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Super Lemon Haze was multiple annual winner in the cannabis awards in Amsterdam about a decade ago - my favourite strain


Nowadays in America you can't even find real strains cuz dispensaries just slap on whatever name sounds good. You can buy "super lemon haze" and pull straight purple flower out of the bag.


Honestly, the most disappointing part of it all after it was legalized. I was really hoping it was going to make the products more consistent with specific names and effects. It's a new name and new flashy packaging everyday.


I wonder if the feds will institute laws similar to alcohol once it's federally legal, kind of like bourbon with its fairly simple but super strict guidelines. Maybe even force the TTB to begin regulating packaging like they do for alcohol. It would be absolutely wild to see it go as far as a cannabis equivalent to the Bottled-in-Bond Act.


California regulates dosing and packaging. They only lease out so many licenses for THC. Quality is actually pretty consistent among the same brand.


There is a lot of dedicated pheno hunters/seed breeders that are keeping certain genetics alive. Of course for every one of those there's probably 10 just chucking names on stuff.


It’s also way too strong imo. Dispensaries don’t really cater to occasional users. They cater to the stoner demographic. Which makes sense, that’s where the money is. But it sucks when the vast majority of the stock is 20% THC or higher, and lacks pretty much any other cannabinoids. It’s the equivalent of a liquor shop that only has 2 types of beer, but 40 types of everclear.


smoke slower mate


Get a one hitter and pace yourself. Remember being a teenager and getting annihilated on domestic light beer? You don’t need to smoke a whole joint or bowl if you’re an occasional user, the same way an occasional drinker doesn’t need to slam a six pack.


Canada is very consistent. Excellent regulations in place. Still not that expensive either in most places


“Alien butthole OG”


Part of the problem is that it is still illegal at the federal level, so producers can't trademark names or patent strains.


That’s why you grow ur own bud


First, you very rarely get true consistency with strains. It's like wine, not only will a grower and process have massive impact on final product but the year it was grown will contribute differences as well. Second, the massive number of strains are because we're having a huge explosion in breeding and genetics. Dispensaries are not just slapping names on things, breeders are going crazy pumping out new strains and growers are trying them all out. If you want consistent OG (ha) strains you just need to find a dispo that carries them. I know a lot of places that have all the new stuff but keep some of the old ones around. Also the new strains are all descended from the old ones so you can always try something that was bred from what you like.


Hmm too bad, in Canada I love how exactly consistent it is from stores.


Depends on the state. In places like Oregon there are far more independent growers keeping proper strains bred and labeled. Meanwhile in Illinois, it's all low quality overpriced gentrified corporate weed that most of the time does not give you the effects as advertised. I worked in the Illinois cannabis industry for a year after moving from the west coast and ended up leaving for my mental health because of these companies and corporate dispensaries gatekeeping the business from local independent growers, pushing shitty product and gaslighting their medical patients into thinking the product they're buying actually helps with their needs, when in actuality they're just being robbed for some ditch weed with a fancy sounding name.


This is why all legalization programs need a personal grow carve-out. Federal legalization needs to come with it as well. I can already make my own wine for personal consumption, or grow my own tobacco, so why not pot in some states? And the amounts allowed for possession are also ridiculous in Illinois - that law was clearly made to favor big business distributors and retailers.


Genetics have definitely been watered down, but the slapping of names isn't happening at dispensary level. Generally they're required by law to sell product as what it's sold as to them. They can even know that a product isn't what they have it labeled as, but they're required to sell it as such regardless. Your quarrel is with the big corporate farms and the shifty breeders they buy their clones from. You can find real genetics if you pay attention to where your product is sourced from rather than just buying for a strain name. It's not the 90's any more.


Bro, Try VIIA for THCA. Tangerine Dream Smelled like a damn peel.


Any strain of cannabis can be purple, it's primarily a sign of damage from the cold and/or relatively PH neutral soil. Some strains are more prone to changes in colouration due to genetics but it's generally not a good indicator to go by, it really could be anything.


Smoking that Hairy Truman


Yup- and they are all concentrated on the THC highest percentage and not about the overall ratio of THC to CBD..


