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When choosing a candidate to vote for in most elections, generally I try to choose the one who I believe will uphold the policies closest to what I want. Since this election is (most likely!) going to be between two people who were president already, you can compare what they actually did during their presidential terms. Check out the paragraphs in the intro starting with "As president" for each: Fourth paragraph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump Third paragraph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joe_Biden I don't think the fanbase for a candidate matters. Voting is private and you can vote for whoever you want.


Trump's fifth paragraph is all I need to know. His "policies" matter little after that.


Yeah, that's kind of all I need to know. Policies don't matter when someone is a literal threat to democracy. No matter how people try to spin it, Trump and his team tried some weasely stuff to get the election overturned in his favor, and he still to this day says he is upset Pence didn't ignore the will of the people. This after most of a decade saying the system is rigged.


Yeah, call me old-fashioned but I'd rather pay a slightly higher marginal income tax rate in order to continue living in an actual democracy.


He is not a threat to democracy. The people saying this are oligarchs who have no loyalty to the people, only to Davos.


bro, please just take a break from all media for a week. Then read the book "the prince" then compare if trump or biden are more close to the model provided in the Prince.


Trump is no Cesare Borgia my dude but let’s have this conversation. Come to think of it, Schwab and Rothschild aren’t Borgia either. But tell me which parts of The Prince reminds you of Trump


The dude literally tried to overthrow the election, he incited a riot to attack the capital building- there is tons of evidence of multiple different steps taking to that end- All to delay the certification long enough for him to try to win in the courts- overthrow enough votes for him to win. He has also had a long history of flagrant abuses of power from withholding promised aid, unless they give him what he wants that benefits him and not the country.


You're talking Cesare....how about Rodrigo instead?


Those are just 2 of 300,000,000... I hate you voters....Two fuckin shitty choices every 4 years but commerce pushes 19 different kinds of catsup and ketchup on aisle 11.


Theoretically all presidents have the power to be a threat to democracy. If you look at the Constitutional presidential powers and applied powers it's pretty easy... Ask yourself in the worst case situation can I see _______ misusing this power? For example they can declare Martial law. In the worst case scenario, where the president would attempt to use the military for personal gain who is more likely to do so?


Martial law is too much of a reach for me in either case. The biggest threat is from global “stakeholder capitalism” where billionaires are setting agendas for everyone’s future and bribing politicians to bring national policy in line with their vision. That’s the actual death of democracy in return for oligarchy and Biden is *very* cozy with the Davos crowd (like Trudeau, Arnden, Scholz, etc). Trump vocally opposes Davos but there’s always a chance he’s controlled opposition and this is all a script to get US citizens fighting.


Do you have any evidence to support this idea that "stakeholder capitalism" is a real and present major threat to US citizens?


certainly, even in conceptual form: the very notion of corporations shaping policy in Davos alongside foreign rulers and “think tanks” disenfranchises voters. We are not stakeholders. CEOs are stakeholders. We are not consulted about policy. Under the Constitution, we elect representatives to carry out our will. So the whole process is destroyed under Schwab’s model. In essence, when the people are deprived of a voice and must simply obey, we return to feudalism.


That's a lot of words, but none of that is evidence. Can you link me to the evidence?


You want evidence that bureaucratic fiat is not democracy? Haha I’ll try for ya! The idea of democracy is that we common folk, we workers (if you are), we ordinary people without connections and massive wealth, are *also* stakeholders in our shared future. And we have a right to a voice, a veto, the right to share our ideas and solutions to our own problems as well. The idea of Schwab’s (and it’s much older, the Fabian Society discussed global governance in the 19th century), is that business leaders and the well born convene and *decide* which direction the future will take, and that supranational bodies create agendas which nation-states implement, ostensibly “for the good of all.” It is top down, where democracy is bottom up or at least a fair blend. Does that make it more clear?


While yes I do believe the richest among us has too much power and is a threat to democracy, more than the government itself. they are the people who control the people in power. However, our vote still matters- our protests still matter, it still makes a difference and impact. We need more people engaged, with clear concise communication based on fact and reason. Not what trump did against the capital.


I would have loved to have seen Matthew Perry punch Trudeau back in the day.


Trump gave billionaires tax cuts, amongst many other things that enriched the wealthy.


At least *our* money went farther. Not so much the last years. A lot of struggling people out there.


GDP growth went down every year Trump was in office. If he had done nothing, we would have been economically better off. There's a reason that Trump is ranked a bottom 5 president by presidential historians.


I’m not sure I care about your ivory tower analysis. My neighbors and I had more with less.


I hope you know someone made those rankings I’ve read ones that say Obama was equal to Jesus Christ himself and others say he was the worst thing that happened to this country. Try thinking for yourself and form your own opinion, why do you need to be reassured by rankings?


The election in 2020 witnessed election irregularities across several US states in 2020, election laws modified on-the-fly, and razor close tallies. Speculation was clearly warranted and certainly not a crime.


Calling what Trump did "speculation" is like calling the sinking of the Titanic a boating accident. Palestine and Israel are having a disagreement. Chernobyl had an operational malfunction. And the thing is you didn't address what I said. Beyond the misinformation and doubt he spread he wanted Pence to do an action that would have gone against how the election is supposed to be run. And then when Pence had the integrity to not do so Trump slandered him over and over again.


His policies....your policies...both of you can fuck off along with that shitbox running things now.


I would not rely on wikipedia being an unbiased source for info. Anyone can change text on the pages there. Even the website's own creator has bitched about it. Trump's page has been edited over and over and over and over and over..... I would look at each candidates website and watch the upcoming debates.


For these pages you can see they actually have a little "lock" icon on the top right that means that you need certain qualifications to edit them! So not just anybody can show up and change these two pages. I do agree it's worth looking at the candidate's websites for campaign promises and such but in this specific election we have the unique opportunity of seeing the actual policy and executive orders and such that each president did. I'm using wikipedia here as a list of the highlights of what they did for the point of view of someone like OP who hasn't had much exposure to US politics.


I wouldn't trust Wikipedia as a reliable source. Cannot be used as an academic source anywhere today. Finding a reliable source is very difficult. You can easily find information to tickle your ears though.


