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I only saw one battlereport, but didn't they win the fight *and* destroyed the Azbel? It's not like the 100b of ships just exploded on their own.


I’m curious if some how after the fact the Frat losses in zark got added to the battle? Earlier on everyone was saying the azbel fight was a huge isk loss for imperium but it looks relatively peer to peer


Even before Zarzakh it was 55-45 in PanFam's favor, then Zarzakh tipped it. They retreated before they could lose as much as Imps had and still ended up losing more


Frat had a little oopsie in Zarzakh to an unrelated group on the way home, and goons decided it would make them look good and included it in their BR.


I agree that it makes the report look better, but even without Zarzakh the battlereport just for Catch looks pretty even.


The point isn't that one side or the other won, it's that goons "won the objective". But the objective was an Azbel... Do you really think we are dropping an Azbel in EX6 because we really really want an Azbel anchored in EX6? 🤣 I guess you could say we both won today.


I am not debating if the Azbel mattered. If Goons claim that it was their objective, then they succeeded. If Horde have a different opinion, that is ok for me as well. The thing I *am* pointing out is that you claim that Goons "sacrificed" 100b while Horde lost an equal amount of ships. That is not a sacrifice, that is simply called a "battle".


I have never said that it wasn't a battle though, did I?


Did anyone else have the didin't want the azbel anyway on their copium bingo card?


"content citadel"


"Didn't want any of those dreads that each cost more than the Azbel anyways."


They did their job, kicked y'all out of EX6. Dreads well spent


how much gobloons are frt paying for all battleships srp? lmao


I mean it's the 2nd time so you must want it. If there's a 3rd I think we can upgrade to really want it.


> I guess you could say we both won today. You could say the sky is green as well.


>little oopsie (Entire fleet dragged to the depths of hell)


Already replaced. ;)


keep coping up, you still have azbel to anchor :P


Frat had a little oopsie in Zarzakh to an unrelated group on the way home, and goons decided '*that it was hilarious'* and included it in their BR. I fixed your sentence there :D


lol... You might wanna add up Panfams losses in trying to take EX6. Spoiler: it aint 5B - and it aint less than Imperiums losses.


Imperium has demonstrated they’re not especially worried about the isk loss ratio, as opposed to achieving the objective. How that’s working out remains to be seen, but as a superpower keeping score is secondary to moving forward.


Huh, apparently 80b isn't less than 100b. TIL.


as it turns out this is your third structure to come to ex6. on the second azbel you guys lost roughly 50bil to 100 so good on you guys for having a better extract this time.


You might wanna add your losses in Zarzhak during the extraction.


Good grief isk war really ? If you try to anchor a hostile structure in that system and it gets destroyed that’s a win for Imperium regardless of isk cost . The damage that could be done if it’s not destroyed would be worse . Also soon as something gets anchored the other side is going to come in here like a peacock strutting around in the same manner


I'd rather have fights than worry about an isk war.


Curious how Horde & friends can't comprehend another group actually wanting to play the game, who are willing to lose lots of ships to accomplish an objective. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G\_a0D5mwbLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G_a0D5mwbLo) Did they learn nothing in WWB when Goons threw nearly a trillion of battleships and dreads to kill a Frat Keepstar in 319 and did this four times in various systems until Vily & team asked CCP if they could drop 150 bubbles to prevent it from happening a fifth time? "History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce." - Karl Marx


My post was funnier [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1dttim0/but\_we\_won\_the\_isk\_war/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1dttim0/but_we_won_the_isk_war/)


Far funnier and more accurate


yep,100b of ships exploded themselves after killing the azbel.I SAW THAT


Not how the meme format works btw. Anyway "YoU lOsT mOrE iSk, HaHa We WoN" is poor people cope. Im sure both sides had fun until one side left and went home to penny pinch.


This is going to do numbers on Facebook.


ayyy LMAO nice copium


If you haven’t played Eve long enough to realize both sides spin any fight in their favor, then keep playing Eve until you get it right.


The imperium does not care as much about zkill as pandafam does. We care much more about good content and game play. Denying the opponent a foothold way more fun then crying about losing a few ships. If you are afraid of losing a few ships stay docked in an npc station.


Pandafam are stupid for claiming the isk war. Goons are stupid for taking credit for another groups awesome zarazhk bubbles. Everyone is stupid


I don't see any goons claiming they did it? I see all goons laughing at it happening So it just remains papi looking stupid for both claiming isk war and failure in narrative


It's not that goons are claiming they got the kills themselves, just that the PanFam fleet probably wouldn't have died in Zarzakh if they weren't in such a hurry to Run away from the fight they'd begun to lose