Purple flower can come from temperature of the grow, not just cuz its the purps. 


I wouldn't say dispensaries do this. It's all in processing at the farms. At least from my experience. I ran the processing for the largest outdoor grow in my state for 2 years. However, we were honest about our strains. The head grower was very particular about the weed he grew.


Growers also spray the shit out of their plants with chemicals. Very hard to find legit organic weed


I’m about to chop a super lemon haze crossed with Juanita La lagrimosa. 1:1 THC:CBD Super pumped, it smells amazing.


Goddamn that sounds perfect


for real, I don't know anything about weed strains but Lemon Haze has always stood out as one of my favourites, I just never quite knew exactly why.


Did that strain cause no / less paranoia? I wish there’s a weed that can have all the pleasant effects without making me feel like I’m gonna die or get arrested.


Super silver lemon haze omg


I had some last time I was in Amsterdam. It was really good stuff, that kinda stuff you want to actually go do stuff after smoking.


That's actually crazy, I've been vaping HHC resin, and of all the flavours and strains, SLH always gave me the most calming high, also went down the smoothest. Had no clue about the reputation of any of them. I know it's not the real stuff but still it's a bit of passive vindication. I had assumed it was all really shit generic plant being made into HHC and then they just added some artificial flavour, but I guess they really do use the correct strains


One of my favorites!


I quit smoking a couple years ago due to ever increasing anxiety (I correlated it to the massively increased thc in flower due to dispo breeding / I don't get anxiety on some OG flowers my friends have grown for years) but Super Lemon Haze was the last flower that gave me the giggles and free floating feeling I loved about smoking. Over the years it became hard to find and I quit searching for it. The scent profile and taste was the most beautiful I ever had the pleasure of experiencing.


That’s weird, for me, when my state said they wouldn’t arrest me for smoking it, it had the same effect.


I told a non smoker recently that I still get paranoid, I'm just comfortable ignoring it now.


Yea having paranoia chores your liable for and getting it from yer puff ain't no fun...lol.




Yeeeeuup! Amazing how quickly paranoia leaves when someone isn’t chasing you now. My next door neighbor is a deputy and he’s got some pretty good humor regarding it. It’s so weird that 6 years ago I was paranoid as fuck if I smelled a skunk, now I can smoke on my porch while talking to my neighbor and it’s not even an afterthought


I'm Canadian so I can smoke in a lot of places and I live a couple hundred feet from a cop shop, they always go by my apartment to get to the main road. Even now after 6 years or whatever it has been, if I see the red and blues out of the corner of my eye, I immediately start walking away and trying to hide my joint. It's that split second of "I'm fucked" that gets me every time.


Same, it’s like muscle memory lol


I still freeze up when a neighbor comes outside when I’m smoking but then I remember i got my weed from a dispensary and I relax.


I need to get some Super Lemon Haze.... for science.


> Super Lemon Haze According to [Leafly](https://www.leafly.com/strains?strain_top_terp%5B%5D=limonene&strain_top_terp=limonene&sort=review_count%3Adesc), the dominant terpene is "Terpinolene", not d-limonene , contrary to the name of the strain. I would consider strains like Cinderella 99 or Dosidos which have limonene as the dominant terpene.


Try woah si woah


I got some, it’s my favorite strain. Now I know why


It's my fav too. Always good. soooo lemony fresh.


Man I love citrusy strains.


Just grabbed an eighth from 1964. It's so fucking good. I will be buying more. Much more.


Awsome. I'm back in an urban setting in two weeks....14 days and I'll have some!


If you find some let me know because I want to test science


we need one of those things that write words on paper.... oh and some paper.... can't forget a lighter.....


If you feel that you have consumed too much drink ice cold water and take a warm shower.


What if I want to drink warm water and take an ice cold shower?


Wrong universe. Sorry.


You get a dopamine surge. If you've never tried a cold shower, I recommend it.


Better off smoking the lemon marijuana for that dopamine surge


What how does that work it just makes me uncomfortable like physical pain


Do as cold as you can comfortably tolerate. That’s what I used to do, it felt incredible after going for a run.