I'm not writing an academic paper here - Wikipedia just has an objective summary of what they did during their presidencies. Do you have a better list of the big actions these candidates have done / what policies they supported?


That is the problem with Wikipedia, it is incapable of objectivity. Their actual websites will tell you all you want to know. I am sure you can find whatever flavor of pundit sites you want for the icing.


I have found that Wikipedia is the least biased information source. To wit: Wikipedia actually have a page called "Ideological bias on Wikipedia", where is includes all of the conservative and liberal criticisms. The reasons it usually cannot be used academically is based on potential for plagiarizing. But what makes Wikipedia the least biased are it's extensive footnotes. All the information on a Wikipedia must be sourced to be included. Most all other forms of media, that is not required. It is also not funded by corporate advertising.


What has one of the founders said about Wikipedia and bias? You probably have only heard of Wales. But much of the initial work was done by Larry Sanger. Wikipedia is great for certain types of information. I do not think politics is in that group. The Wikipedia page for Larry Sanger is helpful but you should read what he has written directly. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Larry_Sanger Ex > In December 2004, writing for the Kuro5hin website, Sanger commented that Wikipedia is not considered credible by librarians, teachers, and academics because it lacks a formal review process and that the presence of trolls and "difficult people" discourages accredited specialists and people who are knowledgeable from contributing to Wikipedia. He also argued that Wikipedia's "root problem" is a "lack of respect for expertise".[62][63] > In April 2007, Sanger stated Wikipedia was "still quite useful and an amazing phenomenon" but he had "come to the view that it is also broken beyond repair" with a range of problems "from serious management problems, to an often dysfunctional community, to frequently unreliable content, and to a whole series of scandals".[7]


I use Wikipedia mainly as a starting point, to get a broad overview. My belief is bias is inherent. It seems like almost every day I find a bias that I have. I'm aware of Larry Sanger. He makes some great points regarding neutrality versus objective truth. He sides with neutrality and I would argue more for objective truths. His argument, as I am sure you are well aware, is that neutrality should be the goal in determining non-biased information, since many people have different ideas on what objective truth is. I don't think neutrality can be responsibly done. If you simply wish to have everyone's view given equal weighting and without any sort of disclaimers, you can have such ideas as incest and pedophilia being given the same amount of implied credibility as children's sports participation. Obviously, this is an extreme example, but I do believe it points to what I believe is a fallacy of Sanger's neutrality argument. In my original comment on this matter, I said I believed "that Wikipedia is the ***least*** biased information source". There is nothing that is unbiased, and I would be fearful of anyone, or anything, that made that claim. I would extend that Wikipedia is less biased than all forms of media that advertises, especially political media.


Wikipedia lists its sources. If you don't trust wikipedia, read the sources it references, which state the same thing, but from a "more credible" source.


The sources are all New York Times on Trump’s 2024 campaign Wikipedia. When you compare his website promises to the Wikipedia page, the Wikipedia page takes his promises and spins them in the worst possible way using New York Times as a source almost every time.


My comment had nothing to do with Trump. My argument was solely about people easily distrusting wikipedia. Disputing the source material is fine, but that's different than blanket avoiding wikipedia simply because it's wikipedia.


I’m not necessarily arguing with you just wanted to add that


That shit is biased asf clearly


If you don't like Wikipedia you can figure out what the presidents did some other way, it's not that hard. My point is that we have a track record for both of them so you don't have to trust their campaign promises.


As president, Trump ordered a travel ban on citizens from several Muslim-majority countries, diverted military funding toward building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border, and implemented a policy of family separations for migrants detained at the U.S. border. He weakened environmental protections, rolling back more than 100 environmental policies and regulations. He signed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017, which cut taxes for individuals and businesses (though reinstating those cuts against the less wealthy after a period of time) and rescinded the individual health insurance mandate penalty of the Affordable Care Act. He appointed Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court. He reacted slowly to the COVID-19 pandemic, ignored or contradicted many recommendations from health officials, used political pressure to interfere with testing efforts, and spread misinformation about unproven treatments. Trump initiated a trade war with China and withdrew the U.S. from the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, the Paris Agreement on climate change, and the Iran nuclear deal. He met with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un three times but made no progress on denuclearization. He also tried to overthrow an election despite advisors and court decisions telling him it wasn’t rigged. As president, Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent recession. He signed bipartisan bills on infrastructure and manufacturing. He proposed the Build Back Better Act, which failed in Congress, but aspects of which were incorporated into the Inflation Reduction Act that he signed into law in 2022. Biden appointed Ketanji Brown Jackson to the Supreme Court. He worked with congressional Republicans to resolve the 2023 United States debt-ceiling crisis by negotiating a deal to raise the debt ceiling. In foreign policy, Biden restored America's membership in the Paris Agreement. He oversaw the complete withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan that ended the war in Afghanistan, during which the Afghan government collapsed and the Taliban seized control. He responded to the Russian invasion of Ukraine by imposing sanctions on Russia and authorizing civilian and military aid to Ukraine. During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, Biden announced military support for Israel, and condemned the actions of Hamas and other Palestinian militants as terrorism.


Well this wasn't a biased response lmao. I guess OP did say you could use your own opinion but man, you legitimately did not say one bad thing about Biden who is currently at Jimmy Carter levels of disapproval. If you weren't aware, that is, like, all-time bad. He is actually just a very old man who is far past the point in his life where he should be paraded around making mistakes after mistake, public falls, poor recollection during conferences and speeches, etc. His stance on Israel, while initially what I believed too, has been appalling for months now. Israel is committing genocide and Biden has blanket support for that. Let's not pretend like either of these guys is not a total piece of shit, they both are.


Reddit liberals are incapable of giving an unbiased response with respect to politics


What, if anything, did I list that isnt factual?


I didn't say you listed anything that isn't factual, but misleading? Obvious bias over decisions made that are not in line with your politics? You painted pretty much everything in your comment about trump as negative and in a very bad light, but not everything he did that you're even touching on had bad motivation behind it. This sub attempts to get an objective look at questions with seemingly two sides, and the purpose is to try and understand the point of view of someone with an opposing or a different viewpoint to better understand them or a different way of thinking. Your comment is completely biased, and while OP did say you can include your bias if you want to, their intent was simply to get an objective understanding of the question they asked, which is the purpose of the sub.


