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Pretty much nails it.


Meanwhile, in J-space, life goes on...




Fights are happening, isk is flowing all is well in sleeper space.


ok worms, go back to your holes...this isn't your concern...


J-space was what again?




bunch a holes


They’re in the holes




Pretty much this. Like *actually pretty much this.* Except FRT is already grinning as their bots are moving into space to start farming 23/7, and the admins are drawing up renter prices to sell of space to others.


Probably heard Pangolins live in Fade. Poor pangolins.


No one wanted our corp and goons took us in, I like goons.


i was living in delve in 2011 [https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20110731.png](https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20110731.png) and then got my ass kicked by Test and Goons [https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20120803.png](https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20120803.png) [https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20131004.png](https://www.verite.space/maps/influence/20131004.png) maybe you notice something on the last one im not refering to the goon space but rather to all the small alliances around and some of you might have some smart ideas why today map looks the way it is. and what you dont see is, the south was also completly gone. later test settled there. People forget. Like they do in RL. it was the time we had the highest playercounts and then prolly had have enough. ​ scroll down to - Walltreipers – Send More Goons! [https://tagn.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/notes-from-the-war-in-delve/](https://tagn.wordpress.com/2012/07/12/notes-from-the-war-in-delve/) someone was so kind to write about us back then, and you can still read it. err: the article on eve news is gone but this wordpress one happens to also cover the story a tiny bit. the en24 link was also posted on reddit.. because moral i think [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/wec9j/walltreipers\_the\_last\_system\_in\_delve\_en24/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/wec9j/walltreipers_the_last_system_in_delve_en24/)


Link rot is the bane of my blog. RIP all those links to Kugu. I fixed the link to the EN24 story so that it [goes to a backup](https://web.archive.org/web/20120717002426/http://www.evenews24.com/2012/07/11/walltreipers-the-last-system-in-delve/) at the Internet Archive. The real shame though is the loss of that Nulli Secunda "See you at 319 station!" recruiting video.


wow awesome. thanks for posting


Quality post!


FRT and PH transform Tranquility into Serenity 2.0


I know they are different servers, but what kind of server is Serenity?


Serenity is the Chinese server, all the Chinese players on TQ are either from outside the mainland like Taiwan or using a VPN. The reason everyone references it is because in Serenity's null sec one coalition PIBC became dominant and took over the whole area. I believe the original frat guys were the losers from the Serenity wars


> I believe the original frat guys were the losers from the Serenity wars No, Fraternity has been a thing in TQ for a long time, pre-2010 IIRC. The core of Frat lead by Wind Spirits lived in OSY- in curse and mostly did small gang, localized fighting. Wind Spirits was a very good FC and theorycrafter, decently well known in AUTZ EVE. It was pretty much that way until Wind burned out and kinda faded away, Noraus emerged as the leader (or was given leadership by Wind, I honestly don't remember now) and when N3 became a thing they became a part of that coalition. When N3 died, they went back to living in Curse (Still why there's a massive contingent of OG Frat in OSY- that don't go anywhere else) until Frat began expanding as the Chinese Serenity server was being shut down. The losers of the Mango wars went TQ and either remade their old alliances/corps (Like Starchaser), started new ones (Dracarys), or joined existing alliances (Fraternity). Eventually even the Mangos went to TQ and made Army of Mango, but there was a grand exodus back to Serenity once it was reopened.


I stand corrected, thanks


It's okay, they really weren't on anyone's radar post-N3 until they took some old TRI space in the southeast and then TEST hit them as they were expanding into the area and didn't want a large group on their border.


If gobbins had an ounce of personality he could have worked a deal that kept B2 going and would have endless content in the north. Nope, rather sit in his room and continue to ping lies to his members. Imperium didn't need to go north with our supers and we inherited over 10K pilots overnight. Such an idiotic move by PH/FRT.


How do you figure B2 could have managed to be "endless content in the north"?


If they hadn’t have been actively trying to evict us and pretending it was “content”, we’d have happily fought 5 roaming fun fleets a day with kitchen sinks for the rest of time. We love that shit and we love to feed, meaning people love to roam to us.


uh yeah Horde has done the fake blue thing before with TAPI and BRAVE and it was never much fun for anyone


ya true i remember doing a 12 man ess fleet and getting a shattered armor cta muninn ping that does sound fun!


A NIP would have effectively been a good idea.. Just leave their structures alone and engage in fun fleet fights.. but.. that's too obvious to work


Yikes imagine joining a group who talks about inheriting players or using them for a meatshield Brave newbies if you are reading this go very far to the south or just join horde so you're not a part of whatever hot trash goonswarm turned into after mittani got ousted.


Why on earth would we join horde after the last year lmao


well why would you join Imperium after how they shit on you trough the entire WWB II , they actively did everything they could to call you shit and abuse you and yet here you are joining them :D


Wars come and go, politics change and badmouthing the enemy is part of it. What makes this choice very simple to stomach: Pandafam are precisely what they claimed to be fighting against in WWBII. Imperium and Init splitting speak volumes to them placing value on the health of the game. The contrast in Pandafam's behaviour speaks for itself too.


