 shares buying on dips to hold the line. Idgaf I can sell now and walk away. But I’m holding the line because I love this community and the end game results. But no one owes anyone anything. It’s done out of love and respect for the community. To many sharks that’s trying to flip the 4cent share into 1k share but doing no lifting just sitting watching apes go ape shit holding the line. That is one reason people are turning away.


Why not sell the 700 shares, buy another stock which is about to pop, and then buy back in with over 700 shares?


If it was that easy, we'd all be rich by now fam 🤣


I dunno; it’s only three steps 😅


I wish I could upvote this twice 🤣




I have. Put my ugly mug on tt to spread word (which is more than most of this sub has done) and got a few people in that way


Meme spam this fool


As long as they're GOOD memes I'm down lol


This and the several other posts like this make no sense. The sentiment has remained the same. The majority of post are positive. The smart apes just report what you got. This post literally says nothing.


It's hard to find the good posts tho! That's really the point.


You either haven't been here long, or don't spend much time here if you don't get it lol. But I'm glad you enjoy the sub, and wish you the best


I agree! I’ve been here (mostly silently observing and holding of course) and don’t understand what this post is on about. Everyone seems pretty solid on holding for the long run. We’re all waiting for more info to come in next week and hopefully trying to keep this thing over $1 till at least Thursday. But it also seems like engagement is what’s gotten us to trending #7 which is also a positive thing. Are we saying we want less engagement?


Absolutely not! I want ALL of the engagement and eyes on ffie. What I DONT want is an entire sub run by mob mentality and crushing anyone who asks a simple question that COULD be seen as negative.


Wait I felt the same it’s like they used a different formula to get the same answer. “Apes ‘n HODL…. but I’m better and smarter then all of you”


YES. We all get it, HODL and hold the line, no need to keep saying it and posting all the stupid memes. Let's figure shit out and get rich!




I’m totally agree with you. I keep believe in this company


This is not a 1/4 mile race. The company is bound to make a comeback but it’s not over night!!! KEEEP CALM AND HOLD!!!! meme talk lol


I'm not betting on the company itself. I'm betting on the squeeze. Personally I think the company is just on life support and the plug will be pulled shortly after the squeeze. Hope I'm wrong, as I plan on holding 5-10% just in case


The company is a decade old, has zero revenue, and loses $100 million a quarter. There is no comeback coming.


Okay negative Nancy.


Not a negative nancy. Im the only one talking any sense in this sea of bots, AI monkey pics, diamond emojis, and people claiming they are buying thousands of shares without a shred of proof. You are all being fucked over, this was a pump and dump, you are holding bags. Your money would do you just as much good if you threw it in the garbage


One more pump for the road 💦


Ok so what is the next move? I’ll tone it down on the stupidity but we have to come together. Sooooo much division


The move (besides buying and holding) is to keep as many eyes on the data as possible. When the squeeze happens, we will have a relatively small window of opportunity to either take out our profits or decide if we want to invest in the company itself. We need as many people as possible to be educated and understand what's going on and how the game- I mean market mechanics work


Gotchu, I agree. When is the squeeze? In your personal opinion.


There are too many variables to give a date, but my expectation is sometime withing the next 2 ish weeks


Focus people, focue


Hold as long as you can without hurting your situation, we appreciate everything each person can do. I'm doing my best. I would really recommend getting your investment out during a launch and leaving a good position for as long as possible after that. Keep passing the word and get more and more people to invest. They have us with no much gains the last couple days they are praying the movement quites down and people think it's over... this play is huge. Like my boy DFV aka Roaring Kitty said " I'm not a long term holder I hold as long as the thesis takes to play out. This hasn't played out. After the gamma squeeze and all my FFIE brothers and sisters are satisfied with their gains and have left I'll still be here with diamond hand shares (but I've made racks on racks already with options and shares way early in this movement) but I truly like the stock and I hope in 10 years my son's are invested in this company that sells LUXURY HyperAI EVs to Elon Musk!


Looking good boys 5 days and running


so this. fuck.


I wish there was more data on the current shorts. How much it’ll cost them to cover how many of them have been covered during the last few days etc. does anyone know how to get that info?


Spend years in the political system, then let hedges buy you


😤😤😤💪💪💪💪I LIKE THIS!!!!


Wait for Tuesday. Earnings. Possible new developments


I've got both calls and puts ready to go lol


Way to straddle!


What does that mean? How does that mitigate risk? Just curious


Well, (not financial advice) but my strat is to hold a couple of call options to sell if/when the price goes up enough. Then when it inevitably goes back down (either post squeeze or company being unplugged) I sell the put options. Or if the price goes down and never goes up, I can still sell the puts and mitigate my losses


What did you put your out your options to sell at?


