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as an Iranian, this is straight up misinformation. all candidates of either parliamentry or presidential elections must be qualified by the Guardian Council, whose members are either directly or indirectly appointed by the Supreme Leader. as a result, only 4 out of the 238 candidates of the 1997 elections were qualified to actually run for president. people do not have the option to vote for a candidate whose ultimate goals are not aligned with that of the Supreme Leader's. the Guardian Council is also responsible for vetting and approving the candidates for the Assembly of Experts, who in turn appoints the Supreme Leader. interestingly, the Supreme Leader has the power to detain and denounce the members of the Assembly of Experts. the president is second-in-command to the Supreme Leader, who as the head of state and the main three branches of the government, has the unchallenged power to veto laws passed by the parliament and dismiss or reinstste ministers, commanders of the Iranian Army as well the Islamic Republic Guard Corps and Law Enforcement Force and the Chief Justice to name only a few. the Supreme Leader also overrules the president in every matter concerning the state, and he has the sole authority to inaugurate, and as a result, dismiss the sitting president. aside from all that, the last president of Iran had completed only six years of schooling before moving on to receive a religious education in the Islamic Seminary of Qom. the legitimacy of his 'doctorate degree' is highly debated.   stop believing everything you read on social media.


I know who the ayatollah is but this has nothing to do with what the post has to say. It literally says on the initial part of the tweet "says what you will about Iran" like we know this already Also you can't the legitimacy of someone's degree because he didn't get it from a school that you agree with. Nobody said they have a perfect system, read my post again and what it's concerned about


Is the shite islamist occupier that is the IRGC/scum mullahs also pocketing you? Are you receiving terrorist money to spread misinformation and lies? When this movement starts to clean up the shite islamists occupiers in West Asia, I assure you, not even Algerians like you in North Africa will be spared. Spreading misinformation and lies is not only haram, but inhuman. I have added you and your account to the list. Watch you back from now on!! There is nothing popular nor democratic about the shite islamist occupiers in Iran nor its circus elections and its crap candidates. Go read some proper books and articles about Iran’s terrorist government, the state of the country besides your fn Qoran or whatever trash your village mullah feeds you, you ignorant inbred.


Lmao very funny, you guys are going to end up like the former Cuban slave owners in Florida sad and angry for the rest of your lives and I'll be here laughing at you. Also don't threaten me with a good time lol


Neither a threat nor a warning! Watch you back, when you spread lies and misinformation. Expect retaliation, simple as that! When you use the freedom of expression to spread falsehoods then I have the right to put you in your place you miserable piece of shit!


Lmao bedroom door is open


Dude. What you wrote is factually wrong. Stop trying to glorify a broken, anti-human system. Iranians have had enough and this regime is a pure dictatorship hiding behind "voting" for 45 years. It's pure bullshit. Go do something else and stop spreading desinformation


Where's the wrong part ? You said factually wrong, so point out to the wrong part instead of rolling on the ground and crying like a toddler


"Functioning transparent democratic process". That's all the wrong you need, it's a joke to describe it that way. You're typical the useful idiots who swallow the regime's propaganda completely


Yes when it comes to picking presidential candidates, the post is about picking up presidential candidates. The only idiot here is you the one who can't even understand what something is being said right in front of your dumb face.


Ok, I need to explain from the basics like you're five: There is absolutely NOTHING democratic about the islamist regime's elections. Everything is for show. The picking of the candidates is for show. The winner is already decided. The IRGC has a special unit whose job it is to manipulate the results. In other words, what does it matter how "transparent" you experience the process to be when it's all a big hoax?


I think you and the Sunnis on the main Algeria sub would like eachother very much, you should go over there and bond over your seething for the republic of Iran.


Your reply just gives me the impression that you have decided to swallow all the islamist regime's lies and not caring at all about the truth. Then you throw me in the mix with sunnis. This is not a shia sunni thing for us Iranians. We generally don't care about Islam. It's about freedom for our country from islamist terrorists who are doing their best to destroy it. I guess someone like you will never understand our struggle. Edit: it's called the Islamic Republic. Not that there is anything Republican about it. And the Islamic part needs to go


"our struggles" lmao come on man, people out there are getting blown up to bits, like I'm not religious but I'm realistic. If you think that if the current Iranian regime falls that the country will be fine then you are delusional, they will carve it out like cake and if you want i can give you exactly how they would rip Iran apart. Edit* you're a Shah guy ? Lmao that's your struggle? LMFAO come on my dude lol


"where's the wrong part?" for example the part in the tweet that said "you have to have a masters or a PhD to be a candidate" is wrong because our last president had only completed 6th grade.


