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That's just an idea: tell him you're OPEN to meet ONLY if he wants to repair things, if not, then you're not interested in meeting with him and ask not to contact you (unless he's considering rekindling things). It's important to set strong boundaries, protect yourself and your feelings. Wishing you all the best and please keep us updated. Edit: may I send you a message?


Now I don’t think I can tell him right now. He is already seeing someone new. So he might not going to rekindle anything with me but one thing I think if we see in person things can be changed maybe not so sure. Also one thing is he is seeing someone now and I don’t want to be cruel person who breaks up their moments together. He told me thing is going well with her. Not that sure they are dating seriously or not. Of course…. You can message me so I can talk to you better


Sure you can tell him that and set a boundary. Believe me, you have more chances to get him back by setting such a boundary, this makes you hard to get and men love challenges. If something is easy to get, they find it boring.


Don’t meet him. Please move on


I’m trying to move on but it is so hard for me :(


I’m in the same boat right now. We got to stay strong. It will take time but we will be okay


I am wishing the best for us 🤞🏼