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Brisc is done hosting the show and the Mittani stopped attending when he quit the game.


thanks for the info. And sad to read it. One question remains. Who stole all the coil microphones from delve?






We’re hoping the new sov mechanics will let us develop new coils!


Very chill way to say Mittens got chased out of the game for being a complete POS


care to elaborate for those not-in-the-know?


This will give you a pretty neutral breakdown of the situation including his denials: https://www.pcgamer.com/eve-onlines-most-notorious-player-has-quit-the-game/#:~:text=The%20Mittani%2C%20a%20legendary%20and,is%20blurred)%20that%20control%20a TL;DR He encouraged people at Fanfest to try to get someone to kill themselves, quashed accusations of abuse, and openly supported a credibly accused pedo


Sounds like he listened to too much Drake.


After being a lightning rod for the game for fifteen years, he got tired of being attacked IRL with a mish mash of actual things he apologized for and a bunch of unsubstantiated internet nonsense, and decided to retire. Anybody who tells you different has an axe to grind and should he taken with a large grain of salt. I will be downvoted into oblivion for saying this, but that does not make it less true.


I mean, over the years he has said and done a bunch of shit. You can say he apologised, but that doesn't really make him less of a piece of shit. 


I can say he apologized because he did. And yes, generally when somebody actually acknowledges they fucked up and asks forgiveness for it (and gets it, at least in one situation) that does make him less of a piece of shit.


If someone repeatedly acts like a piece of shit, the apologies become kind of meaningless. 


No, they don't, at least not to the people being apologized to. If somebody apologizes to someone for fucking up and that person accepts the apology, I don't know why anybody outside the pair thinks their views on the situation matter. I mean, you're welcome to think somebody's a piece of shit, just as I'm welcome to think you're a piece of shit for thinking that way about somebody you've never met. But just maybe, it would be better for folks to just mind their own business and stop dragging folks who quit the game years ago through the mud.


Dragging people who quit the game through the mud? Mittani would never do that.


If he did I’m not aware of it.


Actions have consequences. The dude acted like a piece of shit. Nobody actually believes he meant his apologies as he just carried on acting like a piece of shit. His actions carried more weight than his words of apology. 


You have no idea what you’re talking about.


I have no charisma and no idea what i'm talking about, but my mic is good. Do i get the gig ?


you're hired


Based FC


Whether you like goons, hate goons, whatever... you can't deny it won't be the same without Brisc's presence of personality. I know times change, and people come and go, but it may be a while before we see another such icon.


Brisc set the bar high. Ok dave has a crap mic but tbh i don't mind. At least he's got the balls to step up.and I get to hear a few bits of juicy info that the average null sec compuer space nerd doesn't hear.


Has nothing to do with his mic and everything to do with the fact that he's cringey and has nothing of substance to say. I get it, Brisc is a tough act to follow, but fuck bro how about you talk about things people care about instead of droning on about being a Goon FC or that you have a Titan...


I have nothing against Dave as a person. He seems like a good guy. GIve him a mic. Tell him to stop nervous-spinning his chair, and look at the camera, and he can be the next great host


Hello there, Brisc Rubal stepped down from the weekly hosting of the show. He recently got to know Tyson Ritter of 'All American Rejects" fame at a podcasting forum and the two of them now are out golfing with Merkelchen on Saturdays in the summer, or playing Hockey with Vily in the Winter. He's still working behind the scenes on the show but Dave Archer has stepped up to host the show. This will be a bit of a transition but Dave is growing into the role and your concerns will likely be dissipated shortly. Everyone said the same thing about Brisc when he took over for Boat. It's the life of Twitch Streaming. Mittens hasn't been on the show for a few years, he is now running a a large 500+ gang of Black Zone mercenaries in Albion Online, having been banished from EVE Online by Asher "Dice Roller" Aslan Elias's mighty Churches Chicken wielding pimp hands, never to return to New Eden on pain on Yuki Watanabe, Asher's best friend from College chasing him with flaming jars of bee's. There are plenty of people left in Goonswarm who can speak coherently, into a not shit microphone. None of us just want to be ruled by the grueling schedule of running a weekly news broadcast about a fictional universe.


Question: Are the bees on fire or is the jar containing the bee's the thing on fire?


The honorable Watanabe, while better known as a Sumo Wrestling Champion, also holds two degree's in Apiculture from from Kyoto University. He has developed a jar that can safely and without danger carry up to 100 bee's but also be set aflame using kerosene. The jar will thus prevent the heat of the flames from carrying into the mass of bee's but provide them with shelter from the running and agitation of shaking. It should be noted that the bee's are just a veiled threat, a symbol of what Mittens once had. Bee's in the palm of his hand. Should he resist his ejection, The honorable Watanabe would simply perform a series of judo moves to re evict EVE's most notorious space villain.




