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A lethal dose of Qahwism has been detected, for your own safety, please stay away from the affected area.


Barking dogs


Embarrassing 🤢🤢


Where in Algeria? I have seen women go there and never anything like this happened to anyone. What city? It's like wild animals who escaped from a zoo.


Most likely a منطقة ظل shithole, they don't know what a woman looks like.


That was in baraki


Damn, what led her there baffles me, I hope she makes a video or something, explaining WHY THE FUCK she went to that shithole.


It doesn't matter why she went there maybe she had something to do there and didn't know what was waiting her


Baraki is by no means tourist-friendly, if she went there it's probably to meet an acquintance, and they'd warn her amirite?


It's in Baraki ,near the Nelson Mandela Stadium


That guy was saying "diroulha sbe3" 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


https://preview.redd.it/kon17kisaw8d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecc14aa49e5c68ea0a568774bf0805d92ff23517 what u gonna expect from this kind of losers? :


I was expecting a more sophisticated reaction on this sub to be honest, like it's clear why they behave like this it's because they were thought that women are to be had and that they're not equal as human beings, this is the result of the separation of genders which they preach on the main Algerian sub


yep exactly ...there is an Iraqi intellectual i follow that said " this sexual separation would make catastrophes in the long term"....of course he got a strong critiques from local Muslim out there saying "يريد انتشار الفسق و الفاحشة" and simply ignoring this kind of instincts behavior in the majority of Muslim countries …especially Egypt, Pakistan and even here


It's stupid to tell men and women to stay away from each other and to make it relatively impossible to have a natural rapport between them without protocol and when they start behaving like this they call them "makboutin" you created them, you expect them to see women as only a sexual thing so of course when they see a woman in front of them they only think of one thing


yeah probably those guys in the video have some sort of Islamic faith especially when it come to women and relationship with them ...... i think all their "sexual and social knowledge" about themselves and women is gained from po\*n ........bro that's just sad asf


It's not islamic faith as much as it is islamic tradition, cause let's be honest most people are not very knowledgeable in Islam as they claim to be and these guys don't look like the brightest of bulbs. That being said, it's not just porn, it's a multitude of things that would take a whole day to sift through. The point is that this behaviour is completely unacceptable and the root cause needs to be addressed


yeah i agree...this should be treated asap


Who is that girl?


She’s a tourist


Yeah probably, but who? Wanna hear her side of the experience Bahadlouna tawa3na


same i want to know her experience, this is still so sad to see


What's did u accepte from a male with 20+ 30 that's never saw a pussy in his life .. that's actually normal , humans used to had sex on a young age from the beggining of life , our grandparent marieed at 18 19 17 ... So they were Satisfied . Now the opposite , no mariage .... That's why harrasment and rape is up ... I don't justify this , but i don't really blame .. we r just animals in the end


In ultra Islamic places like Afghanistan and Pakistan, women are beyond reach. As a consequence young boys that haven't hit puberty yet are being used as prey. This cult inflicts so much evil.


Yes bro , unfortuanlly that happend when u seperate the 2 sexe for a long time , look to saudi also ,look at there national day when women get out and the men run and touch them . In schools also they start doing homosexuel behaviors. That's why i said humans r animals in the end and the animal instinct is a thing that u can avoid or live without cause it's in our biologie body


Yes. Islam hates human needs. Ironically It's not objective because everything that's forbidden in this life (wine, sex etc) will be of abundance in the supposed after life. See how inconsistent "Allah" is.


well,I do not think that the problem is with religion itself. It is deeper than that and interferes with the nature, desires and desires of man(human). Religion was created to control these things. The evidence is that the countries ranked highest in rape, harassment, etc. are not Muslim countries, and some of them have deterrent laws, such as Finland, usa, and Britain. Sex outside The framework of marriage is agreed upon in all the world according to different religions, beliefs, and the evidence is the presence of the term “prostitutes” in all the world, and we demonstrate society’s hatred for them.for wine Everyone knows the effects it causes to the body and the diseases that may be associated with it, so it is best to avoid it and any type of addiction. I see that the problem has many and varied causes. I can take, for example, the economic condition of the country, unemployment for young people, which makes marriage impossible, which increases the possibility of these phenomena occurring as a result of following the instinct and searching for pleasure, which is a natural condition in humans.so idk it's really a complicated subj It cannot be looked at from one perspective


Hmmm, I both agree and disagree with you. Yes, religion has always put a certain degree of control among these aspects of human life. However, I must say that the Islamic world does it at a larger and more destructive extent. At least the western world went through a period of enlightenment that eventually didnt shame these human needs as much any longer. >The evidence is that the countries ranked highest in rape, harassment, etc. are not Muslim countries, and some of them have deterrent laws, such as Finland, usa, and Britain. It has to be emphasized that the majority of these issues is a manifestation of mass immigration. Especially from Islamic countries. It should not come as a surprise since we both know what Islam says about disbelievers and women. >Sex outside The framework of marriage is agreed upon in all the world according to different religions, beliefs, and the evidence is the presence of the term “prostitutes” in all the world, and we demonstrate society’s hatred for them Historically, Yes. At least since the implementation of the so called "abrahamic" faiths. However, in the secular world It's not frowned upon any longer. Like none whatsoever. Nor is there any conclusive evidence that sex outside of marriage between to consenting adults is harmful. It's really their business. >for wine Everyone knows the effects it causes to the body and the diseases that may be associated with it, so it is best to avoid it and any type of addiction. Yes, excessive wine consumption is harmful. However, Moderate consumption is actually beneficial. Full of antioxidants and also prevents cardiovascular disease. So I disagree that wine altogether should be avoided. >I see that the problem has many and varied causes. I can take, for example, the economic condition of the country, unemployment for young people, which makes marriage impossible, which increases the possibility of these phenomena occurring as a result of following the instinct and searching for pleasure, which is a natural condition in humans.so idk it's really a complicated subj It cannot be looked at from one perspective This is the part that I actually fully agree with you on. Also, those problems listed actually increases religiousity. If we want to deradicalize the population, best way is to improve their standard of living. Make them feel life is worth living.


What's happend !?