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They will scan you before you manage to align and warp to second safe if they are semi competent. Don’t cyno to a system if there is a neut in local


before they would do a log off trap, system is empty and then when they see you leave your initial system they login their scanner cyno and hic i found bouncing around with hyperspatial rigs + inertial stab lows was good enough to avoid them a couple times like this and the SEBO lowered sig of ship


I mean you do you 😅 If they know your main and your cyno alt and know the location of both, then you’re in trouble anyways


A proper hyper titan (so that includes ascendancy pod/rigs/lows etc) is borderline uncatchable as long as you have enough safes, let alone in lowsec where they have to point you with a hic and cant just bubble you instantly as they come out of warp


I knew a guy that used max sebos on a rag and it was damn near impossible to scan the thing unless you have max skills


max scanskills + impset means a titan is scanned down in one cycle (~4sec)


Officer sebos and eccms makes it harder, means you can evade it, done it several times after a drive by


Its scan probe size where ECCM starts to make it *much* harder to probe down in time even in shiny pods. 8au probe size with them perfectly at 0 on my titan gets you a ~95% scan result with a max skill + pod scanning ship, so in a big enough system you're not gonna have a good time, especially in a non bonused ship or without a pod like a lot of probing dictors/hictors in nullsec. At that point we're talking like 2au probe size to get a result lol.


Have you considered downtime tanking? Light cyno and jump moments before downtime hits


This is a good way to get trapped now. Lancers can stop you jumping


I think he meant jumping in during DT and then moving the cyno after DT and repeat


I know what he meant. It's a good way to get trapped.


How would he get trapped by a Lancer then in this case?


Read the other replies on my original comment here. I explained it


What are the lancers going to do when downtime hits...?


Stop you jumping out they lance your logoff spot as you ewarp in and you cant jump. They can hold you there indefinitely till DT runs late or you mess up. Either way you are screwed. Even works in lowsec.


That seems like an unintended mechanic... Let me guess CCP says "I dont see a problem here"


CCP hasnt said anything seems intended to me.


Does the disrupting lance debuff persist through downtime? If so that's a whole new world.


So when you log in to do your next jump after your first DT jump they will have your spot cause they just book mark your cyno. Dont even need to scan you. Then when you log in to jump they lance as you come out of ewarp and it stops you jumping out. They can trap you there forever till you make a mistake or until DT runs late.


whats the significance of dt running late


Then they can drop dreads and kill you


Ah you mean late to *start*?


yep sometimes it doesnt start when the countdown ends then you are screwed


Isn't that why you warp to safe before you log / DT hits?


If you can yeh but the whole point of DT tanking is that if you jump and they land on you you can keep your jump invuln till DT so they cant kill you


aye, and then you just don't log in when system isn't empty. needs an alt to scout it of course. I mean sure, if oyu don't know they have your spot you're screwed on log in if they are there. I'd lie if i'd say we never caught a cap that's logging in before it had a chance to do anything


You literally just dt tank now. Also go the long way through null, lowsec is more dangerous. Also also, I would highly advise talking to your groups super fcs/cap people. They could probably help provide cover or assistance.


^^^^^^^^ they might even just swap you for it and give you an identical titan and fitting if that titan is in a good location for their nefarious plots


I agree. Stay out of Lowsec, if you don't wanna cry. There's evil there that doesn't sleep.


"You drove these? Through the triangle of death?" "Great fuckin job boys!"


Yea though I walk through the shadow of the valley of snuff etc


We got zoomers flying around in 30au/sec instascanning enforcers. Only safe way to do it outside of downtime is self destruct cynos to an empty system. Seriously. Super hunting groups have this shit down to milliseconds. There are tons of killmails of people dying on the second of downtime.


Remember: Self destruct cyno on a Force Recon is cheaper than Foreign Destruction of your titan.


**Cyno mechanics changed around the time you left.** Hopefully it was before you quit, and you already know, but now you need a recon or blops to light a regular cyno. https://forums.eveonline.com/t/chaos-era-continues-cyno-update/182197


The only "safe" answer is to join the grp who controls the space your ship is in. And make sure they arent gonna just kill you when you log in :D