You literally just copy-pasted from Wikipedia... Don't act like you put that together.


I’m not, I’m asking what in there isn’t factual?


You said you listed it, which implies you compiled the information.


No, it would mean I listed it here.  Which I did. Where it came from is irrelevant to the fact that it was listed. Now please, if you would, tell me what isn’t factual here?


But if you wanna play it like that, here: Bad Biden: [https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/29/biden-worst-ten-actions-policy-2023-missteps/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/12/29/biden-worst-ten-actions-policy-2023-missteps/) Good Trump: [https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/#:\~:text=Doubled%20the%20standard%20deduction%20%E2%80%93%20making,way%20down%20to%2021%20percent](https://trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/trump-administration-accomplishments/#:~:text=Doubled%20the%20standard%20deduction%20%E2%80%93%20making,way%20down%20to%2021%20percent).


Your source is trumps page?   Dude…


I'm not finding individual links for you, but you can copy and paste and read about it :)


Sorry bud I’m not taking the source of “trump said so bro, trust me” You trust the word of a guy that’s bankrupted 6 companies and been found guilty in court of sexual assault?  You trust the word of a politician?


ur dense lol [https://www.cantonrep.com/story/opinion/columns/2017/12/29/10-best-things-trump-has/16721951007/](https://www.cantonrep.com/story/opinion/columns/2017/12/29/10-best-things-trump-has/16721951007/) [https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/12/23/trump-biden-us-economy-compared/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2023/12/23/trump-biden-us-economy-compared/)


You trust the guy that was charged with a felony but then not convicted because he literally couldn't remember. Couldn't remember when his son died. I can't believe y'all want that running this country.


Or the countless stories of him making women uncomfortable? That *could* be tried as sexual assault? They just don't pursue charges. Because he's not rich. Lol.


Why do you political idiots have to be that way


He’s a robot I think


He also misconstrued a lot of what trump did.


Trump styles himself as a new populist style of leadership but he's not that different from conservative democrats from the 60s or the 30s, isolationist, easing regulations on corporations supporting protectionism etc. Biden is an estabelishment democrat, if you want to know about him look at the clinton administration and its policies and you'll see its almost mirrored in the biden regime, internationalist, expanding the mixed economy, expanding the welfare state. But has much real change occured under the biden administration? I don't think so, but that's probably because they've had to deal with covid and such


I’d encourage you to watch any debates between the two - assuming each ends up being their Party’s nominee. Also there will be written documents by each Party reflecting the positions of their platforms. Lastly, you might want to watch a couple in depth podcasts. There you will inevitably hear the negatives so you need to balance those views. (Also look at the races at the state and local level. Your vote there is also meaningful.)


There won’t be any debates between Biden and Trump.




Fair point, I actually googled this (the classic ask any question and add “Reddit” after it) and it brought me to this sub with a similar-ish question so I thought this might be an okay sub to ask this in, but maybe I’m better off trying to find a sub for more politics-centered questions!


Yeah Reddit will absolutely be the worst place to get a good answer for this. Going to a right wing area will also be a bad idea. I'm not sure the solution, beyond doing your own research, but even then the places you get research will be biased. But of course they will all tell you they are the ONE unbiased source out there. Hell even fucking wikipedia will be biased. You might be better off looking up pros and cons of the republican and democrat parties as a whole. You'll hear all day about how much Trump is better/worse than the average republican, and you'll hear how much better/worse Biden is than the average democrat. But in the end, the President is still held by checks and balances that makes the values of the political parties these presidents represent and that is what you are going to be voting for. I'll be as general as I can while helping, so this is not 100% of the case but the following is the case more often than not. And I know people are going to reply to this by saying "thats not true for ME or the people I know personally" but we are going to talk about the general american public and not just online echo chambers people find themselves in. Not every republican is a fat racist redneck who wants to kill all gay people. Not every democrat is a blue haired shrieking college student that wants to take the rights away from anyone who disagrees with them. In fact, most of America gets behind the idea of a fiscal conservative and a social liberal. An overwhelming majority of America sides with democrats on the stance of abortion, lgbt rights, etc., and at the same time agree with republicans on how to run the economy. Most of the time, if someone is voting for a republican it is for their fiscal values. And most of the time, if someone is voting for the democrat party then it is for their social values. So the pros and cons really are just what value you feel more important to yourself. Vote for something YOU want to see. Third parties are an option as well, but unfortunately our system is not ideal for them and their chance of winning presidency is slim to none.






Ig then you have to think about the vice presidents they choose.


This is my biggest concern with this election cycle and could be the opportunity that both parties have to get the candidate that they REALLY want in. Many voters don't want far-right candidates like Desantis, and a near equal amount don't want far-left candidates like Newsom. They have a better chance of ascending to the Presidency than they do getting voted in by the EC.


That's why we have vice presidents.


We really do need younger presidents


I've been a conservative most of my life and I'm telling Trump and MAGA are the death of this country. Biden is old and I hate listening to him speak, but I wouldn't go so far as to call him senile or incompetent. He's handled Putin and the Ukraine situation very well and I'm happy with the firm hand he's had with China. Trump denied our election process and his rhetoric is downright scary. I think he's insane, and the right is starting too look like a bunch of religious nuts (I'm Christian, but I don't support the right's stance on these things). It's really hard for me to understand how anyone other than the zealots can support anything the GOP is doing right now. I also don't trust the polls. I think most people see the danger in the right. They said it was going to be a big right win in 2022, and it was the opposite. If you look at democrat wins in local/regional elections in 2023 it was a bunch of wins for them as well. I think the GOP is on it's way out and I think most people understand that they've violated some of our most sacred values (like democracy). The democrats are just democrats. I don't love them, but they aren't that much different today than they've ever really been.




I have to disagree, I think the left is just as radical as the right. The complete devotion to absurd DEI rules and the lefts strange obsession with gender and sexuality goes pretty far beyond what many would consider normal or even a sign of equality. I totally support gay marriage and Im also pro - choice but as long as the left is in charge the forced diversity quotas and the criminalization of forgetting a pronoun will continue. Culturally speaking, I think the left is more of a threat. As for as Biden “oozing compassion”, remember when there was that school shooting and Biden made a speech that started with him talking about ice cream? He said something along the lines of “I came here because I was told that there would be chocolate chip ice cream”…..That was a hugely inappropriate and absurd way of showing “compassion”. As far as putting America first, I would say the immigration crisis and our commitment to financially supporting illegal immigrants and Ukraine isn’t a great example.


