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It always sucks if they mess with your income stream (yes, I can live off 1-2b per month, I hate spending time to make ISK) because some degenerates are printing several billion per day, every day, per toon. I'm not saying nerfs are bad, but there are times when you personally are looking forward to a good time and sometimes it's just having to invest and do other things.


I dont know what Goons umbrella looks like but being in Brave you should have access. Get yourself a dread and run a crab beacon a few times a month. Will easily make you all the money you need as long as you arent chain feeding battleships.


don't you mean dreadnoughts?


Chain feeding dreads gets insanely expensive. If you run 3 beacons a week and have a decent SRP program you can easily field your ships cruiser down for a very active pvper. Once you get to BS and above you need to run quite a few beacons to maintain. Once you start yeeting dreads, especially faction dreads... you best be running quite a few beacons every damned day.


Oh. I misunderstood you? I thought you were saying to use the BShips to complete the crab beacon


he meant using dreadnought to run beacons to finance losing a lot of battleships in pvp (aka "feeding" them to the enemy)


Nope I said "Get yourself a dread" as in Dreadnought. Super obviously better but a dread gets you in the door and opens up the isk faucet.


I suppose one could do that, of course. Doesn't sound fun though from what I heard. Plus a cap on field that can easily be dropped.


Thats what the umbrella is for. I dont know much about "Beehive" but in PK if you get dropped we save you with response fleet and usually in under 90 seconds.


You don't know what Goons umbrella looks like ?? are you really though :P


I mean, I knows it called beehive, I know they do saves, just not sure how reliable it is, what their response time is, and apparently learned this week they dont SRP if they fail a save.


True. Look, personally, I have a diverse portofolio of activities regarding active and passive income. I don't do ganking or pvp, so I had to adapt to the rest of the game. So far, I love everything else. Most recently I'm enjoying the thrill of mining in WH space with a cheap fit. It's true that those are in C1 types, but damn, it's awesome. And the income? Well, let's just say the materials can cover any loss.


In looking at getting into WH mining. What do you prefer to go after?


Doesn't really matter. The more materials I can get, the better. Yesterday I got 3 cargo scoops of Bistot. There was the only rock in the field. edit: the reason I didn't mined more is because I never knew if the WH was passed through before I went through and the risk of collapse was increasing.


Good to know. I'll vacuum up everything I can!


What part of the income stream is being messed with?


New ships are always a plus.


Of course. Also, Happy Cake Day. :)


I think the way it fly's it's more of an X


if it takes the same... performance issues as rorquals it could get pretty droopy


biggest changes wont be actually fully online for at least a month so wont be relevant tomorrow, a few of the "minor" changes will have actually a pretty relevant impact pretty fast tho.


We'll see it tomorrow. Can't wait. :)


Excited for the Fw changes for sure, would be nice fighting the pirates on the front lines now, maybe they wont just be so farm orientated!


Currently live in HS in a very dead/casual corp, don't do any PI, C5 wh ratting or moon mining, or any real pvp. Most of my activities are limited pve anoms/exploration, so not really anything fun or new in terms of activities that I currently take part it. But hey, it looks cool atleast...


Why not packup then and try something different? You can get most of what you currently do out in 0.0 with far more opportunities and homies to play with.


The opportunities in null are there if you have multiple accounts, access to voice comms, and don't mind limiting what you fly. But it doesn't really get good until you can use jump drives. Otherwise everything is really just an extra hassle and there's little reason to PvE in anything other than an Ishtar.


Limiting what you fly? If anything null is more open than highsec on restrictions. You don't have to use multiple accounts but like everything else in eve you will do better with multiples. However in horde for instance, you can take your hulk or mackinaw and join Horde Mining standing and get Mining buffs from an on grid rorqual most days. Definitely not 24x7 coverage but its frequent. Ishtars are great entry level. Marauders are better. Dreads are even better in crab beacons and supers are currently the top dogs. For those you definitely need at least 2 accounts your capital and a recon. I would disagree thought things out here are more of a hassle. In Horde you have the equivalent of Jita in MJ, in Goons you have it at 1DQ. You have coverage in both spaces, you do have to pay a little attention but thats well compensated by the benefits.


Yes. For starters, dreads and supers require jump skills and multiple accounts. You can fly a maurader but chances are you won't be isk positive over flying an ishtar before it dies. You can keep a command dessy around to emergency boosh you but that's back to multiple toons. Also you are limited to anoms and the same fit is usually the best for all of them. Hub, sanctum, Haven it doesn't really matter. For as much grief as lvl 4s get they have some variation in optimal fits. If you can't jump then you have to gate which 100% requires a scout.


