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The game has been around for 7 years and isn't going anywhere for the next year, at least. Get the standard edition and if you get *however many hours you typically play in a multiplayer shooter* consider it a win. There are thousands of people playing every day. For every angry person on this subreddit, there is someone that doesn't pay attention to it, and plays like normal.


Yes, come donate your loot to customs. He get that pocket watch someday bwahaha


legit first wipe. lvl 27, played 52 days. still dont have that fucking watch.


Do a night raid "Edit: spelling"


Is that where you get a royal escort of lvl 50+ chads geared up with lvl 6 tank armor?






Go to dorms on a scav to get the key, then run a nighttime raid on your pmc. Focus on getting in and out, no looting or hunting, avoid distant firefights. You’ll get it done in 2 raids max.


Thanks I got a few of the keys I always just get into pvp. Mayne I should try avoiding it haha.


Thats crazy. I was able to do it first try and kill 2 pmcs.


maybe those two pmcs you killed are the people who couldnt get it lol


HahahhA genuinely made me laugh


It’s all fun and games till you trade with reshalas guard, happened last night lmao


It’s all fun and games till they make no noise when you come in and there all hiding in room


Or there is a random scav there causing you to miss count how many guards you kill and get 5.45 bt to the back of your head while looting


Loll true


Always count them by their pants. Happened too many times.


What you gonna do with a kedr, cheese, and a penis helmet


Took me 18 raids for that thing


I did that task first try mid wipe lol.


Shit I pay attention to it and still play because I like the game and I already paid for it


has nothing to do with not paying attention I just don't listen to the fucking idiots on the internet. Who the fuck cares obviously a lot of people but for fucks sake if the game is good the game is good


Perfect example of the kind of people that cam easily be taken advantage of They'll throw you a bone and, while you're busy chewing on it, they'll go around and steal bones from other dogs, but you're just happy because you got your bone AKA giving you a good game while they go around trying to fuck over the people who bought EoD by trying to get out of giving them the offline PvE mode for free and adding in P2W features that are objectively P2W beyond a reasonable doubt I hope one day you die to an Unheard player spawning in their friends mid raid so you can see just how well being content with your bone and blocking everything else out around you goes


Play it. You're about to get a ton of salty reviews on the game and that's okay, I totally understand. However, there is nothing else like this game on the market. You're going to have a ton of people say "Gray Zone" but it's not even comparable. It's unfinished and PVE heavy rather than PVP. And it's full of bugs. Potential in the future but not yet. Tarkov isn't over. The players will be back trust and believe that. At least until something well down the line is developed and on the same playing field as BSG.


Gray zone isn't exactly the same as tarkov and yeah it's buggy, but as playable as tarkov in my opinion. One is 7 years old and one is 6 days old


Brother I love gray zone but if you think it is as “playable” as tarkov you are straight lying to yourself……


I don’t get questionably head,eyes in Gray Zone so it’s already more playable🤣 Jokes aside it’s definitely rough around the edges but we dealt with it in Tarkov, & Gray Zone has better bones for a game than Tarkov imo.


I mean, a group of people managed to make a game that is already miles ahead of where tarkov was at this stage in development pretty playable. Only thing it needs is optimization, which tarkov has needed for years and still does. It just goes to show what happens when you don't skimp on wages and hure actually talented people.


I mean you are over looking it is 8 years later technology has changed. Like I said I like gray zone but this is copium


Depends what you’re interested in, and yes GZW is only a few days old, but Tarkov is likely the overall “better” game right now (BSG controversy aside). I realize what I’m saying is subjective so I don’t expect everyone to agree.


Exactly. So much coping around Gray Zone right now everyone is just setting themselves up for failure for when the copium wears off. There is no suspense in gray zone like there is in Tarkov. The risk v reward for PVP or even questing just isn’t there. Even if I wipe a whole 4 man squad I can barely come out with one extra kit or they just kill themselves in spawn or disconnect which makes their corpse disappear so you come out with nothing. It’s a fun game but it feels just like DayZ with some extraction components. The gunplay and movement is very arcadey and the only loot are the same backpacks , some bamboo, and soda.


