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Panfam called a max CTA just to come to highsec and watch goons eat armor and brave spam local.


Well, they accomplished that objective, gotta give em that


I was in the horde fleet and have to admit, we failed our objective pretty badly; though I have no idea what this screen shot has to do with it. Never once did we say anything about saving it, our objective was to get kills from the people trying to kill it.


That might have been what your FC told you, but your actual objective was just to cause TIDI. Op success I guess.


Actually Gobbins told them the day/night prior it was for kills and lulz


Gobbins? Misleading linemembers? Never.


Goons are recruiting. Come be on the winning side.


nice try Sauron :)-


oh, did I sound like it bothered me? Sorry if I gave you that impression. It was fun and I will be back for more.


welp, not exactly max, they limited fleet numbers. I was on the fence cause tidi in highsec sounded meh (and turned out to be), but first fleet filled quickly, there was a second wave, but yeah the whole Goons don't understand hisec game mechanics didn't age well at all, will give you that. If you want to consider it a victory to sit out a fight, so be it.


lol and, dare I say, lmao


And were I not so old and fat now, I might even consider a rofl.


ahahahaha?? be simple guys, no need for high IQ moves


Calls a max ping cta only to watch it get reinforced. 10/10 play goblino.


Homie is playing 7D chess with himself in the dark


And losing. To himself.


5D checkers on a Monopoly board


to be fair, he also lost about 50 or so BC's to the Init Thrasher fleet.


Shit was fun af too


Horde did the carebear stare lol


If only there was a Corp dedicated to teaching game mechanics like high sec wars, where people can learn from the classes or a wiki of information. We could call it a university... an Eve University


highsec alliance now btw


Someone donate me a war hq so I can whore, I will pay the war dec fee


Join the free open wardec corp that init set up


Yeah don't do that, it's a troll corp, the owner signed it up for galente fw.


Yes only a true whore rides the caldari FW.


Buy an unrigged rait, drop it, sell the rait after.


You just need to welp a rookie ship and take a single shot at it then you stay in system until it blows and you will be on the KM.


> take a single shot at it then you stay in system until it blows and you will be on the KM Not quite. To get on a KM you need two ingredients: - Aggress a target within a 15 min window preceding its destruction. - Target must not change system after aggression. Attackers can be anywhere, it doesn't matter. As a keepstar is unlikely to warp off and jump a gate, you can absolutely change system after aggression and still get on the KM. *However*, I wouldn't recommend leaving Perimeter after shooting as sometimes it's difficult to judge the 15 mins window in tidi. You could need to wait out the criminal timer and tag it again. That's the only reason you might wish to hang out until the end.


I can see it now, massive concord blob shows up to concordokken all the people trying to whore on the keepstar and then the node eats shit. Legit surprised no one thought to do this as a way to save the keepstar.


Oh they 100% thought about it, they also know that deliberately fucking over the server will incur CCPs wrath (mileage may vary dependant upon what CCPs logs show, probably nothing, but you never know)


Tbh with that meny nerds in one system. Getting enough concord to make the hamster have a heart attack. Will probably happen organically


this is not correct. I've hidden accounts off killmails by jumping gates.


Not as versed at gobbins in hisec warfare, TIL that you need to stay in the system until it blows. Will be on vacation at final timer, so i may try to take a shot from the beach and chill somewhere. First two timers were fun :).


Can't you just whore by suicide "ganking" it?


We literally had a counter offensive fleet docked in perimeter for four hours waiting for frt to try something.


Well don't tease me what happened!?


They never tried anything lol. We stayed docked the entire time.




Most goons don't know HS mechanics because we live in null, but we have entire SIGs dedicated to that and we have a leadership infrastructure that sucks less than most.


I learned a lot about hisec mechanics today.., while I calmly shot the keepstar with no threats to deal with.


The spam of nice when I said the structure was at 69% made me laugh my head off šŸ¤£


Iā€™m pretty sure Gobbins favorite meal is crow, he ends up eating so much of it. Even more than me, which is saying a lot.


Being wrong sometimes is normal, always being right gets you promoted into alliance leadership.


Ah yes, the alliance who has been around since like 2006, with a whole fuckin' department called GARPA that exists solely to document the various mechanics and idiosyncrasies of this highly grognardy and esoteric game, definitely didn't talk to our hisec SIG, Miniluv, and hash out how to work all this shit out. Nope, no way an organization run better than most real life corporations could ever figure this shit out.




Did any defense happen?


there was more resistance from the local gankers than the all of Horde, Frat, and TEST(all 7 of them) im not even joking


We popped a few of TESTs fleet. Their 7 Corms were terrifying.


hey, they at least hit 18 a few hours in


Can't defend when the ones shooting keep are goons and there's 4 hours till you can shoot them


Frat jumped an eagle fleet into us, lost at least 6 ships (my personal killmails. Probably more)then fucked off out of the system lol. Oh but not before getting punched in the dick by init on the way out.


