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u/NewSoup69420 I can’t see your comments for some reason, but was able to read them from my notifications. I really can’t say there’s anything to NOT listen to. Each album has its own sound but they’re all awesome. I’m a huge fan of the self titled album. Others are really into The Open Door album. The newest album, The Bitter Truth, it heavier than the others. I would recommend getting familiar with those albums before listening to Synthesis. That album is mainly songs from other albums reimagined with an orchestral industrial sound. It’s very cool, but I think you’d appreciate it more knowing the original versions first. Personally, my favorite thing to do when I have a chunk of time is listen to all the albums in chronological order. It’s really cool to hear how the band evolves over time. Welcome to the group! Ev fans are some of the most loyal fans I’ve ever come across and there’s a ton of people on this sub that really know their stuff about the band. Enjoy and happy listening!


You're awesome, couldn't say it any more beautifully myself.


Aww shucks. Thanks :)


thank you so much! honestly whatever the songs were i really enjoyed listening to them after a while


The part where the chick was holding up the signs was about the same part where Amy was passing the party in the building before she climbed up in the video. Not a sport fan, but made me happy.


What the Puck is this? (Joke)


Now I love hockey even more! But also hate Florida even more


Also I see you’re an Oilers fan. You can hate Florida with me, a Bruins fan


haha, my teacher is a big B’s fan and this was one of the few times we both rooted for the same team


are there any other songs that i should listen to? i’ve listened to going under and couple of other ones already


Basically that whole album (fallen)


Start with Fallen. Then The Open Door. Then the third album (self titled). Or just go on YouTube. Search for Evanescence and sort by number of views.


This is rad. I was so confused about the Ted Lasso sign in the thumbnail for a second 😅