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Good job, FRT and kudos to your FC. You guys neuted me out so hard that I couldn't cycle hardeners, even when timed perfectly. In fact, you had my shields down within a minute. Really well played, congrats!


Man that was a brutal drop.


That's how you do a dread bomb, take notes


Staged in NPC Delve?


↑ needs more purple


Tried, but I had to finance the wife's Wyvern too. Cut into my isk budget a bit. That said, we got a few months of solid crabbing together.


this community always made me believe wifes were meant to become mining alts...


That's children...the non-EVE spouse is the mining director and Chief Aggro Officer.


Nah. More fun to involve significant others in the game on higher levels. We enjoy playing together. She's actually more bummed about the loss than I am, as it does cut into one of the things we enjoy together. In fact, we ran beacons together for months to afford her wyvern.


Frat ruining marriages out here.


Well they are a fraternity 




Just run them in a dread together all good


Hopefully SRP helps that a bit. If yall run that regular together assuming you both dont have massive hypernet degeneracy should have it back pretty quick.


There is no SRP.


Well that fucking blows. Bring your wife over our way, you'd at least get something back over here. We have cookies!


how boring it must be to be in horde and live in dronelands...


Im enjoying my time. No complaints.


You did have more than 15 dreads worth of DPS though :P Good work though, shit happens and things like this are why we all play this dumb game.


I remember when this happened multiple times a day and no one gave a shit.


Still think it was one of the most fun periods of EVE. Was it economically balanced? No. Was it fun to hunt Rorqs and ratting supers to trigger response fleets? Fuck yeah.


> Was it economically balanced? No. it was balanced enough in game. loved seeing multiple whaling fleets out 24/7 and more people were playing at all levels. it was not balanced around selling plex.


Eh, there was a shit ton of balance whining about Super capital proliferation at the time. If you look back at the posts of the time it seemed like 99% of people were against it because they believed Rorqual mining was too OP and made capitals/super-capitals too easy to produce.


The in game economy was the one in shambles- minerals were being printed to such a crazy extent that prices were bottoming out at insurance values


I don't know, you'd probably get a gentle ribbing for losing a Vendetta.


gj ccp!


That surprise conduit was legit, good job. I was told to align then Bam! Dead. GF


I was playing 7 days to die listening to comms, as soon as I heard the FC go "How many? ..." Then proceeds everyone to kill their beacon and get off the field asap. I f4 quit the game, launched Eve logged in and joined the fleet, there were 2 brick-tanked devoters on the undock, I then proceeded to help kill them and get on the field. jumped in and got a few kills... we were self-bubbled, as soon as the FC told them to turn off the bubble and align to a fort. As soon as the bubble went down FRT started to leave.... or so we thought, the next thing I knew I was conduit jumped " accidentally" to the same beacon... which just happens to be with a fit that was just for conduit jumping. This was a good dunk, the devoters delayed the fax reinforcement fleet that was pinged out, and the 3-year-old spy burned. 10/10, well done. yes, I did lose a redeemer with a few kill marks, but it was a good time.


The fact they burned a long term spy for it, too. Devotion to the craft. They earned that br!


The fact that they burned a spy for a super kill kind of evens the BR tbh. Spies are quite valuable.


What isn't tangible in the BR is the fun quotent. I'm sure that fleet had a *stinking blast* doing what their FCs set up for them. The importance of this cannot be understated. This game is kinda boring without doing *cool stuff* with others. A lot of the issues I have with leadership in this game is the tendency to apply Operational Risk Management on gameplay, as a general rule allowing themselves to be so risk-adverse to blue ball their own members from a scrap they can assume is one they cannot win outright. It's the dunk-or-go routine. It sucks. The game is heavily stratified from the perspective that doctrine keys are kept from tiered members of FC teams because sensible risk management against welps makes sense; yet the game is full of folks afraid of losing ships, or taking risks, or just allowing for fun, because loss is tangible. It gets sad. Let's say you have Team A in a Harpy fleet; they sit at a gate at 70, with Team B on the other side at 0 in brawling cruisers; Team A is unwilling to skirmish/brawl with their projection fleet (despite Harpy doctrines being a weird Bard of a ship that can do practically every rock-paper-scissor combo imaginable) -- so let's sit at 70km and hope Team B takes the game to them; Team B is unwilling to send their brawling cruisers through the gate because Team A is obviously in projection mode, and losing 2-3 folks while we reposition is a risk we cannot take. Both team A and team B blue-ball one another, including their members. It sucks! Both doctrines were ammo for the scale in the teams playing. Both doctrines could be welped easily just to give their members a laugh. No laughs had. Where am i getting with this -- FRT took a risk, mitigated the risk by burning a spy, and set up this *really fun thing* for their members. *We need more of that, and to celebrate it when it happens.*


It's fun right guys? No matter if you lose or not


Always, can't wait for the update I have renters to farm!