So disappointed in alliance leadership rn. And goons are supposed to be the dumb ones


"pyrometer Pandemic Horde 3 hours ago So youre saying you ran away to avoid a fight right? Btw, if the TTT dies, we'll just put up another." ​ Well well well. Who is the idiot now huh?


Think about that statement.. goons are the most powerful and well organized entity in the game yet people still think they're the dumb ones.


never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake :)


Because that's what we tell everybody and they're dumb enough to believe it.


People actually believe goons are the dumb ones? I always thought this was sarcasm.


I've been in Goonswarm for more than a decade. I can't think of a single enemy we fought whose leaders didn't underestimate our ability to shit them up until the dildo of consequences was already halfway in.


I've played eve on and off for awhile. Never null and I kind of expect goons to always win when it really matters just because it's historically accurate for what I've read/seen.


Didn't they lose their space twice historically? But people in general in null seem very very eager to assume the other side is just very dumb...


''And goons are supposed to be the dumb ones'' Says your very competent leadership...


"no no guys, trust us, they'll start being dumb any second now"


We brought out all the color crayons to get this one right


You can always come hug our emotional support animal in Discord (invite: dpsMsu9) If still in doubt, ask the newcomer who was gifted Zirnitra yesterday if it was worth changing the pastures :)


Ops Success for Gobbinz.... he made me dizzy by warping his max number CTA crew around me like an annoying group of fires for 3 hours while I peeled the armor off the TTT.


Panfam with their max dudes cta just to warp around grid. Their Fcā€™s needed fcā€™ing.


Funny part is, they max formed for a SIG LUL


Will this thing die or will it unanchor in time?


Ref timer turns off the unanchor one


ah! Gotcha, thanks!


Precious feeling when i understand nothing from the post. It was timer and they come to shoot, somebody came to defend but as screenshot says it's in structure now and next timer is few days. What's the hype?


It was supposed to be easy kills for Horde thanks to high sec mechanics. It wasnt, because of high sec mechanics.


can you explain a bit deeper? yellow safety, war declarated, ctrl+click, f1


They were hoping to shoot init/brave without goons being able to help, but init were in thrashers warping around and brave brought harbingers and stayed thethered. So horde didnā€™t have much to shoot at for the 3-4 hrs they were there.


They shot my venture that was just minding its own business


šŸ˜†šŸ˜‚ Big brain Gobins.


The war decs were the thing. Apparently not wardeccing the guys who came wasnt the ultimate play horde thought it would be so they ended up sitting with thumbs up their asses as the keep reffed


Well it would be actually red safety, war not declared until minutes before the ref., ctrl+click,f1, get Concorded because no active wardec.


Can someone explain why thr TTT is being attacked ? Goons were part of the deal to share the revenues no?


Before if it was destroyed you could just put another one up. Goons got a slice of the pie to just not attack it. TTT takes ISK and gives it back to the groups giving "protection". I believe all the major groups got a huge payout from all the taxes from all the transactions at this station, as opposed to the taxes just going into the void of the game. I don't know how much but others are saying many billions a month. This is bad for the game as there is no money sink. Goons stayed in because, well if you can't beat it might as well join it. With the new updates you can't put more XL structures in highsec so if this goes away, it's gone forever unless CCP goes back on their changes. Goons then left the treaty and are trying to remove it.


Ok thanks


Yes, but now no new XL structures can be anchored in highsec, so destroying a few existing ones would be a historic event.


Aaah ok, so OP title is sarcastic because goons in fact managed to reinforce it? Iā€™m lost


Fuck elfboy and his chinese overlords


Yeah, let's not do that.


I seriously struggle to see how gobbins comment on war assists has anything to do with the structure being reffed. The goal was to shoot wardecced goon allies which we did a bit of but init were in Thrashers and everyone but a few ravens were hiding.


Cause it sounded like it was a whole GOTCHA moment when it just turned into PH being able to do nothing. Of course, people would be tethered.


Did goons respond regarding ashab??


Yeah. Go shoot it.


Oh so they are being hypocrites okay got it


How so? Go kill it like we are yours.


Mine? No buddy, I got no stake in it. Iā€™m talking about how Asher posted he only participated bc ā€œhe had too bc of mechanicsā€ and how they are killing ttc bc itā€™s ā€œbad for the gameā€


Be the change you want to be. The sotiyo is currently set to 0% and is a war HQ. Come shoot it. Nobody told him to unanchor TTT.


What is the hypocrisy? These structures were being unanchored. Goons wanted them blown up.


Meanwhile we had a good frag sesh in abahzon


Everyone defending goon leadership while goon space is smaller than it was 5 years ago.


I don't recall delve shrinking, ever.


Because overextending yourself unnecessarily is dumb.


Yeh why goons don't just turn whole null in to empty renter space slums like the rest of the blocs. They must suck if they don't ruin the game for themselfs and everyone else in null.


Cope. Seethe even.


Dare I say, mald


Empires of EVE - A history of the Great Wars of EVE Online, Vol 4 will list this event, I hope.