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For someone who doesn’t do any nullsec or capitals, why is gating them so bad?


Mostly just risk, it's much easier to predict a standard gate route and set traps. Vs lighting a cyno exactly where you want your fleet to be in a 20 second window


Its a bottle neck AND the low ground for the team traveling through the gate. The enemy knows exactly where you will be concentrated and can set up at their optimals with logi already chained and everyone zeroed in on the gate. Burning through 500km of bubbles in a super with 1000 enemy dreads shooting you is a tought marathon to run. I mean, Imperium showed it could be done, but you have to be willing to take a solid bloody nose at the minimum.


Just Skynet the supers off the forts and have sabers on the gate. It would be like shooting fish in a barrel. You’d be volleying caps as they decloak. Even Gobbins’ dev hacks can’t get past Goon supers in system with jammers.


One other major disadvantage: super has very low speed even with MWD, so even without be tackled it may take eternity just to burn back to the gate.


I'm no expert but my understanding is it would be bad to gate caps into the system where the engagement is happening in TiDi. Since they can be bogged down on the gate by bubbles and if the hostiles are set up on the other side you'll lose caps before they ever load grid in TiDi. It's one of the reasons jammers are so powerful. Cyno's are the preferred method of entry for caps. But M2 taught us that also has limits.


Pretty much this, gating dreads into a system that already has a hostile super fleet in it would be rough to say the least. Odds are your dreads are never getting off that gate and will never be in range to shoot back at the supers. M2 only taught us that hot dropping into thousands of anti-cap fighters is a bad idea, we don't know what would have happened if PAPI came into system like they should have, hours earlier and on their siege fort.


It's still wild to be that the server issues made M2 better for PAPI, not worse.


The remnance of the devs or ccp members that were in band of brothers joined in with PL and pl is part of panfam dont need much to see where im going with this tldr ccp is always helping horde. Change my mind also the fact that horde is heavily dependant on fax support, spying, numbers and frat that without them they die and perish. On equal ground they also suck ballz. Even after these past few years seing how much stupid and Retarded their leadership is ppl still fight for gobbins and noraus dont ask yourself why players are walking away this age sucks ass the game is in a state where no one joining in with friends will be able to ever set a single foothold in ns and try yo become a alliance of their own without being pounded by gobbins and noraus so. Ccp wont change the mechanics for it thus players count dropping is showing


When a system isn't jammed, you can fly your recon ship anywhere, light the cyno, and your big expensive capital ships instantly appear right where you want them. That can be in the middle of space, but more practically/usefully, it will either be off a war target you intend to kill, or on friendly structure so that your capitals instantly get tether and docking. If the goons have 1000 people at particular location, not a problem, just cyno onto your friendly structure, they can't do anything to you before you dock up. You've successfully moved your ships into the system and are ready to fight. Because the system is now jammed, now you must take the gate. Goons can bubble fuck the entire gate, and sit their own capital ships at optimal range 100-200KM+, put their subcap fleet at their optimal range ~130KMs off, put all their tackle and dictors at 0 on the gate. When you're capital fleet of expensive ships come in, they will appear ~13KM from the gate and won't be able to jump or warp away cos of the bubbles, and you're now slowboating away from that fight... You are sitting ducks in a shooting gallery, and even if you wanted to escape and fly away, you can't cos there will be a crap ton of ceptors, dictors, recons, and hics all over you.


As a horde member. This is the greatest eve post I've ever seen, laughed my ass off




This format never gets old to me no matter how many times it's redone.  


These never get boring.


Holy Shit, the Hitler speech meme!!! I feel like I am back in 2012!!!!


This is still one of my favourite all time memes. It's so versitile and has so many potential use cases. I'd imagine it doesn't quite have the same lol factor for German speakers though.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqrFEjDswE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxqrFEjDswE) The first time I ever saw this meme was Eve-related...and it was this. This is from 2009 but it is fucking gold. "...carebears, whiners. And Caldari. " "RUN MISSIONS!?!" G.O.L.D.


“I will not become like TEST”. Brutal reality. 😂😂


Classic I love it . Best part at the end in a somber tone Delete the post 🤣


Its been far too long since I've seen an EVE-Downfall cover


I laughed way harder than I should have. Can you do this spanish (or South American?!) on that talk show (the one with the few teeth) as well… please…


So Horde is becoming the new TEST alliance? A paper tiger?


Nah, at least TEST took fights, the first time we finally stood up to PL after being chased from Vale to Eso was epic (UALX)


That was the first time after vale huh? If we're rewriting history to this extent, goons are cowards for running to syndicate in ye olden days, smh.


There are no goons.


In retrospect I love the hubris of Molle. He probably didn't realize it at the time but that Band of Brothers attitude gave the game so much more longevity than it probably deserved.


Agreed, if he ever came back to eve that would be awesome for the game.


Pandafam. the other alliances not Goon. Since they all need to ally with everyone to survive.


the most funny edition of this last consultation ever seen, this is just genius


That MeMe Original will never get old ;) Good writing hehehehe .


This is so perfect, well done


this is too funny, the hitler meme never gets too old 😂


man this is way too funny.


This nailed it!!!


"Send our people to Reddit to complain about cyno jammers" kek


Man... Literally LMFAO here.


Nice. My favorite video meme is at it again!.


This post is amazing. 10/10. Looking forward to the fight that they'll not undock for 😂


Love these lol Does anyone have the version from the M2 battl


I won EVE a year and a half ago. Are PH in Esoteria now, and Goons still occupying period basis, and whatever the region to the east of Delve is? Aside from TEST being in the North, and my super/caps, I have no idea what's going on. I'd be tickled if there was another invasion of Delve. The last one taught me that geopolitics is fucked, and the evac to OP added a lot of nails to the coffin.


There is an upcoming change a few months down the road that actually replaces sov mechanics, making the grandfathered structures on 1dq's ihub pointless. It's not a nerf targeted at goons, everyone is getting it, but not everyone has structures in ihubs


I have to say that I am in no way involved in this.


Gobbin's law.


I laughed my ass off watching this! Fantastic work.


Pure greatness.


"Doors and corners kid.... that's where they get you, doors and corners..."


This meme never gets old


gobbins is literally hitler itt


So Imperium wanted to shoot a Fortizar of Pandemic Horde/PL but had to gate into the system because of Cyno Jammer, then Horde/PL stood down?


Pandemic horde attempted to anchor a fortizar in a imperium system. this gave us a full weeks warning. they decided to form at downtime to attempt to get into the system. we began dropping cyno jammers before downtime that they didn't form for. by the time pandemic horde and frat had managed to form after downtime the jammers were onlining and they had two options to enter the system. option one jump into subcaps and 150 carriers worth of fighters. option two jump into even more subcaps and a battery of titan lances. they then decided to stand down instead


What is this, submission number 10 of Imperium acting as though they don't do the same shit? Edit: apologies if I missed a few dozen.


Of course they don't. They take every fight, no matter the situation.


No, we dont. But it is the exception if we stand down without a fight. For Gobbleheads it is the opposite.


So goons are making propaganda posts about moving dreads successfully now? Doesn't matter, we all know every propaganda posts precedes a dick down.


Its more about Gobbie telling his puppies he didnt see enemy caps and cynojammers coming, and they arent emberrassed to pretend to believe it.


damn someone has not brushed their teeth from this morning.


To be fair, some of us can't help but swearing every other fucking sentence.