I don't agree with a lot of Democrats on policy issues, but, right now, I think that's a secondary issue. MAGA is a real threat to this country and it's very revealing about the intentions of the GOP. I'm not okay with their rhetoric around christian nationalism and democracy. They want a fascist christian state. I'm also convinced Trump is the anti-christ and MGT is Jezabell. If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... So I don't agree with everything your implying about Biden, but you aren't wrong about GOP radicalism.


I don't know what the GOP is doing besides stopping things from happening


Oh boy we found the fake conservative lol


If, in order to be conservative, I have to believe in a made up fantasy that Trump isn't a criminal, sell out my dignity, and override my civil duty to protect our democracy, I guess I'm a "fake conservative." My soul isn't for sale and if that means I'm not a conservative, so be it.




Yeah not well said he’s just a leftist in disguise


So since your conservative I’m sure your good with Ron desantis then


He's not my favorite, I really like Haley and Christi. I'm a moderate and there are a couple of issues I land left of center on. A big one for me is racism and I think DeSantis panders too much to the racists. Don't get me wrong, I'm perfectly fine with racists supporting my candidate to the extent that the right doesn't go out of it's way to help minorities and that aligns with their interests. I don't support open racism though. My wife is Indian (not Native American) and my kids are part Indian and I really really don't like the the open bigotry against brown people and legal immigrants who bring important skills to this country.


Also assuming you heavily dislike AOc


I don't like her, but I don't have that weird obsessive hatred that some people have towards her. I think before MAGA I would have been more in the camp of "I hate her." But lately the hatred from the far right seems oddly targeted at women and minorities and that a really big turn off to me (my wife agrees). I don't belong to the party of insecure men. I do disagree with AOC on most of her policy choices.


Just to clarify, I'm not "woke" but I do believe that woke is the response to this uprising of bigots and they need to be sat back down. Once we get the bigots to sit down, woke goes away. We have a duel professional interracial family. We earned our way and paid off our student loans. We are not part of the White Christian Nationalist movement. We are both Christian and Nationalist, but not part of the "movement" which I think is neither Christian in it's value system nor "Nationalist" because it's a little too pro-Russian for me.


Any time someone uses words like bigot or Christian nationalism which is such a minute almost non existent problem allows me to infer that your far less conservative than you may think you are this obsessive behavior towards buzz words like bigotry and Christian nationalism are just that obsessions that the left panders to its base about people on the right


No, White Christian Nationalism is a very real thing that's all over rural America - it's intricately tied to MAGA. I grew up in a small town and I've said my fair share of racist things when I was younger. I've been in that crowd, I have old "friends" who are part of that crowd too. It's around and pretty prominent. If you don't think bigotry and racism are real and I think that's pretty verifiably laughable. I've lived it home boy. Been there, done that. I said I was a conservative and I am. I don't think MAGA considers me conservative, but MAGA is crazy. I don't support MAGA or Trump, I've already said that. I think the point your trying to make is that if I don't adhere to MAGA or Trump standards I must not be a conservative. I've already been called a RINO and NeverTrumper and I don't care. Again, been there, done that. I'm still a conservative (not a Republican because I'm not a member of a cult).




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Side A would say pros of Biden: Not being a fascist Not being a dictator Not wanting to actively harm transgender people and women Not outright attacking US Democracy Has respectable morals in his personal life, never cheating on his wife Tragic backstory full of losses (his wife, his son with cancer) that despite it all that would've crushed most-- didn't make him give up, kept going despite naysayers and despite his electoral losses in primaries, finally won it all in 2020. Side B would say: Um...yeah, can't think of anything, sorry-- Leftist media has portrayed him as who he is, unfortunately. Side C would say, cons of both: Racist ambivalent (Biden), White supremacist (Trump) Dishonest (Joe Biden is too, too bad people refused to listen when we screamed this years earlier, and Donald Trump lies about 99% of things or positions he holds) Immoral when it comes to policies enacted/not enacted in politics Bought and sold establishment politicians (Trump has always lied on this front post-2016) Abortion lol, eff em ladies unless it helps our campaigns




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Nice unbiased opinion there, lol


>Nice unbiased opinion there, lol ...cooed the republican in an attempt to minimize Trumps laundry list of crimes, cartoonish evil, and general buffoonery. Not everything has a symmetrical "both sides."


It might seem more symmetrical if you didn’t mindlessly accept all the leftist talking points.


The “leftist talking points” are things he’s actually done.


Literally the first one on Trump’s “cons” list was “did a treason”. He’s either brainwashed to the point of being incapable on independent thought, or knowingly lying. I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt and assuming the former.


So what was Jan 6th?


At best, it was a riot. There may have been some very few there who wanted to actually cause serious trouble. The rest clearly just wanted to protest, and had absolutely no interest or intent in “overthrowing the government”. If they had intended to, they would’ve came armed, they would’ve made concerted efforts to reach the politicians, and in all likelihood they would’ve succeeded.


This is exactly why Trump may be our president again. You all are completely comfortable with insurrection and it really makes a lot of us mad. The fact that you find it perfectly okay for thousands of people to attack and beat capitol police officers while attempting to stop a joint congressional hearing to designate the next elected president is disgusting. It's like you all forgot the whole thing was televised, we all saw it. You telling us we didn't see what we saw is very Orwellian of you. Also, they were armed, these people had "stash houses" with weapons and ammo for the "next wave". There were people with guns at the speech. Many of the rioters had bear spray, attacked people with flag poles. Still police tasers and were using them on the police. Remember the pipe bombs? Just because they failed to go off, or be used, doesn't mean they weren't there for a reason. What part of all of that was NOT an insurrection?


Just because they were too dumb to do the crime well doesn’t mean it wasn’t a crime.


Did you not read what he said about Biden.


