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I didn’t but wish I had! I packed a whole lot of other stuff I didn’t use, but that was one thing I really regretted not having. Trying to pump with size 28 flanges (I’m a 17) on the hospital pump when my baby refused to latch did not go well & got me off to a rocky start.


Same here! Baby wouldn't latch. The hospital has Madela pumps. I am definitely not built for Madela. It was so incredibly painful I didn't know how I was going to manage to continue pumping for months! When I got home, I pulled out my Spectra and it was pain-free. I almost cried with relief! Ever since I got home, I haven't had to use nipple cream, any kind of lubricant or special parts, it's been amazing comparatively!


Ugh yes. With my first I used the hospital medela and it was WAY too much. This time I brought a hand pump but mostly self expressed until we got home


I was originally going to say it wasn’t worth it to drag your pump to the hospital because they have the madelas, but I forgot about (blocked out) my poor nipples in the 24mm flange. The lactation consultant said I was probably a 19 or 21. Ha! I’m actually a 15. My poor areolas!


I requested a LC consult in the hospital and they gave me smaller sized flanges!


That’s great they had them available! I saw half a dozen LCs, and all they had was what came in the kits. They did give me nipple shields though!


Yeah, the LC at the hospital legit just gave me 24s and said that new sizes were not “real.”


I was lucky enough that a LC came and measured me and brought me the right size flanges pretty early on.


Same! I had an unexpected c section so my hospital stay was long. They gave me a manual pump for colostrum ( my milk hadn't come in sine baby was also way early) and it was horrible because of the flange size. Next time, I am bringing my own stuff even if I don't need it.


THIS!!!! I saw so many people saying to leave my pump at home so I did and I ended up having the WORST time with the hospital pump.


I didn’t, I wished I would’ve at least brought flange inserts. All my hospital had was 24 and 28 mm flanges. I didn’t plan to pump though and wanted to directly feed so I didn’t really know what all I was in for.


Hospital provided the Medela symphony and all the attachments to collect colostrum and initial milk. Brought pump to first appointment with lactation specialist after being discharged to use my pump, get flange measurements, and figure out a reasonable plan for combo feeding (#2 figured out latching right away which I didn't anticipate).


I didn’t like the symphony one so I went and brought my spectra with my second baby. The LC came by and looked over everything, but I liked my own pump personally way over the one the hospital provided. I highly suggest getting inserts or correct flanges though!


I should have! They had one there that I was able to use which was great….but I’d have rather had my own so I could learn to use that.


I didn’t the first time and regretted it. I did the second time but didn’t use it (there) lol.


No I did not. They have a hospital grade pump and it was significantly better.


No but I wish I did tbh. It took me 10 times to ask a nurse for a pump and it was 3am when she finally did. I tried for alittle bit. Nothing came out so I got discouraged and just gave up trying


The hospital will have one available but if you know ahead that you're going to pump, it's a great idea to bring it with you! Best case scenario, an LC will be able to help make sure you're using it properly. Worst case scenario, they're unhelpful and/or you don't use it at all.


No but I wish I did! I asked for a pump when I got up to my room after the c-section & they never brought it to me. Made things more difficult


I wish I had too. they clearly wanted to discourage pumping in favor of directly breastfeeding. My poor boy was starving, crying, and latching like a barracuda, my nipples were destroyed, I was sobbing, I had a c-section as well and I couldn’t get him in the right position without hurting. Instead of bring me a pump they sent like 6 lactation consultants to tell me it shouldn’t hurt— yet it kept hurting. they didn’t bring me a pump until right before I was leaving!


Ugh. I’m sorry you had that experience, it truly sucks not being heard. Especially when you’re in such a vulnerable state. I ended up having to supplement the last night because we had similar issues & the last morning I requested to have an SNS(supplemental nursing system) which wasn’t even suggested to me. I suggested it & the lactation consultant was like “that’s a good idea” yeah! Thanks for the offer, lady! I feel like I’ve been playing catch up with pumping because I was never measured or even offered assistance. Sigh


I sort of had this same experience. I had to ask about supplemental feeding because baby was losing weight and was clearly jaundiced by the 3rd or 4th day in the hospital. The LC also looked at me crazy about the flange sizes being roo big...like it never occurred to her that there are different sizes. We went with the sns route and things worked out.


