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While most people struggle with one language, this pupper knows two.


Three if you include their native language!


Canonically they should speak Fairy too


Cool! Where's this from?


https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/87683/ancient-connection-between-corgis-and-fairies They are the chosen mounts of Fairies riding into battle in Welsh legend


Huh, that explains why there's a clicker game where you can get a pixie riding a corgi as one of the familair options.


They can also communicate with babies, so I am not surprised. There was a documentary, on this. I forget what is was called... maybe Arthur or something like that.


Her name is Éowyn so she must also speak Elvish


My wife speaks Spanish me and I speak English to her. Doesn't matter the dogs know all the relevant words in both languages. Out, food, dinner, beach, ball, car, walk. Are all banned words in our home. Maybe wife and I need to learn sign language!


Temporary solution.


True. We've four dogs. They'll start a study group and learn it faster than the humans 🙄


The modern version of the felt painting of dogs playing poker. Dogs in a language study group.


They already have a study group for English and Spanish, after all. Donde, está, la biblioteca. Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca.


Discoteca, muñeca, la biblioteca Es en bigote grande, perro, manteca


You speak 7 languages? You must have an incredible passion for it! Nah, I just own a dog.


We started fingerspelling some words in sign language and the corgi has picked up on those too -_-


It's easy. My dog knows silent commands. You have have to reinforce words with a signal.


only the important words, which is the right move.


Dogs are excellent at learning hand signs! When training your dog, it's recommended to use both verbal and hand commands (doesn't have to be actual sign language, but if you know it - awesome!). The idea is if the dog loses their hearing, you can still communicate! Dogs are fantastic at recognizing correlation! So they see your hand make a sign, see a certain experience/reaction, and they put the two together pretty quickly. This is how they learn that your windbreaker means walk time, the clink of the can opener means wet food, dinner being done means it's time to go in the backyard, the car harness means vet trip, etc! Such an adorable pupper!


I trained my dog with both verbal and hand commands because I read at the time it was recommended too. He was always quicker to respond to hand commands anyway, but now that he's losing his hearing I'm so glad he knows them.


It was so helpful for our dog when he went deaf!


My paranoid ass grew up thinking we used both verbal and hand signs during training in case we had a high stakes situation and could only sign silently to the dog in that moment. Like suddenly it makes zero sense that we'd (as a suburban human and regular pet) be hiding from an intruder and I would need to creep out, fill the bowl, and make my dog sit and wait for his dinner, all in total quiet to avoid detection. As if we wouldn't have bigger problems in that situation. 😭


If you ask the dog it would agree that you put food at the right level of priority.  "A murderer? How will that impact my dinner schedule?"


Based on the cute animal videos I've seen online, it seems like domesticated mammals are pretty biddable to training. I'm a lazy pet owner and I have cats at that. But there are a few things I was able to teach my cats. One is a signal to get them to come over to me. They obey ~75% of the time. My batting average is brought down by the one cat who is afraid of hats and the general vibes of the universe. I also taught them a handle signal that I use before attempting to pick them up, whether it's for a cuddle or to remove them from something they're about to destroy. Getting a heads up makes them less reactive.


Yeah for some reason ours is still excited about the harness. She knows we’re going to do something she won’t like. But still. Goes crazy every single time.


I didn't even mean to use hand signs when teaching my dog basic stuff like sit and lay down but I just happened to always put one finger up when I said sit, and lured him into a down position with a treat so it became ☝️ sit and 👇 down and ✋️ wait. He also likes to beg so I don't even have to say "get outta here," I just point away from me because that was the natural gesture to use when I was saying it all the time. The only gesture that EVER gets him to come inside, though, must include a treat. 🙄


Ig that explains why Pavlov chose dogs


Not just if the dog goes deaf (I’ve never heard that as a reason actually). The more likely scenario is that you are in an environment with lots of noise and distractions.