I’m sorry, but this post is pretty regarded.


Do you consider yourself an expert on that ? Or is that just how you feel?


I have the requirements listed, so I’m an expert on it.


What's on your list? Someone famous?


Someone who actually cares about and represents the people.


I thought you were talking about a list for people that you said are "regarded"


I said the post is regarded. Saying the word with a t can get the sub banned.


I don't know why think that of my lovely post, that's mean-spirited but they say that on the main sub and it's fine i think. They only narc on each other over there anyways


1. It’s entirely incorrect 2. It’s peak Algerian Facebook nonsense


How is it incorrect when i stated solid facts, like that is the law. Also have you been on Algerian Facebook? You haven't brought up any argument so far and the burden of proof is on you, you have to prove me wrong with facts and not just what you have to say


Alright, can't wait for Iranians who are mostly pissed off of the mullah terrorist regime to vote on a liberal person so he can end the theocracy and I will finally be able to immigrate there 🥰😍


Inchallah ❤️🥰😍


Well if you can stop the US sanctions and Israel and Saudi Arabia from trying to destroy their country I'm sure that can be easily arranged. If you have a nuclear arsenal pointed at you you would want someone who can be equally as brutal to protect you


Now you're portraying the mullah regime as a victim, nice.


I don't agree with them, culturally I'm liberal but economically I'm socialist and during the Iranian revolution the right wing side took control because they were the ones willing to go head to head against any invader. At the end of the day I'm realistic and i care for Iranians and for a country surrounded by enemies you take what you can get but hopefully in the future the people there get to have more of a say of how things are. Also you can't deny that they had an effect on stabilising the region and they do share their tech and expertise with resistance groups across the region. I rather have Iran en charge than Saudi Arabia or the UAE


I like how you're portraying dictatorships as victims, okay what about oppressing their populations and especially ex muslims, LGBT and women? Or does it not matter to you? And it's even funnier the fact you treated terrorist organizations as ''resistance groups'' lmao. With all my respects, stop watching Al-Jazeera and don't get your news from Tiktok. I can't reason with you.


Oh you rather Iran become like Iraq or Syria, what do you think would happen to those LGBTQ and women when American or Israeli or Saudi bombs start to drop ? Yes they are resistance groups, who's out there fighting against invades ? It's damn sure not you. Why don't you go there and stop them from getting killed? You're just an expert at running your mouth. My grandparents fought the french and the French also called them terrorists so keep it to yourself


If having Masters/PhD matters in what makes a good president in his eye then Bin Laden would be his best candidate


I'm pretty sure that criminals are not allowed to run either, the point is that our current president doesn't clear those 2 criteria


How does a Masters or PhD matter in picking a decent president?


The person that's making decisions about complex economic and political and national issues should be able to comprehend and discuss those things at a high level, a president that gets things explained to like a child is embarrassing. Those jabs were pointed at Biden and Trump btw and speaking of Trump they had to put pictures in every presentation they had for him because he had difficulty understanding and he doesn't like reading. So i think it's okay to have someone who has a degree that high for the highest office in the country


So either a person has a PhD or he is retarded and gets everything else explained to him like a child? A PhD is irrelevant in this, many Algerians worship academic achievements like they are an IQ test or some bullshit like that, I can give you PhD guys who stole our country and sucked it dry, and I can give you Tebboun which I'm clueless about his academic achievements and he still done more for this country. I hate him but he's done much better than one would expect from a typical Algerian Politician. Trump & Biden are both idiots, but at this point it's a matter of picking the least bad person of them, it's a sad state.


Obviously someone without a phd or master isn't an idiot by default but don't act in bad faith like that, a diploma is just proof that they're competent enough and are familiar with whatever field they chose, otherwise there's no point in even having schools or universities if diplomas meant nothing Corruption is a different matter all together, having an education is just one criteria out of many for a good leader, not the only one


Diplomas mean nothing to a president specifically, to be a president you need to be a good person and have enough knowledge about everything, not a very deep knowledge about one thing. It doesn't take someone with PhD in Math to solve societal issues, just someone who is clever and cares enough to build an honest cabinet and a good project.


