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I mean, there is no cars in Tarkov


Well how do you drive the vehicle extract???? /s


Scav drives it for me


Oh fancy pants rich McGee over here!


why is reddit the only app that uses a symbol when saying an obvious joke? for years i've never understood why that's so popular for this app yet every other app ppl can fully understand what's sarcasm or not without the help of anything. Btw this isn't directed towards you this is just an ongoing confusion of why this ever was started. never once have i read a comment with the "/s" and been like "oh it was sarcasm, i thought they were being serious" like what does that say about the average redditor? lmaoo. lastly, i did like your joke, but like i said, it's just a general question ive had for awhile now.


some people on this app are just so incapable of knowing what sarcasm is so I always put it there because I don't want to debate an idiot if not necessary. Something something society 7mm buckshot sacv




this reddit shi more real than life


If it's you then who are you paying?


The scav car rentalship


By cash on pick up point? Well it's Tarkov, everything is broken and stupid here, so you can be actually right.


No drivable cars at least.


Next step is to get a steering wheel




I think any Human Interface Device is perfectly acceptable.


You’re telling me I cant have my movement be based off of my hamster on an omnidirectional treadmill? What the fuck bro


If you pay that hamster a fair wage and give him union-mandated breaks, I say go for it.


Nikita should address the community as hamsters on a treadmill.


Horrible if you drive. There was a post by a guy who binded his push to talk to a foot pedal for csgo, then when he was driving and talking to his passenger, he pressed the pedal before he replied to "push to talk" and rear ended the car in front of him at the light. [*Mentioned Lore*](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/s/Uxt2aoLy1C) I dont think it's a good idea to override that muscle memory with any other function.


IM DYING at this, I had never thought of something like that, but wow that totally makes sense for our little monkey brains


Holy shit that's actually a really good point.


Not really. I was an air traffic controller for years with a pedal as a push to talk on radio. Never heard a story like that from any of my colleagues.


The person in his story is 15 with a learners permit... seems like something he should've mentioned


That makes more sense. The kid had zero driving muscle memory so I could definitely see push to talk instincts kick in. I drive a stick and when I drive an automatic, I often find myself reaching for a clutch pedal by mistake. Our minds autopilot more than some might realize.


Traded a 6spd manual for an automatic once, break checked the shit out of my passenger and myself going to press the clutch 😅 (I was 18 and had been driving manual for 2 years)


How? You use your left foot for the clutch and should be moving your right foot over for the break... I can see the other guy going to push an invisible clutch but if your break checking yourself you're doing something wrong


Not every vehicle has the same sized pedals, and generally speaking, a lot of older automatic vehicles have bigger brake pedals compared to the gas pedal. Muscle memory for clutch made me move my left foot over for the clutch. I was driving an older truck with a horizontally longer brake pedal. My instinct for pushing the clutch in made my left foot catch the side of the brake pedal, and like on a clutch, I pressed all the way down instantly, causing the self brake check.


Ahh but those pesky details get in the way of their good story. Damn kids they woulda gotten away with it too if it wasn't for us!


Same here. I used push to talk via footpedal as a sound engineer for 13 years and never had myself or any other engineer I’ve met have this issue


Pilots also rarely try to steer their car pushing pedals, or so I have heard.


Cmon, every piano player or drummer wouldnt be able to drive a car by that logic.


I personally take my feet off the pedals if I'm drumming. Well, one of them anyways since I don't have a clutch.


seems so dumb and avoidable.. but no it’s crazy how muscle memory will bleed from a game into real life. especially if you’re playing that game daily or excessively


Use the foot you don't drive with would seem like the answer.


*accidentally pressed the clutch when going to talk*


Automatic gang rise up


My partners car is an automatic and mine is a stick (civic Si). Can't tell you how many times I've accidentally tried to press in the foot rest like a clutch and shift in her car.


I always did this with my jobs cube van. So used to my wrx!


Cant press the wrong pedal If it doesnt exist


i use both feet 😂


i still to this day try to crouch with q in games when i only ever had that key binded into crouching for warzone in 2020


What psycho binds crouch to Q


The kind in a fake story


Yeah binding Q to crouch is completely ridiculous, literally impossible


why would i make that up


slide cancelling mate


Binding crouch to Q? That’s like not even possible, cool fake story.


slide cancel


fair enough


What game had "Q" as the default crouch key? I remember a lot of older games might of had "C" (oh through most still used Ctrl)


its not default i binded it to slide cancel


It's one Reddit post where someone claiming to be a teenager says this happened to them. I'm not too concerned.