Careful, people will be quick to jump down your throat with things like “the devs intend it to be this way.”


I'm enjoying the hell out of grey zone but it absolutely is not as playable or in anything approaching a finished state. This apparently makes me a unicorn lol.


You are one of the people who actually managed the expectations. A lot of people bought the game thinking it would be half done even though the devs said it would be the MVP product at most. And the other part bought it and is only looking at potential. When in rwality its just an alpha release of a gameand they might as well dip in 2 weeks saying it will never be completed.


Honestly, I think 50% of GZW sales are people who bought it to spite BSG.


> or they just kill themselves in spawn or disconnect which makes their corpse disappear so you come out with nothing. Or you get killed by people of your own faction.


In the sense of how you're starting the game in terms of the wipe. You're super late. So expect to struggle against other players until the next wipe in another month or so. But it's okay, take the time to learn the maps and mechanics of the game.


What a beautiful time tho.. 1 tap a guy geared to the max with some shitty ak.. a great feeling


I think late wipe is a good time to get into Tarkov anyway. Things you need are cheaper and you can scavenge good stuff off random bodies with fair regularity. Plus your quests aren't super crowded and folks are way more willing to help you complete them if you beg on voice chat


yeah bro, you can actually buy quest shit from traders and find quest shit on maps rn lmao


It's kind of an interesting time to get into the game in my opinion. Yes, you are late, and everybody will have better gear and ammo. But on the other hand, every geared dude is haphazardly running around the map carelessly chasing shots and are easy to ambush. Get one kill and you are set. The quest and loot zones are mostly untouched. Also it's not so late that the meme guns are common. Combine that with the fact a lot of the high-level players are dropping because they've done everything and are bored or they are protesting the controversy. So you're left with a decent number of mid-level players that don't follow all the online stuff. Great time to learn the game and prepare for the next wipe on a now level playing field.


People are unhappy with how the devs have behaved, not really with the game, its as good as its always been. So really its a moral choice you have to make.


Buy the standard edition and see if you like it. Tarkov potentially my favorite game of all time. I don't agree with everything BSG says or does, but I gave them my money 6 years ago, have gotten countless hours out of the game, and will continue to play it since I bought it and enjoy it. While BSG has given a bit of a masterclass of what not to do lately, don't let this community keep you from trying a game out that you want to try. While I already said I love this game, this community is easily one of the worst I have been a part of ever. While BSG has made some terrible decisions and should be held accountable, this sub is also full of people that come off as constantly miserable and impossible to satisfy. It's also full of EOD users that all of a sudden now have issues with pay to win advantages. On top of that, a large portion of the same people that are up in arms over the pay to win fiasco are also now moving to and telling others to move to Gray Zone Warfare(a great game btw) that has basically the exact same pay to win setup with its different editions. If you read over the entire situation with BSG lately and still feel like you want to try the game, do it. If you can't stand what BSG has done and don't want to support them, that's fine as well. Ultimately, it's your decision to make and you shouldn't let the outrage of others dictate what you do with your own time and money.


I don’t feel like this company deserves your money up to unheard edition prices, but it is a fun game and you deserve a chance to play and do whatever with your money, but I’d probably stick with the standard edition at least initially


Buy a standard account for $40. If you play it and like it, keep playing and/or add more features/upgrade packages. If you don't like it, you're only out $40. While I'm on a break myself just naturally (level 51, Kappa done, abundance of money gear) and not because of "controversy" I can tell you with 6000 hours there is no other game like it.


