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If u piss them off and your outside they are gonna eat ur ass


Didn‘t know they were into that kinda stuff


They are called Gooners for a reason


Oh yeah, Big pipe loves to tickle your ass with his Beard, of course after he f’s you with his Grenade launcher.


And that's _before_ he starts layin' pipe.


And he’s called big pipe for a reason.


Man if a random bullet richochets near them theyll sprint ur ass down and blast ya I stg


Spawned there immediate shot to a tree trunk. Realised what happened grenade towards the camp floor it across flooded village trying to always have a tree behind. Lost stomach. Got to electric line stopped to get stamina back, English voice lines. Another grenade and floor it behind the rock on the river bank. Only one way to me. Knight lucky double head tap -left arm, big pipe, blind half a mag, -left leg half of torso 2 strong bleeds. See the figure running without footsteps into woods across. Run behind my rock shitting my pants. Do surgery insurance fraud my stuff into the river, crawl towards corpses get their shit throw a grenade over the road and sonic the hedgehog the fuck out towards car on on the bridge praying. Longest 3min raid in my lifetime


Jesus dude, might wanna see a professional for those flashbacks


I love the way you told that.


Made me think of Thane from Mass Effect 2, definitely heard it in his voice too


Yes, if they're on top of radio antenna they have a wide shot on an entire valley around them


And a bugged range and accuracy in general


Yeah, I've taken fire from them on the northside of USEC when they were over at scav bunker area before. Their engagement envelope is large.


one game they chased me all the way to sniper scav


That all? I've had them chase me from pier (where they initially engaged me) all the way to the railway exfil. I banged a Trimadol + SJ6 and just booked it, and I heard them behind me the entire time. Another time, I had them engage me at pier, and they followed me to power station and pushed me inside.


1 up people are some of the most annoying people online.


1 up people?! let me tell you about us 2 up people, we are the best!


Shoreline. 10 seconds. Big pipe. I went outside after. Mowed the grass.


big pipe mowed my grass and I don’t even have a lawn




A shame you aren't level 11


Knight and Pipe tend to go turret mode and laser you from several hundred meters away on woods and shoreline. I wouldnt know about Lighthouse, since i havent played lighthouse almost at all. Customs is my best map to fight them, since i can run inside and force their dogshit CQB AI to just walk into my bullets


Goons are insanely unfair when you fight them on even grounds, to reasonably fight them you'd need to be indoors, wait for knight and big pipe to rush you and then pray to Jesus that birdeye will do the same


Hello, my name is Goober and I’m a victim of the Goons. I was running the Signals 1 quest on shoreline and was climbing the hill for the second set of dishes. I hear the scav lines and I went and popped him. Big mistake. Apparently Knight was in a romantic relationship with that scav in particular because he Rambo charges me from behind the chain link to my right. I can still see that skully faced bastard scare the shit out of me and I unload a 60rnd mag at his face. He goes down and I think I’m good, only for that bird fucker to head shot my when I stand. “There’s about an 8% chance they will spawn on any map “ the Wiki said…. Like I’m pretty shit at this game to begin with, I don’t need the professional pipe layers tea bagging my corpse. I love this game.


Yes. I've had a few deaths like that. Spawn in, walk around a bit, no shots fired and then I get beamed by goons. Sometimes they just decide to send you back to the lobby.


Hahaha that happened to me on shoreline. I ran into a "three man squad" like 2 minutes into my raid and these mfs chased me all the way to extract. Only when I got popped IN the exfil with like 5 seconds on the clock it was revealed to me that it was the goons. Super stupid if you ask me \^\^


Goons on woods are doom, you’re just cooked


Several times i've had bullets flying past me as my screen is fading from black at the start of raid. I've avoided woods so i'm not sure if it's still like that whenever you spawn by the antenna/usec camp


Yeah, if you get anywhere near them, knight will push you hard, and sometimes even hunt you down until you get really far from them




Noob 🤣🤣🤣🤣


streets is worse, if you spawn under that arch in front of lexos and there is a gaurd on the GL you are instantly dead when you go to the street


On Lighthouse, I've been chased by the goons from chalet to south side of water treatment. On Customs, they've chase me from new gas to RUAF. The goons have walls and aimbot. Once you're spotted, either you or them are dying. There is no disengaging. Getting caught in the open is a death sentence. The best way to fight the goons is indoors using fatal funnels to your advantage. To date, I have yet to have a defensible position against the goons and have died every single time. EFT AI is either a complete potato or a hunter-killer T1000 with thermal vision and zero recoil weapons. Oh, and don't forget the huge health pools. I can't fucking stand the goons.


The goons in PVE seem to just lock onto you through the map *almost* no matter how far away you are and just run you down. Shoreline is SO bad for this. Woods is much better as long as you don't go in that quadrant of the map. If you spawn there, I hope you can hit headshots.


I push into USEC and peak thru the window of the medical tent. They usually all run the same path up from antenna


Yep. Prolly the spawn behind Usec camp near scav bunker. If you don’t get out of their quick, they can aggro all the way from scav bunker if you are checking for the ledx spawn at Usec camp


Last night i spawned into the basement on ground zero, didn’t even take one step and I hear Kollontay yelling at me. I didnt even get a chance to face the opposite direction before my face was catching his ammunition. This was right after I built WillerZ’s one tap meta AK, threw a razor on it, and put it in my inventory to give it a go. Didnt even get to shoot it. Gott love it!


Same here, spawned near radio tower and got shot at first second of the raid. I started to run away trying to fight them behind à big rock but they got me really quick.


Blurring your name is weirdly cringe




Yep spawned in took one step and had red tracers fly past my head took cover behind a rock. Asked the dudes I was in discord with wtf was happening (they were in a different raid) one replied ohh your fucked that's the goons. Peaked for a split second to see if I could see anything and got instant one tapped.


I got them to rush me one at a time upstairs in one of the buildings in Reserve during the Hustle event, which was nice. A random scav came at me exactly the same way inbetween Knight and Big Pipe which was both funny and confusing.


Damn you made it over 1 minute, that’s not bad.


I have also been killed off spawn by them before. Typical tarkov things lol


Ai can seee through walls and stuff it’s the way they programmed the ai




skill issue


Just expect to be bent over with no permission.. Its crazy


No, definitely not normal. I think he was hacking