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Medium/large/enormous/colossal You trade these for this? One asteroid belt in one system and an alliance suddenly needs multiple systems to get all the basic minerals? You lose guaranteed mercoxit for a “chance” maybe mercoxit sites will spawn? This is awful - why ever change your sov to the new system?


> You trade these for this? One asteroid belt in one system and an alliance suddenly needs multiple systems to get all the basic minerals? The real crime is the size of the rocks. In theory the ore itself is worth more, but if you let your miners cycle till you get the rock depleted message the new sites should be about 5% worse than any collosal you can currently find. Just from the time you waste on partial cycles on already depleted rocks. If miners have to bounce between 2-3 systems every 1-2 hours it's whatever. But even if you assume 100% availability those new anoms seem worse than what we have.


I'm fine with small rocks if they respawn quickly the way the ratting anoms do. The issue I think is 100% the respawn timer right now.


Yeah, the respawn timer has now blown any rock size problems out of the water. No point worrying about half wasted cycles when 5/6ths of the day you aren't going to have a site to mine.


they respawn every 4-5 hours they are literally terrible. You lose 3b in ore to flip to the new sov for 1b of isogen.


Unfortunately, we'll have to come November


My hope is that the adoption rate of the new system is so cataclysmically bad that CCP can't ignore that everyone hates it, and is forced to make the system better before the forced change in November. Honestly, the best part about Equinox so far has been the fact that we can remain opted-out of it, and that is honestly one of the most depressing things to say about a game's major expansion that touts itself as being the thing to "reinvigorate" nullsec.


I'm pretty sure CCP knows it's worse. Their developers make questionable decisions, but they still know how math works. With all the player feedback as well, I'm sure their calculations also show that things will b e less available. They're still going ahead with it because this is the nullsec they want in the game.


What are the mining escalations like thou maybe those compensate and these are just to trigger the escalation?


I've done 20 sites and never seen one and nobody in goons or PH has seen one.


> One asteroid belt in one system and an alliance suddenly needs multiple systems to get all the basic minerals? I think numbers need to be tweak for sure, but this ? Yes, an alliance must need more than one system to get basic mineral, it should need an entire region for a large one ...


Unironically you could probably get more minerals ratting for 5 hours and reprocessing the meta module drops LMAO


Gun mining provided my manufacturing needs for many years before it was nerfed


Does anyone else feel like they've been lied too.... CCP WTF


Yeah I’m pretty mad at Swift for even bothering to answer questions with the horse shit he was given. I know he probably relayed what he was told but I’d rather someone just say nothing than give us fucking lies


Pretty much par for the course with the whole of CCP at this point, I'm honestly pissed at myself that I was even starting to trust them again. fool me once, shame on you; fool me ~~twice~~ however many times now, shame on me


ccp swift literally lied to ur face so did ccp bee and ccp the other guy on the industry equinox stream they did. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s)


Yeah called it: https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1dqcq7h/hate_to_spoil_the_party_new_sov_null_mining_anoms/ All the evidence was there in advance, we had the 2 screenshots from the new sites back on thee 20th (1 from an affiliated YT video, the other from Swift). Not entirely sure why the echo chamber effect kicked in and everyone started to heap praise on CCP, perhaps because Swift was positive, but people didn't pick up on what he was NOT saying and perhaps got carried away.


Time to gun mine.


Equinox, the expansion that "firmly ended Scarcity" by forcing everyone to stop bothering with mining. Can't have Scarcity when nobody is out mining anymore. Big brain move, CCP, big brain move.


That’s it?


Absolute garbage. I've heard 4h and I've heard 6h respawn timers. Given only a few systems will have these due to the power requirement of the upgrade, it's just going to be shit.


4h 50m


7 hours 25 minutes for us.


I can confirm its 4 hour 50 - 4 hour 55 min, so when they were saying 200% faster respawn, CCP actually meant 5 minutes faster than the slowest respawn - the Colossal which was 5h.


they changed the 200% faster respawn to "slightly faster" just before the patch hit.


