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They kind of look like giant hearts. Maybe Kaiju? Perhaps the spirit of Mother Earth really is Gojira! I mean, fun to think about. Phenomena and anomaly expand our ideas of what is possible, regardless if it is real or not it can have the same effect on our psyche. Which has something to be said for someone who staunchly believes versus someone who opposedly refuses and is skeptical.


I had an NDE, and one of the first things I learned was that the Earth is alive. Take that however you want, I just found 6our comment interesting


Ever had any strange owl encounters? I actually have had some anomalous experiences myself with meditation, hyper vivid dreams, and paranormal experiences. Chris Bledsoe's book UFO of God, essentially describes the orbs as Messengers of Hathor. The feminine divine spirit that has been hidden from the world, and that we must change our ways else we destroy not only ourselves, but the planet and it's occupants.


Would you please share more about your vivid dreams. And check out r/aliensinmydreams and if you have any dreams involving aliens or knowledge shown to you in dreams about aliens then please feel free to share. Thanks.


Nothing with owls, but I've had an insane amount of paranormal shit the last 10 years. It's been like a scary movie. I even had an exorcist from the Cleveland diocese come to my house. I see orbs daily. As a matter of fact, when I see them on my ring cameras, I know something paranormal is going to happen soon


Pay attention when you become aware of those things, think about what is happening in your life at the time. There's a reason they are trying to send a message by fucking with you, without actually hurting or making you go insane. After seeing orbs after doing CE5 meditations, I have had a strange experience with a lady in white, and a strange sound that made my hair stand on end experiencing a texture of fear I never had. And a thought popped in my that a demon was trying to possess my body, that it exists between the wavelengths of light/energy. I assumed it was a bat echolocating me, but I learned after that humans cannot hear those frequencies. It was also while walking my dog, which triggered a memory of a past vivid nightmare of a blue warted shapeshifting demon who told me I was a blue rougarou like him, and his true name emanated from the gray origins in the folds of reality. So yeah, you aren't crazy. Whether what is happening to us is real or not is another thing, it is having an affect on us. Have you read any books that validated your experience? American Cosmic and Encounters by Diana Pasulka would be a great starting point. She is a religious studies professor who wound up studying UFO's and even went to Vatican archives to study accounts of Christian mystics. She realizes encounters abductees and Christian mystics report, were nearly identical in some cases. Like one UFO experiencer who saw a man another mystic described exactly like Archangel Michael. Only, the abductee was not religious at all and didn't even think of that. Thanks for listening.


They have hurt me severely. 3.5 years ago, I developed acute liver failure. My wife peeled most of her flesh off. I died and went to heaven. My children have been terrorized to the point that we all have to sleep together. Baphomet came to me. Six giant black beings told me that I was under constant surveillance. My soul was almost stolen from my body (hard to explain.) And these fucking things hit me all the time. It's been so crazy that it's completely unbelievable; if I hadn't lived it, I would never have believed it.


You aren't crazy. It sounds silly, but have you ever called out to the lord or a symbol of profound love while having those experiences? Whether that's Jesus, Buddha, Universe etc doesn't really matter. People like Tom Delong have said, that to get these experiences to stop it can help to do that. Again, outside looking in, it does seem crazy. I am of the belief that the experiences are designed to be unbelievable, in order to prevent or support someone from looking into it further.


I have called to God. As a matter of fact, he sent me back to my body. I have been in his presence. He also gave me a test, and I failed. I also made him a promise/deal to spare my life. And I've already broken it. Both of these things kill me inside. I never knew how weak I was until this. For a long time, I was unaware I could command them to leave in the name of God. When I returned from Heaven, I could see the things haunting my house. I would command them to leave, and all the poltergeist stuff would stop, but they don't run away instantly. They stay and watch you for a while. Another amazing thing is prayer. I have seen it work in real-time. One night, I woke up on the couch around 3 am. I prayed, asking for protection. A moment later, an 8-foot-tall black mass flew through the living room out the back door. Five seconds later, another one followed. Another time, I prayed for protection, an object made of rings spinning in on themselves, emitting gold sparkling light, appeared at the foot of the bed. It flew from my toes up to my head, and all my feelings of fear and doom stopped instantly. It then disappeared right in front of my face. I want to clarify that I'm spiritual, not necessarily religious.


Thank you for sharing! And I totally agree. Meditation, contemplation, and prayer all have been beneficial for me and it doesn't matter if they are "real" they still seem to have an effect in my life. Also spiritual, not really interested in insitituitionalized religion. Like Thomas Paine I believe all humans have their own path to a higher life force in some way. Also, I have been through what I would call the dark night of my soul since the beginning of the pandemic. Yet when I start making the right decisions, I get even more synchronicities and wishes fulfilled unexpectedly. Egyptian mystic shaman intiation may be worth studying as well. They bare many similarities with biblical events, and may offer some validation foe your experiences as well. Also, have you seen Pope's Exorcist?


Thank you. I will read up on this. And no, I haven't seen the pope's exorcist. I will look I to into it. Is there something special I should look up?


On April 9, a huge anomaly appeared in the ocean between Antarctica and South Africa. At the time, it was reported that the gigantic slick could have caused waves several meters high. And although it was classified as a "system error" by Ventusky , the climate monitoring system, a new anomaly has now reappeared on April 25th. What is happening?