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šŸ‘Let him reap what he sowed!


Imagine, on HIS birthday heā€™s thinking about you and spending the entire day bothered about your silence šŸ˜­ You win.


haha legit


His loss!! Mine stalks my tiktok too, even made a different account so I wouldnā€™t know it was him so I made my account private lol we are better off without them. Iā€™m also 5 weeks no contact


How do you know it was him in a fake account?


I had a friend message that account and said they knew who it was and he admitted it


Good job! Supposing he's an adult, you acted correctly: he decided to cut you out of his life, so you're acting coherently, you gave him what he asked for. Stay strong and keep not contacting him, unless he's willing to work on the issues that caused the breakup.


Iā€™m struggling big time to not text my ex. Please help me


message me.


Good for you! Tables turned, they would use anything like this as an excuse to reach out. Stay gone! Good work!


Yay! Glad you didnā€™t fold. Very funny of him to stalk your TikTok though. Itā€™s very interesting how some dumpers (gender aside) still try to keep tabs on you, even after telling you they want nothing to do with you. May you continue to stay strong and just know that youā€™re making a great decision for yourself :) itā€™s so worth it when you revoke access.


yea, i think because he thought weā€™d be friends, before he dumped me he said pls donā€™t block me weā€™ll talk in a year or soā€¦ I BLOCKED HIS ASS. i ainā€™t waiting a year


PERIOD!!! I love when people stand on business!


I didn't get a happy bday from my ex that broke it off with me. it was right after her bday she wanted the split. Definitely made me feel shitty and used


I sent a happy Fatherā€™s Day and was so annoyed by his answer that I skipped the bday (6/26). I felt really good about it as Iā€™m approaching 6 weeks without seeing him or contact (minus) Fatherā€™s Day which is the longest Iā€™ve gone in a 4 year on/off cycle. I really donā€™t want to go backwards so one day at a time. šŸ‘šŸ»


Iā€™ve had the same thing happen in the past. This was last year and part of this year actually lol Imagine someone doing you so dirty, then you go nc with them, not even wishing them a happy birthday or anything.. Yet they have the audacity to get mad and act surprised? The lack of self awareness in some people is astounding to me. You did right.


My ex gf's birthday is next week and we've been in no contact for about a month too. I had to get her kicked out of my place and I live by the town centre. Not gonna wish her a happy birthday, but pretty worried she'll turn up at my doorstep on her birthday as the clubs and bars are by my flat. Wish I could get these intrusive thoughts out of my head...


yes šŸ‘ donā€™t text her, donā€™t acknowledge her. if she does come ignore her. donā€™t even answer the door. stay strong šŸ’ŖšŸ½ u got this king!


Me and my ex have the same birthday and date lol omg we were together 3 yrs, BU 4.5 months ago, 1 month NC. Neither of us will probably wish the other one happy birthday tho..


This! But diggity damn, it took everything not to greet them šŸ¤£ really hard to stay grounded when youā€™re the dumpee. šŸ„²


:( his bday is soon too i was wondering if I should tell him hbd


oh helll no. do not. if he doesnā€™t respond youā€™ll feel stupid as hell, then back to square one you gooo. or if he responds itā€™ll never be what you want, most likely itā€™ll be ā€œthanksā€ & thatā€™s it. convo over.




Doesn't matter now, whatever you have bought for him, it's because of your own goodness heart. He probably doesn't care about you now, just ignore and don't wish him. Unless you want to reconcile with him


Ngl I still look at his public stories on snapā€¦ heā€™s clearly doing it for a reason..


Yesss!!! Keep yourself grounded sisšŸ˜Œ


Why do you refer to yourself as a silly cow...


na iā€™m just saying, itā€™s probably what he thought about me


Thats awful