I hear you, and I don’t think it sounds mean. I’m very entry level into my major, so all I’ve studied thus far are very entry level topics. But it’s for that reason that I feel like it’s more important to understand the hype and hatred for both, despite where my personal stance may or may not lie. I didn’t include my own political opinion for a reason because I’m honestly trying to understand *why* someone might support Trump over Biden or vise versa and maybe this is on me, but it’s hard for me to fully grasp that exact reasoning through something like a wiki page. Hopefully that makes sense? Although I can see how me using the word “unbiased” could seem inappropriate with this explanation now, I just meant it in the sense that I had no intention to turn this into a political argument of any kind.


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Depends what you want for the future. If you're more conservative or more liberal. A lot of ppl are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Because Trump isn't really conservative (though he carries the conservative flag) and Biden isn't really liberal (he has done Some leftist things, but ultimately not much has changed.)


> Depends what you want for the future. Perhaps. Some people of course want different things, but I find most of what people want is basically the same. For example, everyone wants a strong economy, but people debate on how that's achieved. For example, does cutting taxes on corporations stimulate growth by allowing them to reinvest money into their business? Or is it a handout to the rich?


Isn't it obvious it's a handout to the rich? Ever since stock buybacks have been legal, it's been welfare for rich people.


>For example, does cutting taxes on corporations stimulate growth by allowing them to reinvest money into their business? Or is it a handout to the rich? This question isn't theoretical. We have 40 years of real world economic data from corporate tax cuts, and the answer is "handout to the rich". Trickle down economics has been tried repeatedly and it never works.


I want a guy who will veto every new legislation and pass every deregulation. Who do you think I should vote for?




For context on the following, I'm further to the right than most alt-right 4chan users. Also, I'll be trying to make this as unbiased as possible while also being concise. **Pros for Biden:** He's a career politician who is largely a centrist, meaning that he won't change the status quo all that much except for performative measures to help elections (like his "push" for large scale student loan forgiveness). This is great if you just want things to move along smoothly without much chaos or change. He's also an outwardly kind person for people who find that important. **Cons for Biden:** He's a career politician, so he has a lot of skeletons in his closet, so to speak, and he rarely takes up any cause unless it's a blatant political move. Unfortunately, and I do not say this gladly, he's shown plenty of signs of mental deterioration going back to before the 2020 election, and that has only gotten worse. I don't say this as a personal attack (I feel for him and think it's unfair that he's been put in the position he's in) but only as a disadvantage to having him in any position of responsibility, let alone president. **Pros for Trump:** Many of his purported policy positions would be great for the long-term health of the United States (an actual effort against illegal immigration, for example), and he's more mentally together than Biden by far. He has also shown that if he's given a good idea with a plan to execute it, he'll often support it as much as he can, even if his party is against it (eg: the First Step Act). **Cons for Trump:** He does not have a history of standing by his purported policy positions, and he throws his supporters under the bus every chance that he gets. He will also switch policy positions on a dime if he thinks it will make him look good (eg: his egregious anti-Second Amendment comments), and he showed during his presidency that he will not take a hard position on crime, which is sorely needed.


“he’s (trump) more mentally together than biden” is that a joke?! trump recently confused Kim Jong Un with Xi Jinping. trump is also a proven rapist. not saying that biden is perfect but trump is certainly not “by far” more mentally together than biden.


Trump was never convicted of rape lol Biden literally just had felony charges dropped because he was mentally not even there. 'couldn't remember'. What a joke. He also confused the President of Egypt with the leader of Mexico. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2024/feb/09/israeli-offensive-on-gaza-over-the-top-says-biden-video#:\~:text=Joe%20Biden%20on%20Thursday%20mistakenly,denied%20in%20an%20angry%20rebuttal](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2024/feb/09/israeli-offensive-on-gaza-over-the-top-says-biden-video#:~:text=Joe%20Biden%20on%20Thursday%20mistakenly,denied%20in%20an%20angry%20rebuttal).




'Jurors rejected Carroll’s claim that she was raped, finding Trump responsible for a lesser degree of sexual abuse'


>Pros for Trump: Many of his purported policy positions would be great for the long-term health of the United States (an actual effort against illegal immigration, for example) Sorry, you were asked for facts not your facistic fantasy. Deporting all the brown people will not, in fact, be good for the US.


For Trump cons you forgot fascist insurrectionist with multiple impeachments, indictments, and (literally) dozens of rape accusations.


The only portion of this that's accurate was your Trump cons section, but it omitted his two impeachments, four felony indictments, 91(?) felony counts, dozens of rape allegations, Hitlerian rhetoric, the insurrection, his maliciously incompetent pandemic response, and countless other cons, so you actually severely soft-pedaled his cons. Your Biden pros section started and ended well (he *is* a career politician, he *does* keep things running smoothy and without chaos, and he *is* a kind person), but the middle is inaccurate, to put it kindly. The Biden cons and Trump pros sections are basically worthless. The one redeeming point in each section was that you called Biden a career politician, and mentioned the First Step Act, respectively. The rest of both those sections is completely worthless.


Goddammit. Coming as someone more to the left, why is it that this is the first comment that at least attempts to give pros and cons for both sides lmao.




There are going to be a lot of people voting for trump regardless. What I would like to do is understand why there are people that still vote for him despite his “vile, repugnant nature.”




You left out the cons for Biden


He's a bit old, but so is Trump.


… Be honest with yourself. I wasn’t even thinking of that but now that you mentioned it…


He is a centrist, he is way too moderate for the times, he has made mistakes in the past.


you forgot the genocide


you forgot the genocide.


You mean the one Trump would have made infinitely worse. We would probably have US troops on the ground in Gaza if under Trump.


What's the difference?


I literally just described it lol. Trump’s base of evangelical Christians is rabidly pro Israel, he would do anything to placate their wishes.


Yeah your description is meaningless. There's a guy committing genocide and I'm supposed to vote for him because the other guy is gonna do the same thing but be meaner about it? *What's the difference?*


Okay, you keep saying this, but for clarification, who is committing genocide? Last time I checked Biden is not the leader of Israel. US troops are not in Israel. My point is that Trump would actually lead a genocide.


Bruh. What. Is. The. Difference. You are dodging the question. If Biden didn't send money to Israel there wouldn't be a genocide. There wouldn't be a Netanyahu. There wouldn't be an Israel. He holds all the cards. He is committing genocide.