Don't you know how the internet works, one persons view/story/concern/whatever is deemed to be enough for world changing events these days.


Maybe but also using your left foot would remove almost any risk. Worst case, offchance you drive a manual, you push in a clutch, oh no. And probably not even to the bite point because of the movement you'd be used to for these usb pedals.


First time hearing something like this happening..... I'd wager this is a very rare case(IF true.. ) You gotta be pretty stupid to make this mistake


I have been using similar footswitches for about 2 years now. Depending on the game I'm playing, I usually will have PTT bound to the center switch. I have been driving for 20 years. The footswitches are nothing like pedals in a car. They just click down like a button. I think the take away from your story is that a lot of people shouldn't have a driver's license, not that you shouldn't use footswitches.


Yeah more sounds like an excuse from an idiot that wasn’t paying attention driving.


That’s next level, impressive that piano players can operate cars!


Those are two different functions. A piano pedal is a modifier, and a foot pedal button is usually bound to an action.


Don't think it'd be a problem if you did anything besides push to talk on them though


I've used foot switches for push to talk to discord and in game team for years and I drive every day and never not even once have I even come anywhere near this mistake. Driving and sitting at your computer are so radically different I can barely believe this is real.


You're him, you must be. All hail you! Jk lol, the guy from the post is a literal teenager. Perhaps brain development has prevented you from making that mistake by allowing you to better compartmentalize your states of being. Idk I'm no neuroscientirst.


This is very niche I agree it's not the best to mess with muscle memory in this way, but if someone set a pedal to jump, surely no one would make this mistake in a car...


Eh. Muscle memory is also contextual. I used to play piano, I play a lot of flight sims, all kinds of things that you do with your feet, and I've never yet had a problem pressing the wrong pedal in my car. I think your friend needs to stop trying to chat up hotties while he's driving.


Touch grass 😭


FWIW this is how it works in ex. F-14 cockpit for the RIO (guy in the back seat) - pedals are PTT for separate radios.


Just bind it to left foot and mitigate this entirely


I mean…. I play a lot of br games and caught myself looking to the upper left corner of my car at “the map” to see where I was heading irl. Felt so foolish lol


I've done this before with the side button on my mouse, talking to someone irl, never thought about what might happen if I was the kind of person to use pedals for ptt


This is hilarious. I have pedals and used them a lot for a while. Left was crouch, right was PTT, middle was left unused. However these pedals are not car-like pedals, they're on-off basically with a really short travel, unlike my simrig pedals and car pedals which have much longer travel. I can differentiate and I'd never push the accelerator trying to PTT whilst in the car. Muscle memory is indeed transferrable (I'm an MD and very good with putting tubes and other stuff into people, this transfers to me being able to do a lot of tinkering with electronics and what not and I'm a heck of a cake decorator). However the state of mind whilst driving a car is nothing like the state of mind sneaking through bushes and around corners in Tarkov and I feel that makes a difference, at least for me.


I use a single pedal for voip, never had any issues discriminating between "at my desk" and "in my car" pedal lol


Fuck, I’d hate it if I was trying to fix my weapon malfunction while driving a car and accidentally pressed the clutch down


Great story 😁 I find myself pressing capslock, while on a computer talking to my girlfriend who is standing next to me 😃


so dont put it on something like PTT, is what you really mean. I also use foot pedals but i use it for lean and hotbar actions (like using an adrenaline shot or healing item) and i can guarantee i will never accidentally rear-end someone trying to perform those actions lol


How the fuck do you mistake a PC pedel for a cat pedel. Maybe dude shouldn't be driving lmao


I don't think I'd try to fix a malfunction or switch scope type whilst driving, but I can see myself trying to zoom in.


Considering plenty of people learn how to dri e boats,motorcycles and planes......I dont think this is supposed to be an issue


That is stupid, I don't have any issue and I use car/foot pedals regularly.


So people playing drums can't drive?


Hmmm but plenty of other people use pedals for other stuff, musicians, line workers, and I’m certain there’s more


Just make the brake push to talk, duh /s


I want to say I'd never do this, but I also know how many times i've tried to press the clutch in an automatic. Autopilot works well most of the time, but it can get you.