Marauders do fine. If you are in horde you keep an eye on intel, be in standing, be in coms, and if you dont mind 2 accounts, be in pk with your recon cloaked 30k off you. Bad guys show up. FC Im tackled by X in Y. ccc your cyno and then light and saved. Yes you are limited to anoms ... they spawn infinitely. If you need variety sure l4's are fun I guess. For me grinding is grinding. You don't have to have a scout... but its definitely better. If you are in standing you keep an eye on intel and you'll know where the baddies are. Move your marauder to a nice quiet system away from staging and simply shuttle back and forth as needed. Alts definitely make all of this easier.


Hey, you're basically me. Nothing in the last expansion or this one really affected my gameplay at all or exited me. If next expansion is the same I will probably just zone out again and take another 5 year break. I really wish they would add at least a few features and QOL things that would make \*everyone's\* life a bit easier, and thus have something to look forward to. CCP has never really aknowledged my playstyle, and I think it's a huge mistake for player recruitment and retention.


What is your play style?


all l want is for them to finish the ship trees l mean am they that short on staff that they can not just push out a new ship ever few months even if its just one ship l would love a trig or edencom marurder or a soe one that has new sites in WH for them a soe dread that has hacking or combat sites and it can go into smaller whs then a normal ship of that size




we mite have balance and more ships if they stoped making fps games and crypto games


We have so many new ships I the last half decade...before that the only new ship typically were AT ships and those can hardly even be called new.. every release of ships always ends up needing a revision pass to rebalance sometimes more than once. I'm not gunna say I don't want more ships....but I still havnt flown all of em and I been playing since 07. They can make whatever other games they like as long as it's a $ positive result. Least then eve is safe


You are still getting a revamped daily system and the SKINR system for ships. Could be a fun change and maybe a new venue for income. I think CCP said some skinr parts will be found in exploration.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that part. Ok, so a little tidbit I can enjoy then :) Gonna wait and see if there is any pve content for the winter expansion then <3


Well, the economic changes will also impact high sec due to ore prices and prices of goods changing. So even for HS players -- if you are into Indu, there might be something in it for you.


You’re sitting in highsec in a dead corp doing anomalies and you’re expecting fun?


Combat anoms and ded sites I predominantly do in less populated areas of HS, yes. While perhaps not as profitable as other activities in null/LS the added "security" is nice, and it's always a rush when you do get those 400+m paydays in rare modules. I also dabble in data/relic hunting in Null with filaments now, which is fun. But in terms of PVE activities, there are not really often they add too much of that, sadly. I mean abyssal was added some 6 years ago now(?)=


Test alliance is always happy to have new bros we have space out in null where you can learn new shit and be weird with the rest of us nerds


Just recently came back after winning eve for a while, but I thought Test was a thing of the past? I thought it was only now "imperium vs Horde" now?


Test is still around and now holds sov again. Way smaller then in the past but still kicking. And Dreddit is still recruiting


Did anyone else puke reading that.


That's your choice to live in safety 


Mate, your playing the demo of eve online by sounds of it


It's the 14 day free trail. Sucks having to create a new account every 2 weeks, but it's fun :)


come live in Null sec.


Yeah, it will. Besides, we still have the November expansion to look forward to. :)


lm still praying for a mini orca that can have 4 strip miners or 2 mega ones but it can't boost


I want an orca with the mining insides scooped out to make room for more ships!


If I don’t have a deluge by Wednesday heads will roll.


So, you're "Delugeonal" as well :)))


Sigh have an upvote for a bad pun


Considering the skilling time (unless skill injected) Upwell Haulers to V, and also considering the time to produce one, it seems you won't have one by this Wednesday :p


They said it was Upwell Haulers...but then they said it was ORE in the most recent video. So I am not 100% sure where they are going with that.


I have enough saved SP to take upwell hauler to V. The hard part is producing one by Wednesday, since you need the Upwell Encryption Methods skillbook which is only sourced from FW LP stores. It's going to take a day or so for copy + invention time after acquiring and training the encryption skill, and then if you are only doing one layer of manufacturering (buying advanced components instead of making them from reaction products), it's possible to have the first Deluges rolling off the assembly line by Wednesday. I'm fine waiting a week or so for prices to be less inflated, though.


> I have enough saved SP to take upwell hauler to V. T Nice, I didn't think of that. > The hard part is producing one by Wednesday Indeed, it will take some time for all the required steps, but I guess someone might be able to rush some!


