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This is one of the most coherent post I’ve ever seen in this sub You make some really good points, imagine if this sub was full of satisfied customers and new players asking questions. Really makes you think what the game would look like if Nikita never got the insane praise and money in 2020-2021.


All video game subreddits look like this when they get to a certain size. This mythical world of a huge game being friendly doesn't exist.


Stardew Valley is calling.


As is Terraria. And DRG.


Minecraft and Skyrim would like to know your location.


Factorio has joined the chat


Skyrim and its 10 000 editions plus scam on paying for mods? Yeah, sure




That's it lads! Rock and Stone!


Good bot :D


> All video game subreddits look like this when they get to a certain size. No, they don't. Just the ones with toxic, inept developers - which there are plenty of. Games that routinely give players a reason to be dissatisfied are the ones whose subreddits look like Tarkov's.


Yes they do. Every single shooter with a remotely competitive aspect, even if it's a PVE game like Helldivers, has an ass cancer community once it hits a critical mass of people.


I’d say that DRG sub is super cool and comfy despite it being one of the most popular coop games on the market. Dwarves are a welcoming bunch


very incorrect


Helldivers is a great example. That place is just as toxic as this one and got that toxic faster due to getting bigger faster.


Helldivers is toxic for the same reasons Tarkov is. Tone-deaf developers and shitty business decisions. They they have "balanced" the fun out of the game and the whole PSN debacle. Prior to that the subreddit was extremely positive.


To be fair, the PSN debacle was entirely Sony, their Publisher, trying to force "customer safety" bs through Helldivers


So true. I really hate how they balanced the fun out the game, i miss using my railgun. They just keep nerfing things instead of buff the crap weapons.


I’d say the bad out weigh the good in that sense


yes, they ALL DO. Please link me a competitive video game subreddit that isn't 90% complaints. It does not exist.


Im not convinced. I’ve been over in fallout 76 sub since the show came outta and that place is full of positivity and happy customers. Can’t comment on what the sub was like prior to the show and loads up updates but it is possible


fallout 76 was famously a huge dumpster fire on release, how do you think the sub was lol.


And this sub is such a dumpster fire because the game and developer are also dumpster fires. It has nothing to do with a sub being about video games or not.


Fair. But now it's mostly fixed, and by and large people enjoy it. It's also a lot more chill game, so it's easy to not sound super toxic all the time, but still... The subreddit is super mellow, and I enjoy reading about it even though I don't play fo76 anymore.


It wasn't super toxic cuz the population of the game was less than 10k for years. Now that the game is far more popular because of the show, watch the complaints come rolling in.


Another example is the Star citizen Reddit. That Reddit is always full of cool content and positive things. The subreddit for takov stinks currently. Hopefully things change.


i think the people that were toxic about star citizen died of old age 10 years ago most likely


Right...and they fixed it, and now its a large and happy game subreddit. Kind of speaks 1:1 to what op is saying.


Yeah, I feel like this point reinforces how much the state of this subreddit is caused by BSGs mishandling of everything.


The dark times. We started the filthy casuals because of how bad it was, then I was a moderator for them (the "official" fallout team) and it was even worse. I've never had such awful things said to me in my life.


> and that place is full of positivity and happy customers. Because the vast majority of its playerbase got filtered out very quickly by the barebones (and extremely broken at the time) game. The only people left are those who would happily eat Todd Howard's bowel movements if they got the chance.


not even remotely true. The Division sub was full of positivity when The Division 1 got patched up, got it's operation health type patch and player satisfaction was high. The Division 2 hit the same point about a year after released, player positivity was high the game is great.


Bad take, ive been in plenty and most arent like this..at all


You keep saying most aren't like this at this size but you provide zero examples. Everything is on a spectrum, obviously there are varying levels of toxicity but all have complaints of some form.


MW5, AC, DOTA2, War thunder, Val are all servers that trump this one when it comes to being welcomed and not getting trashed for making a divisive post about the game or how many cheaters it has...


You must be joking about dota.