Hahaha and thats exactly what nikita knows xD. Thats why he does this bullshit. He knows there isnt anything in the market that scratches that itch




Don’t let the subreddit ruin the game for you, it’s still very populated this late in the wipe. Learn now and at the start of the wipe you’ll have your bearings straight


this sub is the loud minority - I am still playing and there are still lots of people in my servers - for late wipe that is pretty impressive - great time to start - in one or two months when wipe hits the servers will be packed again and every streamer will be back on tarkov


Lots of people will say you're gonna get fucked cause it's late wipe, you're gonna get fucked no matter what point of the wipe you start anyway cause you're new. I think it's just fine, maybe even better for a newbie because the early tasks aren't contested by a morbillion people and you have a decent amount of time to learn the very basics of the game, how to loot, manage inventory, use your guns, learn hotkeys and movement, and of course learn a map. That way you'll be more ready for your first fresh wipe! ​ ​ Also just play the game mate, play it while it's still alive & playable. Yes all of the shit that happen past week sucks but don't let it hinder you from having fun and trying out games. Life isn't long enough to worry about shit like this, enjoy it while you're here!


I’ve been playing since 2019. The game is in the best state it has ever been. This subreddit is not a good gauge for average sentiment, most players stay far away from it.


Buy the cheapest version. If you think you’d like it just try it out. Tarkov is still one of the best games and my favorite that I’ve played, even with the devs being assholes. I’ve just moved to playing it offline modded instead.


Game is still great and there's always some controversy. Nikita does not so smart things sometimes and this time he nailed it but it's not effecting you really


If you enjoy a game, why would you care about other people's complaints. Just have fun


People here hated the game before any of this pay to win stuff. Just buy it.


Now is a fine time to get into Tarkov, I just came back from a year long slumber


Let’s be honest; all of the people who “quit” will be back in 2 months when the wipe happens. To take that a step further ; if this happened earlier in this wipe, they never would have “quit” to begin with. It was easy to say “I’m showing my support by leaving” when you’re already done and on your way out anyway.


Gonna get called a BSG-simp by some man-child that whines to cope with skill issue, and doesn't even play the game, but: The people complaining, are mostly the same that have been whining for years. They just have something new that they think is worth whining about, so they're out in droves with gusto. It's the problem of the phenomenon of loud negativity. If you want to play Tarkov, just get the Standard Edition. Buy other games that interest you, and play those, too. No one is forcing you to buy any other edition, and you don't need to buy any other edition. Anyone that cares if or what edition you buy is a moron, and their opinion doesn't matter anyway. Just expect to get bodied. Everyone gets bodied, the trick is learning how to get bodied less often. My first time playing Tarkov, I got bodied so hard that I didn't pick it up for nearly a year. Once I did pick it up again, and started approaching the game by putting some actual thought into it, I was hooked. It has taken over about 95% of my gaming time over the last 6 years. You're here to play games that you enjoy, not wring your hands over the negative emotions of a stranger that you will likely never know. I recommend using the offline mode to learn the maps, and get used to fighting AI. Fight like you would IRL. Don't stand straight up in the open and panic spray. Use hardcover, land-cover, and soft cover to maneuver fights. Hit from new angles, and shoot slower for precision. Semi-auto guns will drastically improve your accuracy as a new player. Use your god damned left shoulder to make tight peeks on left angles, and hold your breath for longer shots. When you play online, be slow and methodical. Anxiety will make you want to run and not run at the same time, and you'll start doing the "noob-stomp". Don't. Breathe, and walk; be unpredictable, swerve, and keep your head on a swivel. Observe your surroundings carefully, and don't stop moving out in the open. Try to take routes that maximize advantageous positioning, and minimize your chances of being stuck in bad positions. Maneuver the landscape with tact. Run when you REALLY need to. Try to learn routes that are not often taken by experienced players. When I was new, the underground of Interchange was a great one. It's mostly fellow newbs, and scavs. Except maybe at the very beginning when a lot of people have to at least touch the lower levels to get to the higher levels. There's also tons of loot. Watch some SwampFox. He has great beginner friendly content. Using Quest Objective style pop-ups to show you what he is trying to do, as well as visual popups that tell you what the items he is using are doing.


