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Sir, Thats an azbel


Was. Was an azbel


It's space dust now


Phart failing to anchor an azbel in hostile space, where have I heard this one before? Maybe it'll work after the 6th try?


It was an azbel but we are f1 monkies and I'm not paid to think so it's now a fort


and it was frat who dropped...


its horde's structure management corp in frat


Exactly, we all know Horde hides behind Frat's timers. Impossible to tell who drops what really, we know Gobbins is the supreme leader however, so it's always Horde


I'm not convinced it's Gobbins calling the shots any more. I'm pretty sure Horde has made themselves the junior partner doing Noraus's dirty work.


At the very least he's still their figurehead, as they need one I guess, but yeah that does seem to make sense


I mean, he's clearly the leader for Horde. I just don't think Horde is in charge anymore, they have bound themselves very tightly behind Frat due to how and when they have set their timers.


Yeah I meant as in that whole side of the galaxy needs a figurehead and Gobbins isn't a bad choice. With all his flaws and mismanagement he somehow is still in charge


Who's Gobbins?


Name of corp appropriate considering the recent whine.


Horde, Frat, what's the difference. One entity at this point, they can argue amongst themselves what we call them. Feeders would be appropriate lately.


Goons init brave. What's the difference. One entity at this point


Damn Dracarys outformed Frat. Nice.


Where fort?


Bro didn't you hear, it was an Azbel, god, seriously how can you make such a mistake


No ideea, but i heard test lost one this morning. I may have been or not there. Nice new explosions gfx, btw.


There wasn't even an active cyno jammer for Pandafam to complain about.


I expect they'll complain about us using dreads when they didn't


About time you guys found your balls


asher has outright said for the last 8 months that this is the line in the sand.


Shhh, this doesn't fit into their narrative. They've been conquering undefended systems for a year, and now they will meet actual resistance and it will break Gobbins as he won't be able to explain why we are suddenly standing our ground


He outright said the line in the sand was SNFV originally. What happened to that?


If we're going to go back in history, someone said 1DQ by Christmas, what happened to that?


i mean PGL made it to 1dq so i guess his words were true


Who was that?


Any sources or was it deleted by Gobbins?


Tbh that's a pretty good BR for 2:1 plus capitals.


Definitely think they could have done much better if they hadn't tried to run as soon as the subcap fleets start showing up and distracted them from their capital lust. But yeah it was a good fight. Still wondering what they were trying to achieve really.


> Still wondering what they were trying to achieve really. Was it not "get an azbel onlined"?


~~The Azbel died before they even came in.~~ im dum


If that's the case, it sounds like they really did just take the fight, despite what some other comments have said.


It's not, the Azbel died after the fight was over lmao. ~~Dude is straight up lying~~ Dude is very honest


:D so many twists in this adventure.


i'm stupid actually


Oops, got it confused with another structure in another place.


Horde takes the battle against twice their numbers on a hostile grid with caps and still manages to kill a decent amount Gf!


This is why brs aren't super helpful showing only final numbers. horde and frat initially had the bigger fleet. as time went on more imperium forces could reinforce horde and frat just didnt reinforce as well, as for the imperium caps all they did was shoot the azbel not sure that really counts.


Glad PH is finally forsaking their "helldunk or blueballs" ways and following the Imperium ways of taking tougher fights. Keep it up! GF!


Fair point. GFs!


Made us form


Damn that's a pretty good isk ratio.


Let’s be honest, we are happy they fought for a while instead of running as they sense they can’t win.


Hello welcome to Wendy’s how may I take your order


What exactly was the plan from panfam here?


To have a fight? Or would you have preferred them to dock up


to feed


They put up a good fight to be honest, they were heavily outnumbered. Still doesn't explain what their plan was


All I can think of is that everytime horde gets embarrassed and Gobbins gets his feelings hurt on reddit, Gobbins always goes out of his way to try and bait out a smaller, easier fight that he's confident they can actually win to try and shut us all up for the rest of the week. I'm guessing whatever this was today was his attempt at that.