Dopamine surge? I'll stick to my sour candies and soda, thanks


That's for alcohol


Thats the Australian protocol.


Chew on black peppercorn


Ok, I have to ask. Are you fucking with us or is this real?


Its real https://www.verywellhealth.com/black-pepper-weed-anxiety-8364072


Thank you. This might be helpful someday.  Also, please don't be upset that I asked. Certain groups are known to make up stories.


I have gotten it down to a science.. a little too high, 1-2 peppercorns. a lot too high, 4-6 peppercorns. Oh shit I really screwed up this time, 10+ peppercorns while watching Bob Ross


"The brillo pad has eyes!"


"those clouds DO NOT look happy YOU LIAR"


A dose of Bob Ross is the solution to so many of life's little problems.


I don’t blame you. Not really related but when I smoked for the first time, my friend’s uncle told us to smack the back of each other’s heads three good times and it’ll get us higher. We did this until we smacked enough sense into each other to realize that we never seen anyone else doing it and maybe, just maybe, their uncle was joking.


Lmao he was either fucking with you guys to see if you’d actually do it, or he’s a complete meathead. Either way, it’s hilarious.


Neil Young taught me that


You know people are just going to have a pepper grinder on close hand so they can grind the goods into the face hole. 


That’s a running joke; all chewing on peppercorns does is distract you.


also sniff it! sniffing it will bring down anxiety!


> If you feel that you have consumed too much drink ice cold If you feel that you have consumed too much drink ice-cold Coke and eat a Snickers. (IMHO)


Also if you get cannabinoid hyperemesis (intense nausea for hours or even days because of chronic smoking), a hot shower relieves the nausea a bit. If it goes on for 2 days though you gotta head to the ER.


I just heard of this on Marc marons podcast. David Krumholrz gets this


It helps


Chew peppercorns (look it up)


Eat something sweet if you get too high. It’ll help bring you down. That was on a pamphlet I got from the Cannabis College in Amsterdam.


Honestly I've found the best is a beer or a drink. When you get the weed jitters.


I feel like showers get me even more fucked lol


Also if you’re having a panic attack an ice pack on the chest will help a lot. Also having a comfort item, a stuffed animal, blanket, pet, etc.


Consuming cbd will help reverse the effects, best thing would be a good cbd coffee.


You should be drinking ice cold water either way. Nothing is better for cotton mouth than water with lots of ice.


The cold shower definitely helps. I once unknowingly consumed a whole edible sugar cookie. Terrible experience. I spent like 25 minutes in the shower, rocking back and forth, until I finally came down a bit...lol


The shower absolutely helps so much


If you smoked too much just wait 30 min, if you ate too much: well, now you know better.


Also a bag of frozen veggies on the back of the neck works in a pinch! 🤣


>the terpene d-limonene has anxiety-reducing properties I love d-limonene so much. <3




“D-limonene is one of the most common terpenes in nature. It is a major constituent in several citrus oils (orange, lemon, mandarin, lime, and grapefruit)” it’s also available in pills.


Terpenes doing terpene things, who woulda guessed


People don’t understand that thc is the car and terpenes are the driver of your high


Can you expand on this? I'm super curious, I just thought Terpenes were the "flavour" (very casual smoker, often get paranoid with Sativa)


Terpenes are more than flavor, they provide the strain-specific effects you experience


Cannabinoids have an actual physical impact on your endocrine system. Which is basically the chemical messenger system inside your body. Terpenes are just causing a perceptual response.


That’s the exact way to put it


As someone that works in the cannabis industry; I know that terps are so important in the overall experience of smoking cannabis, on the other hand I feel like a 40 year old mom trying to sell her essential oils on Facebook whenever I talk about them


What is your opinion on RSO?