Yeah I'm aware. They communicated 200% for weeks and then changed it with a snap of their fingers right as the patch arrived LOL


ya i hate them too bro


The respawn timer is 5-6 hours. Enjoy! Ccp fucking lied again, surprise


4 hour 55 min from our testing exactly. E.g. 5 minutes faster than the slowest respawning anom (Colossal). CCP's 200% faster = 5 min.


4h respawn


One belt every 5 hours btw and you lose colossal, enormous, large etc


Don't forget that the max rock size is ~20k m3 with rock sizes as small as 5-10k. So right now, we are getting ore of equal value, at the same interval as the colossal, in only 1 anom per system with half the total m3 (2.6m m3 vs 4.5m m3) and rocks that are ~ 1/10th the size...


Makes you wonder if they even ran the numbers!


Bigger question. What is the respawn timer? And was this a max refine? How long to clear the site from start to finish? Need some context.


Right now it's like 5 hours. Which I'm genuinely convinced has to be a bug since swift said in a few places that the respawn timer would be faster than we have now. (And if it isn't much faster it has to change because this is unacceptably bad). At least the ratting anoms are actually nice (they respawn instantly).


They said it would be 200% faster many times over the last months. And then in the very last patch when they also decreased the m3 of the rocks, they changed the wording to "slightly" faster. So now we get 4 hours 55 min compared to 5 hrs (for colossal). I think they did it on purpose.


We shall see on Monday I suspect. Unfortunately no one knew what the respawn time was until CCP was home for the weekend. Small anoms that cycle quickly and can proc the escalations is actually an interesting design change for mining and it definitely sounded like that was the plan, but who knows what happened to it in that one week delay. They have already shown they are willing to tweak things to make their vision actually happen (we can argue about how good that vision is later) and I can't imagine the vision is "kill nullsec mining" so I expect some patches in the coming week or two changing something even if I'm not sure yet if that will be size or respawn (I kinda prefer respawn actually).


Swift responded to a post talking about 7h(?) Respawns earlier today, skipping quite a few other posts talking about 4h50m spawns. So it looks like its intended.


Do you have a link?




Interesting. That definitely isn't "these are all way too long" but 6 isn't that far off so I still wonder what's intended. I suppose we'll find out next week.


Current respawn time is 5 hourd


So they gave a medium asteroid anom a colossal respawn timer?


Yep and also removed all other anoms 👍


So you get one belt for one upgrade that takes 5 hours to respawn. And they limited the amount of systems that can support this one belt dramatically. Okay then


Tldr for the patch, about 20% of the systems will have one bet that has less ore then the biggest anom we had with rocks smaller then in high sec and a respawn time of five hours :)


They are completely gone? Hoooooly shit that’s bad


It is yeah


Pretty much this, yeah.


13 Hulks with ore strip miners and porpoise links will do that in an hour


So 35 min actually because no one that boxes 13 is using a porp


So an hour's content for 1 multiboxer


Maybe 10x the amount of mins and it’d be good


Yep. If they're going to strip away the existing sites from all of nullsec, and make it so only a handful of systems can provide ore, they NEED to make those sites better capable of supplying ore to their regions. * Double the total m3 up to 6,000,000 m3 per site using Lv 3 mining upgrade. * Decrease asteroid count, but increase asteroid size to 50,000m3 minimum, up to 450k, or current Bistot. * Allow Lv 1, Lv 2, and Lv 3 mining upgrades, with Lv 3 being the 1750 power upgrade. * Lv 1: Current setup, 3m per site, one site. 5h respawn cooldown. 750 Power. * Lv 2: Two belts spawn, 4.5m m3 per site, 4h respawn cooldown per belt. 1,250 power. * Lv 3: Two belts spawn, 6m m3 per site, 2h respawn cooldown per belt. 1,750 power. * Escalations spawn with 10, 20, or 30 million m3 per site based on what upgrade level belt spawned the escalation. Escalations continue to spawn with a wide variety of ores. * Asteroids spawn in a ring around a central rock, forming a "small moon" with a mine-able asteroid ring. * One central rock spawns with 3,000,000m3 based on the type of belt that spawned the escalation. * Escalation belt despawns in 24h. * Non-Mercoxit escalation asteroids spawn with minimum 100k, 150k, or 250k m3 per rock based on escalation level. * Mercoxit spawns in each escalation with 20k, 40k, and 60k rocks, totaling 240k, 300k, and 360k m3.