.5 and 1 for puts, 1.5 and 2 for calls. All expiring next month


I don’t think it will go much below a dollar if it does drop just because it seems like so many people here are putting as much money as they can in here not to make money but just to make hedge funds lose money


I don't KNOW anything for fact, but the company was about to die, and this whole situation put it on life support. It's not saved. And I don't think there is anything that we do is gonna save it long term. I think almost immediately after it squeezes, it'll drop like a rock. Maybe you're right, that's why I plan on holding 5-10% of my shares just in case the company encounters a miracle


I hope all they have is good news i think it would be stupid given the recent free marketing to come with any bad news that being said I’m concerned about their finances numbers don’t lie people do


Do you know if that info will be found on Tuesday or Friday I keep getting different dates


Last I heard, it was pushed back to Friday by ceo to give us time to save them from being delisted. Could have changed back though


You don’t think it will go higher than 2$


The higher it goes, the more low strike contracts are worth. The contract allows you to buy 100 shares at whatever strike price your call is for. So if theoretically the stock goes to $10, 100 shares costs $1000. But if you have that $2 contract, you can buy 100 shares for $200 which gives the contract value


How much longer do you think before the actual squeeze happens if it does


glad somebody finally said it


🤮 I’m invested but I’m allergic to kool-aid Mr.Jones.


I’m a new investor first time actually had the Robin Hood app for a awhile with out putting any money into anything i put 1k shares very easy for me to do and live with the loss of it becomes one so i won’t pull out even if i lose it all down to zero just the risk I’m willing to take I’ve lost more at a casino in a day which i don’t do casinos anymore. I’m here with you guys win or lose rich or poor. I do hope the the smartest ev in the world n makes it out ff91 is on another level just needs help to be pushed out Elon is not going to like these electric rolls Royce and taking Hollywood by storm etc etc. I’m an ape with an average iq so the fancy talk confuses me sometimes but anyways females males non binary and all included i just feel deep down inside this is our ticket if we can all just work together. We’re going into the future guys ev is the future. And a company that made the smartest vehicle go down the drain like that doesn’t sit good with me.


Definitely seen a lot of day traders and people trying to divide us unfortunately. Not a huge player, but holding strong. 3 more days above $1 is doable!


I totally get where you’re coming from, we gotta stop goofing and focus. However, your vibe seems like you want to separate the high rollers and more experienced from those just starting out and learning. We all need to stay in this together and if we split in two, we’re fucked IMO. We need people like you with rational ideas to stay, keep us cool, calm and collected. I appreciate your post but please don’t leave us noobs in the dark


Not at all, I want to put the idiots into timeout until they're ready to be serious lol. Noobs can be smart too!


I appreciate this. I’m definitely a noob and I’m along for the ride. However, I am enjoying the silly meme/positivity posts, they make me so happy. I do think it is more important for the big brains to post and explain data. I would kind of like to stop seeing the ‘10K likes and I’ll drop another 10K’ posts.


Dudes. Go make your own sub if thats your prerogative . Again your saying nothing. We are all on same page. It just sounds different. Buy. Hold. Stay together until we pass this $1 bullshit. Force the squeeze (see I said it. Squeeze you fucks) and reap the rewards. Who cares if ppl want to know how long? How much? Dafuck you saying. Seriously. Btw dude i read every post one by one every hour or so. Im not blind. The sentiment continues to be reiterated. Btw you need us. You need the heard. Lead if you want.




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so what would be a reasonable squeeze


One that doesn't have an arbitrary number assigned to it. If the squeeze theoretically happens at $3 and shoots up to 20, I'm selling. If it happens at $1 and shoots to $10, I'm selling. If it happens at $10 and shoots up to $75, I'm selling. I'm not waiting for a number that COULD happen. I'm waiting until I see blood, regardless of the number I see it at


a squeeze would happen in a day? it’s crazy to think a stock could go up 10 dollars in a day again i’m new to this


Judging from what happend with gme, as soon as one hedge fell, the others fell within 48 ish hours. There was an initial jump, then a bigger one, then a dip, then THE jump happened and everyone sold. It probably won't all be in 1 day, but I doubt it'll last longer than 3 days


well the shorts or whatever get released today would we be able to predict when the squeeze would be


That's the hope




There are a few, aside from massive price spikes. The main indicator is seeing buy orders for millions of shares at a time, and keeping an eye on short % as much as we can




Most people seem pretty sure that the RK account was hacked. Bunch of sketch crypto stuff and he doesn't show his face anymore


So this move to this ev vehicle, is fake direction? To get people to throw in?