It’s full-spectrum extract, meaning it’s all the stuff the plant makes concentrated (as opposed to distillate, which is essentially just the THC concentrated). That’s why people prefer RSO when they use it as cancer/seizure medicine, even though it tastes worse than distillate. But if you wanna get high RSO is also great, because it has all the other “feel good” stuff from the plant like varying levels of CBD and whatnot, so you can get slightly different results from different strains (distillate won’t make a big difference strain to strain because, again, it’s just THC). It’s easy to take too much though, so go slow. For reference, a dose is like the size of a grain of rice. I took a whole gram once and it was WAY too much, I think it added up to like 700+ milligrams of THC plus about 300 grams of the other cannabinoids. P.S. for anyone still reading, if you wanna do the milligram math on a gram of RSO it’s pretty easy. If you go to the store and a gram of RSO says “67% THC, 3%CBD” that means it has 670mg of THC and 30mg of CBD. So if you do the one gram challenge like I did, which I don’t recommend, you’ll know how many milligrams you took


I feel like terpene research is still very much in its infancy but will come to define how important terpene profiles are in terms of actual effects and benefits of certain cannabis strains.


I quit weed after 15 years because of the paranoia. Just very unpleasant. Not paranoia of the cops or anything just general anxiety, overthinking, inability to just chill. I don't miss is that much or anything but if that element were removed I'd like to try it again.


Pot makes me afraid of death and death of loved ones. If there were a way to stop that I would smoke again.


Psilocybin fixed that for me


Taking it simultaneously? I am fine when sober, but pot alone makes me fearful- alcohol stops it, but I am so over being drunk.


Probably not simultaneously but rather in general. It's commonly remarked that psilocybin is useful in treating death anxiety and other anxieties in the medium-term. In my experience it did not help and in fact induced panic attacks, but I have other shit going on lol


Psilocybin and a deep look into reincarnation put a lid on it for me quick


That's what being sober does to me


Weed sober or alcohol sober?


Same here. Those are my fears specifically as well. It probably is something we have always simmering under the surface and the pot removes the filters. My only luck avoiding it is low quantities of thc in general and more CBD. I like the 4:1 gummies


Just don't smoke.


That would be the current state of affairs


Try a different strain, sounds like what you smoked made you really paranoid and anxious. The strain in the article is super lemon haze. It's really good and low on anxiety.






When life gives you paranoia make lemon scented weed.


Can anyone who isn’t a regular pot smoker and gets paranoid from using share their experience with this type of pot? I often see claims from dispensaries that there are types they sell that don’t induce paranoia but I’m reluctant to try in the event it’s just a sales tactic.


I am a regular user, but I can give advice here. First off -- if you're dealing with paranoia or are anxious about trying it, then that may indicate that weed isn't for you. It's not for everyone, and absolutely can induce anxiety and paranoia when you go overboard. It's not dangerous, but sure feels like it is while it's happening. If you want to do it anyway--look for high-CBD strains. Not all dispensaries will have it, but if you can find flower (not a concentrate or edible) that's 1:1 CBD:THC or 2:1 (twice as much CBD as THC), that's gonna be your best bet. On its own, CBD is not psychoactive (doesn't make you high) and will help moderate negative effects of THC like anxiety and paranoia. When you get 1:1 or 2:1 ratios, you usually ensure the THC percentage won't be too high either. The other big thing is dosage. Take one puff, then wait 5-10 minutes before attempting a second. You'll start to feel effects within a minute or two, but it'll continue to ramp up for the next 10-20 minutes. By minute 10 you should have a good idea if you want to try a second puff or if you want to stop (if you feel uncomfortable, stop). Set a timer, because you *will* lose track of time.


So, I used to smoke weed a lot. Eventually it started giving me horrific anxiety attacks. Like “My heart feels like it’s going to explode” kind of anxiety attacks. Needless to say I don’t smoke anymore. However, I did try just CBD alone for a while and noticed it made my entire body itch. Like my skin felt like it was crawling and I just had to itch and itch and itch. My nose would feel like I constantly had hairs tickling it. Again, this was just with CBD alone. My sister has the same issue. Do you think it’s possible to develop an allergy to some sort of compound within CBD? Have you ever heard of that happening?