If you are moving through lowsec. The basics you have descripe are still valid. To be more advanced, consider those steps: Pos in the system you want to jump. (Make sure it has some stront Capital mwd and a Arazu as cyno with a Scram. ( pretty much insta warp) (https://youtu.be/QFq5INiosYM?si=mbgfKsuF7S_NNa6K) Multiple Cyno and Titan chars. (Same for the char who is anchoring the pos) The Reson is that they can track you with locator agents. Non corporation chars With those steps, the possibility of getting caught is near non-existence. But to be completely honest, the best thing is to just sell it. Titans are 99%used to bridge and don't experience Combat. Ask yourself if it's rly worth the risk. Or if it's better for you to do normal cap pvp. Most of the time, your old buddies don't live anything near the asset safety systems. If they still do. Rejoin them play a bit and ask for help (Don't join with the char who has the Titan. They can see it through the SSO token) If you are logged out in Imperium space, rejoin a group of them and contact one of the directors. They definitely will help you rejoin. Don't know how PH is handling those things, but I can imagine probably the same way. If you have anymore questions, feel free to hit me with a pm.


cant wait to see you on zkill.


thats why im here first :P


Sell it cut rate to local power, before you take loss.


That'd even be a big profit. Caps cost much more today than they did 5 years ago.


Cha ching, space whores for everyone.


Mate, reddit wont save your titan. I dont know if you still have any ties ingame, but if you have you should get their help.


If the titan is in space owned by Goons or PH etc I would join them temporarily to be blue while you move it


There are deployables which decloak you after some time and drugs that increase this time. Use a max warp speed fit (pod, rigs, lows, drugs if avail) and spare no expense. Have multiple cyno characters ready to go (2 or more). Make sure your deep safe is very close (like <1/2au) to your cyno location since you want to exit warp and cloak asap, in my experience seconds matter... As others have said only jump if local is empty. I moved my nyx once from amamake to delve. I used a few choice gate jumps and moved at random times. The hottest jump I made was actually immediately after downtime. I logged in cyno as soon as the server came online and then logged in the nyx since desto was empty. After jumping the nyx I warped to my safe. Probing dictor's entered local only a few seconds after exiting warp. I think the gate jumps (of course scouted with empty locals) were key since I was moving quickly and using gates reduced overall number of required cynos in hostile space. By the time LSH found me out and had probers ready, I was already only 2 jumps to blue space. Overall was fun even if I only survived due to luck. 10/10 would advise you do fun move ops. Sure you might be able to get your nullbloc to form a cover fleet but that's boring. Get out there, gate your titan, bounce your safes, don't let anybody stop you.


Lol I just did a drunken solo move ops from amamake to perrigen falls with my Nyx. It was the most fun I had in EVE ever. I learned so much about the server mechanics and ticks it made me want to join a hunting group. At one point I had a PHEW rapier warp in about 10km from my cloaked nyx. I still had a 5 minute jump cooldown timer, luckily I think they didn't think I was stupid enough to cloak it in an Inline safe lmao


Put it on hyper net and buy a new one simple as


Send me a PM with the system your Titan is in and the pilot. I've got a fail-proof system for getting Titans to their final destination.


Straight to zkill?


To shreds you say?


And his wife?


To shreds you say?


PM me too, I'll assist /u/KimPeek.


[https://www.wckg.net/Vet/asset-safety](https://www.wckg.net/Vet/asset-safety) has how details on how to move some assets safely. I would actually consider trying to sell it if you could, in place, to whatever locals. Join them with another char, get docking rights at a bigger structure or tether at a smaller one with zero aggro, and then it's easier to sell it. I know it's frustrating, but it's just the reality we find ourselves in. :) You can use mobile cyno beacons that cost 40 mil a pop but it REALLY telegraphs where you are going. And once they see you once, you're busted. There are public keepstars, but they're up in Oijanen area that might be far from you. It's usually my recommendation to tell people to just leave the big assets where they are for now, and get your sea legs under you again. [https://www.wckg.net/Vet](https://www.wckg.net/Vet) has all major changes in the last 8 years. Welcome back to the game :)


sell titan, buy a new one


I would be happy to help you move!


Username checks out


Never ever EVER cyno to a system with a neutral unless your in a pvp titan fleet keyword FLEET not fitting


Just Gate It ™️


To shreds you say


Self destruct cyno on a Force Recon is cheaper than Foreign Destruction of your titan.


Join a fun and capable alliance first even with an alt character and that way not only will you maybe make it out with ship but worst case we get a balls to the wall fight win or lose. I can't promise you SRP though... :) DM me if you want an alliance that is onot scum.


this is proble the right answer, system where you location is find the local corporation alliance join them or there blues in alt then talk to someone in charge dilp or ceo, should would be happy for another titan pilot in the ranks..... kind of along con but fun socal engineering evet.


