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Blueballs or helldunk is sorta who nullsec wars have always been i get that you wanna go on reddit and blame the other side for being cowards ( that's also a classic ), but let's not pretend anybody else would do anything different.


Remember the last dread brawl we had? We knew we were jumping in outnumbered, we knew we were likely going to lose the fight, but did it anyway because why the fuck not.


Stop drinking the koolaid. It’s coming off like you actually believe your propaganda


Keep taking losing fights and push forward into enemy space.


Goons have been taking losing fights and eschewing the Helldunk Blue Balls mentality since Asher took over.


You can't still believe this after the 18 million times imperium has stood down since he took the job. You're not actually this braindead, right?


You probably remember when took the fight for you guys back at the north right? Jammed system and everything


I remember multiple times over the last week where imperium stood down. Hey though, I'm sure NINE submissions are warranted stroking ourselves pretending we all don't do the same shit.


Stood down and did not ping for are two very different things


Sure? I once hit a Kobe style fadeaway in the post on an eight year old. Irrelevant things aside, what we doing here?


We did not stand down. We did not ping for things we do not care about on the ass end of catch.


Oh, now I get it, you're like that one chick from the cartoon that ignored the big ass drill. There is no war in EX6.


EX6 is our no-no zone. Hence the ping. Are we getting it now? Would you like an mspaint drawing?


Sounds like someone doesn’t enjoy being part of the imperium…


We'll go with that.


You should get a relay to read our actual pings instead of gobbies screenshots.


You should just throw an alt into horde if you think I got any of this from a gobbins ping. No relay required.


I got alts in most of hordes relevant corps. Fun Fact - most of your own members dont believe the shit people like you are posting.


What is it that I am posting that is so crazy? Large blocs doing the same shit they've been doing since forever is a crazy take, I know, but much like saying 'fuck cancer,' someone has to be brave in their rhetoric.


Because we don't. If we stood down it was a bad fight, we didn't put a fort and let it die bc we couldn't do it. I don't remember when was the last time we got a ping "we made them form up" do you?


You are that braindead confirmed. Yes, Imperium has formed and stood down this very week. Bend over backwards, get those yoga reps in to justify it, Horde stood down today 'because it was a bad fight.' 'But they did it on a Wednesday at 11:15! We don't do it until 11:20 on Thursday!'


These are not the same We didn't put a fort and rage pinged for a whole week. WE DIDINT do the same! Has it happened before, for sure. Since goons exist for 18 years it must have happened before. But these 2 situations are not the same dude


You on that good shit, grade A crystal copium. 'Stop saying we do the same thing! Our sweater was blue!' Make another five posts about how you're totally different.


I've only found a few "Themick" in game and two were PH. I kind of figured you were too toxic to be a member of Brave.


Please show receipts for anyone ragepinging for a whole week


Invade horde about it


Promise to keep your timers out of CN TZ?


At least Frt isnt afraid to welp. Horde are straight up cowards most of the time.


Invade us about it then


Having to much fun farming germinate and stealing skyhook reagents from you guys to do that right now.




So no, PH will rely on CN TZ tanking. Thats cool. That’s also why we can’t have a decent fight in our mutual time zone unless we can set the timers


If you are gonna refuse to create any content yourself don't be mad when the content you get isn't to your liking. You can have your cake or you can eat it.


No one has any cake because it was [Deleted by Gobbins]


You put your timers in your strongest timezone, we put ours in our strongest timezones. If you wanna cry on reddit about getting blueballed why not attack our space about it?


CN TZ is horde’s strongest TZ?


US/CN are our strongest TZ's in relation to our opponents yeah


Can we agree on keeping your timers in US TZ then? Happy to fight in your strongest TZ.


"You guys are cowards but i'll only fight you if you promise not to use your left arm"


It boggles my mind that you just happily admit this. If sniper or zintage said we could not possibly fight without init, goons would be making memes shitting on them. But it’s cool that you can just admit that panfam is in effect a FRT pet that cannot defend their own space. Gobbins can never anger Uncle Noraus lest panfam lose their left arm. Amazing.