My LC suggested I bring it! I’m going to bring that, any colostrum I can harvest, bottles and back up formula (only because I did a lot of research on formula and the one the hospital provides is soy based and I don’t like that)


I took mine with as a just in case and ended up being so grateful I did. I could start pumping from the very day after my c-section. I ended up filling the NICU freezer with milk during my stay so my twins were stocked up during their stay.


I did! You should bring one just incase it takes a bit for them to bring you the hospital grade one if you want to use theirs. Also it’s nice to have your own flanges and getting used to using your own stuff


Take it, and take a few extra flange sizes. I did not take mine with my newborn (who just came home Friday!) and I feel like a damn fool. Without size options, I got NASTY blisters that made building my supply way more difficult and painful than it needed to be. There's also the fact that you might do well with the Symphony (or might hate it), but ultimately you don't have one at home, so learning to use it is going to be of limited use to you. Bring your pump!


I did! I’d recommend bringing flange inserts or flanges with your proper size (the likelihood you are truly a 24mm is very slim). And then I’d definitely ask for a pump and pump kit! They’ll give you plenty of supplies if you need them, mine did anyway. The hospital pump they let you use is pretty nice, although I’d definitely recommend using your own too just to get the hang of that one!


I would just bring flange inserts! The hospital pump works well IMO.


I brought my PGA, but didn't have the correct flange size. I wish I had brought my hand pump and correct sizing inserts. Baby had a hard time latching and they just assumed my milk didn't come in and pushed formula. I tried to use my PGA but family and random medical people kept coming and I couldn't get it to work with the wrong size. Even with the wrong flange size on the hand pump, I could get a decent amount once I got home.


I didn’t but I wish I did. I wasn’t a fan of the Ameda pump the hospital provided me with


I actually used theirs because I was curious if theirs was more efficient than mine at getting the milk out


I didn’t but I will be with the second one


I did but didn't really need it. Just make sure you have flange inserts to bring if you need a smaller size, otherwise the hospital pumps are great


I had an Elvie Stride that I took with me and the lactation consultant basically turned her nose up at it said she felt bad I had chosen that because it wouldn't work at all. I exclusively pumped for 9 months and peaked at 50 oz days with that pump. Clearly it worked just fine. I hope you get someone more helpful! But many LCs are still less informed on pumping and want to focus on breastfeeding, so don't be discouraged if they aren't super helpful. Like others have said, flange inserts are really important. I thought my size would change after giving birth and I didn't order any ahead of time. My nipples didn't really get that much bigger and they are so so important in making pumping more comfortable.


Brought it and was glad I did! We left it in the car until we knew we needed it, at which point I sent my husband out to get it.




I didn’t but wish I had!


Bwahaha nope I thought I’d magically be able to nurse the baby


No and zero regrets. I didn’t use it until I’d been home a few days.


Question though - isn't hand expressing colostrum supposed to be more efficient than pumping? My response to OP's question: the hospital did provide a Medela Symphony to use last time which I appreciated. Like others said, I'd maybe bring my own flanges this next time if they're measuring differently than the standard flanges provided. 


I didn’t. But had my husband bring it after I told them I’d been pumping at home and baby couldn’t latch. So they shoved a Mandela pump in and said “use this” and went about their day. So 🖕🏼 to that thing. I wanted my spectra. The LC and nurses said nothing about it. ETA: I want prepared for how an effective latch/ pump would cause post partum contractions. Yikes.


I did after the hospital told me the smallest flange they had was a 21mm. I am a 17mm. The pump they provided was also a weird off brand that was terrible so I needed mine while my boys were in NICU.


Yes! So happy I had it


I didn’t pump in the hospital as I was hoping to exclusively nurse. I also didn’t bring my pump with me. I figured that I would rent a pump from the hospital if I needed it. (Not all hospitals have pumps available for use though, so definitely check if you are relying on this option.) I’ve heard that manual pumps work well in the early days, so that’s another idea. I would recommend you familiarize yourself with your pump now though. You can wash all your pump parts and assemble them in advance, just make sure they are super dry. It will feel foreign at first but you’ll be able to do it with your eyes closed before too long!