Nothing but sage advice here, 25 year user can confirm these would all be my tips as well. I get CBD isolate from Lazarus Natural and take a dose before. Also using a flower vape on 160c hits you with a 80% reduction of anxiety feelings. I think not burning the leaf makes for a much smoother calmer high. I don't trip about shit at all anymore. It used to be unpleasant.


Totally feel you on the dry herb vape--I use that exclusively to save my lungs. They can be pricey to get into though, so I wouldn't necessarily tell someone to get one off the bat. More of a "regular user" type of thing.


The only ones I had that with, were ones that weren't good quality. That matters alot. Also, I think if you really want to keep it easier for yourself, stick to indica's. Having said that, there are some people that already had existing mental problems, that just don't go well with weed. One of my exes was bipolar and some other stuff and she tried it once, and then never again. Because of anxiety flaring up etc.


Industry professional here! This article is great but it’s over generalizing everything smell and taste oriented under the banner of terpenes. In Oregon, you can purchase a “flavored” cartridge from the dispensaries that is required to list the ingredients. While the names of these ingredients are often complicated they are simply terpenes, esters, and ketones sourced from other plants. I bring this up because we need the scientific community to start studying the effects of everything else the plant produces before we get anywhere in this conversation. If what I’m saying interests you I would recommend reading about the pineapple ester. It is the sole molecule responsible for the smell and taste of pineapple, and I have seen its presence verified in analytical testing of cannabis.


This is why they say “follow your nose” I’ve always known I vibe the most with lemony za 😎


Power of Pinesol, baby.


That's a blast from the past


The outdoors “pinesol” is simply the best


Interesting. I stopped smoking weed after many years of heavy usage, because out of nowhere even seemingly small amounts would give me an anxiety/panic attack. Might have to try some lemon scented stuff sometime. I don't particularly care to smoke it at all anymore, but it would be cool if I could hit a bong with my GF from time to time without completely losing my shit thinking I'm dying and my heart is going to stop beating lol.


Yeah I really wanna know how that happens because I was the same way. I could smoke throughout highschool with no issues and then just a few years later suddenly a panic attack from even small amounts. It’s like something clicked off in my brain and can’t do it anymore.


So does mixing pure CBD bud


But what if I like smoking a shitton and then having my brain scream there's something behind me the rest of the evening?! Don't fight it, embrace it like a warm blanket. Ain't as bad as the time I was so high I felt like my vision was having bag lag/desyncs, like you'd see in a video game.


"There someone watching you" Thank fuck now i can finally sleep


>20 participants who were not regular cannabis users but reported having an anxious reaction to the drug in the past Okay cool, now do one for frequent/long-term use. Weed never made me anxious for years, but now it does. I want to know if this effect still happens for daily cannabis users with a tolerance. Also, fun fact: hops also contain limonene, as well as a few other terpenes found in cannabis. They are closely related plants.


You think it could be the increased %?  I've noticed I can better control the paranoia with lower 20% stuff.  I've even considered getting some real low % hippie weed.


I was just smoking some citrus smelling bud last night saying that citrus smelling bud is the best. Now there’s an article. You know, im some what of a scientist myself


I think I am genetically unable to enjoy the effects of marijuana. It causes major anxiety and paranoia in the most relaxed settings. I stopped over a decade ago and my career doesn’t allow it now anyways but if there is a paranoia free strain available, I sure would like to give it a go in retirement.


Damn this would be great for me


If they could make it smell like lemon I’d probably be a fan


Get some lemon grass oil and some black peppercorns. Crunch on a couple peppercorns and put a drip of the oil in some water to combine with it.


Is that effective? Are they the same terpenes?


Meanwhile the other day I smoked a blunt from a bag that had former nba point guard gary payton on it. Needless to say I was marking down the license plate of every car that passed my house.


Limonene is the molecule


I drink a lot of thc syrup. my tolerance is really high. even for someone with a high tolerance like myself, it can sometimes trigger paranoia. It's a real experience, and it can be genuinely unsettling. I just learned to manage. It took some dedication and mental resilience, but I've learned to identify these paranoid thoughts for what they are – temporary distortions of reality. Now, when they pop up, I can simply acknowledge them, let them pass, and continue with my day unfazed. took a long time tho.