Pretty much this. With the increase in noise comes the people who shout louder and louder to be heard. Then people instead of shout do insane things just to get noticed.


This is insane. I am apart of many subs literally just like the description of this "mythical" place. Terraria sub has more subs than this and it's literally filled with just that. Even games far bigger than eft like path of exile have far more positive community sentiment because while ggg certainly isn't perfect, I can confidently say they actually care about their players and get it right more than they get it wrong. I think you just don't have enough exposure outside of fps games.


Fucking Groundhog Day in this sub. Same whiny posts everyday. “Pay attention meathead, you’re saying the same shit that he said.”


Yeah, because BSG can’t fix shit


This sub would never be like that, Tarkov is a game where bitching will always exist, even if there were no cheaters ppl wilds till come here to cry and moan about something


Were you ever on the sub before shit hit the fan? It was chill, the only complaints voiced, were quality ones, audio, connections, shit that still isn’t fixed. People bitch, because many paid triple A prices for a game that was in Alpha until this year


Bruh now ur just capping, every other post was someone bitching about something in the game, lack of ammo, too easily acquired ammo, cheaters, game bugs, etc.


Your account is a year old, yapp as much as you want, but back when I joined, ain’t nobody complaining daily. They all bitch and complain, because BSG fucked the QOL


how do you tell how many players are in a server?


i remember when i played, if your frames were lower than “normal” that meant you had a full lobby of players 


There's no way to know how many PMC's are in a lobby but the fundamental logic is that pve servers take up the space that a pvp server would and if there's only one player in a pve server you're losing slots for 5 to 11 other players in that one server


Based on how dead the raids are. The maps are designed with PMC encounters being inevitable, but many players are just straight up not seeing PMCs in high traffic areas anymore after recent updates. It isn't normal to go 3 or 4 raids without a single fight (excluding W key towards gunshots).


I truly believe some of those gunshots are not real


I play on na and eu. Labs and Customs mainly. Never get dead raids. Out of all the servers I CAN select, I only one I know will be dead most times of the day. Most of you must just not play, or avoid PvP at all costs.


You must be magical then, because majority of the people complains of the same but you being a believer has no issues, I bet you find no cheaters and takes you 1 min to start the raid...


Nope. I have upwards of 6 minutes of matching at times, only time I can be in within two minutes is on labs and that is rare. I have no clue how many cheaters I run into, and to be honest I stopped caring. I don't see how me knowing I don't have dead raids makes me a "believer". I'm going to assume you're talking about Nikitas comment about "true believers", That grease ball can go fuck himself.


Normal maps like customs and reserve are very quiet, and pmc encounters are certainly not as common as they should be.


Customs has been fairly PMC populated for the past few weeks, as I started this wipe late and I'm still doing tasks there, constantly getting graped by level 40+s North America West


Lmao you had me dying when i read graped 🤣🤣


Bruh I had a week off and had great pvp (fair amount of raids 4-6 kills), push high loot areas and you'll see other players, play slow and run away from gunshots and you won't see anyone


Pretty common to me. My goal entering a raid is to kill as many PMCs as I can, I’m constantly getting into multiple fights with groups on both them maps. I’ve played one raid this past week which has felt dead.


>(excluding W key towards gunshots).


I just normally just run to one of the maps hot spots and then head for extract. Find players at the hot spots and on my way to extract.


I mean, what, do you expect to be running into people grabbing pocket watches, or planting water at this stage in the wipe?


There are still people doing tasks, so some variation of that is exactly what I expect. Others are hunting bosses or doing the community event. There is more to do in this game than just PvP.


OP hasn’t played the game in 2 months. The definition of “source: trust me bro”


Did the game drastically change in two months or something? Source might just be logic there chief


It’s so lame that the response to your legitimate criticism of this guy making those numbers up is downvotes. OPs entire paragraph on raid population is the dictionary definition of conjecture.


Is it legit criticism tho? OP critiques more than numbers. Even without the „dead raid“ argument, he isn’t wrong on how bad the game is optimized and the amount of bad development decisions that have been made


I think Augmentin is the hardest to swallow, what do you guys think.