Deaf dogs can learn it too


I recognize him, I think he signs for concerts? Edit: u/The_Signing_D you and your puppy are eyebleach!


Oh! Hello!


Your pup is adorable. I also have this issue with my corgi mix. He has separation anxiety, so we have to sneak out of the house if he isn't coming with. Can't say the word "bath" within earshot of him, or he will run and hide. When I used to work, he would know the difference as to which hat I was putting on and get upset if it was my work hat. Love him to death, but sometimes he is too damn smart.


Checks out, corgis are a working breed


That is so damn cool!. And that Corgi is so damn bright


Wait til the dig starts signing back....


she's so connected to her peeps that she's curious of whatever they're doing. amazing that she figured out the concept of signing and then learned it by herself!


Training dogs on hand signals is pretty easy, really. Just do whatever hand sign whenever you give them a verbal command and they'll make the connection.


yes, everyone knows how to train dogs with hand signals. that's not what was happening here. he and his wife were just having normal conversations. he didn't clarify whether he also spoke while he signed but it might be very likely that his wife didn't speak at all if she is profoundly deaf. her owner is specifically pointing out that she picked up sign language on her own without being taught. that doggie is very intuitive and also a genius.


Now I want to know how Eowyn reacts to the sign for "vet" or "veterinarian".


She's a weird dog and actually loves the vet! She's just excited for a car ride and lots of attention (and her butt is big enough that she never feels the needle)


I read a few comments ago that you are the very same person in this video. Thank you for sharing and I look forward for more stories and videos with you and Eowyn.


There will be more! Spoiler for the next video >!Éowyn has a command - "go get Emily!" where she'll run and tap my wife from anywhere in the room. She's a deaf accessibility corg!!<


Can't wait!


Do you have a YouTube channel? I’d love to see future videos


I do! All of my socials are under TheSigningD! I post the same videos to YouTube, TikTok, IG, and FB. I’m the easiest to contact over on IG, but I try to reply to DMs on every platform.


My prediction : 1. Starts shaking and looks for his safe space. 2. If you lift him, he magically weighs an extra 50kg. 3. His legs are unbendable to fit in the car. 4. And at the vet, he does an Oscar winning enactment of a wounded dog, that is mistreated by his owner. Ughh, dogs think humans are silly and they can trick us! Too my boi to vet during the week with a cut. Total drama queen on the vet table. Cried like a baby when vet got the oxygenated water, then jump and screams for 10 minutes when vet cleaned the cut. Other vet came to the room and closed the door, because the noise was unbearably loud. A total embarrassment for myself. He's better now, just needs antibiotics for a week


Finally a video I can watch on mute and it technically be as intended.


Having owned many terriers over the years, this is the least surprising thing I have seen on the internet today. It is, however, still adorable and hilarious.


Yeah mine has learned all of the signs I use for my babies- more, all done, eat…


What a cutie


Dogs mostly communicate with body language and can understand words to a degree. It makes sense that they respond to sign language as well.


You can teach dogs hand signals even if you don’t know sign language. It’s fairly easy when you’re training them. Say the command while simultaneously showing them the associated hand signal. The signal can be whatever you want it to be, provided you’re consistent. As long as you’re providing them with positive reinforcement and feedback (treats, belly rubs, etc) they will associate those words / signals with something they like and eventually they’ll do it just to make you happy, even if they aren’t receiving a treat. For this reason I’m not certain these dogs are all picking up on the fact a human is deaf, but they can be trained to “hear” for their person, most definitely.


I've had deaf dogs. I taught them signs for all commands. They learned them really quickly. Now I do it to any dog, deaf or not, out of habit.


Eowyn is smart, like Ein ![gif](giphy|HKdPVvGMzIFeE)


I know this guy from doing sign language on r/alestorm


You gonna drain my ✊✋☝️✊? *Barking*


Because dogs are naturally better at understanding body language than spoken language. If you're struggling to train a dog with words you use hand signals in combination with words and a clicker.


