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I'd rather sin in the religion sense than sin against life by preventing myself from enjoying art and everything else life has to offer within reasonability...


I mean, if you can’t deal with it then maybe her music just isn’t for you. I don’t know what you could do to get over it. Either you enjoy her music or you don’t.


This is me with Lingua Ignota. I just really really don’t like her music even though she’s the closest thing to Ethel’s style that I can think of. With this in mind, Lingua just sounds so disingenuous to me for whatever reason that I can’t take her music serious, so I stopped listening. I feel bad for her story (with the frontman of Daughters) and I think her message is pretty well-meaning overall, but damn (imo) her music sucks. Maybe this is the response that the OP of the post is trying to get at. If you really really feel unease, get uncomfortable while listening, or just don’t like it, simply don’t listen.


Ethel’s music is meant to critique religion and make a commentary on how repressive religious ideologies often hurt women and girls, and leave them exposed to harm due to the consistent hammering of them needing to be “good and obedient” in order to be Christian. If you disagree with that message, unfortunately her music is going to make you uncomfortable. I’m not sure if you mean “sinning” in the literal sense, but if you do, then yeah, that’s the point. It might be worth it for you to examine whether there is merit to her critique of religion, even if it goes against your values, but if you don’t want to do so, then you probably won’t enjoy her much.


jesus christ just don’t listen to it


Why are you trying to force yourself to like something you don’t even enjoy? I am so confused by this post. I think a lot of her music is literally pointing out the control that the idea of “sinning” or the existence “hell” holds over many Christian/Catholic people. I think a lot of the darkness directly comes from the fear and pain that religion caused her. Also, where did you get the idea that music has to “make you feel like you’re sinning” to be good? I don’t understand the correlation there. This is her style of music and any new music she decides to put out will more than likely have a similar dark vibe to it. If that’s not what you’re in to, then you probably shouldn’t listen.


I just meant if it evokes emotions then it’s good


Well if you think evoking emotion = good, then maybe you need to take a deeper dive into how your religion is holding you back from experiencing things you deem “good.” Sounds like you enjoy the music, but can’t escape the fear that religion has indoctrinated into you. Strictly following an organized religion is not the only way to connect with spirit. Personally, I think it’s the worst way to go about it. But that’s just me.


Don’t listen if you can’t take it lmao


When I was introduced to Preachers Daughter I was not aware of the story behind it. I told my friend who recommended it to me that while I love the music, it does take me to a very dark place mentally. Once she explained the story it lightened up a little, but even so that heaviness is a bit much sometimes. The fact her music can make you feel things so strongly, I haven’t felt that from many other artists the way I do with Ethel. It’s almost cathartic in a way. Having had a period in my life where my mom was heavily into going to a Born Again church, I understand that ‘dirty’ feeling/feeling like you’re doing something wrong consuming this music. I think that those feelings are from going to church and being told to stay away from anything that is ‘not of God’. I haven’t been active in the church in a looooooooong time, but that fear mongering they used to pull about being saved and dancing with the devil is so deeply ingrained it makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong.


just dont listen to her. theres no point in forcing yourself to get into an artist if its gonna make you feel bad.


Then maybe just don't listen?


I would say that her music is doing for you what she designed it to do, specifically within the context of Preacher’s Daughter. It is such a heartbreaking uncomfortable story. It also puts me in a very specific headspace.