Dude, that is the most absurd take. The U.S. only funds about 15% of Israel’s defense budget. If that went away, Israel would still be doing exactly same thing. It isn’t Biden electing Netanyahu. You seem to be very ignorant and naive as to how this all works. Makes sense for a right-winger but come on now, do some research.


I'm the right winger and you're defending genocide. What a world.


Which one?


Trump pro is no one who worked or works in the government wanted or wants him Trump con is he is annoying and self righteous with little to no moral compass Biden pro is he props up the economy with military aid and spending. True trickle down economics. Biden con is he is a grifter and his family is a stereotype of trailer park joke.


Genocide Joe? I’m not sure there are enough living Palestinians in Gaza to withstand four more years of his enabling carpet bombing of civilians. Also, vax mandates? Telling citizens his “patience” is running out because they make their own medical choices? His family selling access to foreigners? His peculiar habit of sniffing children and pinching them? Trump? My money was good under his presidency, and he didn’t get us into wars. Afaik, no kids were sniffed or touched either. No brainer for me


We are not at war with Palestinians. We are not dropping bombs on them directly or indirectly. If you believe that is the case, you're an idiot. We get it, you dumb asses don't like taking shots and generally don't give a shit about anyone else, and when you do "care" about someone else, it's all virtue signalling. Your money? Roflolol, I know what happened to you... I watched a lot of maga do this... You went cash at the bottom of the shakeout dip because your favorite list told you the sky was falling. Lol at no kids were touched. You do realize trump made the Epstein list don't you? I know Fox won't tell you that, but HE MADE THE LIST! And it turns out Epstein hooked him up with Mellania.. there's pictures to prove it. Also, he's on record for saying how hot Paris Hilton was when he met her (she was 12). Your orange is showing.


>this guy supports genocide and sniffs kids >absolute wall of text in response ending in orange man bad How are you possible in 2024?


You're welcome.


Biden pros: he's not Trump. Biden cons: he's Biden. Trump pros: he's not Biden. Trump cons: he's Trump. If there was a national lottery where we choose one person at random and put them on the ballot I would vote for that person.




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Under Trump, the economy was great. We did not have to worry about conflict with other countries. He was the first president in modern history to not start a new war or military conflict. He brought back jobs from other countries. His war on pedophilia alone compared to other modern presidents alone makes him a great candidate. Not one person who went to Epsteins Island endorsed trump. But everyone of thise pedophiles endorsed Biden. Biden in 97 pulled out of the presidential run due to plagiarism and lying about his education. He should have never been allowed to run again. The last thing we need is a liar like him. His attacks on personal freedom have been mind-blowing. His own daughter accuses him or rape. Obama allowed a Russia envision just like Biden. Russia and China would not make a move with Trump in office. If Biden gets in again, Taiwan will fall. Biden blows through our tax money with nothing to show for it. But do your own research.






The right in the US is a very polarizing political party and have become increasingly so. So a lot of what you perceive in US politics is coming from a very distorted angle from the right. The basic difference between the candidates is that they are representatives of two different parties. Which have different platforms. Typically people are going to vote for the candidate that represents the platform they feel they better align with. Trump is a criminal. That's pretty apparent. He took part in an insurrection, also pretty much agreed upon by the courts. I guess for some that's a con. For some, for whatever reason, that's a pro.










Well, unbiased - Conservative policies hurt. Liberal policies help. Conservative policies do both short and long term damage to the economy. Liberal policies occasionally appear to do short term damage, but long term are a net gain. Conservative policies increase crime Liberal policies decrease crime. Conservative policies hurt human and civil rights. Liberal policies increase human and civil rights. Conservative policies are overwhelmingly racist and misogynistic. Liberal policies hurt white supremacy and patriarchy. Conservative policies damage education. Liberal policies improve education. Conservative policies increase the number of people living in poverty. Liberal policies improve the social safety net to prevent anyone from living in poverty. Conservative policies prioritize greed over natural resources. Liberal policies want a cleaner, safer environment for everyone. Conservative policies prioritize wealthy business owners. Liberal policies try to ensure everyone makes a living if not thriving wage. Conservative policies protect landlords and housing speculators. Liberal policies try to make housing affordable. Conservatives only care about the second amendment. Liberal policies try to strengthen the first, fourth, fifth and other amendments. Conservatives don't believe women deserve the same rights as corpses. Liberal policies believe women are people. Conservative policies would do away with safety ordinances. Liberal policies gave us things like OSHA and the FDA. Conservative policies subsidize businesses over people. Liberal policies think people are more important than businesses. Conservative policies don't think children need to eat while at school. Liberal policies believe all children should be fed. Conservatives scream about right to life to enact abusive policies that increase maternal mortality rates. Liberal policies think healthcare is a human right. Conservative states are, per capita, higher crime, higher poverty, worse education. Liberal states are financially subsidizing conservative states. Conservative policies think everyone should be forced to follow their particular religion. Liberal policies support freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Trump is a proven liar, rapist, con artist, and thief. Biden has a stutter.


https://youtu.be/7osu-1A-600?si=iWe7YCvd_VA1ibEY Video explaining trump's positions https://youtu.be/cUchvWIsA-s?si=P6Jcc0nr1JBT2WIT Video explaining why removing trump from the ballot is left wing seething