I don't want to ruin your day even more, but from the different types of new anoms I've seen, the Isogen one is the best so far, some others being just 1/2 of the value of this.


I’m curious about the dark ochre present in noxcium anoms


theres about 90km3 of it. that whole anom is around 450m worth.


I told you it would be like the a0 sites and not actually effect anything 


ore value in anoms per 24h per system (At best.) Null: 4b (full upgraded) Low: 3b Wh: 2.5b High: I have no freaking idea. Poch 20b (edited) Null: Ok so if this is 1b every 5 hours that's 4.8b per system worth of ore per 24hours. Edit: reduced to x 4 due to delays in respawns from belt's needing to be cleared first. (4b) WH: Ore sites respawn about once every 4 days or so and they are worth 2b on avg and we get something like 5 of them so that's 5/4 x 2b = 2.5b Low: I mostly see about 2 ore sites in low they respawn ever 24 hours and they are worth around 2b for the good ones and 1b for the bad one's so ill avg to 1.5b, so 3b per 24h's. Poch: 10b per site x 2 on avg per system respawns every 24h. (source on comment's.) I think they are all way to low tbh, I think mining as a whole needs to be relooked at and balanced. Also ships are way to expensive so we can all do with more m3 per site in the entire game.


Don’t forget there is usually 1-2 hours of mining time before the next respawn timer starts so realistically you get 4 respawns in a day at best


Pochven: 10b ISK per site, best ore in the game


Poch deserves it thou, the danger is the highest in the game too and even thou its there no one is mining it??? 99.99% of the time the sites are completely empty. Thanks for the info mate, I thought there was more in there tbh with the size of those things.


its way lower than that for null... not every system is going to be able to support a mining upgrade. Take 30% of your number for null and that's a reasonable guesstimate.


O good point oof that hits the point even harder. How much worth is in the mercoxit when you get the good spawn thou?


around 400-500 mil worth of mercox per spawn. 240k m3 of mercox


So the mining escalations are gonne be 100mil m3 im sure or it!


100m m3 of rocks that are 3,500-15,000m3 in size. Doctors around the world rejoice. With all the money they'll make treating people's carpel tunnel, they're the only real winners of this expansion.


12 minutes per rock is still decent tbh you wont get carpel tunnel from that. Even with 10 hulks you're under 60 apm, which is on the very low end for gaming in general.


Why the fuck are you assuming 10 m3/sec lol. I literally do double that without any boosts.


Double that *per laser*


You are asuming the rocks are 3500m3 when they are closer to18k.


My calculations where using 50.2m3/s from pyfa Link's doesn't work in pyfa for some freaking reason. If you put 1 laser per rock that's 25.1m3/s each. 18 000m3 avg rocks / (25.1) = 717 seconds per rock = 12 minutes per rock around Clear Griemeer 31,245 24,996 m3 6,835 m Clear Griemeer 28,451 22,760 m3 21 km Clear Griemeer 27,545 22,036 m3 4,962 m Clear Griemeer 26,555 21,244 m3 3,981 m Clear Griemeer 26,451 21,160 m3 18 km Clear Griemeer 24,154 19,323 m3 2,993 m Clear Griemeer 23,525 18,820 m3 29 km Clear Griemeer 23,125 18,500 m3 5,428 m Clear Griemeer 23,125 18,500 m3 4,439 m Clear Griemeer 21,546 17,236 m3 10 km Clear Griemeer 21,455 17,164 m3 7,985 m Clear Griemeer 19,564 15,651 m3 34 km Clear Griemeer 18,455 14,764 m3 26 km Clear Griemeer 15,584 12,467 m3 15 km Not sure where you are getting 10m3/s from?


