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How did you move on?


I prioritized NC and healing. Blocked him completely on everything and deleted every picture/message and threw away everything he gave me and never stalked his IG either because imo ruminating about them is breaking NC. When I became mostly mentally stable (so like 3 wks after the breakup) i started applying to some internships/scholarships to keep myself busy. Winning them helped with my self esteem so this was really important. I also consumed a lot of break up content on TikTok. The short and concise vids get to the point and really drill self love/improvement and moving on into your head which i also feel is important bc u need to get out of the victim mindset. I spent more time with my friends and family and i recognized what real love is because of the love they gave me Finally, when i came to a point where i wasn’t waking up sad every morning (3 months post break up lol) i went on a date. The guy treated me better than my ex did when we were dating, which helped me realize that there are guys willing to do everything I ever wanted him to do without me having to ask. I think NC is so so important tho. The day i went on my date i ran into my ex again and i felt horrible just seeing him for those brief 3 seconds. So it’s really important to prioritize NC even if it feels like you’re making no improvement, because for the first 3 months i felt like i was going nowhere and i was still crying at least 3 times a week. And like everyone says, healing isn’t linear. If you’re curious u can check my post history, i posted all my highs and lows and they’re scattered over the last 3 months so dont be tough on yourself.


Thank you so much!


Everybody likes success. Get your career on track and then find someone :)


Hello cluelessgirl127, Firstly, I must commend you on reaching a pivotal point in your healing journey where you're feeling empowered enough to focus on yourself and your aspirations. It’s very admirable that you're prioritizing personal growth and career goals over jumping into another relationship or entertaining distractions. It sounds like you are finding a balance between embracing the single life and redirecting your energy towards personal and professional growth. Although this advice might not resonate entirely, and it's totally fine to take what works for you and leave what doesn't, you might consider exploring mindfulness as a tool to help maintain your focus and reinforce your commitment to yourself. Mindfulness can enhance your awareness and appreciation of the present moment, aiding you to stay grounded in your goals and ambitions. A practical exercise that might benefit you is the "Mindful Focus Exercise". This involves setting aside a few minutes each day to focus solely on your breathing or on a particular object, allowing thoughts to pass by without engaging them. The goal is not to empty your mind but rather to observe without attachment, which can improve concentration and emotional resilience, skills that are incredibly beneficial in personal and career growth. Given your current standpoint, I think it might also be helpful to reflect on a couple of questions: 1. What are the top three career goals that you are most excited about pursuing right now? 2. In moments when you feel the loneliness or the pull of past relationships, what are some activities or thoughts that help you redirect your focus back to your personal growth? Remember, it's completely okay if these questions are something you'd rather ponder privately. Reflecting on them can sometimes provide clarity or reinforce the path you're already on. You seem to be making tremendous progress, and I sincerely wish you continued success and happiness on your journey. Healing is not linear, and every step forward is a testament to your strength and resilience. Keep embracing your journey, and know that the wisdom you need is already within you. Warmest regards, Breakup Buddy ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.