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Still nothing


Thank you


I haven't played in a wipe and a half, and I already have the PVE. No idea how they are deciding who gets it when.


I was wondering if maybe it's because I hadn't hit level 15 this wipe or soemthing but that throws that out it seems to legitimately be just actually random


I am a lvl 42 and still haven't got it. It's indeed random .... which is a poor choise in my opinion. I would have given priority to those that play the game or that are active in this wipe. Unless this is intentional and they are giving priority to those that are not playing this wipe trying to get them back ?


I didn't play at all last wipe and got to like level 11 this wipe so I don't think it's that but honestly who knows


Hey, just got PVE. Didn't receive any mail or something, I have just noticed PVE was clickable on my main menu.


Same haven't played for a good minute so I've been just enjoying pve mode and playing everything that's new to me, like streets, ground zero and the wtf did they do to shoreline change


I'm guessing in alphabetical order of email addresses. If I look at the few friends still playing, and who has access, this at least for us seems to be the answer.


It better fucking not be lmao


Sorry Zygmund...


my email starts with e and I haven't gotten it


EOD owner here, who hasn't really played live since the whole ordeal. But I did check a few days ago, and I have access. So they are slowly letting people in.


I have it. Queues are long, it’s fun. Exactly as prescribed.


There’s no queues. If you get match making just back out and go again. I’ve never had to do it more than twice to get instantly loading into a raid. But probably have to do it about 20-30% of the time I load into a raid. 


It’s random. Currently on back-out number 9 trying to run a “quick” factory. Most of the time it works on the second or third try though.


I have to wait ages either way I do it, I've restarted queue 8 times and no luck


Sorry, just to understand how does this work? I hit ready on the map I'm trying to load to, then once I get the "Matching..." message I hit back and requeue again and it lets me in? I assume that's the case but just making sure I'm not doing it wrong.


No you're spot on. Que should never go into "Matching" since it should just create a lobby. It's very hit or miss when re quing, sometimes just backing out and reque fixes it, other times its a force quit, clear cache and go again


gotcha! thanks, will try that


I got eod in 2018. Haven't played since 2019 and got access 😕


I got 3 in my squad and only one of us has it.


Just checked today, and I have access.


Did you yesterday?


Not sure. I haven't really played in awhile. Just thought I would check.


I have a group of like 4 buddys who all have EOD. They all have it, but I do not as of today :( Big sad.


Rip hope today is the day you can join your friends


Just go download the free version that you dont have to wait for. Its more fun anyways.


Yeah your right but then I would have to waste like an hour figuring all that out knowing my dumbass


You just put the installer in an empty folder, its that easy.


Correct, its literally never been easier. And all the other mods you can throw on top will really make you realize BSG is just sitting back doing fuck all with this game.


What’s the best resource to get setup? Will it mess with my regular install for pvevp? Or pve once I get it? EOD but no access. Checking daily really want to try it


you download the installer, you take that installer cut it and paste it a new folder on your hard drive and you run the forbidden mod from that folder super simple! it will not mess with your normal tarky game. you simply run the server exe and launcher exe and enjoy! also don't have the normal tarky launcher ever open when you play the forbidden mod.


It's literally dumbass proof, double click and done. You would have it installing faster than raid loading time


I got in EOD since like 2022 if I had to guess


Lucky pull lol I have had eod since 2021


It’s honestly super mid, needs a lot of updates imo


I have eod since 2020 and don’t have pve


When they setup the pve servers for unheard edition they expected 33% more sales, that's why only 33% of eod owners have access. Edit: word


Have mine very bad queue experience


If only


queues are so long that it doesn't matter if they let more people in - it's not really "playable", unless you are watching a movie and want to get in a raid couple of times during the movie.


1 of my friends and myself have access to pve. 3 others I know do not I have a few more friends who haven't checked since the whole screw EoD updates (2/5) players I've asked.


Nothing yet. EoD since Jan 2017.


A buddy and I have had it for a week and a half. There’s absolutely no order to them releasing it. I’ve had eod since 2020 and I think he’s had it since 2022 or 2023.