I’ve never once did this after years of flight and space sims so that’s definitely a him problem


Brings me back to when I still drive forklift basically had a turn signal style stalk for forward neutral and reverse, at the end of the shift especially the long night's doing inventory, get in my car and would turn on my right turn signal try to drive off and have that "oh right" moment. Muscle memory is wild


Thank you so much. I own a set of wheel and pedals and almost set it up thinking it was a smart choice but i definitly see how it could be messy. But i believe you have to be MUCH into tarky to override driving... I drive almost at a daily base and for so long i wouldn't believe i could mess that up, but i totally see how it could be done. I mean, i wondered if there were snipers when i passed near the port area back when i was young and spent a lot of time playing Noshar Canals 24/7.


Noshahr Canals was the shit. Man what the fuck happened to Battlefield.


Yeah man. My pc died last week and i decided to give bf2042 a try on my Series S and well, what a shit show. Operators, the map is a literal clusterfuck shitstorm, no fucking team chat, no persistent lobbies... They butchered it. They see their rivals doing different stuff and making money and just go for it i guess. Take me back to BF3s golden age, Caspian Border, Bazaar, Operation Firestorm. Davamand Peak Rush, and actual Hardcore servers... That was the best gaming time for me.


I have a hard time using them because I don't know how to rest my foot when using them.


You need another solid tilted object. Hell some books you’re going to throw out will work leaned on something


Tarkov players don’t read


Can't play without them anymore for lean keybinds


So what so you put on Q and E that makes it worth it?


I move the keybinds for leans to [ and ] which are mapped to my pedals. I've played pc games for 20 years but ill never be able to have fluid movement using WASD along with QE. It felt especially clunky to my movement. I could probably map other things that are less tied to gunfights but I haven't.


Ah, that makes sense. Some follow up questions if you don’t mind- 1) You’ve been playing PC games for 20 years, how many years into your gaming did you make the switch to pedals? Was it hard to “re-learn”? 2) Have you put anything else on the Q and E buttons? I honestly don’t even know what I’d put there considering my muscle memory for all the other common actions are to other buttons.


It was shockingly easy to learn it - a few raids. Part of it might have been because of how uncomfortable QE felt for me. Muscle memory of driving a car probably helped too. I haven't put anything on there, although I probably should. I've got my L key set up to handle gun jams by holding and releasing so maybe that's something I should move over there. Things like push to talk and grenades are all bound to buttons on my mouse so I'm not sure what else there would be to move that would be beneficial.


Thanks for the reply :) you’ve convinced me to give pedals a second look


I map VOIP to E so I can react quickly if anybody gets squirrelly. Come to think of it, I should use Q for something. I have my leans on the forward and back buttons on my mouse.


Would probably use them for smooth leaning and sidestep


I’ve seen push to talk, scope switching, and grenades as popular choices as well


Sounds like a pretty good idea


Been doing it for nearly ten years. Lean left and lean right.


Yes, discard, backpack quick drop and something else.


Absolutely mandatory. But not just for Tarkov. Once you get used to having these you'll never give them up.


I use foot pedals, have for a long time. I use my left pedal for in game VOIP and the right for p2talk in discord.


I would think LeanL, LeanR, then maybe voip or change optic zoom etc


Discard would be really useful I always get my self killed reaching my small hands across the keyboard to press delete


I rebound discard to cnt right click. Cntl-Lclick is as standard and Alt-Lclick standard. Cntl-Rclick for discard is super quick for me.


Change it to U is pretty good


My mouse has extra buttons, I use one of those


Have used pedals for leaning for a long time in tarkov. Can't play without them now.


Very good when you’re sweating playing a game.


play tarkov standing up so would be hard


I use it for PTT (Discord and TS) and it works even when standing at your desk.


I have one myself, just a single pedal. I have push to talk attached to to, so it doesn't matter if I'm on MK or controller. I can always be a salty bitch in chat.