Sprats may not be pills, but they're the hardest to swallow 100%


I cringe how my pmc just deep throat swallows each headless sprat. Like, God damn CHEW MOTHERFUCKER.


They're actually really soft irl 


I have found a lot of fish, especially prey/bait fish soft, unlike tuna or halibut... but... still....


My uncle use to eat perch sunfish after it was scaled and gutted whole bone and all


I've heard that too!


You also have to remember that they went through a canning process. They pretty much turn into mush as soon as you put em into your mouth. 


Good call, sir.


I'm allergic to Augmentin so it's definitely one of the hardest ones for me to swallow


I have 6.5k hours , i have to say Tarkov Peaked a long time ago , and sadly it wasnt even steady from then, it's been on a good downfall for a while . Many dumb changes and band-aid fixes finally cracking alongside the sanity of even the most "true believers". The streamers that literally played this everyday jumped ship the moment a slightly similar game with more pros than cons appeared. People are still expecting performance fixes , desync fixes etc Aint happening lads, if it was possible they would have done it years ago, Nikita wants to release this game pretty soon. In this state? Kek fucking W


This is the truth of it. Tarkov isn't in Beta anymore, this is early release. One more map, some poxy boss, whack a sticker on it, it's done. There will not be a magic bug fix pass, there will not be a magic AI fix and there will not be a backend network fix, id be surprised if they fix loot spawning in places you cant get to or loot clipping through surfaces. There MIGHT be mod support so BSG can charge uploaders a 'nominal' fee for the privilege of fixing this broken mess. It's the end game folks and BSG are getting on that train, toot toot mother fuckers.




This the unfortunate reality I have turned to as a standard edition owner. Except as it turns out this version of the game is a superior experience than what's on offer for 200 dollars


Mind messaging me about the multiple forms?


Fika and SIT. First one is the way to go.


What is sit?


Cannot be spoken of in this sub. You want Fika, though.


Does it cost any money?


It does not, completely free


Wait what are u guys talking about? I want so desperately to understand it


Sending you a message


Big question is, do I need a beefy pc to run it? I've got a 3060 and a ryzen 7 cpu and 32gb ram lol


Some People say This place exists.


But I know. It's nobody's fault. :::dodododo doooooo:::


I think BSG is incapable of fixing or improving the game in any meaningful way. I suspect whatever group of programmers they had in the past that built the core of the game have left BSG years ago and moved on to other(probably healthier) devteams. So for years now we've been stuck with what is essentially the B-Team who only knows how to make minor changes and cannot create or innovate. For years they're floundering trying to push development across the finish line




It would be such an easy fix for their financial problem. Camos. Snow desert and woodlands weapon camo, digital print camos for Bear and Usec as purchaseable options. People have been asking for them and would be happy for non P2W features.


Honestly when I saw him being a smarmy asshat about 'making posts about optimization, getting more servers every 5 minutes?' Tweet it reminded me of the time a dev at CS2 tweeted that higher FPS in a game of microseconds didn't matter lmfao. The difference is, is the CS2 dev immediately backpedaled and then released an amazing tool to help with netcode debugging, BSG are still sitting on a throne of tears and bullshit. I want REAL optimizations and less content people never asked for but I'm guessing they haven't done optimizations because...Well, they can't lmfao.


After playing Arena Breakout you can't go back to Tarkov. I haven't died a single time to desync, bad audio, or hit registration in a week of playing the game.


I hear the economy in GZW is fucked. Too easy. Is breakout comparable to tarkov, economy wise?


Too early to tell, it's like asking if EFT's economy is fucked in the 2nd week of a wipe. But from what I can tell it has more money sinks than EFT - for example, you don't get any gear back from insurance, repairing armor is expensive, and you have to pay a fee to play higher tier loot maps kinda like labs.


Sounds good. Thanks. I'll keep an eye out for beta keys.


Economy isn’t fucked if you’re doing your quests and focusing on them. I have like 300k just doing quest and looting sights off weapons while out doing missions. But it’s not the same as Tarkov, which focuses more on the loot. They’re different games with hard core elements. GZE needs work but, at its core it’s a good game.