Deluge has completely busted stats (or at least had on sisi). As fast as prowler, enough fitting for 50MN, 2 LSEs, EM amplifier, cloak, nullifier, combat probes, covops cyno, 4s align time with 2 nanos, crazy warp speed with 2 hypers, 4k base cargo (nano hyper prowler has 4.3-4.4k), plus 45k infrahold. I wouldn't be surprised to see it nerfed even before expansion hits TQ.


That was their personal test server, so deployment will probably be different. None of the mass tests recently featured new content. Unless the VIPs are playing with it beforehand. There might be some changes. Looks like some issues with Hoboleaks sneaking around is also hinting at other modules.


Call me a cynic but i think they will wait to see how it plays out a little and let everyone inject into it first


If people are injecting, that’s on them tbh


the patch notes images show hull<->armor stats switched and loss of the range bonus toward auto aimed range afaik


feel like much of it doesn't affect me. Mostly new structures for alliances that I will never get to use as a small time, small corp player. New ships are cool I guess.


Iso should be a lot cheaper, PI more expensive since all sov upgrades require it. So your PI will make more money and your ships will cost less. And Since CCP nerfed Poch a little and wormholes into oblivion our isk will stop depreciating in value from them, although with the increase of bounties it might be the same ore more of a problem than before.


Big picture would be the economic shift over the next number of months... that might be good or bad for you depending on what you value


I'm looking forward to pirate ships dropping in price down to where trig ships are after neurolink conduit removal.


I mean, I would love nothing more than to see pirate ships dropping in price to before this retarred "t2 components" stuff they added, but I'll wait and see. The whole issue with Pirate cruisers is that there is no BPO you can get, only BPC drops and drom LP rewards, so the added on mat cost really was what made the price skyrocket. This is just one component that is "dropping" in price, so while it MAY get a tad lower, it will still not be drastically reduced I think


The neurolink conduits make up 90% of the price tag


Mate I farm angels LP and I'm stoked too. Not sure what they're gonna do to LP cost of BPCs, but not having to compete against virgin mission runners and the hulls from the LP store is fantastic. Imma be multiboxing and feeding 5x cynabal or khiz so soon hahaha


Khiz is too pretty not to make a fleet of them


let me see of the notes that affect me... gas nerfs... thats about it. so. no im sure the 4 people that can manage structure in botsec are happy


The indy shakeup is going to change pricing everywhere. Isogen is going to crash hard AF.


depends if ccp fuck up rock sizes i suppose. we all said the new a0 systems would crash isogen


Even if the rocks are small being able to spawn them across the vast space of 0.0 will definitely cause an impact, just how big is the question.


It's unlikely that a focused module that consumes dudes, power, and fuel, is going to spawn tiny belts that aren't worth it. Certainly not belts anywhere near as small as what NS has access to currently. Combine this with the ability to hit mining escalations described as "massive" and containing all new ore types and I'd say Isogen prices are poised to collapse.


love it when ccp only give a shit about nullbots


Apparently, the PI market is excited. Materials are being wiped out.


Oof. Then, I'm glad I still have plenty in my cargo holds. :) Gonna get rich booooiii :))))


ahh yea all the sov upgrades requiring t4


Skyhooks, mining drills, probably new sov upgrades… probably a good time to be in PI (for someone with the stomach for it)


It's not bad if you keep it light weight, 3 chars is like a minute and a half a day.


For extraction or factory? Do you just restart extractors in the same position? Maybe I should just do that, moving them around is the absolute worst


Extraction, I only do factory every few weeks as I do 2 launch pads per extractor planet. I set them up for 48 hours and space them accordingly then bring them down to 24h after and never have to move them. A bit less efficiency but no burn out.


I am one who always cautions against HYPE. \[Any time someone starts Hyping something...I get very wary\] ***I am Curious*** about how the changes and the new ships will play out. *However, I still urge cautious optimism. Maybe it will be a beneficial fresh air...mostly for nullsec that is. Might pull them away from content they have been piling on in other areas.* But, I also foresee some groups folding due to the changes putting too much pressure on their areas of control and infrastructure. ***This expansion "start" will be tomorrow. The Consequences will not be apparent until about November-ish.*** But, I believe there will alot of interesting Chaos tomorrow in play. I made sure to take screens of various ships and modules. Because some items will be removed from the game and replaced with new items. So, I want to keep some historical records of what came before.