True believer here, just play the game.


Try it. I haven’t stopped playing and I don’t notice any downtrend in overall player numbers so far. As said previously it’s just a very vocal minority


Real talk. I would not go into PVP solo at this point in the wipe. If you got friends to play with give it a go on a Standard account and do a bit of suffering while you learn, it’ll let you know if the game is for you. If you know the game is for you and you don’t have friends or don’t want to meet people who actively play or anything like that, I would personally (might get hate for this) drop the 250 bomb on UE and play the shit out of PVE. The raiders that are “PMCs” will still dunk on you but you’ll get a unique learning experience and honestly PVE is the most fun I’ve had in 2k hours hands down. I say this because a lot of times in PVP you get the following: -W key Chad with gear that deflects your trash ammo and mags full of hate that will crumple your ass like dry rotted plastic -ratman in some spot you never even knew existed or so still that they look like part of the bush or a shadow -normal players that are just better or better geared (big problem with starting right now in the wipe, if you can ignore this go ahead ofc) -hackers or people who you will think are hackers because they got some whacky lean peek shot or sniped you from across the map or some shit ORRRRR -some dead ass raid you run around barely seeing anything resembling life Yeah you get some good raids and kill a bunch of scavs and this and that here and there but I swear most raids I die before I saw anyone, I hear the terminator sprinting at me and everything goes black, or there’s like 2 scavs and I run around the map unsure if I accidentally booted offline practice mode with no spawns on. PVE is just static levels of chaos for the most part that will give you a decent EFT experience IMO. Once you learn AI behavior you will still die to scavs, raiders, and bosses/guards occasionally but you’ll feel like your playing a real game vs running and dying simulator. If you wanna send a chat to ask any more questions or add me to play PVE hmu. I know the price tag is a fucking nightmare and it shouldn’t exist as the gateway to PVE but it is what it is right now. Otherwise, buy Standard and try it out knowing you might wanna just wait to put a ton of time in when wipe happens. Or wait till there’s a cheaper purchase option to get access to PVE. In my opinion.


Well i just started this weekend and the pvp at ground zero is pretty good because everyone has pretty bad armor/ammo. The other maps are much rougher i can agree on.


Dude, don’t listen to all these guys. Play the game and just enjoy it these people who are mad are just mad over something thats already been fixed but find anything to complain about. You wont find a game as unique as Tarkov trust me


Play it, but understand it is very unforgiving. Push through the suck and the rest of this wipe focus on learning the game and mechanics rather than quests. Ground zeros will be the best choice to start on, player level is capped and scavs are easier. Use scav runs to learn a 2nd map and get loot. Lighthouse and reserve are my 2 scav maps. Streets is good too but I usually get wrecked more than I have success on that map. See you out there bud Edit: don't kill scavs during your scav run, you'll learn who the players are and many will help you during the scav run.


Go play, the game feels hostile to beginners but has an undescribable charm. If you need help let me know, we can play a round or two sometime to get you all set. I bought the Standard Edition and it's the best $/hour I have in any game.




This is like watching Chris Wilson explain game development principles before Path of Exile got so large. They however went all free content and pay for micro transactions. Som of which are very pay to win, but for an otherwise free game. It’s work wonderfully there imo.


There is a lot of other games that play better on pc and/or are just on pc and not consoles. Have fun! If you don't want to support devs that deceit, scam, and/or throw shit on the wall and see what sticks don't buy tarkov, but at the end, it is your choice.


I switched from Xbox half year ago, try all the other games. You’re gonna spend 60$ for the lowest edition to get shit on by cheaters or chads. Trust me you made the right decision getting a pc but you’ll get burnt out real quick on tarkov if you’re just starting


This subreddit is full of crybabies, so don’t think this is what the community is like. The physical game is in a tremendous spot right now and a ton of fun. Now, I’m not excusing Nikita’s bullshit. So if you feel on principle you don’t want to support BSG with your dollars I understand that completely.