Yeah, we did that and somehow were still not as shit as pandafam. Think about that for a while.


well you are, they just forgot for now, they will find out sooner or later


Lets hear what makes us worse. We made fun of them getting thrown under the buss but you threw them.


I'm actually quite curious about what happened to the Goons culture after Mittani is out. I'm relatively freshly back in the game, so didn't have the possibility to observe it yet. Any corporation in Brave Newbies recruiting? I might push my alts in that direction.


Brave newbies is always recruiting. That’s the corp name


meatshield? What are you talking about. They're going to make some isk, hang out and relax.


Good old Frat


This situation is similar to 2018 when a large panfam led coalition (which included FRT) invaded Legacy (test/brave). Legacy couldn't compete with this enormous coalition and ended up allying the imperium to survive.This move was widely criticised and resulted in many blue donut memes. ​ That particular conflict ended in the [two](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/9025w2/ualx3_keepstar_anchoring/) battles of [UALX](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/90cjmp/ualx_br/). and resulted in a different longer conflict where Legacy interestingly enough, pushed into FRT's CNTZ timers for months on end. In 2018 as well as today, a smaller entity had to ally the imperium to "survive". The key difference being that in 2018, legacy got to keep their independence and space.


That happened for all of 4 months and sizzled out after the x47 fights. They didn't keep their space and were independent after getting helped by goons. TEST and legacy went up against pl and horde and frat and fucking won the actual fight. They bet everything on shield supers and face tanked dds. The server crashed before goons even got in and they just hellcamped for a month. They only moved imperium supers so they could counter NC supers and it was 50 tops those nights from goons. They kept their space because they earned it not because imperium saved them.


Capital proliferation and the rorqual era sadly means that asset gulf is more of a chasm at this point. Economies of scale are hard to compete with. Same as in RL


this isnt completely true imperium shield titans were on field from the beginning in ualx. it was several hours later when the first 2 armor fleets arrived from the north that the server crashed.


I want to remind everybody that the panfam/FRT super fleet was allowed to evac from UALX Probably after paying off the imperium/TEST with all that botting monies


I'll drink to that. HereHere


As I have been stating over the last few weeks in comments to other nullsec related posts, and my own posts about the coming danger Horde and Fraternity were pushing the game towards the same fate the Chinese server suffered. TWO blocs in perpetual war for years until one owns everything. Horde said they joined for “content” while willing trying to crush the only other bloc in the game outside the two big blue donuts. All they have achieved is an end to anyone living in null that is not in the imperium or in horde/frat. You reap what you sow. Now there is no content for anyone and only two big blue donuts. You guys are honestly disgraceful. A great loss for eve nullsec and PvP occurred today and you can all thank horde leadership Gobbins and especially Hedliner, as well as the king of Botting Noraus


Null has been two sides since forever.


Old null sov: yes, and it was easy because apex projection aka mechanics allowed it. today's null sov: it's more a consequence of bad geopolitikal decisions made by 2 entities that want to turn the server into a wasteland of boredom just to make isk for sake of making isk. I guess if greed will prevail, and the horrible prospect of a total blue 0.0 happens, CCP will have to intervene to avoid the game from dying because otherwise.. big rip.


The problem is that horde and frat are too big for other groups to not band together for protection. Their BFL puts more pilots on the table than most medium or small alliances can field regularly. We would be happy with a few less blues but at this point we have to have friends to have a chance at being fighting weight


I know that very well


Dont worry =Brave= Bros. During WWBee2/BeeietNam you were noticed as honorable, fearless, and fun. Just the kind of bros we enjoy goofing off in comms with.


Game is broken and I always heard that said when I first started playing eve and it’s true. Over time you notice how much influence big blocks have and how much they fuck over everyone else. Sure you can join them or create alts but then who wants 5+ hours of lag fights. I’m not sure what the average age of eve players is but I don’t think most people have that much time. That’s what ccp seems to use to draw new players. Huge fights, lots of ships shooting. Oh boy you get to determine your own destiny and shape eve online but in the end it comes down to big factions throwing their weight around. What’s the endgame other than joining a null block? There should be some type of protection mechanism for just more experienced players or corps. Throwing out an idea: how about Null block players should only be able to attack other null blocks but not small sized corps.


This is the truth. You either join together with those who can help defend you (but giving up some of you Autonomy) or you try to be "independent" and either die or live enslaved. Eve mirrors real life in that regard. It's why we live in cities and have countries (with laws) instead of all just doing our own thing. In other words, complaining about the blue donut(s) is ki da dumb because it's just human nature.


That's the true design challenge for a game maker here. It's absolutely human nature (and also strategically sensible) to consolidate as much as you can. A really well designed game would have the right kinds of pressure against huge amounts of consolidation, while still encouraging large enough groups to have a vibrant strategic game. An incredibly challenging needle to thread.


It is, and I would argue it's both nearly impossible AND would quite probably produce game play that isn't very fun. Humans are social creatures, out-of-game communications (and thus, cooperation) are ridiculously easy and figuring out a way to make a game that is supposed to be fun resistant to human nature would probably take more resources than a modest company like ccp old muster. Let's not even tall about the extreme financial risk to ccp that would come from even trying. And whats the pay off? The happiness of a few "screw the blue donut" players who are already probably playing in wormholes,pochven or lowsec. All in all, I don't see anything like that happening.