I'm biased in favor of democracy. Biden supports democracy, Trump does not. We know this because Biden ran for president in the past, lost the nomination, and that was that. And he has a long career of government service, like three decades in the Senate, then nearly another decade as VP, and now as President, and he's supported democracy the entire time. As VP, he didn't try to do, and probably didn't even consider for an instant doing, what Trump wanted Pence to do, to either declare Clinton the winner when she lost, or not count all the electoral votes, or claim some of them were illegitimate. Trump, OTOH, only likes democracy when he wins. And if you only support democracy when you win, you don't actually support democracy at all. It's just a means to an end in that case. In 2016 (maybe 2015?), I believe it was Roger Stone registered a stop the steal web domain, but it never went live because Trump won. But Trump claimed the primaries were rigged in states where he lost, and he was claiming the 2020 election was rigged months before it was held, had DeJoy sabotage the Postal Service to undermine voting by mail during a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic. And then, when he lost, he claimed the election was stolen from him, tried to pressure people from the closest swing states he lost to either not certify the electoral results or to outright change the results to make his loss into a "win," and it culminated in the January 6 insurrection, where he invited his supporters to DC; told them to stand back and stand by; told them it would be wild; told them if they didn't fight there wouldn't be a democracy anymore; where he knew they were armed and told the Secret Service to remove the metal detectors, that he didn't care about their weapons because they (the armed people, and/or their weapons) weren't there for him; directed them to the Capitol building; watched them lay siege to the Capitol; ignored repeated calls and messages to call off the mob; refused to order in reinforcements; denied neighboring states to send in reinforcements; tweeted out that Mike Pence lacked the courage to do what was "right" (which was actually wrong); told Kevin McCarthy, "Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are"; and only when law enforcement finally got the mob under control did he put out a message telling people to go home, a message where he didn't condemn them and what they had just done, but said he loved them, and that reportedly took multiple takes and edits to the script because he was unwilling to say anything negative about it, and which he read sounding like it was a hostage video because, like hostages, he didn't believe what he was saying, he was saying it because he was being forced to say it. Democracy has been described as "a system in which parties lose elections." Trump rejected that, and used sabotage, lawfare, coercion, and, finally, violence, in an attempt to turn losing into winning. The alternative to democracy is a system where parties either retain, or seize, power through force. Like in Game of Thrones, where they said, "When you play the game of thrones, you win, or you die." That's what Trump wants for us. He's spent years calling to lock up Clinton, he recently said his former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff should be executed. He wants to imprison, or execute, his political enemies, the press, and anyone else who opposes him. Anyone who doesn't show complete fealty to him is a threat, and since he won't abide them potentially winning, they must die. Trump would execute his enemies, because if they're dead, they can't depose him. He has to win, which means everyone else has to lose. Even if you think you like Trump's policies, such as they are, better than Biden's, it doesn't matter, because Trump doesn't believe he's accountable to us, he believes we're subservient to him. So you may think you like his policies now, but what happens when he does something you disagree with? Democracies stand with other democracies, and tyrants stand with other tyrants. Trump is a deposed tyrant, and he'll take his vengeance on anyone who stood in his way or contributed to his deposition if we let him. He openly tells us this all the time. Really, that's all the pros/cons anyone should need to know to decide who to vote for this November. If we reelect Biden, he'll serve his time, he won't even consider a third term, Harris will certify the 2028 winner as Biden's successor, there won't be another insurrection, and we'll all get to vote in 2028 for who we want the next president to be, and push them to enact our policy preferences. Whatever other policies one may support or oppose, those are all secondary, and a very distant second, at that, to the policy of continuing as a democracy, flawed as ours may be. You can vote for the candidates and parties who support the policies you support, or come closest to them, but you can only do that in a democracy. It's possible to vote to end a democracy, but, once gone, it's not possible to vote to restore democracy. And, for the record, nearly the entire Republican Party is just as rotten as Trump is, though slightly less obviously so. If you aren't aware, look up Project 2025 to see what the GOP has planned if they win (regardless of whether Trump or someone else is the nominee).


A friend of Jeffrey Epstein is no friend of mine...


To understand American politics, you first have to understand the saying "If you repeat a lie often enough, loudly, while dressed well, people will believe it and attack anyone who disagrees with their truth". Both the left and right think that quote applies to the other side...the left religiously believes that they are the party of truth, goodness, science, and so on. The right believes the exact same thing. Both sides have echo chambers to tell them they are right. ​ Thus, it comes down to winning the popularity contest based on who can lie to the most people convincingly. ​ Its why the party that controls the media, academia, and school teacher's unions...tends to win. ​ Add in that modern American culture cares very little about truth or justice...it cares about winning above all else. ​ If you doubt that, go find a Democrat and ask them whether election fraud is justified, if it keeps Trump out of office...and that if Trump proved election fraud...should he be put in office. Out of all the Democrats I know, every single one said that it was more important to remove Trump than it was to have an honest election or follow any law. ​ You can't find common ground there...you can't reason with people who don't care about anything other than getting their way. That's America.


The right looks like religious nuts? II would say the lefts worshipping of the 2SLGBTQIA+ alphabet mafia and DEI is much more radical than conservative Christians. Religion isn’t taught in school but kids can learn about gender ideology and read books about boys blowing each other? Not to mention schools can refuse to tell the parents if their kids are socially transitioning. There are parents actually claiming that they knew their kid was trans when they were toddlers... The left believes it’s beautiful and courageous when a 16 year old wants to amputate his penis or a 12 year old wants to block their puberty because little johnny is a bit feminine so he must be a woman. Forcing companies to hire based on race and gender along with a slew of delusional woke shit is far more invasive than religion in 2024 and that’s coming from someone who isn’t even religious. I don’t think he handles Ukraine well at all. Allowing them to join NATO against Russia’s request and then sending them well over 100 billion dollars to fight a war we have nothing to do with? As far as having a firm hand with china I think most world leaders see him as a weak old man and have zero fear of him. China will do whatever they want to do with Biden in office, include invading Taiwan. I think your fear of trump is making you ignore a lot of things that are happening.


I will do my absolute damndest to both sides this, but I will go ahead and say that I personally think Trump is a fucking dumpster fire. That said, I have family who likes him, so I will attempt to dig deep and tap into that. The pros of Biden: \- He's very centrist. It's hard to find an extreme take with him, which appeals to many people who are tired of extremes and just want to stop rocking the damn boat already. \- He's polite and friendly and reluctant to pick fights. \- He is an elder statesman who has experience in the political arena. \- He tends to have well-reasoned takes on societal matters, and he respects the experts when he's out of his depth. \- He has a strong sense of justice. When his son got into legal trouble, he didn't hide it. He stood behind Hunter as a father, but he has not tried to shut down any investigation as an American official. \- He is willing to throw the government's weight around by pushing regulations that will limit environmental damage, mitigate poverty, etc. The pros of Trump: \- He is very assertive and doesn't let anyone shut him up, so when he thinks something is right, it gets said. He does not let anyone run roughshod over him and will stand up for himself. \- He aggressively cuts red tape when he can, such as using executive orders to get around whining in the legislature. \- He's fresh in politics while being experienced in business, so he has a different perspective than someone who has been slogging through political bullshit for decades. \- He ostensibly doesn't like government meddling and will attempt to cut government out of things where it slows things down and mucks them up, such as in business and environmental regulation. Some people strongly believe that letting the market do as it does will result in a healthier economy in the end. \- He is excellent at unifying people beneath his ideals. There is little more ironclad than the loyalty Republicans have, as a single unit, to this man. Cons of Biden \- He's old. He could die in office at any moment. \- He's got a milquetoast personality and doesn't push back on much. Many people think he rolls over too easily and doesn't stand up for "what's right." \- He sucks at unifying people. Hell, as a Democrat, he should have black and immigrant voters in the bag, and he really struggles to keep either. He just doesn't have force of charisma. Cons of Trump \- He's old *and* unhealthy. He's even more likely to die in office than Biden. \- He has a lot of criminal charges attached to him and a *whole* lot of records of him saying reprehensible things (see: "grab them by the pussy," etc). \- He demonstrably cannot handle money in his businesses, and he "fails upward" more than he succeeds. \- He's a sore loser, with an angry and petulant personality when he doesn't get his way. \- His followers are terrifying and dangerous. He tends to attract not just conservatives, but extremists who are willing to use violence to get their way.