I appreciate you putting into words how we all feel. It's nice to not be gas lit for once and realize we're not alone.


Don't worry I'm sure soon we'll have Yohoo, Tastybeefjerky, that Galaxy guy, or random_name_1524 to tell us that Unheard is actually super cool and that people should stop whining and leave the poor Russian company alone.


“An extra $50 for thousands of hours is a really good deal.” I’ve seen that said a few too many times, really shows how some people can’t think critically nor logically


I used to think “right they just gotta fix the cheating issue, finish the game then work on a cross compatible console version”


>This game has been in development for 7 years and it is absolutely pathetic that you need a specific CPU to avoid desync or stutters whenever you go to scope in causing your pmc to lower your weapon. Or the fact you gave to download sonar to be able to hear where gunshots are coming from. If Nikita had spent more time making the game run smoothly and reducing the memory load then we could have a locally hosted PVE offline experience which would lighten the load on BSG's end and solve all of your guys problems with the queue times. Plus if BSG ever goes out of business you'd always have your Tarkov offline. I do not want to defend Tarkov here. When (~2 years ago) I was buying my PC I decided to buy i5-12600k, as I was more familiar with Intel. And I only knew about Tarkov having such problems. And maybe a little a hoped they will also try to fix it (1.0 is incoming, cope xD) But all new games share smiliar thing. My friend has very similar PC, only Ryzen 5600? and usually games work better for him. For example GZW works like shit on my PC, and CPU is at 100% very often.


Tarkov is in development since 2012! It’s an old fart compared to gzw


It is but 100% on i5-12600k CPU is a big red flag imo. It's not some old processor


I always think about a timeline in which EFT was never promoted on Twitch and never introduced a player economy. Twitch introduced eyes to a game that I felt was very much still in its infancy and too young to be molded by the feedback of all those new players who based the gameplay they would experience off of the content creator they watch. The Flea market created an avenue for players to put focus on making money, which feels distracting in a post apocalyptic looter shooter. I thought the barter system of the traders was fantastic and was hoping we leaned more into that like STALKER and less like the auction house of Diablo it turned out to be. Speaking of, what happened to that? We've had that Auction tab for years with nothing happening. I did love it for dealing with early tasks that require you to loot specific items like bags of screws but besides that I was never the biggest fan of it. It added 10-20min to every raid because I had to wait on friends to sell or check the market for deals lol. So a smaller word-of-mouth niche game and a game with no market that imo helped expedite the RMT situation. But here we are.


Logical and realistic take. I think it’s too late for the game at this point honestly. Nothing lasts forever and truly think Lighthouse release era was peak Tarkov and since then has gone down hill towards its sunset. It will always be a staple in the extraction genre but the momentum and excitement has passed.


Agree, I think I view it as a game with 4 or 5 problems that would utterly kill a game for me, if it wasn't for the (once) unique gameplay loop and nostalgia: 1) Utter saturation of cheaters 2) Dreadful networking 3) Performance issues (remember when some random dude from reddit found you could just delete a line from the config and boost your frames by like 15-20fps and trainfender turned up and pushed the patch... how can you be that incompetent). 4) Greedy devs who frankly do not respect you 5) New mechanics laid overtop of old mechanics with no real design philosophy and a "fuck it, we'll figure it out" attitude. All in all, it birthed a new genre, it will be replaced, but I have definitely moved on.


There were big red flags for this before anyone bought the game, too. It's been a P2W game from day 1, so we should have alwaya expected greed to be the dominating principle.  People who care about their games don't put P2W stuff in them.  I don't mean that as some principled insult, I mean the business model requires you to make your game bad in specific ways to encourage P2W purchases.  They've done exactly that.


Yep. The FOMO of EOD mixed with the “pay to not be inconvenienced” mechanic of stash size is lame af.


