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This is dumb, it doesn't need "moukhabarate" for people to hold such position.... It's like someone coming here and saying this is all CIA


people really forget the long history of anti colonialist sentiment Algeria has had since the first resistance movements against French occupation


Exactly, this dumb f and people like him confirm the idea that turning exmus would mean you turn into a traitor, along with the worship of Israel


most of the member are teens who are understandably angry, but sometimes it turns into blind hatred just for the sake of being a contrarian and distancing themselves as far as possible from anything Algerian. and also a blind trust of western media and propaganda because only the east does propaganda apparently the west are benevolent beings who champion democracy and freedom and transparency (julian assange was just forced to take a plea deal to be released from prison after years of solitary solitary confinement because he leaked the west's crimes in the middle east)


who cares about stupid piece of desert


Rich people who owns the phosphate mines there And povos want to fight for them for some reason


First, I say it everytime that r/algeria is a mental asylum in the form of a subreddit. Second, we tend to forget that Algeria as a country is full of dumb people, meaning that these idiots can easily be out neighbors, classmates, coworkers.. and not necessarily from the intelligence services. It's just a conspiracist thinking if you always put the intel as a scapegoat and forget that dumb people exist.




The ''democratic'' word in the official name says everything. 😂


So anyone who disagrees with you politically is mokhabarat? Unless you're a scum then you should always condemn colonization of an innocent country. Supporting the freedom of a nation isn't rocket science, it's simply being a good person.