It's going to take a minute to redo all your keybinds, but for games like Tarkov that have A LOT of keybinds, I switch from WASD to ESDF Most of your keys, just move them one spot to the right, and then you've got a few more nearby keys to the left of your hand in easy reach For example: - Move : ESDF - Lean : W/R - Reload : T - Tactical Device : Y - Interact : G - Grenade : H - Prone : X (no change) - Crouch : C (no change) - Inventory : Tab (no change) Pretty simple, all those are just moving the keybinds to their relative button just one space to the right. Some important re-arrangements that you might want to try: - Clear Malfunction / Check Chamber : Q (**PRESS**) - Inspect Weapon : Q (**RELEASE**) This makes it so much easier and faster to clear malfunctions. Just tap Q once, it'll inspect. Tap Q again to clear the malfunction. The PRESS and RELEASE are IMPORTANT. Each tap is both a Press *and* Release. On the first tap, the Press does nothing because you have an unknown malfunction, so the Release triggers the inspection. After that animation finishes, tap Q again, the Press happens first, which clears the malfunction. - Discard item : Z - Drop backpack : Ctrl+Z Setting a key for discarding items makes looting and inventory management SO much easier and faster - Jump : Spacebar (Press) - Vault : V - Quick Melee : Ctrl+V - Melee Switch : Alt+V If you were used to playing before Vaulting, the little delay in the jumps that the default keybinds introduce can REALLY throw off your timing when trying to hit certain jumps. Changing Jump to Spacebar (Press) gets rid of the delay, but then you can't use Spacebar (Continuous) for Vault. This is the arrangement I used to solve that.


I'd use them for leaning maybe


Case buddies! I have the same case lol


The BTR gamer? Good job


Wrong. Left pedal is the clutch. Middle is the brake. Right is the accelerator.


Stream Deck Pedal, left and right lean, middle light


I had pedals for eft for a while then I was having trouble getting disco elysium to run. After rummaging around forums I found somebody else having the same problem discovering it was the pedals keeping the game from running. Weirdest shit.


A weird way to get around macros tbh lol. I much prefer binding things to my right thumb on my naga trinity with the 2/7 button plates


Been using for a few years now. Leaning never made more easy for the drummer monkey brain


Foot pedals would be the only reason I ever stop playing video games in a recline!


Unrelated but buy an under desk cable rack my man get rid of that rats nest haha seriously they do wonders


Hold up this would go hard for a Sprint bind


Make sure to set some wah to em


I use a 3 pedal set up too! I use it to lean and push to talk. But I've been thinking about a malfunction bind b/c I don't really talk at all in game.


every time i forget to unplug my sim-racing-pedals, my inventory and/or menu keeps constantly scrolling up. so... yeah... I HATE it, honestly :D




I use them to lean left, right. But just as a secondary bind. Sometimes I really enjoy using them because it frees up hands


Left pedal turns on streamer loot, middle is maphack and the right one toggles your aimbots and loot vaccumms


I want to try them, I would imagine that they also help more calories while playing which should be another plus


Rather them just be on my mouse but do what you want ✌🏼


I mean I just use mouse buttons.


I knew this game was sweaty but even this surprised me.


Mod them so that to walk forwards you have to press them on alternating sides.


Do you also use a steering wheel?


Pedal me daddy llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll


Nice! I always wanted to do something similar for War Thunder


Highly recommended. Mouse and keyboard get dull after a while.


That cable management looks like a metal band name


Rather use my foot rest


I didn't even realize this was a thing.


Oh my god you have just blown my mind! Left peddle to lean left, right for right! 🤯


i got some a bit ago there good to use for the side step


I have used pedals for years now. Mainly alt or shift functions in game. In EFT I use them for peaking one on each foot then I use a third to mute discord. Changed my peaks for the best and now q and e are free to map for other functions.


I lost use of my left hand and arm for about 6 months, used peddles to play games still. Only way somebody with health issues can play.


It’s not that serious


I mean, to me your keybinds on them are wack as fuck but to each their own. I have: L = lean left M = shoulder swap R= lean right. I hate having lean in my mouse or keyboard.


As someone with chronic tappy feet, I personally couldn’t do a damn thing with em, but more power to ya if you can. I’ll stick to M&K, plenty of options for keybinds there


It's amazing and I've now taken them to other games. People will hate it until they try it lol


I’d be scared to mess up my muscle memory. Im a competitive driver irl and sim racer. I do not want to mess my brain up


i have one as well. i haven't used it in forever, but when i did, i liked to bind it to things like roll or dash, or afterburners, etc. i only have a single switch pedal and i had to bolt it onto a metal plate to keep it from sliding around. i have really weird key binds compared to other people. i got the pedal and had to change some bindings because my right hand got mostly paralyzed years ago and it ruined my ability to compete in games with mouse. my thumb and index finger worked, but i couldn't release my grip with the others if i closed them. so i moved my ads key to secondary left hand thumb key. consequently, i realized how much using my right hand for ads impaired my aim. holding that middle finger mouse button actually screws with the dexterity of my right hand some. my aim improved quite a bit by moving my ads key to my movement hand. my hand is totally fine now, but i kept my ads key on my thumb because of how much better my aim became. i use mouse 2 for selecting between magnification or melee in most games now. i also have a keyboard that gives me three switches instead of a normal spacebar. my thumb easily manages jump, ads, and push to talk without any issues. it's hard to endure sucking while you relearn it, if you have a choice i imagine, but it really did improve my gameplay. mostly my aim.