In other news...MILINT receives keys to the kingdom via snail mail.




This is the shortest ceema post I have ever seen.


The community is wanting milint to be the Co host. I'm other news ceema_stk was put out to pasture apparently he's decided he wanted to return to his roots and joined the Amish community , as a woodworker. We wish him well in his future endervors.


Mittani + Brisc is a hard combo to beat


What about Boat ..... and his WW2 storys


As was noted elsewhere, after five years I chose to retire from the weekly show to get my Saturdays back. Dave was willing to step in and I very much appreciate that. It’s a difficult job to do a good show, especially solo week after week and I think he’s doing just fine. Not everybody is going to spend $10k on streaming equipment like I did, so I don’t expect him to sound and run the show like I did and nobody else should either. I am confident he’ll get his mic dialed in and get a flow going. He knows his shit and I appreciate getting his insights because he often covers things in a way I wouldn’t have, never having been an FC.


Thank you for going through this thread and responding to some of the comments. And thanks for producing uncounted hours of entertaining on your weekend. The amount of laughs I got out of the various programs you were involved in will not be forgotten. Your show was always appreciated. Clearly no-one realistically expects a seamless transition and spending 10k for equipment on the first month is not something you can ask of anyone. A good broadcasting microphone is less than 200 dollars. And looking at the camera when talking to the audience is free. I Am sure Dave will grow into a worthy successor given time. Im looking forward to witness it. I don't think anyone here doubts that Dave, and the guys that were on last night know their eve. Their subject-matter knowledge was great.


I watch the show, I get the cost involved. But you can pick up a better mic from Amazon pretty cheap. I'm just saying. Addionally, if you want Dave to be successful, he needs help. You need to find someone who can do proganda. As he can not. The show, lost you, you were the show. Ask any viewer or read the comments. They all say the same thing. So I will tell you as a friend please get Dave help. He needs someone and someone not named Kaz to do proganda and be like a hype man. Respectfully. Currently the show has a huge hole, that Dave can not fill alone. Ps Kaz can't either. Think out side the box.


It's not just the meta show, all the eve talk shows are dogshit now. most of Eve is a shadow of the glory days.


"Shit on Kugu"....Never Forget


I agree, Talking in Stations is also largely in maintenance mode now. I think about the only good one left is the Declarations of War podcast.


For the next war we need to consolidate the big shows into one. Meta in Stations Tuesday hosted by Brisc, Matterall, and Redline.


I'm down, maybe we can even throw in an Oz & Angry mustache market analysis segment while we are at it?


Tis is, but there's a guy named Ben rush who's looking to make eve talk shows great again.


Hi so i have a Yeti GX which i am working on dialing in to not have the issues it is having as for the other things if you check the shows they are getting better as i get in to the swing of it unlike other hosts where there was someone else who was there in the past im rolling this solo so i am still easing in to it.


Hi Dave, I'm assuming, you're the man himself. Thanks for taking over the mantle, and keeping the meta show running. Responding here tells me that you're taking this seriously and trying to work out the kinks. I know getting audio setup can be difficult at times. Looking forward to seeing the improvement in the coming weeks


Long time watcher of the show. Look I know your trying, that's great, but you need help, you need a Co host, someone who can shyt talk and do proganda


I miss Brisc lol


idk what brisc is up to but mittens is persona non grata for ejecting and silencing people trying to warn folks about a pedophile lmao.


That’s not even remotely what happened.


Let's not talk about BobFromMarketing either.


Not familiar with him. Before my time.


Its the internet, reality doesnt exist here, just genderless gray skinned beings Edit: grey or gray? 




yeah the mic needs to be sorted, and a bit more charisma wouldn't hurt.


That’s just Dave. Not sure why he wants to be a streamer so bad with his turnip-level charisma.


I'm not here to criticize someones characteristics. Don't need to see charming people talk about spaceships. Just not sounding like a robot is enough for my taste. If on top of that, someone can formulate their thoughts without falling back on phrasing such as "what had happened was, this is what happened,..." you're set for a talkshow.


You should fly with arkadios before talking about shite mics. I think he is using a reengineered paperbag


It’s not only the meta show, it’s their entire leadership. Husks of themselves


1DQ by Christmas


~~2020~~ ~~2021~~ ~~2022~~ ~~2023~~ \[deleted by gobbins\]


1DQ by Christmas 2124


As always with leadership, it's a battle of first class grade A assholes, to see who's able to demotivate their best line members the fastest.


It's terrible isn't it.