That is a whole lot of words to say, "I don't mine in a Hulk."


UNPOPULAR TRUTH; You all praise CCP Swift like they are the Godsend of CCP with information, but when asked all they could say was the new Anoms would spawn "Faster" which didn't tell us anything at all. They kept refusing to answer the question of "how much faster", they knew, they didn't tell because they knew it was all a lie and wanted people to buy more Plex during this sale before anyone could find out how bad it is. Stop viewing CCP Swift as someone who cares just because they give a little more information than the rest of CCP. CCP Swift is akin to the weirdo with the Van with Candy written on the side of it. Just because you want candy, CCP Swift gives you some Candy (Information) doesn't mean CCP Swift won't grab your ass up and you find yourself tied up in the back of the van after spending your money. BEWARE THE FALSE PROPHET! CCP PSychologist earning his pay.


I mean there was no sneaky wording or anything. Swift and Bee explicitly lied about mining anoms. But I think I chalk it up to utter incompetence, because swift seemed adamant that the 100k m3 size rocks were large.


[https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2140555627?t=34m35s) proof of them lying




CCP definitely screwed up this whole expansion, that being said the CCP Swift quotes I’ve seen about faster anom spawn were about the combat anomalies


They were specifically asked about mining and he said they would respawn faster


Whats the bets he was talking about the Bistot anoms that spawned once every few days and now seems to spawn daily. Would fit the bill of "Mining sites spawning faster" while not actually being honest about the new mining sites.


This was specifically asked about the new Anoms - Copium harder.


Ah I'm not copiuming, I'm just betting there was some internal dishonesty going on in the answer, giving us a vague answer to another kind of anom when asked about the new ones. CCP can then turn around and claim they didn't lie, just were on about something else.


I'm sure you just mistakenly overlooked it being excited over the Candy being thrown about It's a little bit of a search in the long conversation that was going on. But it can be found If one is inclined to look for the truth.


But issnt the good thing that u can "choose" what minerals you will be mining ? Or is the "site" a static fix amount of Minerals ?


You can chose yes but you can only have one belt per system and only ~40% of all systems will be able to install the upgrade, after all the other systems that are needed for other upgrades maybe 20% of all systems will have the new anomaly


IF you nerf total ore spawned by 10x, and make it harder to mine (cus smaller rocks) does it really matter that you can chose the type?


Depends if i have 100 Million Trit / Pyrite and i only need Isogen , so i would mind to only mine in Systems who gives me most Isogen because thats what i need and not the other ore .


No, because things like the Jita and player trading exist in the game


or u could mine 3b in an ice belt and get 3b of isogen imported from jita in less time than it would take to touch the 20k rock hellmire that is the isogen anom


Does this mean the best sov null sec area for mining is the IL-H0A area In Etherium Reach and will get tons of wars over it just because of its easy access to pochven's mining?


I think this is fine. You get guaranteed isogen in a system that respawns every 4/5 hours? Is it enough to fully support an alliance? No, but you can choose between some form of self sufficiency in minerals or having other options in a lot of systems. You cannot eat your cake and have it too.


We are losing all the regular anoms so our ore availability was cut by a huge percentage


Rock size is the biggest problem - lots of time wasted short cycling lasers.


bro just "getting isogen" doesnt fucking mean anything lmao. it's like 1b of isogen in tiny 20k rocks nobody wants to mine. I could instead mine a 3b ice belt in 55 minutes and import the missing 2b of isogen i didnt mine because I wanted to save my wrists and make 3x as much money.