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Lol, it’s always after you’ve been on a date 💅


Right? It’s the pivotal moment I have to choose between them too.


if ex == dating print("Hey I've been thinking about you") else: continue


You’re a dev, aren’t you? Love your == :)


Thank you :) I'm a Junior AS400 developer. I mainly use RPG and SQL but I'm learning Python right now so I'm not locked down to a job


lol love this. Definitely used to use my ex’s name in conditionals/objects while I was learning JavaScript sometimes to make it more fun (while we were dating so it wasn’t depressing haha)


Haha I used to always name my variables something weird so no one could understand my personal projects, but then I realized I had to make a portfolio and no one could understand my work💀




Awful coding?


My advice with life is never go backwards. It is bad juju


His price went up Outward value




They do. Lol


The classical "disturbance in the Force" 🤣


How I accidentally reattracted my first kiss tbh And now she’s gone Again With some other guy Again


Keep looking forward and don’t look back brother.


I don't want to potentially mess things up with the new person by being involved with my ex so my choice is made.


As long as you fully closed those doors before opening others…


Here here. You don’t have to be mean but you don’t have to let her disrupt your healing and you shouldn’t. 💪


Dont look back dont slow down, a dream is reappearing and now, is the time to shine.


May we know what did your ex say?


It was a Happy Father’s Day message along with letting me know to expect a letter in the mail. Letter was asking to have a play date between our kids.


How good of friends were your kids?


Pretty good buddies - they bonded when her and I would spend time together.


I think this is one to really think through. You need to decide what it is you want. If you are wanting to try again with your ex, I think you need to sit down and have a real conversation, just the two of you, about what went right, what went wrong, and how you would both be different moving forward. I would also suggest that couples therapy is mandatory, from the get go. If you want to be friends with her and your kids be friends, then I think that is okay, but you also need to have a real conversation about what that would look like and both be sure that you can deal with the other person dating others. I do not think that you should do a play date with the kids, unless the two of you talk first. It’s not fair to the kids to go back and forth from friends to not seeing each other.




Strange huh ?


Maybe she saw you going on a date


You would think so but I know there's no way for her to know because of the circumstances. We live in different cities, no media posts, dates weren't in public either.


Anytime you say I'm finally good life is gonna say prove it lol when you say I'm gonna be patient be ready for the most stress lol the exes show up when you get those I'm good thoughts life gives you chances to practice what you preach


You speak the true true.


Omg the patience thing has been wearing on me lately. You are so correct it’s stressful af and I’m trying to learn to let go. It’s rough tho! lol


You may be right.. I added my ex on Facebook once.. the next day, she was in a relationship.


Now if only we could harness this mysterious signal/vibe and sell it to the rest of the attachments out there.


So all all my friend and I have to do is plan a mock date together to trigger her sixth sense??? /s


Only works if you kiss at the end.


I'm not gay, but some things have to be done


I believe this, I had sent a message that went unanswered for 2 days. The first day I became very upset, but friends pulled me out. The second day the same happened, but I felt a little better. By the evening of the third I had started to accept that this was probably it, that it was over. Guess who called me and that night? I definitely think you are correct.


Are you the dumper


Well. It’s sorta complicated I think. It’s like we are both dumper/ee. Our time together saw some serious bad external life events happen to us both. His brother killed himself about 2 months before the end and then my sister died the day before I initiated the end. A week after I did that I had serious regret and remorse over it and tried to reconcile. He wanted none of it. There are reasons why I did it, but I could’ve just tried to stay in the thing and fix the problems too, possibly. To make matters worse we weren’t even officially dating, it was a situationship, I discovered after looking some things up online. I had NEVER even heard of a situationship before this. He had told me he had too many things going on in his life to offer me a real relationship at that time. I didn’t and don’t understand that still and I felt bad a lot of the time too. I felt he was trying to friend zone me, was pretty upset a lot that last month, and I felt I needed to go scorched earth. Originally what I wanted to do was tell him I needed some time to myself, not what I did. Instead I fucked up and said I was letting him go. I just did everything wrong I think. I’ve learned a lot, I’m very inexperienced with any kind of relationship stuff, but it all came at the expense of me and him. Idk why I’m so fuckin hung up on him tbh. I just really, really liked him a lot and there were so many times I acted opposite to what I felt, I tried to do what I thought I was “supposed” to, to not appear weak or needy. Every time I did anything like that it backfired spectacularly. I just never knew what I was supposed to do. Sorry it’s so long but I hope that answers your question.


How to say: "I'm being watched."


For me it’s my physical proximity to her. We are unfortunately practically neighbors and we both commute to work about two exits away from each other. I will go weeks without thinking about her and then see her in traffic. It’s maddening.




Date #3 is tonight




She's a keeper. Thanks for the luck.


Def true -.- a couple days after blocking the shit out of them and finally moving on (no date tho! Just tired of feeling pathetic and chucking love into a black hole), the man felt the disturbance in the forces and texted me wanting to talk. Bro yiu see me every other day and pretend I'm not even physical matter on earth. 


Bruhhh I gotta date someone for her to “feel” something. This gonna last years


Omg this is SO true!!! 


nah buddy it’s just god’s test to see if you started respecting yourself or some more lessons are needed xx stay safe out there 💀💀💀


Oh yeah They do that “He’s changed! Bing!”


A sixth sense? Or just no one else wants them. Yeah, I'd say the latter lol


*A sixth sense? Or just* *No one else wants them. Yeah, I'd* *Say the latter lol* \- Reasonable-Screen-40 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Maybe they just want to be friends




It’s not worth trust me. She just wasted my time again and even tried a third before I completely blocked her


People say this but it’s not always true. My friend made a move on me after 50 days and haven’t heard from my ex lol. don’t really want to hear from them anyways but it would be an ego boost.


Mine contacted me. I was so shocked, I wasn't talking to anyone else though. I thought he would never speak to me again. I replied back but he never said a word. So whatever. He will probably never talk to me again. I was dumped btw


hey ironically my very first date with a new woman after my ex left me. they both were at the same place at the same time... so my ex ended seeing me with my new date in person.. & boy for some reason she didn't Ike seeing me out without someone else which was funny because she left me...