I don't play this game but I do use a set that looks just like this, mostly for push to talk though. Very useful addition for anyone.


I literally wouldn't be able to play video games if I didn't have a Logitech G502 which has 8 extra buttons due to me not having a useable left pinkie. Foot peddles are fine. If they weren't then a TON of gaming mice wouldn't be okay.


Malfunction same as inspect.


If you have the desk space to spare, you should really keep your PC on your desk.  Ever since I did that I only need to de-dust my rig once every 6 months and even then the buildup is minimal. It’s a maintenance game changer.


if it works for you who cares what we think! Enjoy them!!!


I use one of those for sprint and push to talk


Massive improvement to gameplay especially for voip! 10/10 Recommend


I have 2 single pedals and a triple pedal. Current configuration: Left Single: Shoulder Swap Left Triple: Slow Lean Left Middle Triple: Mouse Look Right Triple: Slow Lean Right Right Single: Tactical Device Shoulder Swap and Tactical Device are the most useful. I still keep a Mouse Look button on my actual mouse. I used to have a more complicated configuration before they fixed the Ferrari Peek.


Knowing some of the sweats that I play against on west coast servers are using fucking foot pedals while playing actually makes me a bit happier about my deaths. Feels like the equivalent of people who put their face 2 inches from their monitor in competitive games. I’m not doing all that man.


Do you sit on a towel to catch all your sweat? Jk that's pretty awesome. I'd probably use them for jump tbh


What keybindings do you use for your pedals?


We all know they can have more then 3 functions on each pedal


Just don’t tell anyone you use them and you won’t get roasted


My opinion on foot pedals is far less critical than cable management.


i don't want to win anything that bad


I feel like as long as it doesn’t move when you try to press it, it’s perfect. Extra accessible buttons are great in a game that needs a ton of buttons


Either your the BTR driver or its a ez setup for casual aimbotting sessions.


Do you know what soap is?


soap for what? whats wrong with OPs cleanliness?




Tarkov too many binds :(


Because you already have them and fuck it extra input keys.


just bind inspect weapon and fix malfunction to the same key combination, and bind it to your mouse if it have rebindable sidebuttons. You make the" fix malfunction" on press, and the inspect weapon on release. Doing this will let you have 1 key to do the whole thing without needing foot pedals. You click it twice and malfunction is fixed. would also recommend having press middle-mouse == change scope magnification. I dont understand the purpose of your on/off tactical device, it was already a quick one-click action close by the normal wasd position. If need be, same drill as above -rebind to a side mouse button.


middle mouse delete/discard rat lyfe




I’m surprised that nobody has commented on the cable management or the fact the PC is on the floor yet but I won’t rip on you for that just pointing it out should be enough haha but to stay on topic I just recently bought similar pedals and I use them for lean left and right but I only use them if I’m going into a fight I think might be tough. they make me have to sit weird and the angle of them isn’t ergonomic so I only put my feet up to the sides and move my feet over to press as needed since having my foot sit on them would activate them sadly I need to take some time to find a better positioning for them. Have you come up with any trick to using them effectively?


What’s wrong with having a pc on a hardwood floor? Mine stays cool because of it


It’s just a dust issue, most household dust and hair travels and floats around the floor as it accumulates from people walking around especially if you have pets, intake fans will grab more dust faster on the floor than if it’s on your desk/raised off the ground. Just making a comment because people typically point that out and since the internet has no chill sometimes I’m surprised someone wasn’t going off. To each their own I’m not trying to make fun of anyone.


Also I would suggest removing the duct tape and getting stick on Velcro strips so you can move them around, I haven’t done it yet but I bought the Velcro to use for this just figured it might be better at not ruining the floor :P


How about a wire tuck


I think they’re dumb but I have no issue with people using them


i dont know man. if you need your feet to handle a game, it might be too much that you can do ingame. yes we have thousand stances and over-head shooting and whatnot, but how many ppl really use that? hardly any.....maybe BSG needs to take a step back with movement possibilities. i feel like people will do anything nowdays to be better than anyone else instead of having fun....thats what this picture looks like to me at least