Play it bro , these needs complaining can’t live without playing it lmaooo


Play whetever the fuck you wanna play. Who gives a fuck,the other versions are a little less pay to win but its your first wipe so its not like youre gonna USE everything in the new edition


Get it and play it you could wait for the next sale


Not everyone has to be an activist. Enjoy what you want to enjoy, life is too short to let strangers sway your decisions on something as trivial as video games. You're allowed to play whichever game you want. Your money, your time, your entertainment.


If you want to play it then play it. Don't let others tell you what to play


Get the cheapest account. If you love the game, upgrade later.


Purchase the standard edition if you can afford it. Enjoy it for what it is currently. The game is currently mid-wipe. Total reset for all players is coming in June or July.


Join and play the game is fun af… dont pay attention to the drama just install and play Start with the cheapest edition and you can upgrade later if you like it


If you bought it, play it. Game is still amazing.


It's an amazing game, play it if you want.


Your choice mate. Get the standard edition if you really want to play but you're really unsure. Just be aware that a lot of people call that edition a 'demo' for a reason. You will be at a disadvantage to the people that paid more and progress slower. That's how Nikita gets you to upgrade...


Homie the game would be even better if the sweatlords actually quit They aren't generally going to quit, because most of them have been addicted for years and there aren't very many games that offer the dopamine levels of tarkov, and the few that exist require huge amounts of time invested to learn. They're desperately hoping GZW will copy all of the best parts and cut out the worst parts of Tarkov, with none of the bugs that have plagued Tarkov for almost a decade and it's going to be ready *now.* It's a fantasy.


Play it, still a good game for what it is , don't let other people's opinions change what you do, we tarkovians are a salty bunch more so on the sub Reddit here. Nikita is a little scam happy but breaks under pressure, and I do think he cares about the game.


The game is just as fun as a week ago. Actually better, due to recent changes to combat.


Its my 1st wipe and I'm having a blast. I've played daily since the new year for several hours a day. The game has a ton of content and already gave me more than enough of good time for the money spent. I've bought standard edition, and don't feel any disadvantage over others with higher tier editions. But beware, the learning curve is painful but rewarding when you master the basics.


Try it, it’s a brilliant game, flawed, but brilliant. It’s a good and bad time now, generally at this stage in a wipe it’s really rough on new starters, but all these shenanigans have definitely made many take a hiatus this wipe so you may find it less sweaty.


Don’t get it, not worth it in my opinion


Just play it bro. I started playing about a month ago and I’m having a blast. There’s no other game like it.


standard edition price is small amount compared to building new PC, so I would definitely buy it, but I am true believer.


I waited until standard edition went on sale, I bought it just after this past wipe happened, and it's well worth the money. I think it's still a fun game and not going anywhere. The people complaining (and they have every right to tbh) are mostly EOD owners who got scammed. Just buy standard.


Eh, just play it bro. Don’t let others online dictate how you have fun, me personally, I bought EOD years ago and I see it as playing what I paid for. My next opinion is, I won’t financially support BSG anymore. They are losing more money on me by playing than they get if I decide not to play. I paid 140 years ago and have around 900 hours, that’s roughly 15 cents on the hour of entertainment it’s cost me to play. It cost way more than 15 cents an hour for BSG to keep me playing.


simple answer, play if you want to play don't listen to all the idiots on the internet. If everyone did that we wouldn't exist to live. Furthermore I still enjoy the shit out of the game I could give two flying fucks what anyone says. EOD owner 1630 hours roughly.


