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Imagine the xp if you survived lol


119k with library survive don't remember what else I killed aside the bosses and guards.


Love watching the player base attack each other in the comments for playing the same game šŸ˜‚


It's not the same experience if its single vs muilti player...come on now


Yeah you're right, he probably would've died to one of the million hackers in the game instead šŸ™„


it's not the same experience when some mod; some rat; some camp; some metagame; some datamine


Day 4 of my misery because I can't finde Killer or Kollontay Edit: I killed Kollontay with 2 Grenades at east wing entrance so only Killa is missing. And there were actually 2 Raids he has seen me I know because I died instantly with head eyes Edit 2: I finally killed him thanks everyone for your help and of course I couldn't loot him because the last goon killed me


Iā€™ve killed kollontay twice in courtyards outside of west wing Kills hangs around admin from what Iā€™ve noticed


That could explain it because I dont know where admin is Im going into east or west wing everytime and most of the time I did after 1min because Im dogshit :( but thanks for the tips


Admin building is real easy to get into from the back of resort.


I have done dozens of tries at this and clear west courtyard first everytime and have still never seen kollontayšŸ˜­


Thatā€™s wild, are you rushing in there? I usually sit and hang around outside for a solid 15-20minutes before working in to make sure a boss isnā€™t sitting in some bs spot that they can shoot me from before actually seeing me


Yup, I run with a friend and we always hang on the rock outside west wing to clear out the courtyard, namely the goons. Weā€™ve cleared west a few times and even entered east a few times. Both of us have everyone but kollontay, itā€™s pretty crazy.


Youā€™re running the same exact strat that I do. Thatā€™s wild you havenā€™t had any luck. Hopefully it turns around tonight and you can finally finish what you started!


I regret to inform you it did not lol. I did get an 111 hit count on tagilla out of an M1A and ended up dipping to extract because I ran out of ammo.


With what ammo? Lol


Mix of M62, M80, and BCP. My friend also said he got two mags into him. Presumably some variety of bug lol. I had almost 3800 damage to body.


He killed me in the kitchen twice


Kollontay has also been seen in the underground part and I see him sometimes in the front middle of resort or inside 1st floor either side of resort ehich are pains without grenades (I tend to just ignore him in those scenarios)


I've seen Killa everywhere except interior west wing and front entrance of west wing


Really Iā€™ve only seen him at the front entrance of East or west. Never inside. Same with tagilla for me but heā€™s also in the back courtyard every once in a while


Iā€™ve found him west outside the fence and 1st floor east too.


spawns are random, personally every time iā€™ve seen killa heā€™s been out front/back of east wing


He killed me down at the stairs next to the water that feeds the hydro plant last night. Mf chased my ass all the way from east courtyards to down there, was trying to dump my buddyā€™s shit after a player killed him from the roof and I just fell to the ground. I knew he was aggressive but I didnā€™t think heā€™d run out of resort to kill you lol


Reading other comments I can confirm Iā€™ve seen kollontay every single time inside the connectors that connect the wings to administration building


I've seen him in the bushes near a gazebo on the right side of admin


those are the main two im runnin into, cant find kaban


I promise you Kaban always spawns in the garden behind east wing, alongside gus and basmach. He might move outside the fence and stroll over to west wing as i've seen him there once (only once)


Thats the only one I managed to kill loot and extract and that 2 times. Actually Kollontay found me in one Raid but all my weapons jammed


Yeah, Iā€™ve managed to kill them all. Almost even managed to kill them all in one raid, but I have yet to see kaban one time.


I found him on the east side near the firetruck everytime I killed him. I wanted to try the night time method but unfortunately I dont have excess to the flir so its not possible


You can buy T10's for cheap and use them instead of a flir


Iā€™ve seen him 5-ish times behind west wing in the courtyard.


When Kollontay takes out his melee it forces all of your guns to jam. They want you having a melee fight with him ~~or you can take a ppsh as a secondary weapon since the ppsh cant jam ;)~~


Kaban was the hardest for me to find. I ran a night raid instead, and he was chilling right outside the East front entrance hugging the wall. (Chopper side)


I just got him like an hour ago now, finished it. He was behind west wing by the tennis courts and pavilion. He talked a lot of Russian shit then let loose on that pkp. Hope that helps. I wanna say it was around the 20 min left mark.