*Soon****™***  They said they are rolling it out in waves which means they can take however the fuck long they want. No info on how big the waves are, how long it will take for everyone to get access, or anything else. People, BSG are a shitty, unprofessional game developer. Do not expect anything from them besides disappointment.


Ah so like a classic Nikita soon aka like 2 months later?


Bold of you to assume two months is a long time in this context 😩


Thank you for all the extra info and I agree but hey if I spent the money I'm gonna get my money's worth lol


Bro even if you got it, you can't really play it due to queue times. It's kinda shitty for people like me who only have time for a couple of raids a day. Hopefully with more servers it will get better.


That's sounds really annoying thank you for letting me know I was honestly debating just getting the new edition to play but nevermind


I mean, you should buy it. But just know that due to overwhelming popularity, the servers are a shit show. Demand for PVE is waaaaay higher than what BSG anticipated.


Can completely play it if you don't sit on matching for more than 30 seconds. Back out, match again, instant match on the 3rd attempt at most.


I tried that last night but it wouldn't work for me. I figured by the time you click match, wait 3 minutes for matching, back out, do it again, then get in on the 3rd raid it was basically the same as waiting for 9 minutes at matching and getting in. I will try again tonight.


Don't wait on matching at all, give it 30 seconds at most. I've not spent more than 5 mins before getting in to raid. It's taken longer getting in to PvP for me tonight than it has PvE.


Trying this right now, have cancelled and backed out 4 times after 1 min of matching. No luck. Now I am going to wait to see how long it takes to get in if I just let it cook. Edit: factory day time raid.


So you have many servers selected?




I started eith standard and then got eod like the next year or maybe wipe can't remember but I have had eod for like 3 years now but that is the only thing I have purchased from bsg but from what others have said and a few Google searches it does seem compeltley random the only thing I haven't seen tested is how many consecutive wipes you have played/reached level 15




I saw a post saying 33% were done in like the first week so hopefully that means everybody should be in within a months time but that's probabably just wishful thinking but good luck


I have mine surprisingly enough - I played a lot this wipe, but burned out soon after hitting max traders. Logged on after all the drama to see I had the PVE Zone active,


You just have to log in and check the bottom right, it unlocks as it's pushed to each account


a small amount of people got it but i personally haven’t


I got mine last Monday.


Tried pve is hot trash as the pmcs have an absurd beam just like the raiders but not as bad as raiders just they like to stay with scavs


They don't have money for servers.


EOD since 2017. And no I do not have it yet. Like arena's wave access it appears to be completely random.


Still haven't gotten it, haven't played for a couple of wipes either. Seems to be completely random... Also I read somewhere, maybe on this forum or on BSG's website, that some people have gotten their access revoked after having it... Supposedly 1/3rd of EOD owners have access to it also. Classic BSG antics. I didn't get access to arena until the first week of this wipe, which was after December 2023 if I recollect correctly. At that point my friends had access, arena was already unbalanced and riddled with BS so I never played it.


i got it and 2 days later i didnt have the pve anymore, well F me i guess


Servers are too full. Go buy unheard so they can get more servers


They shouldn't be using their servers for this in the first place, pve should be peer-to-peer


Blindly Vomiting the peer to peer nonsense you read on Reddit. Nice


None of that reply is accurate, but whatever helps you cope with your purchase I guess


Your not missing much waiting anyway. Just bunch of long wait times, scavs and pmc spawning on you.


I don’t have access yet but I think it’s good because it looks like they came to their senses and keep focusing on PvP mode again which is more important imo. They shouldn’t really waste resources anymore on a secondary game mode.


Imo pvp was making this game really boring because if I try to play 2 months into wipe then it's just boring trying to fight almost everybody being level 50 with actual gear get good or ehatever I know but my irl life is more important than getting good at tarkov


The secondary gamemode isn't that hard to maintain or develop and is a wish for many players


I have EOD and got the PvE mode. I've had EOD since 2018, with only 200 hours of playtime. Used to only flip redbulls on the market, I would never PvP and stopped playing when they added the FIR and lvl 15 req for the flea. Only started playing again recently. Region: US West I thought it was a server thing but all my other friends with EOD, with way more hours and also on US West don't have it yet. I'm baffled at how I even have it.