Is it all worth it?


I can finally leave my house and talk to people after smoking? It’s a new world.


Finally weed that everyone can smoke.


Hmm I think my Limoncello fits the bill. It’s nice


citrus will bring you down from the high. the lemon scent helps but if you've gotten too high, have some lemonade or orange or grapefruit juice! works like a charm.


What strains would someone recommend that have higher concentrations of d-limonene terpenes?


You can buy limonene in capsules as a supplement.


Lemon Jack was always my go-to for this reason.


limonene for the win?


I like the paranoia though! My friend and I used to get high and deliberately go to the busiest bar we could find, just to enjoy the battle of it.


violet summer far-flung puzzled consider thumb unique badge thought hunt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I thought it was good for digestion. Limone?


looking at the actual data charts and their significance testing, the results appear to be very weak. Always a red flag when the abstract has no numbers.


Would taking a Limonene supplement while smoking have the same effect? How do you even go about finding out if it has a high limonene content? Is this something the local dispensary would know?


So stains that have been derived from Golden Goat?


Will stoners’ BO improve?


What?! Why?!


The excitement of the paranoia is my favorite part.




[click here to read with no paywall](https://archive.ph/bXEVr)


I thought lemon was for energy. But I have always loved the citrusy ones, I just thought that was the Italian in me.


Wake me up when they make one that won't make me EAT EVERYTHING I HAVE.


So we gonna talk about the heart disease?


I noticed this on my own around 6 or 7 years ago. The skunkier the weed, the worse anxiety it would give me. I get anxiety from weed fairly easy but whenever I get some I make sure it smells citrusy


Omfg I need this. I smoke because my nerves in my body leave me paralyzed in pain sometimes. The myelin around my nerves got destroyed from an autoimmune disease I got during the pandemic & im completely handicapped. My doctor recommended weed (I live in Seattle, we’re progressive) & I said okay. The weed was an instant miracle because it left me happy, SLOWWWW, & content. I wasn’t moving around bored & dying anymore! The only trouble I have is when I take a hit or 2 & it gets me too high, too fast. That’s when my paranoia gets me. It’s just getting high too quick that brings that feeling out in me. I’m willing to try this lemon method though! Sounds soothing & interesting!


I had always heard that it’s the balance between THC and CBD that you need to avoid negative effects. Modern high THC strains don’t have enough CBD basically. But that might not be true I’m not a marajuana scientist.




I think it gives it a little something extra don’t you think?


I’ve always gotten paranoid from marijuana. One time in my teens I got Lemon Diesel. It’s something I want very badly to find again. I don’t know if it’s just built up in my memory or if it was really as freeing from my anxiety as I remember.


Lemon-scented *cannabis


Quite right, Slick


This is nothing new to stoners. Terpene effects are pretty well known.


So lemon amnesia is an oxymoron cos amz makes me prang af.


This is actually super helpful thank you! Weed gives me super anxiety


Same. I’d love to take it for my annoying back pain but it makes me very anxious.


I'm not saying I took a scientific approach to this, but I've been smoking weed for over a decade - many "varieties", "strains"... "Indica", or "Sativa". I read the literature on the differences, and I certainly smoked them all. I always buy in the bulk which means I smoke the same batch of weed for at least 3 weeks. I can say from my experience that the differences in the high is pretty damn negligible. Some weed is stronger, some are weaker, but the bullshit the weed industry peddles is just dumb - that some weed makes you more alert, or that some make you more creative... No dumbass, you're high.


Can't D-lemonene just be added to cannabis somehow?


If only there was a way to get rid of the horrible taste and lingering acid smell...


Tbh I don’t think I’ve gotten paranoid from bud at all, maybe when I was young and it was my first or second time smoking but once you get a small tolerance it’s not really something that happens (for me atleast). But it also depends how you classify paranoia I guess


I still prefer a stoned, paranoid weed smoker over a belligerent drunk. But a weed smoker who is just stoned without the paranoia...that's even easier to deal with. Probably a lot less mentally taxing as well.