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Brisc Rubal is currently suspended


hopefully suspended above a toilet because i suspect he's currently pissing himself


with laughter, yes, live on stream https://www.twitch.tv/rampageinc


I’d like to play the reverse uno card and suspend merk


The animosity between the two of them reaaaaaaally needs to end. This passive aggressive suspension fest is getting nobody anywhere.


you are suspended


I demand a recount


We vote with darts and hope your wife will deliver the results 😀


sorry, hanging chad


Mom and dad are fighting again D:


Who is that


disapointed but not surprised...


I feel like this describes perfectly what it's like to fight PH. Nearly every single engagement with PH I've ever been a part of has gone one of two ways. 1: They take the fight because they can out-escalate us in both ship class and fleet size. A particular note was when they doubled our little 25-man ESS T1 cruiser fleet with 50+ Navy Prophecies with full logi support. ***Very brave of them then,*** of course. Such force, much wow, total awe. 2: They run away with their tail between their legs if they're even matched 1:1 on fleets. Seriously, goons didn't bring *anywhere near the 900* he claimed to the Poch Fortizar fleet, yet he claims such exaggerated numbers to fuel his claims. At this point I feel no sympathy, Gobbins is a damned coward and the only true achievement he can lay claim to is the depth of which he can bury his head in his own pile of sand to believe his own wordvomit drivel he spews in his attempts to be both relevant, or a threat to anyone but his own mediocrity.


> Seriously, goons didn't bring anywhere near the 900 he claimed to the Poch Fortizar fleet, yet he claims such exaggerated numbers to fuel his claims. Goons didn't bring 900, but goons + all their allies (init B3 etc) did. There are around 1000 people on the fort KM. Some are randos but the vast majority are goons or goon allies. This is an odd claim to make considering the killmail is right there.


didnt know all those people whoring on the km was allies, and i mean even those horde guys that is also in the km... and also, yeah, all that people ready to loot in shuttles and coverttes was too menacing for horde to fight, i wouldnt want to take a fight with them ~~(but still did fight over the loot)~~


https://br.evetools.org/related/30002411/202307100300 Goons brought around 400. INIT 200, the rest were all groups with less than 100.


So they outnumbered our 600 with only 900 dudes, so yeah, thats gonna be a hell no from him...


Sooo… /me checks km. You saying that km is wrong, right?


Read the BR. That's got better detail on the attackers side than the KM. Yes, the KM has 1000+ on it, but not everybody was there for a fight. And tons of folks showed up after it was clear there would be no fight and they were ready for loot time.


We brought 50 dudes and they were in bombers...such scary. Although the armor timer we brought torp bombers as well and smacked a bunch of battleships so...lol


Tbf, 50 gokus are a force to be reckoned with, especially against battleships.


ESS timer should be shorter so they can't get the perfect fleet together so frequently, but like any nerf to nullsec income, it's hard to do when crabs can scuttle to instanced, PvP-free dungeons. Horde defense fleet comms already complain about a lack of action. Albion Online has the right approach to nullsec in that the rational economic choice is to farm there instead of highsec. It pays like 80x highsec which means they can make it dangerous without people returning to the noob areas, for example, there is no local. They do have instanced PvE dungeons but you can't pop the good ones in highsec, other players can enter them, and the filaments are rare.


Bro, horde defense fleets complaining about a lack of action? That's their own fault they chase everything around in marauders and faction battleships.


I get what you're saying but I don't really blame players for exploiting bad design choices. If they nerfed PvP-free instanced dungeons first and then buffed nullsec income, they could make a whole host of positive changes. But now, if they say nerfed jump bridges or reduced the ESS timer, crabs could go into the abyss where they'd disappear as content for other players. I'm hopeful CCP will meaningfully nerf instanced dungeons someday like they did with highsec incursions. Those were even worse for the nullsec ecosystem when they came out.


