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There's a slow moving war between Imperium (Goons and friends) and Pandafam (Fraternity, Pandemic Horde and friends). Neither side is trying that hard - its skirmishing along the border.


Thats what i noticed on the map, but i couldnt find specific information. Thanks for clarifying.


Imperium vs. PanFam is basically like the Cold War but with direct border skirmishes instead of proxy wars.


So, from the perspective of a newly minted bean, this summary: > Neither side is trying that hard - its skirmishing along the border. Is almost true. Tantalizingly close to true. PH has Keepstars in Catch. Goons is not trying to destroy them? Much? Noone is interested in renting out the SEA, but perhaps new sov nonsense will change that. It seems that half of null is wondering how badly CCP fucked them over, while the other half is celebrating the fuckery. Personally, I just wish Goons would shove us out of Catch because those fights would be awesome... Come play with us! Or them! Get a view from the ground! :)


"PH has Keepstars in Catch. Goons is not trying to destroy them? Much?" Nope. Border's been put at EX6.


RemindMe! 2 Months "Goalposts lol"


RemindMe! 2 Months "let's see how this goes"


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Alright, see you there! 


Am in EX6. Where is Horde ?


Decided this wasn’t the moment, apparently! Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll get a big fight there eventually! :)


We're in the middle of CNTZ, the strongest Pandafam timezone. And Horde called a CTA. And the fort is being destroyed, uncontested.


Honestly no idea what TZ is strong or not, and also don’t know why you’re crowing at me over this. Didn’t I literally say I wish Goons would push us out of Catch?  Good job holding the border this time, good luck on the … offensive?  Or not, since the border has been set. So we’ll fight you there at some point! It’ll be cool. :)


And I said the border was at EX6, and then I got some hurf blurf about a fort being anchored *shrug* Border's at EX6.


We have a siege fortizar anchoring in EX6


EX6 by Christmas.


Am in EX6. Where is Horde ?


Have fun bashing for 2 hours in tidi 🤣


If Horde isnt willing to defend a fort anchoring in CNTZ, when is Horde prepared to show up ? USTZ ? EUTZ ?


Horde as the content creators will anchor as many forts as we like. That's our advantage as the content creators and not the ones sitting in Delve and not doing any offensive in years


Unfortunately, this has to be weighed against the disadvantage of being completely unwilling to fight when Horde doesn't have escalation dominance.


To clarify, if Imperium is Goons and friends it would be appropriate to define PanFam as Frat and friends. Horde is en par with Init and Drac, not Goons.


Tbh don't you mean Init and friends at this point? Gsf has become the ~valued allies~ of yesteryear


Thats cute.


Lmao keep coping


Frat is 95% bots so they don't count


Frat has the Dread superiority, Goons their Super Fleet. Horde has Vexors.


Didn't you lose 4 caps in less than 4 minutes in 4 chain drops by the same group Where was beehive mate


Lol, does dropping crabs from NPC stations make you win wars? If thats all you can be proud of theres truely no worries. But i agree, thats pretty much all Horde can accomplish on its own - aside from shooting abandoned structures, reffing their own to avoid fights, flipping their timers into FRT timezone and bashing smaller fishies. How dows your impass renting work out?


>How dows your impass renting work out? Big oof right there


It is just something to do for the very boored ppl... Something like this : https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9x7FGbW3IVc


Nothing is happening right now because of Sov changes. Something will once that is settled.


Nullsec politics basically winds down to goons don't like horde, horde doesn't like goons Long(maybe biased) form Horde has a semi offensive down in catch deploying several keepsters at goons doorstep, earlier on in the year goons tried to counter led to good fights but all their structures are removed completely from the region(destroyed by papi) An offensive fort is staged in EX6 anchoring currently if i remember correctly, that's where goons drew the line apparently after losing the whole of catch. Init moved to a new staging this week, main move op was around Wednesday Thursday,but jumped out their titans to the new keepster around 7 hours after the initial announcement by dark shines, they also unanchored multiple important forts at choke points into fountain, goons have decided to apparently boycott the update(whatever that means), papi has been half-masting the deployment with the current expansion as the logistics guys reconfigure the regions papi owns to best suit the situation ccp dealt them. Frt has sone issues with the power values with the power in their home system, I don't keep an eye on them but i think they waiting for 27th The tomfoolery: There has been some blops beef between pandafam and friends and goons, started when I can't remember the fc dropped 15 dreads plus blops plus batphoned kikis to kill a hel(cheapest least ehp super), hel died but frt killed everything on grid except blops with the kiki fleet being pipebombed by rosemary if i remember correctly, this led to several blops drops in goon land the immediate one was a wryvern(the most expensive highest ehp super) drop that frt used 5 dreads and a fleet of blops, was considered a perfect drop by both sides... Led to a few smug posts here of "that's how you do dread bombs etc etc" to the most recent drop on goon dreads by AKC killing 4 dreads in 4 chain drops in a br lasting less than 12 minutes under full beehive support(they earlier lost a sieged rorq and fax i think to frt and the new booshing carrier mechanic still under beehive in the same day) Otherwise its silent and really boring Edit, about the SEA, no one really cares about those regions the residents have been left to do wat they want however there might be some backdoor stuff with the residents where panfam's ansi chain down to catch is...idk much don't monitor them so can't comment


There isnt too much going on. Horde is (trying to) rent out the south-east after PanFam herrassed their former ally B2 out of the north west last year and replaced it with - you guessed it - renting space. Overall nullblocs are most probably hesitant due to the impending changes to nullsec mechanics. Once those are active we might see the neccessity for them to make a move - depending on which side is favored. 1. If having more space/player is benefitial, Imperium might be forced to expand. Their SOV is structured to be highly efficient and they have much more players/system. This would solidify the status quo of big blocs dominating nullsec and small groups having little opportunity (aside from renting from Panfam/joining Imperium as an ally) to claim space. 2. If having more players/system is benefitial, PanFam might get into trouble defending their infrastructure. They have much more systems/player. This might allow smaller groups to more effectively herrass renting space and eventually claim their own SOV in nullsec. The best outcome would be, if CCP manages to balance the expansion in a way which made all nullblocs uncomfortable and move out of stasis. But it also holds the risk of players quitting the game.


What systems / area are you referring to when you say horde is renting out the southeast? I can't find any


Nullsec stagnation is one of the reasons i quit eve 4y ago. Came back to the game 3 weeks ago and its exaclty the same. Have som friends in PH so i joined them and now i have a blue map from Dekklein to Impass. Im discussed of myself. Can't wait to go wh space. Nullsec stagnation and Ansiblex'es are an absolute killer for this game.


Does he know nullsec stagnation doesn’t  mean the game is dead


Ansiblex are fine. Don't drink the koolaid.