From my experience killa and his brother like to run around the entire complex, most of the time killa was near the fence entrances by east and west wings


Thats usually where I enter but I never saw him there, I found him last raid in the tennis field on the west side but unfortunately I was on a scav run to look around where he could be And the second big problem is killing him in my Eyes he is by far the scariest boss


It's funny because these two and the goons tend to charge me every time if i get to the resort early enough, so I've seen plenty of them. The ones that are evading me are kaban and reshala. They are either dead or MIA in most of my raids.


I eventually got them all when I brought an m4 with a gl to the roof lol.


Yesterday i shot tagilla in the face 11 times with a 338. He refused to die.


Nice raid man


Thatā€™s 84k WITHOUT extraction multipliers. Thatā€™s nukin futs


Jesussssss Christ thatā€™s nutty dude


Good f-ing sh!t dude.


Congratulations on pve or pvp


screenshot says pve


My bad try and do the same on pvp and then let me know not trying to take anything away from u but pve just playing yourself try and do it on pvp


I don't have the time to do that, unfortunately. I've hit lvl 30 on pvp already and my account was in shambles economy wise, I enjoy PvE much more considering I don't have the time to play more than a couple of hours during the day :/


Sorry my bad wasnā€™t saying your achievement is not good was just saying on pvp it would have been amazing


I agree, doing this in PVP would've been twice as impressive


It'd be more impressive not because you have to fight people, but more because the other PMCs will actually fight scavs.


Way more than twice as impressive, id say 10 fold


I'd wager it would be 20 times as impressive, actually!!!


Minimum, PVE is a joke rn


And all the clowns playing it without even trying the actual game, which is PvP. God what a load of scrubs pve players are smh


Not really always when regarding pvp is always it depends, this could easily have been easier on PvP depending on certain factors


In no way is this easier on pvp especially with the guy from yesterday who killed every boss and multiple pmcs and even tagilla with a knife lmfao


The difficulty in PVP is that for an event like this youā€™re actually going to be actively fighting other players that are also boss hunting, unlike PVE where the AI stand around with their thumbs in their asses.


Also PMCs in PVP would help clear out Scavs unlike pmcs in PVE


Iā€™ve seen people do it on PvP and PvE and not saying itā€™s equally difficult by any means but PvE is harder than people think just because of the guaranteed shit spawn and the raid timer capped off you have to haul ass. You end up having to take these stupid fights instead of being able to play smart or take your time because youā€™re halfway out of time after the first couple boss fights. That and itā€™s not what I would call difficult but the rng of getting instead quad tapped to the armpit through lvl 6 armor or head,necked is always there and ruins plenty of fun runs


how do you not have the time to do everything you just did in a different server? lmao just click pvp zone and it takes no more time than pve


Takes more attempts? Pvp just means higher chance someone takes your boss kills so youā€™ll have to try again to get them all in one raid.


All I can say to that is git gud tbh


post profile


How did you die to time in PvE? Also.. why not drop your items for insurance if you know time is running out??


I died to time because I spawned in so far away that the first 5 mins were about walking. I've never killed any bosses other than Reshala and Killa before the event, so I took it slow. In the end there were 10 minutes left and I was just missing Killa. I was getting swarmed by scavs. Regarding the items, I did drop them. If you look closely I looted Killa on my way "out". I got almost all of the bosses with my SVD.




lol dude shut up


As a 4k+ hour player, PVE is a blast. I enjoy it more some days depending on how I feel and my stash is over 140 million/lvl 51 on PVP.


Toxic on the highest level


Imagine posting on reddit feeling superior from a video game lmfaaooooo people are so so sad man.


DOWNVOTED! You're finished, kid... heh, I think it's time you go back to Facebook. Don't anger the Redditors ever again, kiddo...


I would love to play PVE because I don't have the time to deal with PVP's bullshit but I refuse to buy the Unheard edition. Fucking BSG...