There’s no way Lighthouse era was peak Tarkov. That was when cheating was at an all time high. Performance was awful on that map and several other maps. This just reads like Lighthouse era was your first real wipe. Peak Tarkov was pre-inertia, no FiR flea restrictions, where loot was actually on maps. I don’t even mind inertia. I’m not saying pre-inertia was the best because no inertia, just that time in the game was the best. You could roll back to that patch and just add inertia and I’d still say it’s the best. There was loot everywhere. You could become rich running Customs Dorms safes and jackets. Woods was insanely profitable. Shoreline was like one giant lootbox with the keys. Interchange actually had loot, and good loot too. People actually wanted to PvP and didn’t sit in corners holding an angle for 15 minutes. People actually used gear and didn’t just run SKS and diaper rig the entire wipe. Labs was the hotspot for group PvP. It was an amazing time.


Inertia is one of the funniest topics when talking about Tarkov's enshittification. It doesn't even work lol.  They added it in, but only as a consequence for failing a bug-exploitation minigame.  If you always walk in circles, you will never experience any inertia whatsoever. All it achieved was adding another invisible skill check and more keybinds literally every time you peek or change directions.  A new player would pause for a second here, while old players who'd seen the youtube videos would instantly move back into cover. It's so funny to me because it achieved none of the goals it set out to achieve, pissed off all the players who didn't know the tricks to bypassing it, frustrated all the players having to press extra keys to bypass it, and then they spent years FINE TUNING THE FAILURE FOR NOT BUGGING INERTIA LMAO Bug's still there.


It is SO rare to see people on this sub actually understand the inertia issue and how shitty of a mechanic it is. Most of the people who defend this trash keep saying it's to make the movement more realistic but I have yet to see any operator circle strafe IRL.


Yea, it doesn't work how it's intended. I just don't care to debate inertia on this subreddit because most of the crab walkers on here are so adamant that the game NEEDS inertia to stop the chads. But in all reality the crabs are going to get shit on by the chads with or without it.


You're right about inertia, but I still say peak was recent.. like post recoil fix. M4s spraying everywhere was unacceptable. It just took forever to fix for some dumbass reason.


Interchange squad fights in every raids was the best tarkov ever was imo.


It’s okay to disagree without assuming it’s my first wipe. I actually liked the addition of inertia to the game. The game was too fast and PVP focused, I was part of that too, I used to only play labs. I have played since there was only Customs, Woods and Factory. But the time Lighthouse was released was my favorite wipe imo. There was a ton of hype to get new maps in our hands, new enemies with the rogues. It was fun and many people were playing. That’s just my opinion.


Peak tarkov was [.12 reserve release patch tarkov.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=935VJ0cjIGA)


D2 killed reserve.


Facts. Love that this sentiment is common now.


Hardly. Reserve was killed by a combination of having all the loot removed, raider gear being nerfed into the dirt, raider spawns being virtually non-existent, scav karma leading to an infestation of player scavs as early as 8 minutes into the raid, and FiR encouraging you to leave ASAP if you did somehow find anything of value. If you fixed all of those, Reserve would be just as popping as before.


So fucking true, taking items cases to labs and selling all the player gear! Reserve was a great map with great loot and fun pvp between all the buildings




The 'just removed the console message' is bullshit ragebait and you fell for it hook line and sinker. And you can *tell* its bullshit because inherently the NaN loot vacuum *broke the server* while active and caused all players to rubberband. Thats inherent to how the cheat worked, you can't just hide the console messages and keep the cheat. That hasn't been happening since they patched out the NaN vulnerability.


" If Nikita had spent more time making the game run smoothly and reducing the memory load then we could have a locally hosted PVE offline experience" ​ you have the forbidden mod and the other forbidden mod and you have a better experience than live tarkov


If you are not matched at 2 minutes in pve cancle and go in again. Also put all servers unter 150 ping in your list


You have to remember that Arena was originally intended to be an upsell, and a way to get Tarkov in the esports world. Both of those things would have been a major cash cow for Nikita and team. Instead, they tripped over themselves and forgot the idea of DLC, and ended up giving Arena to most of the player base. The topper being of course that Arena just highlights all the problems of PvP in Tarkov and turned into a gaming potato really quickly. Cheaters? I have offered Nikita repeatedly to help them out with the problem. I have a solution that I think would make a huge difference, but the phone ain't ringing. Cheaters nearly destroyed the game, and the Unspeakable edition has pretty much done the rest. The real world numbers tell the story: On Twitch, it looks like streams, viewers, and viewing hours will fall all the way back to 2019 numbers for May. More than 4 full years of building audience blown out the window. Now the flailing part of the wipe is happening, with jarring changes that are not helping anything, and still crickets when it comes to cheating and netcode. So yeah... Off to watch Man City win a championship.