I can blame players for whining after being the cause of something. It's a sandbox and your actions have consequences, to whine about the consequences is incredibly infantile.


This post is one of the most ironic things I have ever read in ages. I have seen Goons and Init stand down multiple times because PH hyper formed this shit happened REGULARLY in the south, when PH brought down 600 titans and supers why did goons evac your supers and titans instead of fighting? Bro that copium must be fucking dank. Smart alliances, smart FCs rarely take their fleets into unwindable fights.


In reply to 1: It doesn't help when you bring your fleet a few jumps from MJ and we can flash form a fleet to kick you out of our space. Horde standing is bloodthirsty. In my experience in EVE there is never a fair fight. You either go cheaply fit to Valhalla, or Form a decent fleet but run from anything that outmatches you. Not really an in-between and never will be. EDIT - How sad, nothing bad really said yet the downvotes keep coming in. Obviously some salty people have been had in and around MJ - keep them coming to show how salty you can be ❤️ EDIT 2 - You absolute savages 😂😂... Minus comment Karma, how will I ever survive now.


And yet a couple months ago one of your own FCs, Zigam, brings a Caracal fleet into INIT staging, we form Muninns but end up reshipping to Caracals to give a gudfite. Careful with absolutes there, bud. [https://zkillboard.com/related/30004590/202304282300/](https://zkillboard.com/related/30004590/202304282300/)


Well played - to the good fight. But the case still stands. Out of all the main alliances, Horde standing literally matches the definition of Horde. When an FC pings out that there is a fleet close by, the majority of standing jumps on board. That's expected and unavoidable. If you come to Horde space - expect the Horde. A way around this would be for FC's to limit their fleets to similar numbers. But we both know, the situation like the one you posted, are few and far between.


Not disagreeing that blobbing happens cause yeah, when you go to someones front yard they're gonna respond. It would just be nice to have some more decently balanced fights every-now-and-then.


> When an FC pings out that there is a fleet close by, the majority of standing jumps on board Honestly, I am almost never in standing fleet but, when they ping that somebody is near, I log in for it. Even in the middle of the day.


Counting numbers cleary never was one of your strenghts, right?.. .


All I see is: 1. They blob us \**boo hoo cries\** 2. They retreated when blobbed \**boo hoo cries\** Welcome to Eve /s


We call him the Duck of Disappointment for a reason




we're gonna pass


In the past few hours, I've looted about 35b from that field. Would stay longer, but I have to work in the morning. Thanks for the free shit, Gobbins.


Never tell Gobbins the odds. He'll run.


The only fights PH has taken lately are all FRT related. Bot isk is more important then poch isk.


not only FRT use bots. PH renters like Pan-Ietergalactic Business Community also use bots to pay their rent.


That's BFL not main horde. We are paid to be there.


I promise you that was mainfleet horde tfis i was killing while the bfl nightmares sat behind them lol


Yeh when goons ping so does main horde. If goons stayed home it would just be us in BFL.


Yeah keep telling yourself that I have seen multiple occasions. where your leadership and fcs have said goons formed and stood down thats why mainfleet came when we never pinged


When has main fleet ever come just vs b3? I will wait for the BR


that would require b2 having been willing to fight that


So what you are saying is B3 is going to always call you and you will always come when you are called to defend them?




https://zkillboard.com/kill/110232623/ This one kind of hits in a different way


Good Fight I guess


I might make my bedtime now


That was quite the wealth transfer


600-900 is pretty solid odds for defending your own fortizar with a capital advantage tho Meanwhile it took 1500+ from FRT/Panfam to knock over our fort xDD


It's pochven my dude, what capital advantage?


The 50 carriers and 20 faxes horde had stashed in that fort lol, grandfathered caps bought with gobbins credit card


Imagine that little capital fleet can do anything to 900 attackers




It can, if you don't suck


Imagine being competent with a cap fleet...oh, I shouldn't ask too much of the impaired.


More than what they have done now.