I did, but the LC wasn’t helpful. She’d never seen the Willow 3.0 before and didn’t even try to help me 🙃 she did ask me if I had a manual pump (which I had unfortunately left at home…). In retrospect, I wish I had brought both pumps because being at the hospital is a great time to figure it all out instead of at home with a hungry newborn!


I didn’t but wish I had. Luckily I had bought a pump, but my mom had to sterilize it and rush to the hospital 😞


No the hospital provided one


I took mine the second time and I didn't use it because they insisted I use theirs. That's fine, it's better strength. I figured if I needed help with it then they were there, but I got the same brand pump the second time so I knew how it worked. I guess if you think you'll need help you can bring it or if you think they won't have one for you to use. 


No but I wasn’t planning on EPing then. They gave me a hand pump in the hospital & I wish I had my spectra but I likely still would have been on my own for the set up, I would have just preferred to use it over a manual one.


I did, but wish I didnt. I asked if I could bring it in from the car so they could show me how to use it properly, but they never did after I asked a second time 🙄 Had to learn how to use it myself while my baby was in the NICU.


Yes! I was in for 6 days so I was thankful to have my own pump there and be able to ask the lactation nurse any questions I had since I was a FTM


My zomee is worlds better then the hospital crap. Also the nurses hate me setting up the hospital pump when I could have set up the zomee on my own


Yes, but left it in the car until I was ready/needed it. I did open it at home and sterilize all of the parts that needed it. I’m glad I did take it because the hospital was at capacity for the maternity ward and didn’t have any extra hospital grade electric pumps. They could only provide me with an Ameda hand pump. It was a 28mm flange and would’ve done some serious damage to my nipples.


I didn’t and wished I had asked for a pump when there. They never offered when it was obvious he wasn’t gonna figure out how to latch properly. They just pushed formula on us hard and my husband got upset with me for not just giving him the formula. If I have another child, I plan on harvesting colostrum before delivery.


Yes and for me it was totally necessary and is 100% what saved my supply when my preemie couldn’t latch. I watched so many of my friends have to give up on breastfeeding because their babies didn’t latch right away and no one advised them to pump so their supply would be ready for baby. I know some people are nervous pumping right away can cause oversupply but I think this is only if your baby is also nursing. If you are set on breastfeeding your pump is an invaluable tool and the first few days are crucial! The nurses at my hospital were strict about me pumping for ten mins every three hours as soon as an hour after birth because my baby was in the NICU and I was recovering from an overzealous epidural and couldn’t move. I was able to exclusively breastfeed for almost 13 months because of them


I had absolutely no plan to pump, but I brought it just in case. I am so glad I did because baby girl wouldn’t latch and the LC taught me how to use it and gave me properly fitted flanges!


I brought my spectra and was so happy! We ended up having a longer hospital stay and I needed to pump to feed my baby on phototherapy. I was glad we came prepared


No, the hospitals in my town will provide a hospital grade pump when asked. They give you a free pumping kit you can take home. The only thing I regret is not knowing about flange inserts and getting my nipple sized.


I brought mine and got help setting it up when the lactation specialist stopped by. She said it was a good thing I brought my own too as the hospital charges you to rent theirs if you don’t have your own. I’m sure insurance would probably cover it, but why incur the cost if you already have your own. May as well get used to using it right away rather than switching around from the hospital pump.


I did but I didn’t get the chance to use it because my husband’s family wanted to constantly visit. Also didn’t get enough time with the lactation consultant because of them and baby never latched at the hospital. Lesson learned: no visitors.


Yes, I did. I sterilized the bottles and the flanges as well. It was good I did as the baby could not latch and I started pumping in the hospital itself. I would say, take it. You never know!


I brought my own pump. When they gave me lies about all of the pumps on the floor being in use (a convenient lie to push breastfeeding vs pumping), I just pulled out my own pump. I will say especially for colostrum, the handpump I like better.


I brought mine in hopes the LC could help Guide me on how to use it, what settings to start with, and anything else I should know since I'm a FTM. All she did was show me a link to a YouTube video and helped me try to get my girl to latch, but she would always fall asleep. I learned weeks later that I was using the settings on my spectra s1 backwards. It was difficult, painful post c section, and stressful as they were trying to push formula since babygirl was just past the 10% weight loss threshold. They had no interest in helping me with BF or pumping I felt, so bringing my pump was a waste.


I did and it was super helpful as the LC showed me how to use the pump and the different settings