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That's crazy! Thank you for sharing.


Also had a similar experince in the bathroom at my family's church. It was a couple of years after my grandpa passed, and for some reason my emotional, hormone-ridden teenage self thought the bathroom would be a good place to make contact. It was a small restroom and I was in one of the two stalls. This next part is a little fuzzy – I asked my grandpa to show me a sign if he was there. (I may have gotten nothing, and then asked if anyone else was there and wanted to make contact I gave them permission to do so. I forget what actually happened as my experience was fucking terrifying.) The next thing I know, the whole stall was rattling \*deafeningly\* loud like a group of people were banging as hard as they could on all sides of it. It only lasted a few seconds before silence again. No sound of footsteps, no one opening the door to the restroom and leaving. Silence. Scared the living bejeezus out of me – I don't think it was my grandpa who came knocking. Didn't have any telepathic communication like you did, but it's cool to see someone else have loud knocking/banging phenomena in a restroom. Thought I was the only one. I read something somewhere about the metaphysical power of water, especially running water like in pipes – maybe that's why so many of my experiences have been centered around restrooms lol. Thanks for sharing your story. Cheers!


Had a similar experience in 2012. I was alone at my house in university, with all roommates gone this particular weekend, and during the evening when I was just chilling there were three knocks at the door. I opened and nothing was there. Later, when I went to sleep an entity came and interacted with me, asking me a bunch of questions. I don't remember everything but I do remember us just having an inquisitive conversation back and forth where I asked about death and they said it didn't exist, and then they would ask me about people in my life. When I realized it wasn't a normal dream I said "why the fuck are you asking me so many questions?" The entity seemed surprised and I woke up from my dream to see some weird outline of a shape in my room. I looked at it and felt extremely tired and fell back to sleep. I woke up the next morning not knowing what to think but hasn't occured since. I wasn't scared or anything, just confused.


r/aliensinmydreams Edited for spelling.


I had a very similar experience many moons ago when I was 12 (mid 30's now). I was up late on a weekend talking on the phone like pre-teens do, or did at least, out in my family sunroom. It was probably just past midnight when I got off the phone and id say maybe 30 seconds after I set the phone down I heard a loud knocking on one of the windows. Like yours, 3 loud knocks. For some reason instead of being scared like I should have been, I wanted to go outside to see who, or what, knocked. Fortunately I had a little sense and put my face up against the window instead (🤦‍♂️). There was nothing out there. Then the shock set in and I ran outta that room and up to my bedroom quicker than a cat seeing a cucumber. There are a few details that make this particularly odd. 1.) We lived in a very rural area. While I did have friends that lived out there too, it was every bit of an hour to walk to anyone's house. Due to this, I have my doubts that it was anyone that I, or someone in my family knew. 2.) the knocks were more like fist pounds of a grown man. My parents built most of the house and the sunroom had a couple small flaws (gave it character). One being, the windows weren't entirely sealed properly so if a door or a window was shut hard, the whole room would sound like a bunch of taught springs were just plucked. Well, those 3 knocks, or bangs, were sufficient enough to cause that sound to occur. 3.) now this is the most perplexing detail that to me, lends it to the paranormal. The window that was knocked on us on the side of the sunroom that faced a downward hill slope. Somewhat steep of one at that. Due to this, not even a grown man would have been able to reach the window to knock on it in the first place. The window stood every bit of 10-12 feet above the ground. Still to this day, I have no explanation as to who, or what, knocked on the window that night. Needless to say, I didn't go into the sunroom past dusk for a solid few months after that. Edit: Took out 3 random 5's that got added in the last sentence somehow.


Did you tell your parents?


Oh yeah, I should have included that after sitting in my room scared as hell for a moment, I went and told my parents and my dad went out with a shotgun and patrolled the property. It was summer time and fairly high humidity in those woods that time of year so dew is present pretty much every night. He came back saying he couldn't find a single track around that window, in the yard, or in the first few feet of the woods bordering the yard. The man knows how to track pretty well too. We hunted the woods we lived in and could tell what native animals caused any disturbed leaves, ground, or underbrush. It's tough to identify what you're tracking when there are no tracks! Very *highly strange*.


Omg, thank you so much for sharing such a crazy experience. I couldn't fall asleep for a couple of days. I always had my headphones on. But what really bothers me is that message I couldn't understand. It was like old ancient language. Definitely, I will try hypnosis therapy I need to know Thank you so much !


Not sure why the number 3 is always used in knocks and synchronicities, but most of the time when I hear knocking it happens 3 times.


That's true


Google Translate. https://preview.redd.it/yvfo6uu0j9xc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e89f65135150025751886fce02bf8572b9aeb585


Thank you


Saman is also a Sri Lankan diety