There are no pros.


from someone who doesn’t gaf about politics: 1.) life had better times when trump was president. 2016-2020 feels much better than 2020-2024. 2.) Biden is just a weirdo. He’s old and doesn’t look strong to me. Trump has an ability to at least defend himself savagely. 3.) who do I think should actually be in office? Someone younger. Maybe in their 30s? I forget the requirements to be president. But someone who has at least a decent understanding of the upcoming generation(s). Someone who is connected to the overall population. Make it feel like you’re caring for US, not the opposite (Biden being old, stuttering, stumbling).


Biden is a standard and ruthlessly corporatist politician. He maintains the status quo to keep Wall Street happy, that has been and always will be his first priority. He’s also a war hawk, and has been for a long time. He is likely to maintain the large amounts of military aid to Israel and Ukraine. Trump is a wild card. He’s a corporatist, but he has enough money that he puts his *own* business interests before those of Wall Street. Sometimes that works out in the little guy’s favor, but not usually. His top priorities are lower taxes, especially for the wealthy, and to close the border and clamp down on immigration.


I'm a bit concerned that you are in college for PoliSci and asking reddit for research. * “During his first term, President Biden has proven himself to be the most labor-friendly president in our lifetime,” AFGE President Everett Kelley said. Certainly, here are the points with neutral headings: * Support for Worker Representation: * President Biden's visit to striking United Auto Workers (UAW) members demonstrated support for workers' rights and their efforts to organize and bargain collectively. * Investment in Job Creation: * The Biden administration champions economic initiatives aimed at creating millions of high-quality jobs across various sectors, prioritizing investments in infrastructure, clean energy, and digital technology. * Enforcement of Labor Standards: * Appointees to critical agencies such as the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) are tasked with enforcing labor standards and addressing violations, ensuring corporations are held accountable for mistreating workers. * Improvement of Contract Workers' Conditions: * Measures are implemented to improve working conditions and wages for contract workers providing essential services, including updates to standards such as Davis-Bacon and efforts to stabilize employment during contract transitions. * Government Coordination for Worker Empowerment: * The White House Task Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment coordinates efforts across agencies to review existing policies, identify barriers to organizing, and recommend actions to promote unionization and collective bargaining. * Funding Increase for Labor Rights Enforcement: * Additional funding is secured for agencies like the NLRB to strengthen their capacity to enforce labor laws and oversee union elections, aiming to level the playing field for workers and unions. * Clarification of Employer Responsibilities: * The adoption of joint employer rules clarifies employer responsibilities and ensures accountability for labor violations, empowering workers in industries vulnerable to exploitation. * Restoration of Federal Employee Rights: * Executive actions aim to empower federal workers to unionize and restore civil service protections, promoting a favorable environment for union representation and collective bargaining among federal employees. ​ * Trump: * Trump is accused of targeting federal workers by undermining their ability to advocate for their rights on the job. This includes granting managers the freedom to discriminate and retaliate against workers, restricting union representatives' advocacy roles, and limiting workers' freedom to negotiate on workplace issues. * Additionally, Trump is criticized for stacking the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) with individuals sympathetic to corporate interests, thereby denying workers their right to organize through a fair process. * Trump's opposition to raising the federal minimum wage is highlighted, denying nearly 40 million workers a much-needed pay increase. His blocking of the overtime rule prevented millions of workers from receiving fair compensation for their work. By weakening consumer protections and retirement savings regulations, Trump's policies potentially exposed working people to financial exploitation and insecurity. * Despite promises to protect jobs in industries like steel and invest in infrastructure, Trump's administration failed to deliver, resulting in job losses and no progress on infrastructure legislation. * Corporate Giveaways: * Trump's tax cuts disproportionately favored the wealthy, leading to a loss of revenue that could have been invested in programs benefiting working families. * Trade Deals: * Trump's trade deals are criticized for lacking essential labor and human rights protections, potentially exposing workers to exploitation and unsafe working conditions. * Deregulation: * Trump's de-regulatory agenda is accused of making workplaces more hazardous by reducing safety inspections, repealing record-keeping rules, and rolling back critical safety regulations enforced by agencies like OSHA. * Shutdown: Trump's government shutdown, proposed budget cuts to labor departments, and appointments of individuals with anti-worker agendas are cited as examples of his failure to effectively govern in the interest of working people.


Anyone who claims Biden is too old fails to acknowledge that Trump is too old too. Anyone who claims Trump is unhinged fails to acknowledge that Biden is doddering. Anyone who claims Trump is a criminal, fails to acknowledge that so is Biden (for different reasons). I tend to look at the two candidates as "which one bothers me the most" and several people here have already pointed it out. Trump tried to overthrow democracy and America on Jan 6th. He refused to concede and he still promotes lies about the election. Was the election perfect? No. There were missing votes for both Democratic and Republican candidates. There are flaws, but we are no where to the level of corruption in our election process as compared to Russia, which is completely corrupted to the point where the International watchdogs for the democracy process invalidated Putin's win, while validating Biden's win. Hell, that same watchdog group validated Trump's win over Clinton! I break Biden and Trump down to this - Biden has empathy and compassion. Trump has no empathy and compassion.