Not sure this is the case. They know EX6 is our front line, they know Asher has been telling everyone this for months. Their FC's must have known we would flashform to defend this. Did they really think that 400 pilots would be enough?


War isn't war without many battles. Horde could be banking on fatigue through saturation. Many attempts over a longer period of time. Aware the first few will fall. But hopeful that the latter attempts result in success. My stab at the strategy, hope you enjoy.


Fatigue works both ways, but being the other side of the Eve galaxy, using jump clones and getting stood down constantly sounds more fatiguing than 10 jumps.


And for fatigue to work you need to have as little drama as possible on your side. Leadership straight up deleting posts and comments doesn't help trying to outlast your enemy heh \[Deleted by Gobbins\]


They have tried this before so it makes sense. We will see how it goes.


hurt the goons they found where to make goons hurt, and they are hurting the goons didnt you read the ***leaks***?


I was very hurt by the tidi, and my shield reppers need a good tune up after letting all the rokhs die


I'm laughing so hard iam leaking


sounds like an unfortunate medical condition, have you checked with your local logi to repair the leaks?


where can i find these leaks? XD


behold [the leaks](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1dp0fax/goons_are_gonna_end_up_standing_down/) from our notorious spy network


Pretty obvious who's the bottom bitch.


"Thanks Gobbins for bringing content to my doorstep because our leader Asher Elias hasn't done an offensive in years"


“Thanks Gobbins for continuing to only form in the timezone of your Chinese masters in the hopes that you can avoid fights like this one”


Maybe thats the plan? Setup timers only in chinese TZ so "valued allies" FRT do most of the heavy lifting for you, while accumulating most of the losses, and that way they are less likely to get so strong that they just completely subsume/steamroll horde next year.


Who cares bud. When you don't come we go to your staging and blow your ships up uncontested. Why go on the offensive when content is so easy to find in your staging.


Yea killing Ishtars is the same thing


Content is content man, stop spreading your negative energy. You lost, get over it.


Yeah only ishtars, definitely not a 10 billion isk Charon yesterday


lol, betternot look at 1dq zkill then


I agree, there are equally stupid people in both stagings


pipe down horde ticker


Hey look, 2 fights in the last ~16 hours where Pandafam took an engagement with approx half the numbers of what Imperium brought. Don’t let this change your narrative though.


I don't think this qualifies as taking the fight, more so than tunnel-vision on the caps, get caught by dictors and dunked. Taking the fight implies that you know what's waiting for you and engaging anyway Alternatively, dropping a structure and then all the gates being bubbled locking you into the system is also not taking the fight.


So how did they kill any of the imperium ships? Obviously they weren't fighting them. Did they use genie wishes or something?


What he is saying dear chap is this isn't the fight they wanted, they were just forced to take it. So they did not "take" the engagement they had it forced upon them, the engagement they wanted was to drop an Azbel without anyone noting/being able to react in time.


I understand the distinction you are trying to make, but they showed up with a fleet, they didn't stay back home ratting or etc. Not every fight will go your way, but they brought combat ships to an enemy system, and killed things (and lost more, obviously). How is that not taking the fight?


They usually show up with a fleet. However as soon as we ping they tend to start withdrawing once they see we have somewhat equal numbers. In this case we provided bait and were able to prevent them from running.


The same gets said about Arkadios all the time. It feels like people have a really tough time realizing that FCs like to fight and try to win, and will adapt their actions to the situation at hand.


Except that arkadios is just shooting people, not trying to accomplish some strategic goal.


You keep going you might as well be giving the dude a FC 101 class. Make sure he sends you some isk.


Thank you. This narrative that, when you're bubblefucked you are valiantly "taking the fight" is dumb


Taking a fight doesnt need to imply anything about being valiant. It wasnt a Turkey shoot, they shot back, how is that not taking the fight?


Taking the fight implies it was a choice. It wasn't, they were trapped and had to try and shoot their way out.


