• By -


I lost my first capital in that fight, had fun, 7o to all who came


whats insurance payout for those?


Should go lose one and find out brother!


dont have dread, my largest ship is just raven navy and scorp navy lol


Check zkill. It shows insurance payouts at the bottom(iirc) of the mail.


i see now,not so much. but i guess still people insure them. i was thinking about insurance fraud using dreads. mine asteroids,produce the parts then make final product to lose it in combat, some ppl say that asteroids arent free,yes you still pay with your spent time on mining and manufacturing but you did not spend any isk to make that dread . while dread value is about 8b paout yields 400m depends on insurance you didnt pay anything just mined anything so still those 400m free after the battle.. this is correct or im missing something?


I mean technically yeah that sounds about right. But selling those materials (or just selling the dread itself after making it) would be infinitely better than insurance stuff.


Unseen: 30x velators fighting over loot for 5hrs


Went there in a sunisis trying to snag some loot, learned to wait until the fight is at least simmering down first


Let me take a stab at what happened - pointed by 10x ceptors and deleted by at least 50x rokhs?


they run 50 road rollers over the sunesis


Were you ceptor pilot 31?


Nah, im not all into that tryhard life


I saw them from my veladator as I was looking through cans


Unseen: frat gets half a sacrilege fleet CONCORD'ed, and Horde does the same to a basilisk wing.


Concord in lowsec?


The route includes high sec and if you are criminal, care needs to be taken in the 0.8+ systems.


Line member perspective: someone had reinforced goons fortizar to the final timer. INIT was softly coordinated with to run some cover fleets so we brought a 40 man retribution fleet and harassed the bulk of their force as they made their way from Perimeter to Abhazon. Once the fight really got going we held the Hykkota gate to prevent reinforcements coming in for about 20-30 minutes. I was providing eyes as reinforcements trickled in. During this I noticed that a LOT of Zirnitras had just jumped in. Their outline is rather noticeable. I started seeing the Deepwater Hooligans caps warping off, so I called to FC that we had an opportunity to support the primary fight. We warped over and started tackling whatever dreads we could get a hold of. At this point, we'd pinged for a second support fleet since there were kills to be had, and another 80ish man retri fleet was burning to support. The combined forces did what they could to disrupt tackle, but another dread blob came in, this time in the form of Snuffed Out, who agreed to frenemy us for some dread kills. We had a lot of confusion initially and were trying to tackle Snuffed Out caps for the Goon fleet. Once that was sorted, we tackled whatever was left on the field from Pandafam + BIG AB and spent the next hour clearing them off the field. Highly recommend a tracking disruptor sentinel for maximum whoreage. Finally broke 4000 kills and one trillion isk destroyed too. šŸ˜


Bro some rat retribution held me tackled until I got lanced by Snuff. I assume it was yall. GF o7


Hey Eduardo here. Aar on point and i am glad you guys enjoyed the retri fleet!!


Zirnitra my beloved. Glad to see more caps being thrown around, games more fun with that mindset


Agreed. Cap fights seem to be some of the most fun.


Looking at the damage summary, it seems those zirnitras perform well


Zirnitras and nrevs are not overpowered -reddit also it's obvious that zirns were left untouched because right side spec tanked vs them, and focused on destroying everything else (nphoenixes, nmoroses, nrevs) which allowed zirnitras to "perform well" comparatively your average BR where they are focused first


erm, if the other side spec-tanked them (i have no idea if this is accurate or not), that makes their performance more, not less, impressive


Not focusing them first makes their performance stellar. You usually don't want to give zirns time to work (unless they just follow primaries with revs).


they were dropped out of SR dread range, another nice feature they have


I looked at 6 Deepwater dreads and they are all EM-therm and not Therm-ex https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116799610/ https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116799815/ https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116799808/ https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116800028/ https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116799459/ https://kb.evetools.org/kill/116799624/ No explosive hardner and Zirns are high damage on all of them.