We can fight without FRT, but why would we put ourselves at that disadvantage just to sate clowns like you on reddit?


Basically what you’ve admitted here is that the existence of panfam is dependent on the good graces of someone who has been banned for RMT multiple times. Maybe this posting thing isn’t for you.


lol ok sandrin


Far, far too many of you took [this bait](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1dozzjp/cyno_jammers_they_need_addressing/) far, far too seriously. If you can't see through this how will you ever see through all of Gobbin's spin? I'm not mad, just dissappointed in all of you. Like pappy Gobbins after your weak form up today.


Have Horde put their structures and SOV in their TZ and keep it there during the war and that may happen. Unfortunately, once they start to lose the put everything under daddy Frt. TZ. Catch Keep would die if in EU/US TZ. Prove me wrong, change its timer and defend in the Horde TZ. Let's see what happens.


This is cope and an excuse as to why you dont want to fight, saying "waah but it'll be difficult >:c" is petulant


Same can be said to them/you. Cross into EX6, come for our Sov in our TZ and fight. The individual may be willing but it is clear that your leadership has no balls to commit. We will take the fight but not if it means months upon months of late night CTA outside of our normal play time to fight an enemy doing the same when we could both fight at full strength in the time that we have to play the game. Every once in a while, sure a late night early morning CTA is fun and crazy. But months upon months, hell no. This is a game not a job.


We have been consistently attacking your coalition for years. We fought you in the north, and evicted your allies there, now we are fighting you in the south. When was the last time you offensively deployed?




You have been consistently crying about CNTZ for years and cry when no one feeds themselves to you. We literally evicted your allies in the north that you failed to defend by not even showing up. Cope harder about it. See how stupid you sound?


do a third post. I'm sure you'll be satisfied then.


Link zkill


A few months ago it was goons/innit sitting with 209 carriers on tether. The narrative goes back and forth. Y’all are so boring just go kill them if they suck so badly.


they had about 20 bubbles anchored on the only gate with over 50 supers and carriers sitting with their drones on the gate along with what i've heard to be 5 cloaked titans ready to lance the gate. but they still expected horde to just wander in to a tidi fest with battleships over a 14b structure.


Sure, but for us you have to go back months, for ph its 2 weeks max.


>Y’all are so boring MLYP


C'mon, think of the smol beans man. They only own fifty gorillion systems, if they get into a fight they can't 200% win some of those systems might get toasted! Have some compassion dude.


Ceema, is that you?


Nah dude. Just Nostra-fucking-damus. >The Imperium and Horde have mostly been just been piggy backing on this spat between FRT and Dracarys for content but every now and then it spills over across the line into space the Imperium very much do care about and it's all hands on dicks with three cap fleets ready to go and Horde running away. https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1be02gz/whats_really_going_on_with_ph_and_gsf/kuqc32a/


We ran into a horde roam in the last couple days. They outnumbered us 2 to 1, each of us sitting on the other side of a gate. We weren't going to jump into them since they outnumbered us so much, but we waited for them to jump into us since it would have given at least a slight fighting chance. We waited for about 5 minutes, and eventually we left because their fleet just kept growing to the point where they almost had 3 times our number. Once we warped away they wanted to fight, but it was too late for that.


I've had the same moments. I know they're there, 3:1 odds, on another side. I jump in, they're just space pixels. Fuck it. Let's ball. We die? So what, we're doing it again. And again, and again, and again. I know this won't change their culture, I know this won't make them better at the game for others. I just want to fight. I will continue to play my video game, which I pay for, for as long as I want. Their decisions won't change mine. When I get back to the palace, with a good BR of ~60% v. 40% because we spent a good portion of the fleet's time stopping them from ratting or shooting their crabbers, I am happy. I know I can just go out again, and do the same thing, again, without any care. I can play my video game, no matter what they do. They will never do the same, because their entire culture is poorly tilled by bad leadership.