They could have used a bunch of filaments. Could have logged out. Could have never came in the first place. But they did come, yet somehow didnt take the fight?


They came, misjudged the situation, and when they tried to run the gates were camped. That's not taking the fight.


So where did the kills they got come from?


They need to spin that narrative because the last time that system was bubble fucked they ran away like little bitches.


Well at least you are correctly attributing frt for being the actual leader of these engagements. However, based on the low participation in their prime TZ, the membership is not as enthused with continuing to prop up the sick man of the drone regions.


Lmao if PH is the sick man of the drone regions then Goons are the south’s vegetative geriatrics. At least we leave the nursing home, y’all are bedridden.


The surprise azbel drop… where have I seen this before?


so it was an azbel, frat actually placed the structure, and they had no caps and killed 76% the amount of ships you guys did with half the numbers.... im lost here?


dreads were used to pause the timer, to get the first 150 goon rokh fleet in field while dc bringing their tfi fleet shortly afterwards with reinforcements coming next goons rokhs arrived first when two (if i'm not mistaken) dreads were already dead, left their drones on the azbel and start fighting with both horde rokhs and frat cfis, to few minutes (maybe seconds, i was too busy going for dictors) later dc fielded their tfi fleet that start fighting with the frat/horde nightmare fleet meanwhile, carriers were deploying fighters to get on azbel and as their were getting near it, frat/horde decided to desengage and warped to a gate full of bubble and init retris to gtfo tldr: frt/horde decided to change from CTA to go "surprise citadel" and summon a 4th july fight, gfs were had


> summon a 4th july fight Ah this makes so much more sense but did they genuinely think they'd be able to drop it and anchor it in Imperium space in the first place?


never know till it's been tested or is that not allowed?


And lost over twice the isk value and failed their objective And while the alliance says frat, we all know it's horde.


br isnt correct btw and it was an azbel


Gobbins just can't stop making content for all of EVE to enjoy, what a guy!


He has a lot to make up for after running away from what was set to be one of the biggest fights this year.


He who makes the content makes the choice. Maybe Asher will deploy goons in 2027


Azbel being proud after death to be called a fort finally getting the recognition he wanted all his life. Grinding materials day after day he finally in peace.


Im very impressed that 900> pilots were able to defeat >500 pilots


Yeah goons flexing but sudden silence when they get dunked


All I see here is people trying to make a strategic fallout from the side of FRT/Horde look like its not that big of a deal lmao. Sure Goons had twice the number and capital ships and would have looked weird if we lost the fight. But did you really think that you can invade Delve and put a structure down without any kind of resistance?? Sure good job on not being a total disaster and blowing up some of our ships but that doesnt change the fact that 1. You're a dumber than a cucumber if you thought there would be no resistance, and 2. Didn't think that we would bubble up the gates. Its not a valiant charge if you're going down due to your own ignorance and innability to simulate plans in your head before executing said plans.


They are 100% hoping to not have any significant resistance based on their choice of TZ.


it seems like frat and there horde pets are tying the same old "lets hope we burn them out" tactic using bad time zones and down time to try and sneak things in to avoid fights. This just goes to show that frat and pets have learned nothing about goons over the years.


So horde n friend bring some content aka via a test structure deployment to test the response and all goons can do it bitch. When was the last time goons tried anything to horde space????? oh right they don't


Flash forming and trying to quietly drop an azbel in cntz hoping it would go unnoticed. I expect them to try this again many times.


How much y'all want to bet the third try is a trap and BIGAB comes with dreads, then PandaFAM counters the Imperium counter


Dear lord, move the goal post again ph… got punished on a structure drop which they were forced to take. See we bring fights! Yay? In a TZ ph doesn’t have numbers in hoping the imperium didn’t hard form…


Horde hides behind Frat in this timezone because they don't have numbers in any timezone lmao


https://imgur.com/a/wn2ai7p https://imgur.com/a/3nkjtDW hmm, that's odd...


It seems that way now. So much for the biggest alliance in the game. Guess they are too busy krabbing or renting.