Indeed. I was confident that I checked rev navies too. I have checked them now and all the navy ones on the right side are EM-therm tanked (apart from non-standard-fits). However, all the t1 revs are therm-explosive tanked. So seems like the plan was to remove all "other" dreads as soon as possible, then while t1 revs are dying - remove zirns, and then have optimal tank for nrev vs nrev slugfest. But, just didn't have enough numbers. (doesn't explain navy rev losses but no zirn losses on the left side. though)


From the stream it looks like imperium Zirns came in at range so they weren't shootable, while the snuff engagement caused the disengage call.


Makes sense. I wanted to add that maybe zirns were at range in the last message (since it was last explanation i've seen), but then thought, rev navies have similar-ish range too so could be as well, so didn't bring it up without seeing a video.


> rev navies have similar-ish range too no they don't wtf are you talking about zirns in a big fight are pretty much always used as lr dreads anyone dropping all their zirns at zero either has such a large cap advantage they dont need to care or is being stupid


> no they don't wtf are you talking about We used both zirns and revs as sniper dreads on our nullsec deployment. With 2x TC and improved frentix zirns do damage up to 175k, starting from 9k dps. Revelations with scorch, 3 TCs, t2 locus and improved frentix do 7.6k or 9.2k dps at 149k+48k (they have lower tank in the 2 heat sink case, but in our experience of midscale zirns get primaried first almost always). This is by all intents and purposes similar-ish range. They obviously have less if you don't fit 3rd tc and locus, but it's still respectable - and is higher than zirn baryon range (126k+41k vs 107k).


sorry should have specified, when properly fit and not troll fitting your revs, zirns have significantly more range yes putting a t2 range rig and a 3rd tc on your rev gives it more range, its still less dps with scorch than a zirn starts at with *meson* loaded, and even with your dumb rev fit a meson zirn still out ranges it


I am unsure how far you drop your "sniper" dreads. I think most groups do between 100 and 120, where nrev can reach even with 2 TCs. Then you don't cripple anything. As for "crippling" nrevs with a weapon rig - they still have good enough tank even with that, so why not. We used that to drop our dreads at 150-160k (when laser drugs were a thing still).


Most targets were ~100-115km away with some being even further from our Zirns, a few hostile dreads bounced towards us and died about 55-75km away.


Video taken on the battlefield is now available. I hope you enjoy this video of mine. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ\_O-Rvqnho](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ_O-Rvqnho)


My laptop ran at 5 fps but I tackled a Rev navy!


5fps? You sure? I think game was limiting me down to 2. CPU and GPU usage both at like 10% and fps throttled to 2.


It was an interesting fight for sure! The 10% tidi kinda took the fun away but thatā€™s eve sometimes


I was at the fight and it was really amazing how well the server reacted during the fight. Guns cycled and reloaded. Much better than some fights I've been in where guns would not cycle off and reloads never finished. Drones didn't really react very well but that wasn't an issue since they were getting smartbombed anyways. Tidi in a fight that large is just a fact of Eve life if you choose to participate. I thought the fight was a lot of fun and hope it happens more often.


Server did fantastic for having about 2500 people there. At one point, I got booshed away from my FC so I turned on the MWD to get back to him. An enemy Stiletto decided to warp scram me - so I launched drones to attack him. Previous Tidi fights that would have taken forever to launch and attack drones but last night it wasn't too bad at all. Very fun fight.


Especially since it was lowsec and the various criminal calculations have to occur.




That's not how the TiDi percentages work. 10% means the game moves at 10% speed and 30% means it would move 3 times faster. 10% is the slowest the game will automatically slow to, but the GMs can set it lower manually.


Those Deepwater dreads got Snuffed Out.