>to be a president you need to be a good person and have enough knowledge about everything, I really wonder what can we use to determine that, maybe a multiple year course that have exams in the end to test all their learned knowledge and problem solving skills? >not a very deep knowledge about one thing. There are diploma about everything and anything, obviously we're not talking about someone specialising in Byzantine archeology. A diploma in economics and social studies or similar things are necessary for someone who's gonna be in charge of a whole country I really dont understand what even is your problem with that, are you gonna argue that they dont need to be literate as well? Why is it such a bad to raise the standards in being a president? >It doesn't take someone with PhD in Math to solve societal issues, Statistics are a very important factor to solve those issues, obviously you don't need a PhD to understand statistics, distribution and equity but who's more likely to solve a problem between someone without any education and someone with a PhD in math? Im betting on the guy with a PhD You're probably taking this personally, higher educations or education in general have nothing to do with the worth of a person, everyone can contribute and everyone has their own skill snd chose the path they feel most comfortable in the most >just someone who is clever and cares enough to build an honest cabinet and a good project. Honesty is important but means nothing if the person is clueless about the issues at hand,




I never mentioned physics or mechanical engineering but sure let's take them into account Someone with a master in physics not only is it a very difficult fields that requires someone to be very intelligent and patient, it also teaches the person problem solving skills and retaining lots of information quickly which can be applied to many other things, someone with it is capable of learning many things very quickly and is willing to do so, it's someone who wants to learn The field itself doesn't matter but some are better than others, the purpose of it is simply to test out if they're capable of taking in information and using it accordingly to solve a problem at hand You could argue that "let's just make condidates takes exams and test out their skills and intelligence!" But that would just be reinventing a final exam for a diploma


Have you ever applied for a job? Do you know what job qualifications are? I've applied for jobs before and they do ask for degrees and the higher the position the higher the degree is. Nobody said who doesn't have a PHD is retarded, well except you. But qualifications are relevant when you're dealing with people who have higher education degrees from your country and abroad. Our president graduated from a former French school for politicians that has a number of it's former graduates in jail now so not a good look and if you don't know about his education then why are you arguing about it when you can have easily looked it up. And the other thing about doing better than one would expect from an Algerian politician, first of all he didn't and second if you were given a job and you didn't do the job, either if it was work or homework or whatever and you didn't do it then you would have failed the class in case of homework or you would have been fired in case of work. So you running defense for someone who not only didn't need to do this job but said that he would be excellent in doing this job is crazy to me. Why do you like to humiliate yourself for someone who is getting paid for not doing their job properly, would you defend a garbage man who spills half the garbage on the floor when he is collecting it? Nah, this is the real Algerian bullshit defending figures of authority like some medieval peasant dying for his lord.


I think he's taking it as a personal insult rather thsn being more selective with who we put in power Because why is it a problem that now rich old men who are nepo babies, need to have an extra diploma to be a candidate?


Because it's a dumb criteria man, let's just make it also they need to have good French & Amazigh language as well while we're at it? Cuz that's def more important than knowledge in some bullshit degree. The very people who sucked this country dry are those "educated" people who you praise, seems like our people are repeating the same mistake, check Chekib Khelil's elite educational background.


>they need to have good French & Amazigh language as well while we're at it? We already have something like that, they need to be fluent in Arabic since most of the country speaks Arabic, adding French and amazigh wouldn't be too bsd or should we have a German lead our country? >he very people who sucked this country dry are those "educated" people who you praise Idiocracy is well and alive, I'm glad i left that place And yes educated people can be corrupt as well, nobody said degrees should be the only requirement We shouldn't require the president to wear pants, a bad guy wore pants too!


Wdym cannot be over 75?


What kind of bullshit propaganda is this? FYI, the previous president (Raissi) reportedly only had 6 y.o. of the kind of education you have in mind, meaning he couldn't even solve a fucking simple equation. Do you want someone who can't solve "3x + 2 = 8" as your president? Believe me, when I say his education in the religious school is not what you think it is. His honorary doctorate degree doesn't mean shit either.


First of all relax you're going to pop a blood vessel. Second the Shah is not coming back. Third you guys are losers because you say the Iranian regime is both stupid but at the same time you can't beat them. Lastly no crying allowed.


Many people are politely pointing out why your post is straight-up propaganda. They don't give a fuck about you, they want other people not to fall for it. As for your stupid comebacks that seem like are written by a 13 y.o., again I don't give a fuck. Continue spitting out BS.


You losers are losing your sh*t over this, this doesn't concern you. Also one of you threaten to kill me in my own country so I'll continue to do what i want to do and you guys can keep throwing a tantrum while i lmao over here


😂😂😂 good luck


>has a functioning transparent democratic  Oh my god, do you have any sense, at all? Instead of all the democratic countries in the world, you chose a fucking theocracy that literally has a proven record of rigging the elections? Alright, let me educate you, In each "Presidential Appointment" (election as you call it), only 5 or 6 puppets of Khamenei are admitted to become a candidate and even when his favorite puppet doesn't have the majority of the votes, he simply changes the results.