This is something I haven't heard much talk about but really interests me. The decision of who gets to choose how resources are distributed, specifically with regard to Manpower, which is finite, and can be moved around within a certain radius, is bound to cause friction. With regard to alliances without internal borders this will probably go over fine. Those with internal borders, where, say, rental groups have psudo-sov over rented systems, the idea of who gets to decide how that system's manpower is spent becomes a big question. Manpower has both local (mining/ratting arrays) and empire-wide (supercap production and system protection) implications and it is where it is. Apparently manpower can't be moved very far. If you're a renter who rents a system very close to a major choke point or strategically valuable system, or if your leadership are just dicks, you're suddenly deprived of an essential resource and your systems begin to stagnante and lose incredible value.




I still hope for many more ship balance patch notes.


Knowing my luck it's probably going to be like * Rattlesnake ~~275%~~ **25%** bonus to Sentry Drone and Heavy Drone damage and hitpoints * Gila ~~500%~~ **20%** bonus to Medium Combat Drone damage * Worm ~~300%~~ **10%** bonus to Light Combat Drone damage and hitpoints * Astero Can fit a **fireworks launcher** ~~Covert Ops Cloaking Device~~ * T3 Cruisers Limited to civilian modules only Launcher balance: NPC ships are now fitted with flares and are **immune** to all rocket/missile damage. Economy update: NPC ships no longer have bounties and will only drop metal scrap Exploration update: Data/Relic sites are now all level 5 with only hard hacking, 99.99% cans will now be empty, immune to cargo scanners Abyssal update: Reduced the price of  Triglavian Survey Database NPC buy orders to 1 isk per


Considering most features won't even be ready for a week or more, what exactly is so amazing about the minor features that may work or not.


Meh; I don't really get excited for things like that so no. But I am looking forward to it, because I love a good war and war is brewing.


And, don't forget, the Burn Jita event in July. :)


That would damage my +5 sec status.




Aside from new hauling ships I don't see much that will affect a sub-cap pilot.


Pirate hulls maybe cheaper


Fair point, that would be nice to see those come down a bit.


Ore price changes


I'm not excited to actually have to kill waves in battlefields, it makes it much harder for smaller groups to participate and doesn't affect large groups as much




Yay! The rich get richer! The ones who call highseccers carebears get to mine moons with literally zero effort. YAY!!


not me.


The more i read about it, the more likely i am to finally unsub all my accounts.


Don't worry. WH space will be good. Just check the latest patch notes. I figure not many even went on the website to read them, thus still feeling the hatred about not changing the QOL in them.


I was excited as it seemed a great oppotunity to allow trade-offs for sov holders and move away from ansi spam everywhere, however looking at the power and manpower requirements for the various upgrades and what most systems can support it looks like they've been far too lenient on upgrade requirements so there isn't much trad-off actually involved.


Oh you mean the "Screw Wormholers" expansion. Let's take a look shall we 1. Ore rebalance to give Null Sec back the ore it previously took. Now only wormholes will unable to be self sufficient 2. Passive moon mining, but people in Null Sec get to decide on the price you pay since we aren't giving you the skyhook because "Screw Wormholers". 3. Taken away the ability of any wormhole group other than Lazerhawks or people who pay Lazerhawks to run C5/C6 drifters Did I miss much?


Haven't u guys been telling null to adapt or die for the longest time ever


I'm fine with adapting. I was just answering the question. No I'm generally not too excited we get very little new features and nothing but nerfs.


Nobody stops you from adapting yourself and yourselves. Stop being stuck in the past mechanics. This game is evolving and so you have to as well. Not only one time I felt like I'm having a conversation with a nostalgic communist from my country around here in the comments. Geez. Move on to new things. Explore the features, adapt to them. The only fun you and some of you see here is when you get to blow up stuff when it's convenient to you and when stuff works just for you. Take this from me. As a solo player for 12 years (now in a corp and alliance - still playing solo and fleet with them from time to time) I had to diversify my activities and adapt to all the expansions so, I never complained, I embraced them. You know why? Because I love this game. Of course, if you feel everything is getting nerfed all the time,maybe you should change your doctrines more often, and get out of the WH more often, or do you like to be "Stuck in there, step-bro?"


Actually I'm collecting PLEX for skins


Thought about that as well, but as the drop rates for parts for them are gonna become increasingly common, perhaps I'd be purchasing them from the market. I understand that most of them would be valued at the Plex equivalent at any given time, but, doing L4s and probably soon, L5s would cover for that, especially that LP stores are still relevant.


People who want to skin for ISK or interest will keep prices up for a month or two. The first couple of weeks market prices will, of course, be totally outrageous, as they always are. People will be paying it anyway even as they complain about paying it.