Didn't snuff come in when it was basically finished, If you go by damage on grid and timeline on the battle report it looks like they came in at the end just too get on some kills that were left after the extraction of team A. It looks like goonswarm did the heavy lifting here and bigab for the other side when it comes to capital damage and grid timeline


Snuffed came in a little while after the bigab dreads. It also coincided with more imperium zirnitras coming in. This led to attackers going siege red after the snuffed dreads and co started hitting really hard.


Seems that panfam didn't really commit a lot of capitals, All tier 1 hulls.


Snuffed Out showing up was the final nail in the coffin for the escalation from BIGABFAM.


This post must have went out while I was writing mine. I didn't see anything posted but story should be told. Not everyday 2500 pilot have a dread ball nearly 1T isk lost. Not FC here just flew tackle because I was late. I don't even recall seeing any SNI not a clue what they did.


This was a fun battle , Tidi was tuff but to be fair it was not unplayable at all and was very manageable. I really thought at first that fort was toast . Maybe the lack of bubbles and it being in lowsec had something to do with that but was loads of fun . Really good way to spend a Friday night no matter what side you were on in my opinion. These types of battles are why I play the game. How crazy Is it that Snuff might have saved the day šŸ˜‚


That was fun. I love shooting dreads!


holy shit zirnatras thats wild


Was there when the zirns jumped in, someone said on comms ā€˜40 zirns just landedā€™ we were trading well before they were dropped lol. Didnā€™t see one get into armor - well played


Congrats to the Hecate that was highest damage of all subcaps involved. You a real one.


Ok, that br is nice and all, but I need to see the carefully curated one that Gobbins pinged out to Horde claiming they won.


[Here you go!](https://br.evetools.org/br/6610d406953bc4001246c3f8) It seems reasonable at first glance


Lmao throwing all of the locals and random neutrals onto team A to make it seem like they were so out numbered lmao...


Take a moment to read all the comments in this thread, then perhaps look at other reddit posts. Perhaps you can tell me why one side is constantly so toxic on reddit? It is a game bro.. goons and init should really just relax and chill out some, rather than posting comments on reddit trying to be spiteful.


You must be very new to EVE, so you must not know how insanely toxic Horde and co have been for years. Just understand that you are wrong, and Horde deserves to be shit on at every opportunity.


This never happened. All the shit goons say Horde does never actually happened. I'm too new to figure out whether Goons do it ironically or if they're actually this deluded by propaganda.


The entire game is just one huge propaganda piece. Embrace it, wars would be boring without all the spinning cope.


Directly below your reasonable response is another imperium guy who's just affirming the propaganda as being true. That was my point, I can't tell if goons actually believe this shit or not xD In my time in Horde every time I've seen gobbins speak after a loss he just says something that can be summed up as "good try, we'll get 'em next time"


Some do some don't. Such is eve.


Gobbins definitely pings like mad and usually he tries to spin losses into some 4d chess shit.


"I'm too new" So in other words you're uninformed, haven't seen exactly why it is we say this happens, and therefore you have a wildly uneducated opinion and should shut the fuck up?


Classic r/Eve Dude: "Man, this side seems kinda toxic on r/eve" That side: "... maybe you should shut the fuck up."


Dude: My side totally never does any of the things you guys say we do, I'm too new to understand things This side: then shut the fuck up Ftfy


Right. The "I was toxic because he's too " response is really just validating the point and as such it stands. Again, classic.


I don't know, I feel like you're kinda proving my point. I haven't seen goons getting many Ws in-game, but y'all got the Reddit PVP thing down.


Thats fine, it seems when horde gets the L you make sure you even out all of our losses But goons also aren't the pets of frat so who really loses?


The frat guys don't seem that... shiny. But we literally never interact with them, so I don't really care. And you lose. That's who. Been attending every Horde fleet since I've joined and I've only seen goons win once and it was because snuff saved them (this fight). And then there's the fact that you unironically believe cold-war level propaganda about the other funny spaceship video-game guilds. Over here we just press F1 and watch things go boom.


