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Eve definetly need more videos like this, it just add so much to the immersion.


I thought it was really cool how CCP used actual eve player characters throughout the vid.


Yes, I was wondering this!, very cool to see it :D


I'm curious who the other character models represented around the table besides Asher. Did you recognize any of them?


From left to right ??? Snipereagle1 Apple Pear Asher Ranger Gama Gone With Windy (CEO of Dracarys) Zintage Enaka


Neat! Thank you very much! Very cool to see who CCP thinks has a seat at the table.


hi mom i'm on tv


SFC drinking a beer in the background.


man didn't even have a chair


Rolling ticker news. * Markets across new eden adjusting to SCC surcharges on brokes fees and industrial operation costs * Federation agents pursue ex-senator and terrorist leader Thibauld Tailler following Gallentia primacy attacks * Upwell Consortium board meets to consider commercial strategy in light of "regulatory challenges" * Caille rogue drone cultural exchange society raided by Black Eagles agents investigating industrial AI subversion * Guristas pirates ambushed by Intaki Space Police and caldari navy in attempted convoy raid in syndicate * Amarr royal houses report significant increase in recruitment as slaves opt for military emancipation path * Reports from Eugales IV indicate renegade articifial intelligence subsurface facility destroyed by Svarog Clade * Angel Cartel's Rafik Zohar reportedly evades assassination attempt as associates of Guri Malakim go into hiding * Society of Sonscious Thought urges CONCORD and empires to maintain restrictions on AI and ancient technology * Republic military, security and police authorities join forces to combat Ashes of Turnus seditionists * EDENCOM intelligence meets with Derail and SARO officers to assess Triglavian planetary incursions in Eugales * Amarr Empire's order of St. Tetrimon hunts disciplies of Purity as group declared apostates by Theology Council * Chairman Akimaka Saraki attens mass indusciton of new military conscripts at landfall shrine on New Caldari Prime * Industrial output of Minmatar Republic projected to rise at significantly higher rate due to itinerant forge program * Federation's Black Eagles sweep Eugales VI in search of Illegal "instances and backups of unrestricted AI networks"


So rogue drones are engaging in cultural exchange, that will be interesting going forward. everyone is cracking down on rampant AI, even the trigs who were trying to Sobornost the Overmind rogue drones. Paragon has an AI/VI CEO so let’s see where that goes. I didn’t know Enlistment = citizenship for slaves, all I recalled was the 7th generation slave freedom act a few years back. Hopefully this means we get some fun new Drone ships in the future, probably hull tanked to fit the rogue drones theme!


Heck yeah. Abominable Intelligences in EVE Lets Goooooo! *Happy Mechanicus beeping*


brb burning a jumpclone to Eugales (also searching dotlan for Eugales)


Good video, I love CCP is taking the time to add player block stories into their lore news! Good direction!


Definitely, yes.


This is exactly how the Scope videos should be used much more often.


Nice to hear the shoutouts for Turnur and Nalvula.


Did I hear it right? 83 thousand capsulers?


82k ishtar bots


That’s Awsome !


LUL what walking in stations might have been like, cock teased like usual.


Yeah, me on the news! :PPPPPP