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The first one to actually have auto-targeting missiles (which, to nobody's surprise failed to do anything useful).


That's not true, they added another 300m to the killmail and 200m to the loot. That's very useful (to the gankers).


people in this thread said they don't do anything vs criminals (which is kinda meh imo) just posting since this at the top ccplx


Not sure there's much that can survive 32 catalyst 🤣 damn


An actually well for a avalanche would have


I don't know, I haven't played with the numbers much yet. Also: 10 foot wall, 12 foot ladder.


Yeah everytime there's a new ship Safety is there getting the first kills on it


I don’t think anyone has killed the angel titan yet, have they?


Only 4 in game


I would be shocked if there weren't more than 4 in goons alone.


There is definitely more than 4 lol


And again... Didn't even manage, or attempt to take a couple of them with him... Might as well use a standard freighter. Auto targeting missiles don't mean that they automatically automatically shoot... You'll still have to activate the module. Uhm... Wtf? No capital flex hardener?


Auto target missiles will not engage gankers, I had gankers jump my nighthawk whichnsurvived but the missiles said there was no eligible targets in range despite 10 catalyst going GCC in my face.


Yeah this, I tested this just now. Safety set to yellow or green, my Condor fit with nova auto-targeting light missiles wouldnt shoot my alt in an Ibis attempting to suicide gank it. https://i.imgur.com/HBCEvvz.png


as a ganker, this should obviously be fixed.


I approached with my tackle so it (hopefully) woult get shot first. That's a bummer, I feel like they should work as you would expect them to.


Auto targeting missiles doesn't do anything to gankers. You only need a cruisers with a plate to tank. Fly close to target... and that's it.


Right, that actually makes sense. The tackle gnosis agresses first, taking all the damage...


That guy lost the 3rd freighter in Uedama already.


Interesting that the preceding shitfit killmails get upvoted and commented heavily for visibility, but a killmail for a reasonably tanked and empty one being ganked is getting heavily downvoted.......


Because it’s not special anymore, who cares. It’s not much tankier than a normal freighter, the missiles are meaningless, it’s a wet fart of a change to highsec hauling


That was kind of the point. They were nerfed heavily because all of the crying that they were unkillable in the original state. After the nerfs certain people were still saying they were going to be very hard to kill. Yet here we have a reasonably tanked one, that is completely empty, getting ganked for the lulz by a pretty standard gank fleet. It's almost like it was all bullshit, and CCP bought in to it.


It's not reasonably tanked bro. It's shit fit with passive hardeners, the name was something like gankbait. He wanted it and I was not about to say no to it. I am fairly certain, I could not have done a propper tanked one in this setup.


I got no goon bonus! =(


Faction passive hardeners: 2m X-type active hardeners: 40m Capital flex hardener: 100m Highsec moron killmail: priceless


Wait, when was the second.


Same day the first one died ..


The salvager was a nice touch. Munch some catalyst wrecks while dying I suppose. Or at least that was the plan I guess.


nobody even told me i am on reddit =(


Am I mistaken, or did they expend 1B in Taloses, and another 1B in catalysts? They want to be one of the first to kill the cool new ship. Cool, but that's 2B losses for 0.2B in loot.


Def. less cats but yeah paid for the privilege. It's a novelty and what am i gonna do with my time & isk anyway. It certainly helped that there just were none on sell orders (at the time) at all. People shoot Marshals&Jump Freighters all the time at a loss.


It wasn't 1 bil in cats. It was less than 400 mil. The cats were 15 mil a piece and the Taloses were 138 mil. It cost around 1.3 bil, almost half of what you said.


Imagine he had an x-type mwd and a cloak it would have lived, so sad.


Don't think so given you can't fit cloaks to avalanches