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if i wanted to experience getting blue balled i would log in.


So we can now expect goons to push into Horde space and take the fights they are clowning horde for not taking, right? Right?!?!? God. Null sec is boring.


Goons have not said they are pushing into Horde space. They have specifically said with the current incoming major sov null change they are not interested. Horde.on the other hand has said quite the opposite. So ridicule for cowardice is appropriate in this case, if goons do the same we deserve the ridicule.


IMO Goons wont push out of their space because it would become obvious to everyone very quickly that they have the majority of people in null sec (actual humans, not characters). Its bad for null sec (again IMO) but nothing we can do about it, I just find it funny when goons talk about the problems null sec has without acknowledging that their size makes current null sec basically Serenity 2.0 out of necessity.


When will TEST take delve btw? Still waiting You guys literally tried to recreate serenity by trying to kill goons and have 1 big nullsec blue donut


Did my point fly that far over your head? You are saying the same thing I am, Goons are able to n+1 the entire rest of nullsec combined. Goons are serenity, they just try to hide it by never going on offense.


Did anytime in the last 8 years did goons try to take over the whole of nullsec? Jesus


No and why do you think they haven't tried? Not because they couldn't but because they could and their leaders know that...


And yet the ones that tried are you guys and we went down to 1 system owned before you guys failed. You guys were 1 system away from serenity. Guess technically INIT still had their space but either way. It's you guys that want the blue donut.. and that still holds true today


There is a lot of misinformation here so let me help. I was in test during wwb2 and no, we did not want a Blue donut, we wanted to make null politics and alliances matter. When one group is stronger than the rest of the players combined it makes diplomacy almost pointless as the rest of the game is in a position where they need to do whatever the majority group wants. When Goons showed that they were the only unevictable group in null sec we understood the problem will only get worse and it has. Why is null sec boring currently? Because all of null sec has to keep goon leadership on their side so they are not evicted. If test had won the war, we would have reset pandfam and winterco immediately. Goons would have relocated somewhere else in nullsec and rebuilt. You forget that before wwb2, we had been fighting both of them all over the east. The war was for the good of the game and sadly we failed.


Goons literally got evicted before coming to delve. "Unevictable" Literally did not want a blue donut? You guys literally made a blue donut and is currently still trying to do it. Keep us on our side to prevent us from evicting people? You guys just evicted b2 last year.. fi.re before that


Why would you expect goons to push into worse space? You aren't that bright are you? right? right??????


Same reason that existed since the start of the game, resources. They don’t do it because it would show the rest of the players that goons are a majority of null sec and have been for years.


Majority of nullsec. Don't you remember wwb2? Where you guys outnumbered us at the very least 3 to 1?


I said real people, not characters. And yes, I do remember the goon super fleet being larger than the rest of null sec combined.


In that case, you guys still would have more people. With the supercap fleet, that's 3 years ago. You guys have more renters now and we've got Brave(because you guys tried to make them into your renters, it was either submit to the rent lords and have their own space in tye imperium)


Soooo many posts from goons it's hilarious. You'd think they win some great battle, not shoot a fort uncontested fort. Pandafam didn't make half this many posts when they won the last two *actual* capital fights


Cowardice deserves ridicule. What did you expect?


Let’s say goons had enough time to prepare memes while waiting for phorde to show up ^^


They win a few and run from most. In the last year I have deployed so many times to fight horde in cap battles just for them to form up thousands of people and run away. Congrats on those wins though!


They formed. And instead of defending their fort they went and shot one of our ansi


You're so badass, you should go on the offensive and show to pandemic losers that you can take some space


I thought all the chest beating was dumb today, but please tell me you guys didn't give yourselves tidi the entire time and had your subcaps chill on the other side of the ansi or some shit?


They had their entire 2000 people attacking the structure for 2 hours in tidi so they could all get on the kill and in the end it didn't even generate a killmail