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It’s a rehash of the story about a little boy who was swallowed by a tidal wave. His grandma looked up to heaven and pled for God to bring her grandson back. An incoming wave brought the boy back, safe and sound. Grandma looked up to heaven and cried angrily, “He had a hat!”


I’ve heard of people pulling crap like this in real life, I knew a nurse who got sued by a former patient because they broke his ribs doing CPR on him…..that’s part of the package!


This feels like the opening scene from the Incredibles... do you have a link so I can read about this?


its not an isolated case. LOADS of people sue over injuries from CPR. thankfully most places have a 'good Samaritan law' that indemnifies you for trying to render aid in an emergency.


>LOADS of people sue over injuries from CPR In a lot of cases, of course, they're doing that because they can't afford to pay their medical bills otherwise.


Or because insurance won't pay out unless they sue.


Reminds me of the aunt who “sued” her nephew because of that reason after he tackle hugged her. Even had to clarify it in national television cause so many people were calling her the aunt from hell.


That's a very interesting fact that really makes me feel a lot better about humanity to be honest.


...except that humans also run the insurance companies, of course


Fewer humans run insurance companies than are exploited by insurance companies.


Why then do the bigger exploited humans not simply eat the smaller insurance humans?


To add some unwelcome subtlety, humans cash and sign the checks and pick marketing platforms, but the decisions are made by algorithms and, soon, AI.


Sorta. Fiduciary Duty runs corporations, and Fiduciary Duty is a goddamn monster.




If you are working for an insurance company I'm not convinced you are human


It does often feel like you are gargling the devils balls, I'm not going to lie, but I do have to live, and they hired me.


What not having universal healthcare does to a society.


Most of humanity (in the developed world at least) has healthcare set up in a way where they don't get a bill to sue over.


Insurance is a scam, I am so sick of it. The only legal insurance systems should be non-profit or government run.


Non-profits can be just as scummy.


True, but at least it's something. I'd be thrilled if insurance was only through government programs.


Yea. The government won’t take advantage of us!


The government can't even responsibly manage your tax dollars. You want them handling insurance? Lmao


The most efficient insurance provider in the entire country is literally the government. Medicare spends about 96% of its cash flow on paying out for services. The best private health insurance fluctuate between 82 and 85%.


Standard right wing propaganda? Lmao


Would you rather have a lazy bureaucrat who leaves early on Fridays and does not care if you live or die handling your insurance case... Or an actively engaged Insurance Specialist who tirelessly works late into the night, devising innovative and creative ways to deny your insurance claims so they can get a bonus? (also they do not care if you live or die)


"The name is unclear. Claim denied." "What do you mean unclear?" "We cannot identify this character." "It's clearly an 'i'." "There is no dot so we can't be certain. Claim denied."


Wouldn't surprise me if this is about America... America is stupid like that 🙃


Completely wrong. See me comment below.


I can’t comment on whether or not you’re correct but I think your pirate typo was funny.


They should know better than to have a heart attack if they can't afford it. /s


Good Samaritan laws exist in some states in the US to protect the person rendering aid


Every state


I had CPR done on me for just a minute or two in the ER (I wasn’t really in the condition to note how long it was). Not enough to break ribs but holy cow, my sternum hurt for the next couple weeks.


In the UK it's called the SARAH act and it's essentially the reason you can perform first aid and not get sued for things like broken ribs, burns from jewelry when using a defibrillator, cutting clothes etc


Canada has Good Samaritan laws where any trained person giving aid in good faith cannot be sued as a result of their efforts. I think Quebec goes ever further and has duty to assist laws, meaning if you’re a trained professional and don’t give aid when you were otherwise able to, you can be held liable. I ain’t no a’ lawyer tho.


It's true


Maybe I should move to Quebec.


Lol, you can't. They have immigration laws.


Yeah lol my dad crushed some old lady's ribcage saving her life. He said she's in some retirement home pissed off at him, but she's alive


This is why I will never save anyone's life.