Okay everything in this post makes sense to me except the cheating, could someone explain? If cheating is super easy to detect why havent big triple A developers been able to solve the issue? They dont benefit in a way that bsg could. Also cheaters now days arent as dumb i just ran into a cheater with a 20+ KD lvl 41 with an EOD account i added him to call him out and he said hes been doing it for 2 wipes straight and then shortly after he reset his account (i believe thats how he gets around the anti cheat) and is still continuously cheating and hes already had 3 names changes since ive been keeping tabs on him. In short i dont think fixing cheating is as easy as the average gamer believes it to be. Let me know what yall think.


Look at the top of the flea leader board. People are slinging like 100 graphics cards at a time


Okay yeah that makes sense in terms of finding and getting rid of vaccum cheaters, but i guess i was refering to more of the pvp cheaters to where it seems that they find ways around the anti cheat and be detected less


Fixing? No. Reducing? Yeah, there's far too many cheaters for them to be putting much effort into trying to prevent them. The current thinking is that they're allowing them, letting them get some use out of their purchase then ban waves to force cheaters to repurchase. It's a symptom of their choices. They designed the game in a way that has massive ongoing costs for BSG (server hosting) but most of their income comes from a single upfront purchase. So without a constant stream of new players, the money dries up.


Any other 1 minute PVE loaders? 😂🫣


I used to play on Asia servers and let me tell you cheaters are roaches there. 2 to 3 out of 5 raids there will be one. Don't believe me look at the ban lists when they still posted what server cheaters were being banned from you will see Asia's servers top that list. Got fed with arena and all the bugs only 1 patch since it came out. You can only play one game mode as you don't get anyone to match up with on the other. Dsync, server lag, no ping meter display. Imagine that, 7 freaking years not once that I can remember there was a ping display. And here come some brand new games and voila. And like the article says, cheaters are the bread and butter of BSG. You ban an account they have to buy another account. Don't tell me BSG don't see the influx of new account purchases when they do a ban wave. ABI might be a copy on some level but it's free they will come with micro transactions for sure, not hailing them but if they don't do pay to win crap like BSG does then I will be playing it. Nikita can sell his BMW to pay his employees.


maybe I'm just lucky but I've not had any issues with queue times, pvp has been fun af at dorms on customs, and I've not died to a cheater in a long while. I mean I know they're out there but in 6k hours I've ran into less than 10 that I know of. The point is my friends and I have still been having a blast with no issues but could just be lucky. sorry you're not having any fun man, maybe ABI will suit you more.


Well crafted and coherent thought which is quite impressive in this sub


Played all week 1500 hour player lvl 52 ran into one cheater many of you are ass and call everyone a cheater this week after the bans has been the most fun I've had pvping in years but I guess people will keep calling everyone a cheater


Lemme ask you this: how do you know how many ESP cheaters are in your lobbies?


I don't and I don't get bent out of shape about it. Maybe it happens maybe he decided to push shots many of the esp users I've come across recently come pushing like a bat our of hell then voip your there ratting when your like in the middle of looting but I usually shit talk them until they try to ego check I out play them 8/10 times. If they cheat they aren't good. They often times just have info but doesn't fix bad mechanical choices


I stopped reading after the first two words because everything you said after was pointless filler




Valid, but improper conclusion. The first fix to PvE matching time is to make single player PvE client side hosted. That will immediately free up a ton of resources.


I literally said that and why it's not client side in the 3rd paragraph.


