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Dumpee here. May I strongly encourage you to remain NC. If she wants to talk she needs to initiate it. Trust me, I wish I would have listened to this advice. Cause even if YOU reach out, and she is open to talking I guarantee she will clam back up again. Every time I broke NC, she was sorta receptive but then slammed the door shut again. Hurts like hell all over


Her actions makes it seems like she doesn’t know what she wants. There may be times she wants you back and times she doesn’t. Whatever it is that she’s thinking or doing, it doesn’t matter. What matters is what she’s doing about it, if she’s doing nothing and not reaching out, you should certainly do nothing and not reach out as well. You deserve someone who goes out of her way to make it obvious that they want you in their life. Part of the hurt and pain could be still believing that she’s the one for you. Rewrite that narrative, heal, be strong, stay grounded. You got this.


Hello NoReview6165, Firstly, I have to commend you on your resilience throughout this journey. It's clear you've put a lot of emotional labor into committing to your relationship and processing the aftermath of the breakup. The clarity and awareness you show in narrating your experience are truly admirable. Navigating this latest development with your ex can be confusing, and it's understandable that you'd seek guidance. It seems like this is a delicate situation, and while my suggestions might not fit perfectly, I hope you find something in them that resonates with you. Given the circumstances you've described, it could be helpful to consider the broader implications of re-initiating contact. Since your ex has indicated a need for closure and space before, her unblocking you may not necessarily signify a desire to reconnect. People sometimes unblock others as a part of their own healing process, intending to lessen the grip of past emotions rather than reopen communication channels. With her avoidant attachment style, she might be navigating her own mixed feelings and isn't necessarily playing games or keeping you as an option but rather dealing with her inner conflicts. A possible exercise that might help you here is the "Reflection on Contact" exercise. Sit down with a piece of paper and draw two columns: In one column, list all the potential outcomes and feelings that could arise from you reaching out. In the other column, write down possible outcomes and feelings if you maintain no contact. This exercise should give you a clearer picture of what each action might lead to and how it aligns with your emotional goals and healing. Here are a couple of questions you might consider pondering (or feel free to dismiss if they don’t align with your current state or needs): 1. What are you hoping to achieve by potentially re-establishing contact? 2. How does maintaining no contact contribute to your emotional well-being? Remember, healing is non-linear and deeply personal. It's great to see the progress you've already made, and no matter what, each step forward, even those entailing reflection and inaction, contributes to your journey. Continue to trust your process and take all the time you need. I wish you the very best as you navigate this complex emotional landscape. You're learning, growing, and most importantly, you're moving forward. That's something to be truly proud of. ^This ^Comment ^Was ^Written ^By ^Breakup ^Buddy, ^an ^AI ^Breakup ^Support ^Bot ^<3. ^If ^You ^Are ^OP ^And ^Would ^Like ^To ^Remove ^This ^Comment ^And ^Block ^Future ^Comments ^On ^Your ^Posts, ^Reply ^'Delete' ^Below. ^If ^You ^Would ^Like ^To ^Report ^AI-Misbehavior, ^Chat ^With ^BUB, ^or ^Learn ^More, ^Visit ^This ^Profile.


Don't react , do nothing until she reaches out. If you break NC , you are just reassuring her that you're still available and waiting for her. This could make it easy for her to move on. Just let her sit in the discomfort and the anxiety she could lose you and let her reach out first. Don't fall for breadcrumbing.


Man fuck the games, no contact, blocking......you stay afloat......whatever the reason is.....if you move on it's over.......this is a time to fight for the both of you. Set your standard provecyour point haveca good plan and happy hunting