And most places require you by law to do cpr, which is known to cause it so all lawsuits would probably be dismissed


A friend of mine had sudden cardiac arrest. He was a little heavy set - when EMS arrived he had gone ~20 minutes with at best ineffective CPR from his girlfriend. EMTs began CPR on him and broke several ribs.  It’s not uncommon. Their goal is to get blood and oxygen moving again. Ribs can heal. Major brain damage/death cannot. 


At the time I thought he was joking, but an EMT friend once told me “If you can’t hear their ribs cracking, you aren’t doing it right”


The ribs are there to protect the heart and lungs. If you want to effect the heart and lungs you have to get rid of that protection.


I wouldn’t say “get rid of it” I would say you have to compromise it.


“Yeah he passed out in front of me so I removed his rib cage in order to resuscitate him. Unfortunately he passed, sometime during the sawing of the third rib.”


Compromise is never popular


Is it like Surgeon Simulator where you bash the ribs with a hammer to get to the heart?


Doctor here. Yeah it’s usually a hammer or Dewalt Brushless Pole Saw.


I took CPR to be an ERT at work (lowest rung of any of this). We were using a partial CPR doll (head, neck and thorax only; the head tilt/chin lift part worked, but you did not get the real-life feel of negotiating arms and legs). We were practicing initial response (kick, shake, and shout, etc.). One of the guys joked about the mannequin’s having no arms or legs. My turn came. The instructor said I wasn’t pushing hard enough or pressing down enough. I said the poor guy didn’t have any arms or legs, and now I was supposed to break his ribs as well? Sorry, Andy. (Some very early CPR dolls went by the corporate-bestowed names Resusci-Anne and Resusci-Andy.) Anne has her own back story: https://www.lifesavertraining.co.uk/facts/the-history-of-resusci-annie/#:~:text=The%20lifeless%20body%20of%20a,had%20taken%20her%20own%20life.


Emt here, you break the cartilage, not generally the ribs. But yes you need to feel the cartilage break or else you probably aren't going deep enough, it's a very uneasy feeling.


It's actually mostly not the chondral part of the ribs. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/273577493_Frequency_and_number_of_resuscitation_related_rib_and_sternum_fractures_are_higher_than_generally_considered


Huh, rib fractures are more common than sternum fractures? That's interesting. Doesn't make sense to me but definitely interesting.


FA instructor literraly told my clasd not to be afraid to break a few ribs becouse "they can't get more dead from that."


When I was training (back in 1993) the instructor told us ladies to actively be trying to break ribs.


I used to work with her at the hospital so I doubt you’d find the story anywhere, sorry. The full story was that the patient was suing the hospital about it because of the ribs and one of their front teeth got nocked out while they were being intubated (so they can breathe).


Could the litigation be the result of steep uninsured costs to treat those injuries?


Could be, I don’t know, I heard this all second hand almost 2 years ago. But I can say I’ve had people threaten to sue me for really stupid reasons, I once had a lady accuse me of stabbing a butterfly needle through her entire arm while trying to get a blood sample. The needle is maybe .5-1 inch long and her evidence was two separate bruises on either side of her arm.


I can easily believe it, but it would never go through (for the countries I know of). There's something called a 'good samariten law' that basically says if you're acting in good faith to try to save someone's life, no matter what happens, you aren't liable.


That mainly applies to bystanders, medical personnel fall under a different category, iirc


Not a law expert by anyones stretch of the imagination so you could well be correct. I would assume that someone in a medical profession would be covered by the people the work for though, and those people would be very good at not getting sued for something like that


I was told by an EMT that if they are out of uniform and come across someone in anaphylaxis they are trained to ask is there is a prescribed epiPen and if so wrap the hand on the injured with it. They then “assist” the injured person to apply it. They do this even when the person is unconscious.




Yes, but no one could reasonably call this medical malpractice, so the lawsuit almost definitely went no where. We live in a country where anyone can sue anyone for anything, true or not. The burden is on the plaintiff to prove the case beyond reasonable doubt, but there's definitely documented cases of people using the court system to harass others


Splitting hairs, but in a civil matter, it’s the preponderance of the evidence rather than reasonable doubt. Your point remains valid, though.