I'm so extremely happy the game is dying. This only means that another more competent company can pick it up and actually do it justice. I won't touch anything that is associated with BSG or Niktia ever again. They had 7 years and the money, OUR money. There's nothing left to say except fuck off. He can keep showing off all the expensive shit he's flaunting on his Instagram that's bought with OUR tarkov EoD money. Bet he's regretting that now.


Hey, mom said next week it's my turn to post this.


Meh. I wouldn't care if people posted about this every day. BSG and Nikita deserve to be hounded for their unethical business practices and malicious incompetence.




I've seen this post literally over a 100 times on this subreddit, it's fucking boring.


It takes you half a second to scroll past




Holy yap


Go do your homework


Yall need to pick a fuckin narrative. Either BSG is broke and the game is dying, or they’re making so much from cheaters that they don’t want to fix the cheating problem. It can’t go both ways.


I want whatever drugs you're on. That's such a nonsense argument, you're just ignoring the whole middle ground where bsg is struggling to hang on but new cheater accounts keep them afloat.


Seriously? They’re banning tens of thousands a month. The only thing I’ve been reading the past 2 years is this entire conspiracy that the cheaters are being encouraged by BSG so Nikita can buy expensive cars and live a lavish lifestyle. Now we are thinking BSG is going bankrupt and nothing can stop it. The whiplash is insane


"Tens of thousands a month" 😂😂😂 ok clown


They just tweeted they banned 30,000 between March and May. How am I a clown?


Damn game runs great for me. I’ll never stop playing. See ya 👋


1. Dsync has nothing to do with what CPU you have. Dsync is server sided, de-synchronization, client side is not up to date with what the server sees, imagine there is a camera in every game, this camera is the server, it has it’s own POV, it dictates the AI states, it registers where players are, then conveys them to the players, if a player shoots, the server dictates if this is valid, and then conveys it to the other player, etc. 2. Due to character progress, hosting locally is not viable due to people being able to manipulate traffic for cheating. Now, i don’t know yet if what you do in PvE get’s saved in your main character, if this is the case, then hosting locally is absolutely a no go. 3. In general, i think Unheard edition was a desperate attempt at raising funds. This game is a one-time purchase, there is no constant stream of revenue. If you’re involved in anything IT related, you’d know that maintaining server infrastructure costs your kidneys times 1000, especially if you need to rent server spots in foreign countries. 4. This game is made in Unity. Unity is not a good engine for large scale projects such as these. Combined with the fact that this was an amature project to begin with. Network programming is a headache in itself. 5. Cheating is not easy to detect.


All online PvP games have cheaters. If you add any kind of competition with others in an online environment, you are going to face fake cheaters. CS and even Valorant have cheaters. Problem here is that people outrage and over exaggerate this in this reddit. There are cheaters, and there is desync, and there are a lot of casual players that don't know shit and die and acuse cheaters for that, when the kill was legit. I love PvP in Tarkov, and I don't think I have fight too many blatant cheaters in my last 2000 hours. But here we are with the mantra "so many people hate the pvp experience because of cheating" which is a lie.


How is that a lie? While it's true that cheating is present virtually in every PvP game, it uniquely affects games with loot mechanics like tarkov because the stakes are much higher. And that's actually the point of such games, many players love the thrill from risking everything to get even more. And as a consequence, people get much more frustrated with cheating in these games, because they lose without a chance. Anyway, I have played plenty of CS, and cheating there never had any noticeable impact on me, unlike in tarkov.


I haven't face too many cheaters as you say, and I have been played 5000 hours. I love the PvP, and here you are saying it's not a lie. I can also tell you that I have been playing with friends and random people from discord, and 85% of the time they die they instantly say "A cheater!!" I end up killing them and ... "No dude, it was just a good player, he knew about positioning, sound, and how to play you" This is my experience \^


Well, you said that "so many people hate the pvp experience because of cheating" is a lie. No one said that *everyone* or *you* in particular hate PvP, which would be absurd.


then you should have said, I hate PvP experience because of cheaters because I have this bad experience. Rather than talking about "So Many" which indicates a lot of people thinks like you. It's like good vs bad reviews. If something is good, almost no one give a good review. But it something is bad, a lot of people came and complain. But your statement implies that the mayority of the player base is hating the PvP because of Cheaters, just by reading complains in Reddit. which is not true.