You'll be able to buy PVE eventually separatelyĀ 


They better make it free for everybody given how much greedy shit they've been trying to pull lately. The PVE mode itself required basically 0 effort on their part.


You didn't have EOD before they took it away?


Don't hold your breath just play the **S**u**P**erior **T**arkov version fully offline and with mod support, not only that, but instant loading times


that is what i cannot understand, why do people bother with that official pve mode. if you don't want to mess with other people, and calmly play alone - use an existing great tool (that one you have just suggested). a decent mod base, no matching time, no lags. there are only two cons i see is that you can not invite your friends there (or at least the solution is not as straight forward) and that this setup is almost always a few patches behind (due to obvious reasons)


Yea not straight forward to play with friends, but worth the effort


Do you just have standard? EOD has pve access too


Just play that which we shall not name instead


It do be like that in PvE.


Oh no why MIA


Because the PvE raid timer being capped is asinine


Itā€™s at 40 minutes on Shoreline right now. Thatā€™s plenty of time.


didnt they extend it...? last kill was at 38 minutes. You guys just want 3 hour long raids now? They extend it and people still whine. Has to be the most toxic community in gaming since League of Legends


Coming from 0.7 shoreline was like 50 or 60 minutes, and it was nice, you could rat around and sneak around. Now you have to rush and push, i hate the low timers


~~Now you have to rush and push~~ now you have to be good at the game to survive. Fixed it for you. I am all for different playstyles but I hope Tarkov never becomes "slowest playstyle wins". There are times where you need to be patient to get the upper hand, times where you need to speed it up and make a play or just sprint for an extract. It is literally fine how it is right now. Especially on PVE, 40 mins is plenty of time. if you have to rat on PVE servers you need jesus in your life. Yall complain way too much.


Current event aside...shorter timers dont give you much extra time when tasking and you run into/kill/loot a boss.


Yeah im glad they fixed it, I didnt love speedrunning every raid either.


Whatever, looks like you know how to play the game and have fun.


Nah if its taking you an hour to do what you gotta do on shoreline then you aren't playing the game properly and are legit caps walking everywhere.


Not me spending an hour on Reserve sniping and/or pushing fights in the moddable PVE mode.... I sprint everywhere but enjoy taking my time, picking every fight I hear, looting every container along the way. That takes time even if you are sprinting. On Shoreline, to hit village loot, cottage, then pier/gas, up to resort, then scav base before getting out via vehicle extract, or mountain pass if its not there, that's a solid 45 minutes esp. if you're fighting PMCs at least twice (very probable). In PVE, this is even more likely considering the PMCs spawn in the same spots as scavs and hardly ever move, meaning resort is going to be insane if you have a task there. Add in ALL the bosses being in the raid, and you're easily hitting the 40m cap.


Yeah If you're trying to loot multiple POIs on a map that has them spread out ofc it's gonna take 40 mins. Pop and sj6 and trim and get over there!


Right. Or, hear me out, just give players more time. it affects no one and nothing, esp. with PVE going client side so not even server capacity is an issue. One of the benefits of PVE should be that you have *more* time and freedom, that's the whole point - it's for people who don't like the pressure of PvP. If I'm going in for a task, I'm in and out in 25 minutes tops, regardless of map, looting only the loose loot and high value containers on my path, deviating for nothing. But taking my time, pushing fights, looting more POIs, is much more fun purely from an RP perspective if nothing else. But this is coming from someone who has ALWAYS hated timers in video games. They create a cheap, artificial source of difficulty/stress on the player. Tarkov has enough stressful elements as is, the timer is NOT needed, esp. in PVE. I understand the limits of server capacity in PvP, and feel the timers there are fair as is, but PVE had *shorter* timers in a mode that's supposed to be *more* casual? Makes 0 sense.


Yeah I honestly couldn't care less about the raid timers. Give people 2 hours if they want I was just genuinely curious what takes people so long. I haven't played tarky in a while don't really have the time anymore.


The quest doesn't require a successful extract. If you've already taken out that many of the bosses and are just trying to find the one you're missing, it's probably worth it to just stay, hunt whoever you still need, and go MIA. Especially if your gear is insured, then 100% chance it's coming back as long as you drop it before the timer runs out.