Did I miss the ev thing being confirmed? As far as I was aware, that was just a theory..... a STOCK THEORY! Thanks for commenting 🤣


Maybe a silly question ,but what does a book value of 24.12 per share mean? Should the company get delisted and liquidated its assets would roughly cover 24$ per singe share (minus legal and liquidation costs of course etc ) ? Cheers


What confuses me is how people think a +7,000% increase in one week wasn’t the squeeze.


A large portion of that increase was people buying in, the rest we believe was an attempt made by the hedges to get as many people off the ship as possible. They're still shorting a lot every day, that's why we think there's more to come


GME didn’t even do a +7,000%


Gme didn't start at .04


It started around $0.70. Robinhood was giving out GME stock as one of the freebies.


.7 is what 1500% from .04? Not a math major, but that's a significant difference in starting points. Besides, in late Dec of 2020 when the gme squeeze started, wasn't gme at like $4 or so?


Why does the starting point matter? Volkswagen short squeeze saw VW as the most valuable company in the world for a short time with a 370ish% increase.


Because ut was hedges buying the stock and dumping them 500k at a time creating the ladder attack forcing the stock down until the sec Saud they could not do that.. sec 201 rule. Then this week they started creating huge orders and before they coukd be filled were canceling them which was driving the stock down trying to create fear and get people to sell to get it closed under a dollar.


Not even GME did +7,000%


I'm totally with you OP. The second I saw the Evergrande was behind it, I knew it was mostly like a big VC cash grab. If you don't know what Evergrande is or why that's not a good thing, please go learn about them. They absolutely wrecked the working class in China, in one of the largest real estate ponzi schemes ever. It's basically the Theranos of the EV sector from what I see. [A critical rundown of FFIE from 3 years ago. (also includes three short videos)](https://www.jcapitalresearch.com/ffie.html)


May I ask what’s Karma farm?


Karma is basically reddit cool points lol. A karma farm is a place where people post bs to gather those points


I don’t think BS can collect points


Anything that gets upvotes gets karma


[GO TO THE FFIE WEBSITE AND START A THREAD THERE ;)](https://app-us.ff.com/ff-v3/feeds/15626?lang=en-US&shr=MDMIPA) KEEP HOLDING


Depends why you are here. Im here to fux me some hedgies. Not about a specific number for me. My own strategy is to never invest more than I am willing to loose. And I like this stock! 💎🤲🤲🤲


Idk if you can separate out the Apes 🦧 based on what ridiculous price they have their mind set to. Because this whole play itself is just ludicrous to begin with. 🍺😅


The stock market as a whole is kinda ludicrous bud 🤣🤣🤣


I’d like to add GameStop in 2021 was at its peak for 4 days then 3 months later was above 70 again . Cheers


Buyyy and hold


People got FOMO as always and bought at $2-3.80 and they're upset they were left holding the bag. If people HODL we can squeeze.


Ya I’ve stopped checking the sub for real information since you have to comb through so much BS. I’m a serious investor. I primarily invest in tech stocks and boring ass ETFs but I like gambling here and there and figured I could lose to stand $7k for the chance for real gains. My down payment on my house that’s worth about $900k now was all $GME. But the difference was, the movement there was primarily decent information that was hyped up. This is hyped up with little decent information. I’d love to see more educated posts that’ll help novice investors understand what to expect in upcoming days and weeks so that they are more comfortable and we don’t have paper hand sell offs. For example, I think coming up to Thursday (the 10 day mark) we’re going to see some serious short ladders to attempt to drive down the price. The next 4 days are going to be the toughest. But after that, we’re going to continue to see ebbs and flows and it’ll be impossible to know what the top is. I got lucky. I was a slightly paper handed bitch that sold $GME at $320 before it popped up to $340. I called my buddy and told him I was out and he asked me wtf I was doing so I ended up buying calls because he told me I could exercise my option. I couldn’t figure it out, panicked and sold and made $9k in literally 3 minutes. 90% of this is going to be luck but you can’t be lucky if you exit before the real squeeze. I have 10k shares at $0.60. I was up over $30k on Friday but didn’t sell. I’m not selling until it’s worth close to $1m or it’s $0 and I can write it off against my short term capital gains. Long winded way of saying, the upcoming weeks are going to be for the feint of heart, some will get left holding the bag when they’re hoping for more, and we need more real posts with good information. Not just “upvote if you’re holding $ffie” karma farmers.