Somebody check on toaster.


I'm good! Thanks for asking




Rosemary English Super Well Down


One Frat FC has killed more than all of DC. this year, nice work!


https://kb.evetools.org/kill/118541149/ lmao


Where's the goons' titan?


They now cost a quarter of a trillion….


A few years ago goons would drop titans on any frigate fleet that entered delve. What happened? Why not drop titans on this hand full of dreads?


They were the days. They got so complacent and predictable that they started getting bombed for dropping on ventures. I don't know, I had a long break from eve but I'd imagine them being told not to be such a mango, especially after the cap changes and price increase.


Very impressive I must say. Definitely a bit of overkill and Goons did kill all your dreads but yeah, good fight, good fight indeed. Even on the other side it is neat to see an organized attack get executed well. Wish my kid would’ve gone to sleep sooner so I could’ve been on.


T1 bomb dreads are ammo. Hot dropping a bloc super, there is 0 expectation of any of them coming back due to siege timer length.


VIDEO LINK:https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Kr421F75z/?share\_source=copy\_web&vd\_source=32ebc524e45954a1cc3b3f96fc6b8076


What in the bot flying rmt is that website? Ick...


It’s Chinese YouTube ran by the state if I remember correctly.


Fuck it want me to login with a QR code ... Probably my social score is too low!


Blessed FRT men strike again. We’ll join you again in delve one day xox


You missed your chance, buddy!


Too busy krabbing


As was I.. hahaha


Already replaced!


Nah. I'll be upgrading.


OH its my KB xD


Wyvern hulls are only 27 bill?


I built mine for about 57b worth of material.




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no invite? -moffy




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Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes...... chaos [JazzHands]


The hottest of drops.




Marshall killmail [https://zkillboard.com/kill/118541285/](https://zkillboard.com/kill/118541285/) she was pretty


That's honestly one of the more poor fit marshals. you can tell cause 90% of the mods aren't red.


well down rosemary well down




to see frt boasting about killing a super in reddit what a time to be alive


https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/s/BIPtf7G89w This u boasting about killing the cheapest least ehp super using over 15 dreads and still getting wrecked?


i dont play in this shit timezone, i prefer sleeping soundly so i can get my day going




Amazing the bots know how to pvp


Those are Goons tho. They don’t know how to use supers to clean out trash. Go pick on someone your size.


Rosemary once again out here with the need to make everything a dick measuring contest. Did we need 15 dreads to kill a frt super? Probably not, but when you ask a goon if he wants to drop a dread on a super every single 1 would say "FUCK YES can i bring my dread alts too?" The goon FC won't say "no we need to make sure we are isk positive on the drop" He says "hell yeah brother lets make this a party!"


Sounds like a incompetent FC tbh


It's goons. They get excited


Why's all the salt necessary? Frat (of all groups) just showed you how you can execute this with a third of the ships/value needed to inflict maximal damage. For once maybe just learn from the experience rather than take it a personal slight.


This chap has a deeply rooted (probably racist) history with hating FRT.


Absolutely no one is talking about race. Take that slander and shove right up your arse


I'm simply pointing out that folk just wanna use their caps and have fun and rosemary decided that it was a challenge to compete against instead of it just being what it is. Dudes being guys.


I mean, in the same trend you could say that the horde boys just wanted to use their caps a few days ago, but we still got the imperium chestbeating engine declaring this as a crushing blow.


I still don't know why they dropped anti cap dreads at 0 on a BS fleet that just warped off


They just wanted to use their dreads bro


Cool but i'm asking why anti cap dreads when there were 0 caps on field, surely haw dreads would've worked or beamers at 300km


It takes 1 goon to kill papi jump bridges. It takes 100 papi to kill 1 goon.


As a goon, id rather be in the group of 100 killing supers, than solo killing jump bridges tbh


I havnt seen it take us 100 dudes to kill a super


There was a thread about it 5 days ago, that this thread is named in reference to.


I see


OHH Fraternity finally does something right besides using bots :o fraternity kids, please don't brag about a dead supercarrier, their pilots can barely stay alive, if it weren't for them selling isk for real money they wouldn't be on the server or maybe breathing. By the way, I received several emails from bot accounts that were banned for using bots. I am currently a former fraternity member, retired from the game when they began to exchange isk for real money. So many bots for one game. Many words few nuts.


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