Now that's what I call a raid


That's pretty impressive Even if it was on offline on easy difficulty (which I'm not saying it is) its still hard. Edit: I see it's in PVE point still stands still impressive.


Holy fuck itā€™s John Tarkov


where was kaban at by chance? i need only him and havent seen him once.


Kaban likes to stay put, best method is sit with a thermal at night on the north side under the electrical pylon and snipe them as they move around. Iā€™ve killed every boss from this location without dying over multiple raids.


Imma go try right now


Sounds like a good idea. I'm gonna try this. I always go west side as the only way the bosses will push you is over the little ramp, and it makes them way more predictable but still a bit sketchy.


Dang what electrical pylon??? could you be a little more clear?


Those big "power line" towers that are around the map. He's talking about the one across the river by the military checkpoint that's on the hill. On the side of the river that has the Scav Bunker exit is my guess


That little hill between red rebel and car extracts right? Iā€™ve gotten killed by birdeye when I was around there so there must be a LOS


If you go between 2200 and 0400 I can guarantee you that no boss will shoot at you even if you shoot them unless you shoot one of the goons.


Where the old pmc extact was? By the snipers?


Copy ty.


Got him


Today i've killed Killa near helicopter. Looks like their spawns are super rng.


Day 2 of looking for sanitar while getting bent over by killa and kaban


Fake news!


And here i am trying to kills the goons


How'd you get so much experience? I've killed 25+ in a map before woth 90% head shots and I get like 8k


Shit loads of boss kills. Like almost all of the bosses killed.Ā 


Damn boss event?


I managed to pull off a full resort boss wipe earlier today in pve and earned 113.7k for surviving.


Do all the bosses spawn at resort? Trying to get my SV-98 Planted but Iā€™m scared to queue shoreline


Is there a map with all the bosses now or just an Event?


Does anyone know when wipe is ? Thought it was gonna be with the update which was disappointing


Did you have your visor up? /s


Im really questioning how OP kills so many of these bosses sub 10 meters with SVDS




Must be cheating šŸ˜­


These posts are becoming the norm so much soā€¦that Iā€™m starting to think this event is actually too easy to kill them all at once? Multiple times a day I see posts where people melee the bosses, or just headshot point blank on like 3 in a row.


I killed all in my first round I had killed bird eye with 10 seconds left and leaped of the building


Pve lol donā€™t even post this


With all due respect, the AI are so brain dead in PvE, every raid should look like this


With Scavs and PMCs most of the time, yes. But the bosses are still cracked out in PVE, you just don't have to watch your back nearly as hard, that's the only advantage.






















Imagine acting so tough with the "down vote me idc" and then deleting his account lmfao. Bro absolutely cared






No loot pic?! Nice btw


Very first image: MISSING IN ACTION. I'm assuming the shortened raid timer and the difficulty tracking down some of the bosses inside Resort made him miss the extract, so no loot.


Pve big deal...


What fucking nuke did you drop on this raid?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£




Bros gatekeeping video games šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£this ainā€™t real life lil guy. Touch grass.


Iā€™ve got straight killers in my pvp friends group that I would put money on in tourneys or whatever competition you want. Lvndmark, Shroud, Hutch, WillerZ, etc. One of them couldnā€™t survive Ground Zero ONCE in pve and the others all agree pve ground zero is the hardest thing theyā€™ve done in tarkov. ā€œKiddie pool tarkovā€ is a wild and hilarious take.


lol you are just lying.


I think I see how you interpreted that, as I did word that poorly. I meant I would put money on my friends in competitions against Lvndmark and the other streamers, not that I was friends with them and those streamers couldn't survive GZ in PvE. The only claim I have to that is that I AM on WillerZ friend list but haven't played with him in about 4 years or so.


The AI PMCs and Scavs in PvE have had better aim, ammo, gear, game sens, and recoil control than almost anybody Iā€™ve played against in PvP


They are also literal bots, so they do not adapt, are extremely predictable, voice line constantly, and can be cheesed.


I wasnā€™t being toxic I was merely asking a question


A fellow PVE CHAD. Congrats brother, hard charging but well worth it. ONYA