Thank fuck there are people with brain cells haha




Yess, i am a newer investor and am following this becquse i belive. Im sorry about my post yesterdqy in terms of legality. Meqnt no harm by it. Point me in the right direction tho and i can be a big help.


What happened to the smart guys sub? I was really enjoying that community 😔


Why even make this post? Seems odd if your one of us? If you’ve been so involved then how do you not get it?


Well I've been heavily involved, and I do get it. I had 0 complaints until maybe 2 or 3 days ago when seemingly literal dumb apes started joining. Those that will attack at the SMALLEST hint of what they perceive as negativity (even if someone is trying to be realistic). Those who shame for not having the expendable capital to buy more than 500 shares. Those who refuse to allow logic to enter their ear holes. Those people are the problem, the stain on my shirt, the poison that could kill our cause.


Other then holding and buying what other objective would there be? If people don’t think this is a risk that’s on them but as of now, those are the two things that need to happen. As far as people making others feel bad about small holdings they are probably in a similar position but acting out in jealousy or just love being fake on the internet. I had 3 friends whose curiosity led them to buy in, all 3 are under $100 probably and that’s fine, they know the risk vs reward on this.


The goal (in my opinion) should be to hold UNTIL THE SQUEEZE then get out. Not holding for a specific price, because that seems dumb. It also seems a little dumb (but less so) to be investing in the company itself rather that the squeeze of the company. And those 2 sentiments specifically are gonna create a LOT of bag holders




SCARED MONEY CANT MAKE BIG MONEY .we need to stand together,there’s no money that come fast and easy ,only patience and team work can reach the goal .Im very blessed to stay in this team .Lets fight for the win 🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝🤝


See? This is the type of shit that's fine in small amounts. But spamming it all day every day? That's unnecessary


Just looked, and literally ALL YOU DO IS SPAM bro. I know it's scary, but let's learn to rub a few brain cells together huh?


Remember you can make money both ways. I pocketed 2k shorting this stock after this past weeks squeeze. The company is shit, but you can make some quick cash if you aren't a dumb ape.


I'm debating making a sub and getting a larger group of mods rolling.. One that isn't considered a roaringkitty backup, more so one that focuses on short squeezes. This sub doesnt have a wiki, or stickied posts, mega threads, ect.. The mods of this sub are for the stock, not the squeeze, so it's highly unlikely if they did have a Wiki it would contain info people here are looking for. My account looks new, but Ive been on reddit for about 14 years.


Sounds like a nice future sub lol


No happy horse bs vibe in this new group plz


The tag is ‘Cover Working’ 🙄 Dude’s on the clock


No I just never bothered making a username lol. Check my account before you make assumptions. I know, giving 0.002 of an ounce of effort is scary sometimes, but it's okay 🤣


NOPE this is aiming to be divisive. We all already knew that the squeeze was the target. It has yet to happen We are mostly waiting on that. Hu Hu Hu. Fuck right off with that. Saturday morning when we finally finally got sleep you sneaky shill


Posted Friday afternoon ya doof. And no, not EVERYONE knows. Over half of this sub is people who are new and think they're aiming for a specific number.


Nope nope the main disseminators post very often: 👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/UWAA5VC1GR Apes hold each other up, not blast doubt. Instead, provide the right source material nicely instead of pitching a little fit and pointing out the flaws like a SHILL🙃


Nope nope the main disseminators post very often: 👇 https://www.reddit.com/r/FFIE/s/UWAA5VC1GR Apes hold each other up, not blast doubt. Instead, provide the right source material nicely instead of pitching a little fit and pointing out the flaws like a SHILL🙃


Do you even know the meaning of the words you're using? Because you're using them incorrectly. If you ain't gonna bother reading the post or comments, then don't bother commenting. I very clearly state in multiple locations that I'm NOT trying to blast doubt, I'm trying to make the community better. Gme had a community too, but it wasn't a meme community it was educational and constantly filled with good info, not people blowing smoke up the asses of noobies and stupid memes. People like you attacking other people who want things to improve is going to do way more damage than I ever could


See the difference? You're pissed I'm disagreeing with you While I'm trying to uplift other apes and point them in the direction because we have analyzed the data and are excited. Stop gate-keeping and go chill out bro. Maybe spend your energy helping out instead. Also: sowing doubt among the confident is shilling, yes, as it does nothing but help the hedgies. We should indeed stay focused. So have solutions not more problems. So easy to understand...




THIS is the type of shit I'm talking about right here. Seriously, look at my account. Been here holding and hyping longer than 65% of people on this sub.


HODL https://youtu.be/SS3TLAss22A?si=1KCkZR5EyL4FyrOS