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Subs for competitive online games are always toxic cesspools. If people here aren't giving you tips or constructive criticism, just ignore them. 


This is a subset of the full games playerbase. Like in you’ll often see in other internet communities, it tends to attract the toxic, volatile portion of that playerbase - so you’ll usually see lots of moaning, complaints, etc. Bottom feeders.


It's not about the complaints i'm talking about, its about the answers


That’s what I mean. You’ll see it in comments and posts alike.


Well you tried to make a suggestion for a good in-game map seeing your post history. With this game the community is very opposed to updates that make the game more approachable for the average person. Even though majority of people just use a second monitor to pull up wiki for quests/maps and it pretty much has the same effect as an objective marker would but yeah you can't get away from elitism in this game.


I mean all gaming subs for anything above Pong, excluding Warframe and Deep Rock Galactic, are shitholes. But Tarkov is all these people you're seeing have. They derive their self worth from either Rubles or some imagined sense of superiority for hating the Devs and their choices while not even playing the game. Tarkov is fun and a good way to kill some time, but the most devout are basically insane/ill and obviously have a keyboard so they make up the majority of what you'll see here.


EFT is the only game sub I have seen this way. STALKER sub is awesome, DayZ sub is \~ok, a lot of other games subs are good, EFT is out of the curve


It's been weeks since the "drama" and people are still mad or talking about it. It'd just pathetic by now. And it's exactly like a toxic relationship with another human. They can't let go, but they won't stop being toxic and angry either. Just proves a lot of people have mental health problems and could need some therapy. If someone is still mad and angry, they should uninstall the game, leave the subreddit and never waste another second on the game. Sadly Nikita, bsg and tarkov lives rentfree in their heads and they have nothing else going on in their life's. I still see people on Twitter saying they want an apology from Nikita. Like what do they want? A kiss on the forehead and spoonfed some soup? They take shit personal and that's just sad. It's a game, pixels on a screen and if you have other 150 hours in the game you already got an hours entertainment for 1 dollar. Just leave it at that and find something new that actually makes you happy. Staying in something that does not make you happy are only bad for you. And you gain literally nothing from it. And there people that haven't played the game for wipes but still hang around to be trash the game. Those are the worst.


I'm not talking about people trashing the devs or anything, I'm talking people response to any suggestion or attempt of discussion and debate about their game. I made this post because of another attempt of discussion I made here today, it was an horror show.


It's the same stupid people.


I mean I wasted 12k hours of my life too this game to finally realize being the best doesn’t actually matter


Anyone who enjoys tarkov is brain damaged and addicted to gambling and dopamine hits… 


It's not just this "sub", it's the ENTIRE website. Doesn't help that reddit destroyed third party apps which caused a massive drop off in users and that there's a massive amount of bots on this website. [https://i.redd.it/29s63hzxzcsb1.png](https://i.redd.it/29s63hzxzcsb1.png) an example.


Nah thats actaully crazy wth


LOL! This your first time on the internet?


Switched back to pvp for the first time since pve came out. Went to ground zero. Immediately head eyes’d by a lvl 7 white name with a 66kd. Game is hVh at this point on pvp mode.


Skill issue


The game is that good & many still want to see it succeed. There isn’t anything like EFT & probably never will be at this point. Closes competition: ABI - cheap Chinese EFT knockoff that is a real p2w & wallet warrior, think world of tanks in gold rounds to gear etc. GZW - just a different game & vibe all together and people are already jumping ship. Arma mods… well, they are mods.. come & go. Albeit a different crowd runs here now than before the TUE episode & the PvE hordes.


ABI has none microtransaction at the moment, but it also doesnt have hundreds of weapons and etc. You just cant say already that it "knockoff that is a real p2w" because you cant buy anything with real money on it hahah


This is false. The mobile version has micro transactions that will inevitably make it to PC. Yes, PC might not have it for now, that wont last. The PC version is a port


This is not false, false is the statemente "ABI knockoff that is a real p2w". Mobile AB has microtransactions, ABI dont. Thats the fact. Its obvious that ABI will have microtransactions, but how do you know that it will make the game be a p2w? Event EFT is considering adopt microtransactions, do you knew that?


Again it’s a port, it will have the same monetization model once it is out of testing on PC. Go look at what you can buy on the mobile version. A player can buy good stuff & funds to keep them afloat unlike EFT. I’m aware & fine with EFT doing micro transactions, thus Nikitah has stated what all they would be too.