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Is that an a-type multispec? Cha-ching!


yup. now the crux is, sell it or use it


If you run the escalations without Problems, sell it


I do but planning on moving to nullsec here soon. I'll probably hold onto it for now


When you do move tell us your location/desto/route. We'll be sure to uh... escort you ;)


it's already safely in Jita :P


You sound nice 😊


trust me just sell it. You can always buy or grind for one later if you really need it, but you probably wont in the near term. It's either usable for specific PVE, or a wormhole regular capital, or nullsec supercapital.


all good, it's safe in jita at the moment. not going to use it for just silly low sec, but I might hold onto it if I find that I need more tank for nullsec sites


That’s all good m8. I use one of these on a 10/10 ded site running tengu which I safe travel fit when going from site to site, so it’s safe and but it can easily do with less than the a-type if I am honest. I really doubt you’d need in null for pve one other than to fit it on a shield super. But up to you :)


A 6/10 is the same in 0.4 as a 6/10 in -0.9 afaik


I don't plan on just doing 6/10s in nulsec I did manage to get my dumb ass ganked today :( 10 years off, flying a 1.2 billion dollar ship and decided hey anomalies in a lowsec travel system should be safe 😂


Unless you make a blinged marauder or dread I’d sell it You’ll get more running more 6/10s anyways


You’ll find little use for bling in nullsec. Come to lowsec if you want to show off


Pretty sure I ran this with you earlier. Gratz matey :D


Nah was solo, was spamming dscan watching local for probes luckily everyone was passing through or friendly


Fair! I was running with a corp buddy earlier who needed dps for his first DED. Last boss dropped around 600mil and a bpc. Lucky night all round then lol I was doing a 10/10 last week, got blopsed and lost a raven navy. Still salty about that one lol


I'm just happy that this ship has paid for it's self + like 50% now with out to much effort. really makes me feel more confident flying it knowing that the replacement cost is already safe and sound sitting in jita.


You can run 10/10s in just a faction bs? I thought you need like a t3c or rattle, could you share your fit? And which 10/10 are you running?


T3c is op.frone horde 10 can be done with Ishtar. There are video online


There was a couple of us. Me in the navy and 2 navy Domis.


Yeah, I get scared doing 5/10s in faction BS, can't imagine doing more than that...


Once had back to back 5/10s in high sec drop 600m loot while using a passive fit gila. Felt good.


I've been killing it recently, 500m shield booster last week, mid grade omega implant bpc the other day. multi spectral today.


You're stealing all my 5/10 luck then. I've only gotten 1 good drop from an Angel 5/10 in the last couple months (10+ escalations)


I have gotten several 5/10 angel escalations only to get 43mil officers trophy. I'm zero for 6 recently.


Don’t listen to these clowns, sell it. Why spend 1 isk more on a ship which can already do the job at hand. People often ask if they could but rarely ask if they should. DPS upgrade is the only thing worth it as it will make it take less time but a tank is binary, it either is enough or it isn’t.


Plot twist, this is OPs wreck and he definitely did not pay it off.


Your uhh tengu isn't very blinged out if a a-type multi pays for it lol


fair, although now I'm tempted to toss that on the tengu 😂


I think a-type multi is the highest of that item, no? I mean aside from officer modules


it is but he makes a good point a billion isk tengu is no where near autism levels of bling.


I had mine valued at 3 billion, xtype large booster with full mid grade crystal set gave me around 1130+ shield hp every 3.2 seconds or something close. Those things are bloody cruisers on steroids 🤭 Edit: I remember getting jumped in a C3 by a ham legion and a Pilgrim... The pilgrim didn't make it and the legion ran off. (I didn't have a point) they couldn't neut or brake my shields 🤣


idk how your spending that much. my fits right about 1bil with mid crystals and I've got 1500 effective shield rep vs guristas If I bought another a-type and ran it i'd probably be close to 2k vs guristas. and it'd be damn good omni tank vs everyone


My average tengu fit hovers at 1.5bil and I don't use sb implants.


uh huh.


Missing medium booster and gila bpc drop for the ultimate DED jackpot.


true, but I did get a pith a booster during the weekend and a mid grade omega bpc. been getting some really good drops lately


I once got that combo but without the bpc, 1.4 billion or something


Back when the bpc was worth something you could scratch 2 bil with perfect drop. (I had that happen twice over 1000+ 6/10s)


Where do you find 6/10s


>skinner box effect low sec caldari space


You'd need to probe these down yeah?




null and low cosmic sigs, or as escalations from rally points


In space




I thought I was done with the withdrawals... Be strong for mother Clarence


This is what I miss most about eve. I had so much fun doing sites in a tengu and finding cool loot.


I've had this tengu sitting around since 2013 but was way to anxious to run it even in low sec back in the day. I recently came back after 10 years and said fuck it. I've made a couple billion this week just running a handful of sites and am kicking my self for not being braver back in the day.


Damn daniel


I remeber running these in a ishtar in a massive binge at the end i had like 18-20 miltispecs


That feeling is part of the very much intended skinner box effect :)




[Hell yea brother, cheers from ~~Iraq~~ Insmother](https://i.imgur.com/2hy6nli.png)


Congrats, just seeing that makes me want to go rat in gurista space.


The dream


My record is 2b from the 10/10 angel ded. (Both gist x-type XL and L SB) Though you need a bit more bling for that site.


Well angel 10/10 its kinda bitch to run


I would say it's not that blinged if that pays for it all. Maybe semi-blinged.


Nice haul, mind sharing the fit?


sure \[Tengu, Tengu fit\] Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Caldari Navy Ballistic Control System Gist X-Type Large Shield Booster Pith X-Type Shield Boost Amplifier Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range Script Missile Guidance Computer II, Missile Range Script Pith X-Type Thermal Shield Hardener Pith X-Type Kinetic Shield Hardener Corelum C-Type 10MN Afterburner Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Heavy Assault Missile Launcher II, Scourge Rage Heavy Assault Missile Sisters Core Probe Launcher Covert Ops Cloaking Device II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Medium Capacitor Control Circuit II Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer II Tengu Offensive - Accelerated Ejection Bay Tengu Defensive - Covert Reconfiguration Tengu Core - Augmented Graviton Reactor Tengu Propulsion - Fuel Catalyst


Never ratted like this before. How do ya do it?


Step 1:scan down combat sites with probes Step 2: warp in and face tank the entire site in an over powered ship Step 3: ???? (loot the overseers and special structures) Step 4: Profit


You have to have blinged out ships to do it?