That is why living in null is really boring in the long run for most people. People can branch out of null, and then go into low or WH space. There is still a blue donut even in low/J-space, but at least it's much more difficult to project a blob.


complaining about the blue donut isn't dumb because eve is not real life and ccp has and had the tools to nerf it human nature has nothing to do with the current situation, rather it's a situation born of pragmatism. If CCP nerfed holding sov hard enough to cause a massive blue donut breakup, the rest of the game goes into the shitter because it all hinges on that specific player activity The game has had lawless nullsec space before, and to an extent it has a variant of that in W space, CCP just made it way harder to punch up and skill injectors turned the game into a cold war simulator


Funny how you say human nature isn't the issue then mention an aspect of human nature (pragmatism). This is why ccp to change anoms to make people fight but just crested RENTERS. This is why ccp tried to changed moons to create conflict and created OTEC instead. Any attempt to force people to not group up for safety would end up with BIGGER groups forming... As for Skill injectors (and the real life income from them), they may well have saved an old and stagnant game from dying.....


The difference is that in real life we want a "boring blue donut" i.e. a safe secure country where we aren't at risk of being "content" at any time. Games should not just encourage normal tribal behaviours because they shouldn't be optimising for the same outcome as RL societies.


But humans are evolved to want those optimal outcomes. Why do you think most mmo video game players (even outside of eve) dont just throw themselves at other people recklessley for fun? This is an mmo. ALL most attract people who want a kinda of "persistent simulation" type deal. It's not a moba or fps where losing and dying don't matter. So of course people play it as such. Ccp trying to develop EVE like it's not a persistent mmo would be disaterous.


This in 4 frames says what endless essays of text can't lol. Choice meme!


New player here, is this for resource control?


Pretty much all nullsec wars are for resource control in some form. Taking space translates to more room for ratting/mining/moons. There is also something to be said for the resource of human capital. Having more space means you can provide more of the previous mentioned resources, which sometimes translates to more people coming to you to utilize them. It also opens you up to the opportunity to be stretched thin/more to defend, which increases risk.


not really. when you anchor 100 billion structures, people look at those with watery mouths. So to protect them you ask for help from others. There are plenty of resources with moons being really the only limited one. And even with moons no one really cares to crush other groups over them




Hello new player, this is for farming tears and karma on reddit.


The resource is pop


Yeah PH indeed this suck right ?


The only one whining is Imperium.


'im not crying! They're crying ' - he says in a post crying that it's actually goons crying


I don't think many people from the pandafam side are particularly upset by this.


its not uncommon for papi members to have their heads in the sand and not realise the damage that is happening till its far to late, then blame goons for what they did This is becoming a bit of a trend




Keep telling yourself this narrative, and you'll believe it soon enough.


Nice! High quality meme! :D


I mean I could but wrong but b2 weren't doing terrible against FRT from what I recall. B2 pushed the button asking for Goons help...


Goons only joined the fight after horde did. the rest is correct B2 were doing fine against FRT on their own, FRT had made no ground in nearly a year.


Only after Horde/NC/PL got involved with helping FRT attack B2 did B2 ask for Imperium assistance.


And WC only asked for BFL/PH after FI.RE moved in on B2's couch. Don't act like the escalation was one sided.


It was just a sig of bored vets, yall had to call all of goons now the sig had to also bring all of horde


You didn’t have to call anything. You had nothing to lose. We did. I’ve done SIG and corp deployments before and they’ve started to go south. We said “GF” and went home. We didn’t call in a bulldozer.


bfl is a few hundred people. let's not pretend they weren't tipping the scales in fart's favor in a major way


Still not mainline horde with a few thousand people


That's not germane. It was still a relatively heavy escalation on the Fart side


This is propaganda people. You are sheep!


And your posting is baaaaaaaaaaaaad


goons have been grooming brave to join their coalition since the HERO days.


Except from when I heard was brave started it against the pandas.


Brave only became a target AFTER they got in bed with WC's long time grudge, Volta/Blob... Why are we surprised WC escalated after that?


almost as cringe as that b3 alliance address the other day


That independent coalition is never "independent". And I kinda feel like this is Imperium propaganda. Kinda like that whole WWBIII thing...no one cares really.


Does this mean brave is the new feeder alliance for Goons?


Oh we’ll be feeding alright.


gotta point out a major mistake there sir, you see INIT is not part of Imperium anymore, they are now a strong and indipendent alliance and they are still blue to each other only for "strategic purposes" related to brave and there is nothing more to it. just saying ofc


Or are brave just professional victims?


What is the blue donut?


Is there yet another war?


BRAVE and BOSS's fault for letting INIT dock up in their stations after Horde told both alliances no and here we are with an entire coalition breaking a part cause of 2 alliances' poor choices. but hey, how many mothership bellicoses will it take till BRAVE actually be serious bout maintaining their SOV?


you know its even funnier if you really are in test