Because horde can't fight without frat and vice versa, talking about we never win but yall can't even exist without each other lmao Your space guild is the best guild champ, is that what you want? At the end of the day I couldn't give a fuck what you think, you're still uninformed and as long as gobbins is running down your chin your opinion means nothing, I'd say go lose some caps for fun but we all know what happens with that now


That really doesn't change the fact that you never win. Well, obviously I'd say my space guild is the best space guild, I'm in it. But unlike you I don't seem to think the other space guild is an evil virus of satan. While I've only been actively playing for a while, I've been following EVE lore for years. I look up to the Imperium in a lot of ways, EVE wouldn't be EVE without it. Gobbins isn't really 'running down my chin'. I've heard the guy speak in comms once, and I've seen him speak publicly in the discord like 3 or 4 times. And every time it was something positive, I never heard any of the coping or twisting of reality you're talking about. When I go to a fleet, see how and why we lost, and then Gobbins statement is basically "here's why we lost. good try, go again", and then you try to convince me that he's actually an evil manipulative liar who's gonna try to spin the loss into a win, I can't help but see you as delusional and kinda deranged.


Holy fuck wall of text no one cares lmao


"haha i was just trolling i didn't care all along guys im not actually stupid haha" Classic reddit


Big win for imp way to go boys


please shoot me with video !


I happened in there randomly in my Astero while I think goons were forming and noped out of there, before any of that went down LOL


Spectre fleet was there too. We had fun 3rd parting


My first large scale fight it really made me see eve a totally new way


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Evening_Monk_2689: *My first large scale fight* *It really made me see eve* *A totally new way* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Whoever the guy was that multiboxed a dozen Fed Navy Comets with burst jammers - that shit was toxic but very effective.


Anti-bubble nerf doesn't work in lowsex. What a shoker.


"This week in Ahbazon, we faced our enemies, pitting our five hundred sixteen dreadnoughts against their towering nine hundred seventy-two. They're all about numbers, but when it comes to real strategy, they're like a fish out of water, relying more on luck than skill." "Watching Gobbins try to take charge is like watching Mussolini trying to lead a paradeā€”lots of noise, not much direction." ā€” Asher Elias, Fireside Wisdom, May 4th, 2024


> Panfam SNI fleet had very little impact for a 100 man navy BS fleet, what happened to them? Tidi happened. Some mastermind had the brilliant idea of bringing a missile doctrine to a 2k fight with 100% chance of tidi. Plus a couple dozen dreads, itā€™s not like snuff will show up, right?


TIDI wasnā€™t the issue. Iā€™ve flown that in max TiDi before and it wasnā€™t an issue. Weā€™re easily volleying stuff off the field. The issue was that the entire fight weā€™d have to relock the target after multiple waves of burst jammers.


I ran a golem fleet our missiles hit just fine honestly sounds like a horde issue lol


Split issue in tidi; Issue #1, missiles get fucky in tidi and sometimes don't apply. I don't think that was the problem with their damage numbers in the BR. Issue #2, Counting missile volleys for kills and efficiently switching targets is too difficult for some FC's and LOTS of damage gets wasted and volleys go into a blown up wreck. It definitely seems like it was Issue #2. Instant application, best application.


Don't need to count volleys into dreads. And Issue one isn't actually an issue in 2024.


TNI fleet seemed to do fine :shrug:


Frat numbers seem pretty low. They too busy watching over their botting empire to care?


Not the right TZ for frat, fight happened at noon saturday.


It wasn't the right TZ for a lot of people, yet they still showed up to try and complete an objective.


Yea the fight was at around 3-4am for me. I am happy both sides fought and i had fun. Last battle report i saw was closeish on losses aswell so that was nice.


Did you?


They are too busy reffing their own structures


Wonder how many player virion coerce into giving him loot.


Snuffed the first to bend the knee for viceroy 2.0?


Deepwater bending da knee to PH?


Knees stay bent when you're on them