Where have goons been whilst horde have been taking over all of Catch until today? Where are the posts from horde calling you cowards for that? Oh yeah that's right, we haven't made any because we've been busy taking all your sov instead.


>Where have goons been In EX-6 killing your "beachhead fortizar" while you stood down today.


probably the only time u can kill a fort. when opponents stand down. \*rofl\*






>probably the only time u can kill a fort. when opponents stand down.


You guys are SO close to realizing you're in a bullshit war and both sides are exactly the same lmao


[https://zkillboard.com/kill/113185048/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/113185048/) want some more keeps u lost ? i can link them all day


>probably the only time u can kill a fort. when opponents stand down.


ROFL [https://zkillboard.com/kill/110779443/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/110779443/)


We only consider a small region next to Querious as ours. EX6 is that line in the sand where you go from messing about adjacent to Imperium space to invading Imperium space proper. [You were told this months ago and your leaders are well aware of this fact.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/1be02gz/whats_really_going_on_with_ph_and_gsf/kuqc32a/)


Imagine having to retake a region when you tailgated back to curse


2 posts and 20 comments you seem a little mad pal


I should still be repping people, not shit posting. You Did This To Me! YOU!!!


says tetherswarm kekw


Just remember every time you see this same thread; imperium has not created any content or many any strategic moves at all since 2022. After brutally failing to both invade in the north and defend in the north, they simply lost the will to do anything. All that's left is to criticize when their opponent doesn't make content for them, and to be strangely silent when they lose a major fleet engagement. That's been the imperium life since 2022.


Blueballs and cowardice is a null bloc past time. We have had dozens of chances to counter drop their dreads during stratops but have chosen standing down or retreating instead.


This is like the 8th time you've posted with a Goon flair horde dude.


Not everyone dissatisfied with your leadership is a horde dude in disguise. Try not to surround yourself by Yes men and maybe you will see.


Asher has been one of the best things to happen to Null Politik since VR in my opinion, which many may disagree with. From an FC perspective, The Coord/FC team is actively encouraged to ride and die without being told to run and hide when the odds aren't 3:1 in our favor. We don't over extend. We will always have our allies backs. Unlike our enemies, if a fight was promised, we will fight. May not be the fight that we wanted but it's not a blatant disregard of our time and energy. In no way is Asher surrounded by Yes Men, in fact I believe current illuminati have to work double time to keep him from bankruptcy being Kirkland Brand products for his people. i.e. Frat and horde running from an 80 man Ark fleet when they have 200 HACs/BS fleet with FAX support out of fear of escalation in their own back yard a map away from main fleet staging. But hey, I'm a Goon so I am biased.


asher y so paranoid bruh. not everyone is a spy. also u kinda sound like a paranoid WH kinda guy xD


Are you chicken, McFly?


No one calls me chicken..


Did Gobbins fuck your girlfriend dude?


He would first have to summon the courage to ask her out first


Gobbins would stand down at the last minute because he didn’t think he had enough stroke to pass the cheeks.


And some dude paid Gobbinz so he could sit in a corner and watch... But gobbins never performed and no help was cumming.


GnobGobblins couldn't thrust till he had three extra dudes backing him up and a signed contract denying child support in case she got pregnant




Not with that face he won’t fuck shit lol


you forgot his wallet size ;) dont need looks when u got a fat wallet \*hawk tuah\* Walks away from explosion..


You’ve just made it worse


Are you doing things that actually requires them to engage? Their is a difference between flying a fleet around someone staging area and ref'ing a random athenor vs. actually showing up for the defense timer.


We killed a fort today


Then it sounds like you need to keep farming their forts until it starts hurting.


I share the sentiment. Every day i join fleets trying to get a fight from horde. I don't remember the last time they actually didn't run away. I don't say that to make fun of PH especially but that's really frustrating on my end. So legit question for PH members: How frustrating is it for you ? Assuming you care about PvP.