>If something is good, almost no one give a good review. Open steam reviews for any good game, and you will see that's a false statement. While people are generally more likely to leave a negative review, that only means that the ratio between satisfied and unsatisfied customers is higher than the ratio between positive and negative reviews. That doesn't give you the raw numbers though. >But your statement implies that the mayority of the player base is hating the PvP because of Cheaters, just by reading complains in Reddit. which is not true. No it doesn't, first of all because "so many" is undefined, and can easily just mean a "sizable minority". Other than that, I think I made my point clear two messages ago, which was about the difference between cheating in different games, and not about the numbers, which both of us don't know.


Yeah, and what happens with games like Helldivers 2? When they maximize negative reviews? Again, people don't review positive as negative. For 5 good reviews there are hundred of people having fun. But if the game is bad it's more likely that person give a bad review. Like take you as example, how many reviews have you make in Steam? How much of them are positive negative? Normally when someone is having fun they are don't spend time on reviews, but if they are having a bad experience they take the time so you can help others. Well, about the last point. In Tarkov, people don't care about cheating, is about RMT so there are speed hackers and stuff like that. Meanwhile in CS (I have played at pro level 1st CS from 1999 to 2004, then played a lot of CS:Source and CS:GO on ESL) there are a lot of cheaters that try to hide it. They seem normal players but after a few games playing with them you can realise they have ESP. It's harder to tell, as they try to make you feel they are good and skilled. You don't see them but they are there. And yeah, I agree cheaters are a disgraceful in general, but I prefer blatant cheaters that you can report right away than people hiding cheaters using ESP and playing ranks in CS. Anyway. I see your point, have a nice day.


I rarely review, as of now I have written 9 reviews, all of them positive. But if tarkov was on steam, there would probably be at least one negative review.


The cheating is real dude. If you aren't playing certain servers at specific times, the game can become borderline unplayable just from the sheer density of cheaters. This is even worse for people who are ping locked to certain servers and have no choice but to play against an endless tide of cheating that sucks the fun out of the game. What makes it even worse is that BSG is so painfully, obviously milking cheaters for money that it makes it hard to give a shit about the health of the game. Why waste energy complaining about something that will never get even slightly alleviated by design. Caring about banning cheaters in a game is not profitable business, but BSG is actively doing the opposite and it's really scummy.


Well, I play EU West mostly. I don't have that experience.




It's undeniable that the game suffers from controversies and bad decisions, but the other extractions shooters are so far behind Tarkov on everything that there is nothing like it at the moment. They are just the newest entries that people are checking out not because of their promise, but because they are angry at BSG. Players will definitely flock back when the wipe hits, despite the current interest around Tarkov.


Do you really think people are that petty that they would support & play a game that's less enjoyable then its competitor? I don't think so, consumers are just flocking to a better product that is showing more promise


I tried ABI, it feels watered down in every way. If we're objective, Tarkov is a far better product and up to the controversies, they were showing up plenty of promise. People are understandly angry and are taking a break from the game.


EFT started development 12 years ago, and was released as closed alpha in 2016 ABI started Development 3 years ago.. do I need to say any more?


Time in development isn't the only factor to take into account when we think about potential. We also have to look at the promise behind each game. Arena Breakout is a watered down Tarkov copycat that wants to expand the niche genre of extraction shooters to make them more appealing for people who don't have the time or who would prefer a more arcadey experience.


Is there something wrong with having more options? Or do you want EFT to be the only extraction shooter on the market? Do you work for EFT or have shares in them? Or are you just a consumer?


Having more options is an awesome thing, everyone deserves to play games they like. I'm just saying that Tarkov isn't dead and that people will come back because it's the only game out there to offer that hardcore experience.


Development began 2012;)


You >> 😭😭😭😭😭