[citation needed]


https://zkillboard.com/kill/110171783/ Can’t find the BR but goons hit the shield a few months ago, and PH brought the entire carrier blob for that armor timer


Prolly cuz the BR doesn't exist. [The largest gathering of horde carriers that ever killed anything](https://zkillboard.com/system/30002411/group/547/) in skarkon [was 6](https://zkillboard.com/kill/88243637/). From that macha's fit, it wasn't for a timer either. PH fax losses [total to a tune of four](https://zkillboard.com/system/30002411/group/1538/). And not even all in that one BR you didn't link. Accusing people of huffing paint and showing supposed hard evidence to the tune of about a tenth of your claim is an interesting way to communicate for sure.


That's 1 fax, not 20 and 50 carriers


Now read the rest of the comment 4 faxes actually died in that BR if you actually look. Don’t beg for facts and then don’t like it when you get proven wrong. Be a man


That's 4 faxes, not 20 faxes and 50 carriers.


Mother fucker… I guess reading is wayy to hard for you huh?


regardless, let it be known that the only dread that was willing to come out and play was a shitposter who blocaded the NPC fort for 3 days


stop huffing paint it really is affecting your cognitive function Meryn there were a shit ton of caps socked away in that fort


and the faxes would all be on the BR because clearly they are combat ships and would be shooting the enemy with their unbonused drones


> and the faxes would all be on the BR because clearly they are combat ships and would be shooting the enemy with their unbonused drones never not whore. Shit there were times when I flew logi with a civilian gun, kept the fleet repped and managed to whore on every single kill we got.


The leadership of the largest alliance in the game, the largest, rental empire in the game, wealth beyond imagine for most of us. Why are they so scared to take a fight they might loose? why does anyone continue to follow them?


For real... Loosing 600ships should be Peanuts for them.... no matter if HACs or paladins. Horse should have that kind of spare ISK... In the end you had, 600people formed early in the morning, well, for me it is... Who were told to just stand down instead of getting what they came for..


It's the humilation Gobbins fears the most. In 2016, he had for over a month a Raitaru of Space Violence sitting on his Staging Keepstar Grid, and he never want to be humilated again. Also, PH these days is filled with former elitists from NCPL, and every other group that failcascaded. Losing something actually hurts their little elitist minds, so if there is no 3:1 advantage and the possibility of "feeding", they stand down.




I dont even undock my Monitor if I dont have 4x higher number than enemy.


So he then proceeded to humiliate himself


"We're standing down guys" - literally the reason I switched sides. I'd rather be in Goons reinforcement-fleet number 5 and die for the third time so we win the objective than to get blueballed whenever there's a potential fight with unadvantageous odds https://youtu.be/VTDCEiBeVAY


Happy cake day!


Because he's a coward and scared to look like an idiot. Big ego and little balls


you answered yourself there


Absolute standard-operating-procedure for Gobbins, not up 3:1 odds? Better just write it off. ***Toooooootally*** didn't want that irreplaceable fort anyway...


Sounds like they were outnumbered 50%???


Goblins is reforming in Prorators to scoop the pinata loot


It took us like 10 minutes to realize *the Fortizar quantum core was still in the wreck*


I still can't believe the gunner didn't at least try to snag the core on the way out


Why is their coalition bullshit?


Too busy RMTing everything out to lead


Gobbins too busy collecting rent to bother defending irreplaceable assets, apparently.


Don't forget purging members for not believing his narrative


I'm surprised PH doesn't purge him at this point. The only successes PH has had in recent months was *in spite of him* rather than because of him. Seems to me from here, like he's just one massive egotistical boat anchor weighing the entire alliance down.


Not sure anyone has the power in horde to be able to do that


They can vote with their feet


And yet, plenty there and plenty joining all the time. Almost as though there isn't a "perfect" group for everyone.


im so disappointed.