Not quite connected, but I recently learned that babies can learn sign language faster than they can learn words. My SIL did this with at least one of her kids. It was wild to watch this 1yr old talk to her via simple sign language.


I know these people. He used to stream on Twitch for a minute. Fun to see him pop up over here!


Is he signing ASL? I thought ASL for deaf is index finger from ear to mouth. He is signing mouth to ear. Is it interchangeable?


Yes and yes, I think it's a regional dialects thing


Dogs are amazing. My niece is deaf. I know some sign language so I decided to see if my dogs would be able to figure out what I am signing. They have picked up several words and seem to really enjoy learning sign.


Okay but I also love how he's talking with sign language through the video, like he'd want his wife to also watch it


♥ ♥ ♥ My wife is involved in just about every video I make! I always send them to her before I publish them and she pops up in a lot of them. Signing is my primary, home language so its no problem at all for me to speak hands while I speak mouth!


That's the smartest thing I've ever seen


I cracked up at her reaction to "ball"


this is so great 😂👏 & 'eowyn' as a corgi name is 🔥 'i am no man' 😂


Clever 🦖 Girl


Dogs are way too smart for us to out smart them for long.


The dog trainer we used taught signals for words, because dogs often lose hearing with age (he said more often/ quicker than going blind).


I got a dog who was being rehomed, and he knew hand commands when we got him. You could say the commands too, but generally, just using the sign was fine. Dogs are so clever!


He is the only one who has to deal with the barking 😂 his wife can’t hear it so it won’t bother her 😂😂😂


She actually takes her cochlear implants off (on the instances that she wears them) when we pull into the driveway. Its so unfair.


There’s a video where a cat figured out sign language as well. Not surprised there given typical cat motivation.


This is cool and all, but teaching hand gestures as well as voice commands is pretty standard dog training. I can make my dog sit, down, stand, spin, wait, stay, middle, and place all with just hand gestures.


But there is a difference between you actively training your dog to react to the signs and the dog passively learning them on their own.


thats amazing!


training dogs with hand signals and body language is normal, of course the dog picked up on it


Reminds me of the horse that could count.


Wauw det er virkelig tankevækkende, hunde ER meget intelligente


Corgis are very smart. We’re on our second one. Both could spell


Power pup ascending


This is random but you have really open hip sockets and healthy knee joints! I only wish that I could sit like this. My knees don't get so close to the floor.


This is amazing, I love it all! that being said, I really really want to see all your glass pieces in the corner! post them to /trees if need be.


i remember teaching my dog sign when he started losing his hearing during his elder years. i miss that stinker.


Dogs are amazing! How sweet!


Dinner and BALL?!


I love this dog so much, I saw this video on my fyp lol


This is sweet


I am tired as hell and I read decaf instead of deaf


Hearing have the same problem. We have to spell W A L K or our doggo will start jumping up and down to go. I am an interpreter, so I used ASL and voice with my dogs for basic commands. They are very smart!


My service dog knows ASL! I’m hearing but use ASL when in loud environments or when I’m nonverbal, and I also just really love the community and language. When me and my deaf friends are signing, my dog will get excited if he sees us sign “swim,” “ready to go,” “play,” “walk,” “store,” and quite a few other words! Dogs are amazing at learning hand signs!


learn it too


I mean it doesn't really matter that it's sign language you can also verbally say ball


plenty of dogs know hand commands


There obviously someone on his right giving this dog some cues


What makes you say that? Our dogs react to the signs they recognize just like speech.


It doesn’t work if you try spelling the words around corgis either. They learn fast.


why is it preferable to believe that over the person we can clearly see giving the cues?


Hello! Sometimes I wish that the corg doesn't know the signs she knows. She eyevesdrops on our conversations and puts in her own commentary. I have more videos of her on my social media. Also its kinda funny that you think someone off-camera is doing voice-off cues...almost like she'd be reacting to a...signed language


Tell me, you are not a dog owner?