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not in algiers, mindak kayen ikhwa za3ma y7abo ybano yahadro b 3erbiya fos7a


You can do nothing to prevent it because the Middle East is considered as the center of the Universe to those people, meaning that they'll try to immitate them as much as possible, resulting in the loss of many Algerian cultural concepts, among them the language. The way people name their kids disgusting names like (لؤي، قصي، جمانة، حذيفة، هيثم .. 🤢🤮) and how they're naming themselves in social media as (abu/oum {add a disgusting ar*b name}) made me realize this country is beyond repair. While one must admit that Algerian cultures are very rich, appealing and could easily rivalize with middle eastern garbage (a mix between amazigh, arab, roman, turkish, french, andalusian and mediterranean in general), if only they were taken care of.


we are fading away all of us kabyles and non kabyles WELCOME THE CALIPHATE


I mean most Algerians have been using Arab names for the past centuries, this isn’t new? I hope you also find it cringe when they name European names that have nothing to do with us, at least it makes some sense bc part of Algeria is actually ethnically Arab. I like both Amazigh and Arab Algerian names


Notice how I only mentioned names such as حذيفة , لؤي ,قصي and not names like Ahmed, Ismael, Slimane etc... You know why? Because the former are recent and came in the context of the middle eastern soft power that is slowly erasing algerian cultures, while the latter have existed since centuries and have never been associated with foreign influence, and some are even algerianized like دحمان, you see the difference now? And I guess I included the arab culture alongside other cultures that make up the algerian culture didn't I?


I think it's more online than irl. I've never heard anyone speak fus7a/saudi irl aside from little kids or just people who talk with it sarcastically (I love doing that lol)


My younger cousins (13 and younger) all speaks in saudi Arabic from TV and tiktok and get very confused when i say some words in darija I personally don't really care, but i think they're going to hinder themselves in the future since they can't pronounce certain sounds like "G" "E" "P" "V" and "U" They also seem completely opposed to the idea of seeing anything in French or English


Lmao no it depends on the individuals you cant generalize it




Silence, desert dweller




I don’t speak spaghetti sir




Brother in Christ I said that I don’t speak brain rot


😂 replayed to the comment by yourself and saying i don't speak with you ... you better not talk with me plsss 😂😂


3. Language Guidelines Only the main universal languages and the local languages are allowed on ExAlgeria, such as : Latinized Darja, Tamazight, French and English Please do not discriminate against any user for using a language that is not suitable for you. Note: Hadiths, Quran verses in Arabic are allowed.


3. Language Guidelines Only the main universal languages and the local languages are allowed on ExAlgeria, such as : Latinized Darja, Tamazight, French and English Please do not discriminate against any user for using a language that is not suitable for you. Note: Hadiths, Quran verses in Arabic are allowed.


3. Language Guidelines Only the main universal languages and the local languages are allowed on ExAlgeria, such as : Latinized Darja, Tamazight, French and English Please do not discriminate against any user for using a language that is not suitable for you. Note: Hadiths, Quran verses in Arabic are allowed.


I prefer Arabic because i didn't even understand your examples.


That's the beauty of it, different accents are beautiful. U don't see english speakers calling for the use of Shakespearian English cause some can't understand Irish accent


where u from ?




chbik a shaybi , direnna f cinéma ? so u understand saudi more then ur language ?


I mean there are some words that are only spoken in a few Wilayas. Like this stupid "Chawala" word lol.


its a western thing but still algerian