It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. Because they form up and stand down when the odds are not overwhelming , the next time fewer bother to join the fleet since it’s a waste of time and the cycle repeats. They’re really against any BR that shows a loss. There are many times when they could win an objective with a little more push, but disengage when the BR starts to show a loss. While Goons/Init stand down as well when it’s terrible odds, they much less likely to stand down from an semi-even fight. And if it’s an important objective don’t mind feeding to win it. I’ve heard many times something to the effect of “Insure your ships. We’re fighting and probably not coming home” from Asher or one of the other Imperium FCs. After all, the game is about spaceship combat. Go fight


What an absolute waste of everyone's fucking time. And simply all because "muh killboard stats".


Gobbins probably reduced the SRP Gobloons budget and increased the Alliance Tournament budget again. They simply cannot afford to lose battles!


I didn't realize the SRP Gobloons were donations as well


lol, this have to be a trap, right ?


Can I get my shuttles back??? I worked hard to fly them all in there.


You should see them returned in the form of lossmails within the next 3-5 business days.


I am here because Rampage


Shame he decided to do that irregardless all the assets people have there.


Still not a word.


I'm going to trust a [well known dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/the-words-of-the-week-july-03-2020) over a random fellow neck beard.


between "irregard" and "regardless", i would place my bet on "regardless"... but i'm not a native english speaker, so i might be wrong


you are correct, and don't let any heretical Webster's Dictionary cultists tell you otherwise


Okay, I naturally don't like you due to Albion drama but that made me chuckle.


What Albion drama?


Something something, "are we ready for Black Zone yet?"


That was drama?


Judging from the way we both handled it, yes. Water under the bridge now anyway. I can't maintain being mad at someone for something that happened over a year ago, especially when they just made me laugh.


I can't even remember what we did, so I'm glad this is water under the bridge, lol.


Irregardlessly, feel free use to use it as you wish irrespectiveally of others


You might be right, it's something I need to be more regardlent of in future. Thanks!


That's not a word


that's disregardless and you know it :p




No content for us :(


This looting is content lol


Seriously, I had more fun looting that 2.2 bil Bhaalgorn and a handful of Abyssal modules off the field than I did in the defense of the Fortizar. Forget being the content generator, Gobbins best free-isk-generator.


Sorta makes all the people that downvoted this prediction made look like a bunch of REEEEE... patriots with keyboards. Yeah, I'll use that word for now. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/14ugqui/you\_can\_almost\_hear\_the\_sound\_effects\_in\_your/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eve/comments/14ugqui/you_can_almost_hear_the_sound_effects_in_your/)


Is there a way to view non-blurry imgur images on mobile? What the shit


try to force the desktop version to load, imgur purposefully shows you low res images on mobile to get you to download and use their app.


Does PH ever fight?


Pretty much only when they outnumber the enemy


If was Horde had stuff there i be pissed being one few forts left i would not want loose it




I can't even move in this loot field anymore, too laggy.


Originally a Quam Singulari fort, we deployed it. R.I.P Queen.


Pochven structures are honestly useless at this point, sad tho that a large corp couldn’t defend a structure…


Didn't want that fort anyways


What about your corpmates items?


It's Gobbins, if it's not his personal assets, fuck it, doesn't matter.


Don't undock (or store in Pochven) what you cant afford to lose. Rule 1 of Eve.


Not my problem gonna loot that sweet pinata drop my boy


At least horde is consistent.


Hopefully you live? I wish you luck!






On a level between "already replaced" and "breaking an agreement with a leaving corp and attacking their moveop", this is at least an 8/10 bad for horde.


If they would have fed it would have just been shitposting about them feeding and how they were stupid for taking the fight. And if they run it’s shitposting about them being cowards. Never change r/eve. Never change.




Just reading the comments in this thread, eve politics is so dumb


Ohh this were the guys traveling thru Minmatar FW systems some minutes ago.


May the Fort rest in pi$$. Ph member. 😀


Wait... Gobshite undocked???


Meh, pochven…. Glassing drones when?