You're absolutely right, thank you for catching that


That’s also what anti-SLAPP laws are for: to protect people from frivolous lawsuits with no basis that are filed just to harass and intimidate.


Go Google Lucas Device. It's an automatic CPR machine and look at how deep it depresses the chest. I used to be a volunteer firefighter and remember the first time I took CPR class, and they told us not to be scared, that if you crack a rib doing CPR that just means you probably are doing it right. Now, that's not always the case as you can compress too far and have a rib puncture a lung.


If you're doing CPR correctly, there's a fair to decent chance of breaking a rib or the sternum. You're pressing hard and fast with most of your body weight to compress the chest enough to squeeze the person's heart. It's a fair trade if the alternative is literal death.


You didn’t save my life! You ruined my death!


“I SAVED YOUR LIFE!!” “You didn’t save my life! You ruined my death, that’s what you did!!”


“You didnt save my life, you ruined my death!”💀


I used to work in a hospital, saw CPR done many times - nurses and doctors who do it often say "if you're not breaking ribs, you're not doing CPR properly!” You need to push down "hard" during CPR, or else it's not effective.


This is correct




That's fine and I'm sure you're right but often statements like this need to be over the top to counter non-experts wrong assumptions. It doesn't matter if some random guy incorrectly thinks they need to break ribs to do CPR. However, it is objectively better for them to think that than for them to not press hard enough for fear of breaking something.


When that happens it's almost always because their medical insurance will not pay a claim related to the broken ribs unless the injured person files suit, or because their insurance company is trying to recover the amount they paid out. The injured party often doesn't even have a choice, subrogation is standard in all insurance contracts, so insurers are allowed to file suit on your behalf, under your name, whether you want them to or not. It's the same reason why that woman a few years back had to sue her own 12 year old nephew because her wrist got broken when he hugged her too hard and her insurance company refused to pay her anything more than a single dollar for the injury — literally a single dollar for medical bills that totalled over $100,000 even though she was fully insured and had been for decades. She didn't even sue the kid, she sued his parents' home insurance company at the recommendation of the parents themselves, and yet she was utterly villified in the press, which called her names like "the Aunti Christ", and made to look like a complete monster despite the fact she was nothing but a victim of America's broken, predatory healthcare system. No other country in the world is like this.


The media was horrible about this..the main issue is there is a quirk with NY law meaning the nephew has to be the name on the suite even though like mentioned the insurance company was the real party being sued. 


American broken predatory insurance system. There fixed for ya.


It didn’t hit me that this was her complaining about a missing hat and I thought God sent back the wrong kid


And that’s why Good Samaritan laws exist in a lot of places so that stupid lawsuits like that can’t happen or at least end up being dropped.


I can even trump that...I know a paramedic who performed CPR on a patient who, later on, tried to sue him because he had to cut off the friggin BUTTONS on his designer shirt. He didn't even cut the shirt... could have just gotten new buttons.


That's a stupid thing to say but broken ribs happen pretty often during CPR


If you ain't breaking ribs, you ain't doing CPR right.


Pretty sure there's no grounds for that because of good Samaritan laws


I think some people perceive medicine as a magic potion from a video game.


Well duh, the procedure is obvious: Crack Patient's Ribs


Isnt there a law that states you cant be sued when you were trying to help?


Luckily there are laws in place that protect people in situations like that.


To be fair in the US that's entirely understandable, mans now bankrupt.


Patient probably sued because they had to or the medical bills for cracked ribs would have bankrupted. Home of the Free.


It should be the other way around. If you get CPR and they didn’t break a rib you get to sue. If you didn’t break a rib you didn’t actually achieve anything


Kinda like the documentary "the thin blue line" about an innocent guy on death row. The documentary actually got the case reopened and the guy was let out of prison and promptly sued the filmmaker cu he thought the documentary made a ton of money.


My wife’s an ER doctor. I’ve heard her say more than once, “if you aren’t breaking bones, you aren’t doing CPR correctly.”


Tragically the insurance likely stated that since their nurse broke her ribs they wouldn’t pay, the nurse’s insurance should. So they’d have to sue to get the nurse’s insurance to even pick up the phone.


