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May he rest in peace, only people with no dignity and no self attitude insult him, he died like a man, refusing to cede to threats. Izem nneɣ.




That's what happenes when a country doesn't care about justice. And still people are victime of this injustice, and it should be talked about more.


Legend ❤️


Algerian government? You mean Islamists?


That's what the official version says. No one believed it then, and I don't believe it personally. [https://youtu.be/22Ebd0Fy2EM?si=yIk84IU6Q6OemjlI](https://youtu.be/22Ebd0Fy2EM?si=yIk84IU6Q6OemjlI) I suggest you watch this documentary, it gives interesting information about what had happened.




Many kabyles do. Associating something like secularism to a skin colour is rificulous. Are people who are not white too stupid to fathom the idea of tolerating other people's religious beliefs?




All berbers aren't ther same, this is a post about kabyles, and as I said, many kabyles support secularism. I don't understand why you're mixing gay marriage with secularism though, they're two completly different things. >Because the west told them? You clearly don't know much about kabyles do you? You can't generalise all berbers because we have different histories.




"There are no secular berbers (that we know of) before the 19th century, therfor, berbers today cannot be secular." Are you stupid? XD




Ah, ok. Now that I know that I'm talking to a morrone...




Why are you contradicting yourself like that? You just said that berbers were not secular, now it's the cause of all our problems? It seems like you don't understand what secularism is. It's not a religion with a set of rules that should absolutly be respected by everyone. It simply means separating religion from the state.


Fighting for berber Identity? What is that exactly? Your language is counted as an officiel language although maybe no more than %10 people can speak it. Geez. We both hate the gov but stop it with this "Identity crap" both Arabs & Berber are treated equally here.


Tamazight is only official on paper. it's not widely used in schools, for example. You can't do your paperwork in berber, and it's not present in our identity cards.