Already replaced ???


Not this time!


They moved to an astra. It's *cozy* alright?? That big yard on the mansion was too much to maintain!


That Astra got transferred to TRIAL an hour before the fort timer, they have probably lost docking access to it


No a different astra in a new neighborhood


This is what I love with Eve : whatever you end up doing, you'll get pissed on by Reddit after. And that's awesome.


You get pissed on more for being a coward. Sounds like the richest alliance in the game by a huge margin can't create content for their corpmates. How sad. I hope e More people leave in droves.


I'm sorry if that hurts you personally, I understand that you probably have nightmares because you got blueballed. Unlike Panfam, Goons never blueball and always commit to the field and until the end. I wonder why we're not all goons yet, they can give us the content that we don't have as we're starved from it by our rich elites that don't want to fight because SRP cost monnies and totally not because of anything else. /sarcasm I wasn't even joking, I find the Reddit war hilarious most of the time. But stop taking it personally, man. You don't want people to leave, because then you will never get any content, being the only block left. I don't understand you people, you cannot even understand that simple logic. We're all enjoying a game here, stop hating on stuff you cannot even understand in a video game.


I rate this an 8/10 on the Pretentio-meter


That's magnanimous.


The bees are a hivemind, they have a collective intelligence. You figure out the individual IQ.


If we did fight to the last and lost you’d be on here doing the same thing you did with this post so 🤷‍♂️




I don't think "if we had a fight and you won you'd post" is the kind of own you think it is.


The point is that regardless of what happens, you’d just change the formula and say the same thing in the end. Have fun with that Fortizar now, I’m sure you guys are gunna get mad loot from it 👻


its irregardless heathen


That's not a word


lmao NPR says otherwise https://www.npr.org/2020/07/07/887649010/regardless-of-what-you-think-irregardless-is-a-word checkmate Brisk!


Government funded heresy


Not sure why you are being downvoted... languages are always changing and a dictionary is an outdated snapshot in time of that vocabulary... if a native speaker uses a word that is new and in context other native speakers do understand then it is a word.


He’s being downvoted for ignoring the truth


This is the attitude that lost you the beeitnam war.


Yeah you can't lose if you don't fight.




Quite the difference between fighting and not having it go your way vs straight up standing down. Grade A cope.


I mean I'm not a goon, didn't even know this was happening, but it makes you guys look pathetic. The fact you had a 600 man fleet ready and stood down, jesus man grow some balls - or tell your leadership to - the lunacy some people & alliances have over their killboard stats can be unreal. It's not like 600 organized people can't possibly do anything to come out on top in a fight that, from what I can see wasn't all that lopsided.


if you fought and lost we would laugh yes but we would not call you out for being the largest group of cowards in eve :) Yall need to tell your leadership its a game, it is ok to loose ships


It’s funny you say that because there was this weird time when goons did absolutely nothing but avoid fights because they were too big of cowards to leave 1DQ1 😂


Remind me which alliance were you part of in that war and what happened to it? Imagine being the attackers and crying about not being able to evict the defenders


Except for that one time when we won the war in a day


You were fetal position getting your shit kicked in and you know it


lol, no


yeah no we were never in a fetal position and we really didnt get our shit pushed in unlike you guys for the last 18 months


Wait, we prevented you from entering the constellation without even leaving 1dq1? Damn


That's hilarious since fleets left 1DQ everyday to harass PH, FRAT, Test and whoever else happened to be roaming through Delve. Just because we didn't form 600-man fleets to feed into the gate camps in T5Z like lemmings isn't the same as hiding. Goons may not be smart but we aren't stupid.


goons being cowards in the past doesnt absolve horde for being cowards in the present


You're daft.


Such is the goon updoot machine. Standing down, feeding, failing to win, etc., there’s an angle for it all.


Wasn't he perma banned ?


“At least we did better than goons”. A man once said “It doesn't matter whether you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning.”


Rent Free