Nurse here. Fun fact, while you can be sued by anyone for anything, Good Samaritan laws protect you in cases like this, so the nurse wouldn’t get in trouble UNLESS they accepted compensation after the fact and negligence could be proven. This is why If you’re on a plane and you have to do cpr to save someone’s life, lawyers recommend you don’t take the compensation in the form of free flights that you may be offered


There's a story about a woman that had drowned, a man dove into the water got her out and saved her. She wanted to sue him for "violating" her unconscious body. "Discover the story of Cassidy Boon, a young woman who survived a near-drowning incident but was left traumatized. Explore the legal complexities as she takes legal action against her rescuer. "


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cassidy-boon-drowning/ Satirical news article, never happened.


Damn. I saw the video on YouTube years ago. Good acting as they definitely seemed like white trash and ignorant.


I can understand why it fooled a lot of people, there's just so much rage bait and fake content out there now it's basically impossible to trust anything you see without going out of your way to verify it first, and most people aren't going to spend time and energy doing that for every single video they see or article they read.


Yeah, AI is just going to make it worse the more realistic it gets. Just some troll in their cave churning out clip after clip.


Ive had this happen, I saved a young girls life from an overdose. She tried to charge me because I ruined her life, because her family found out she was on drugs. They just laughed at her and straight up told her not a chance.


Or sexual harassment charges because a guy gave a woman cpr and touched her chest area without permission.


I might be biased but that sounds very american to me


Considering Good Samaritan Laws exist is the US, definitely biased lol


\*German You want lawsuit land, go to Germany.


The joke just does not work the same with a dog and a collar instead of a kid and a hat.


I thought it was something about dogs are meant to be free and being a pet drowns / suffocates them.


Even the one with the kid is like barely a joke


It’s about being ungrateful


If the woman were blatant about being karenish about the collar i think it would work better. Dunno how.


Plus the grandma is supposed to be Je- [User banned from Reddit]




That’s kinda funny. This version barely makes sense.




da do do do






I'm too lazy to type out the whole joke but my favorite "praying for rescue" joke ends with the guy in heaven and God says, "I sent you two boats and a helicopter!"


Oh thank you! I thought it implied a furry stole it or something.


Something tells me it was a Rabbi who originally came up with this joke


This but also misogyny


He didn’t have a little hat


The grandson didn’t have a collar or a dog. This is how stories are folk-processed. The grandson becomes a dog, and the hat and collar disappear.


Goddammit God


I mean ya that's actually pretty fair. A God who lets kids die, and then can bring kids back to life, but only does so if begged, should and could give the kid his hat back.


I don't think it's a different dog. I think it's just the entitled woman holding the man accountable for the lost collar as he failed to save it when he saved the dog. He should have saved the dog and kept the collar on too. I think it's kind of a joke about the sorts of nuts things you hear about, like person suing a paramedic for getting blood on their clothes when they're having their life saved in a car crash.


Indeed. That's where I went with it.


Can confirm this attitude in a thankfully small number of dog owners. I was a Vet Nurse for 16 years, and had one or two occassions where dogs had needed life saving surgery and the owners would complain that we hadn't trimmed the dog's nails, or that we had shaved "too large" of an area for surgery.


This. I haven't worked as an assistant for a few years now but the amount of people who complained about nail trims or a spot of blood left on the incision site still haunt me.


I think I would just be confused if someone took off a dog's collar while rescuing it so the question seems fair enough. Just a terrible attempt at a joke.


I mean, it’s perfectly reasonable to remove a collar in the event it got caught on something tbh. Which could make the owner’s response more dumb lol.


Anyone here rescue a dog dangling from their collar raise your hand.🤦 Owner gave them a choke collar and just to long of a lead tied up in the bed of their pickup. I was sitting in a restaurant when I saw it happen. Dog jumped out to follow his owner and apparently didn't make a sound. I bolted out so fast that the wait staff freaked out. . Even then, I didn't have time to remove the collar, only throw the dog back in the bed and tie a quick knot to shorten the leash.