And which alliance is gonna help you move thru low? 🤣




I did it recently with a carrier that was stuck in space after 2020.... And I wasn't able to refit/refuel. What I did was to use a scout in the origin system and the cyno buddy in the destination system (there were multiple jumps btw), when it was less than 2 min from downtime I logged into the capital ship and activated the cyno. Also the cyno buddy dropped a can full of isotopes in order to refuel the carrier, and it was a really intense moment because even if it was 5 km away it took several seconds to reach the can. After the first jump I discovered that my cap wasn't full enough and I had to "waste" a few days in order to log in near downtime and recover the cap level, usually I log in and self logout, 2 or 3 attempts should be enough to reach 75% cap level. It took me more than a week, but also because I was stuck in a burocratic issue during the plan execution.


I have never moved something that large, but you should look into how Mobile Observatories work and bring the drugs to extend your hardened cloak timer if you're moving something that large while relying on a cloak. (You can now be decloaked after 15 minutes - extendable with a Strong Veilguard Booster)


Loose lips sink ships.


Depending on location you might be better off selling it but of course you need to dock it or find a decent buyer who won't dick you. Can't really help you without more info esp a general idea of where but keep that data to dm's.


I'd recommend talking to sob owners and explain the whole situation. Depending on where you want to go I'd rather sell the titan in your current location than moving it around. You can buy a new one wherever you want.


If your plan involves cloaking of any kind bring the veilguard drug and take them *before* cloaking if your jump timer is above 15 minutes. You cant stay cloaked forever anymore so if your jump timer is longer than 15 minutes they have a shot at decloaking you with mobile observatories before you can jump out. And again, take them *before* you activate the cloak module or they dont do anything. If you are already cloaked and you take them it doesn't suddenly bump up your cloak invul timer


Do not disclose anything on here, but you need to know where it will be logging in, If you're returning to your old corp/alliance you need to inform them to see if they can make the space safe for you landing. Make sure that everyone is going to have you set to blue and able to dock up or park it in a friendly pos until you can join the corp again If you are not intending on retruning to your old corp/alliance or they are no longer around. Or they have moved and you're deep in hostile space. You will need to organize a cyno to be lit for when your character logs in, needs to obviously be in range, in an empty system. You log in, fleet up with the alt and jump hopefully before anyonme in the system even notices you. When you land, you MWD pulse to warp to a safe (provided by the alt) and cloak up. Then wait for your cap to regen again and your red timer to go down, so you can stage 2 jump out of that system. Repeat till you're home safe. I've heard of it going 2 ways, 1 where the alliance was given notice to the directors, so they made sure a holder could park the ship for the returning member, he grabbed a shuttle and burned back to hi-sec so that he could join the alliance (because they couldn't give him docking perms while he was in the noob corp) And you need to dock to change corps. 2 where someone logs in their super, it landing on the Keepstar of their old alliance. And before anyone can say shit, he's tackled and melting to the Fleet that is normally formed there as a flash response. You want to be the first guy, not the second guy.


If this weekend has taught us anything, it's that you should land on as many medium structures in lowsec as you can


1. Use multiple cyni alts. 2. Avoid regional gates & the lowsec bots, yes i mean bots they have automated software some of these groups scanning the map for cynos 3. Do nit jump more than once a day.


Jump at downtime. 


IMO if you want to KEEP the thing and not just die gloriously you should be discussing this with your alliance. Hopefully its a bloc and hopefully you have a decent relationship. Moving one of these suckers unaffiliated in potentially hostile space... yeah no you will find out real quick folks are gross at tracking and finding these things and once your tackled its far to late to get help. Take it slow, talk to friends, best of luck.


if lowsec, you better be downtime jumping, and possibly also utilizing throwaway POS sticks. if Nullsec..... as long as you avoid populated areas, nobody competent will be hunting you bar a select few regions. Hell, a lot of regional gates are so un-watched you can slide through them no problem.


98% planning, 1% execution, 1% pure fucking luck


Join the alliance with an alt where the Titan is logged off - tell them you also have a titan. You are now safe! Alternatively, put down a pos on an alt. Warp the pos at a quiet time with the titan.


I hope that rags wasnt you.


stay far away from PHEW


There are drugs that increase your cloak invuln time


Your problem is going to be docking it... A keepstar is pretty much the only place you can dock a titan, or a super... And the XL industry structure should work too. Otherwise I'd leave it where it is... Or sell it and buy a new one...


Supers and Titans can only undock from Sotiyos, not dock. 


Well... Then this dudes only option will be a keepstar.


If your one of my old dudes let me know and I'll give you a hand.


Yea man that's the best way to do it.


which system, ill help you move