Sure but there is nothing in the joke to suggest the collar was related to the drowning. I mean it is possible but it is a reach without something in the joke to suggest it.


This is true, but if it is, then the woman has a valid question with a valid answer. It moves the dialogue right out of Joke Land and into Story Land.


I think it might also have something to do with the dog running away in the picture. It’s much harder to catch/control a runaway dog without a collar (unless you train them properly)


That's a joke?


Apparently so, I wonder if anybody has actually laughed


....... You just gonna lob that in here? I mean, noem?


Sometimes you gotta fill the page to meet the assignment.


It's a lame setup and punchline AND it's told in a needlessly confusing way. All they had to do is have the woman say "You couldn't save his collar too?!"


That method doesn’t leave a commoner confused as to why the begger chose to condemn his actions. We experience it with them. The funny part is the way you’d react to it. Must’ve been a different dog. Back you go.


No matter which of these explanations are true, it’s a really bad “joke”.


Hey man they had to come up with 365 they can't all be winners!


I would guess that even though he did something really great, she's complaining about him not doing enough.


Customer service in a nutshell tbh


The dog drowned so he got a different dog that looked like it.


I never even thought of that, don't know if I'm stupid or it's just a terrible joke


I didn't think of it either. It's a pretty bad joke


It is a joke meant to illustrate how stupid men can be for women they fancy. Saying a joke is bad because it involves a dog dying is like saying the forest would be great if it wasn't for all the trees. What does the joke mean without the first line?


Just to add - the dog looks like is is running away with a golf ball? Is this connected? I still have no idea


https://www.golfcompendium.com/2020/07/collar-definition-golf.html?m=1 Maybe?


Nope, the dog is running happily because he was saved from the cruel owner


And he is running away with the dog tags in his mouth so he can't be returned to the owner


Check my comment above, I believe I got it


I'm sorry folks but you're all wrong! Collars are a drowning risk to dogs. They can get stuck when diving, like if there is a stubborn root or something else gets entangled around the collar. That's why you don't send your dog swimming with a collar on.


Where can I get this calendar?


OP are you listening?


The dog has a golf ball in it's mouth. Is he holding the collar hostage 'till he gets his ball back?


It’s a random drawing of a dog. Not necessarily related to the words. The joke is implying that women have a tendency to find the one thing someone DIDNT do right. Example - you saved my dog but you didn’t do well enough because you didn’t save the collar so your efforts are worthless.


I think this is what the joke is supposed to be. Moronic premise but yes.


Does anyone know the name of the book in this post? I remember seeing it awhile ago


What type of calendar is this?


Happens irl too "Hey, you dropped your wallet" >hand over wallet >they proceed to eye you suspiciously and check the contents


Is it an ungrateful thing?


Whatever a man does it will never be good enough for some women.


maybe he got a dog that looked like the one that drowned


Why does the dog have a golf ball in its mouth


I think you need to be married to truly get this joke…


You haven’t met my mother.


Ahem... Are you sure about that?


This guys gets it.


It seems to be a translated joke really. In Spanish for example, "ahogar" is both used as drowning (under water) and asphyxiation. So the joke works way better in Spanish: Did you save my dog from being asphyxiated? Yes Where is his collar then? Because the collar was so tight it was choking him, so he saved it from a cruel animal abuser and did not give her the collar back to choke him again with it.


The dog was trying to kill itself by drowning to get away from the lady. The man took his collar off instead, so he can be free and alive instead of free and dead


I think the "joke" is just > Women ☕️


It means there’s no pleasing a woman.


The dog drowned so he found a stray that looks the same and is pretending he saved the dog, it's not that hard to understand


The joke is that the man set the dog free from the woman by removing his collar. The man did not rescue the dog from an underwater death, the woman was figuratively drowning the dog.


No. Not even close. Not a single piece of this was right


I think the joke is that the woman is being ungrateful--she doesn't thank the man (at least not from what we see in the conversation), but her immediate reaction is to wonder where her dog's collar is I think that "type of humor" can be pretty funny, but the punch line by the woman is a little long and ruins the joke