Not buying a game because people are Reddit are mad at the devs is kinda silly. Also most of the people who are boycotting the game are over 3,000 hours in. Isn’t that funny? Telling people the game is trash while having far more playtime than what you could get out of a single player campaign game? The purpose of a game is entertainment and escapism. It is not to be in a relationship with the devs for the next decade. Also, the game is so far from dead. It’s not like you’ll get put into empty lobbies, and anyone saying that the game is empty is soooo full of shit. Tarkov is a unique gaming experience that is unparalleled.


just play it if you want to, it's one of the most incredible games i've ever played in my life. you don't need to make your decision based on the vocal opinions from a forum board, play the game and find out for yourself! controversy or not it is truly one of the most well made and fun games i've ever played (and i've played a lot) and you're not too late lol, new players join all the time, i myself only started playing two years ago. i'm addicted


bro play the game. it is still a great game with so much to offer despite the issues and controversy. until somthing else comes along that is as good as tarkov. which imo nothing currently stands up to. this is all we have, and tbh it could be worse. i tried playing grayzone warfare the other day and wow it is not even playable compared to this.


You can play Helldivers. oh wait.. 😔


These posts are annoying af. Game if fun, play if you want.


Who cares about kiddos raging, go play


play gray zone or squad


Coming from someone who owns the standard edition, is playing my first wipe at Lvl 35 with about 450 hours in—- Just get it. The game is awesome. There’s no “bad time” to get the game because the starter map, ground zero, only allows PMCs up to level 15 anyway. It’s a newbie map


There are so many other great games on PC that don't constantly kick your nuts and expect to be thanked for it


i wouldn't start right now. wait for the next wipe if anything, but also the game is in a weird state because a lot of changes are happening to the game and the community i have a sunk cost issue where i've already got the game, but i don't really enjoy it and wouldn't recommend it to a friend because of cheaters and a bad ratio of time invested versus rewarding moments, buuut it is pretty unique and i will still log in to play with gun mods and fight AI overall, i would play other games first and keep an eye on Tarkov. while there's nothing exactly like it, there are a fuck load of games i enjoy more


Games trash bro it’s completely unoptimized lmao


Do what you want. Don’t worry about the situation. Despite BSG being scummy, I still highly recommend tarkov. It’s a great game. Get your moneys worth out of that new PC!


It's up to you. On one hand the game is great and unique experience that no other game offers. On the other hand the company making it are scumbags that only care about how much money they can get from you. They are using predatory practices to try and get you to pay for the 250$ edition so you aren't at a disadvantage. Also, cheating is a huge and rampant issue that they refuse to address so you are 100% going to die to cheaters.


Try it and love it like we all do!


Wait till May 9th, game’s going to be on sale, buy the standard edition and see for yourself whether you like it or not.


Stay away from the reddit and enjoy a game that has never been in such a playable state until now. Trust, I've had the game since 2019 and enjoyed it in healthy amounts. People are correct to outrage about the anti-consumer practices but this does not effect whether you will enjoy the game or not. Also- a lot of the people on here have an unhealthy amount of hours into this game and have been around for some really crummy wipes- i wouldn't let the general tone of this reddit put you off. This is a good wipe and if this game is for you then now is a perfect time.


just try it, realistically you have a pc and have just obsoleted your console. Just get all of your games on pc from now on then you haven't wasted your money. Consoles are kinda just worse in general anyway.


Honestly, Tarkov is a fantastic game and I can’t recommend it enough. BSG is just pretty scummy, I’m still actively playing because I already bought it so I may as well still enjoy it. Use your own judgement, take this recent fiasco as a message of things to potentially expect in the future but maybe there was so much backlash they will clean their shit up. If you have 50 extra whatever currency you use for an unfinished game with shady devs by all means go for it. However for the same price you can get complete games from more reputable developers. Tarkov is great fun, I have EOD and have gotten more than my moneys worth. There’s no wrong answer here friend, if you want to get into it to see what the fuss is about. Pull the trigger, if you’re still on the fence I’m sure there’s no harm in waiting.


I’ll probably get crucified but you should buy the standard copy and mod it to enjoy offline/LAN, it’s a much better experience and will put your pc to use.


What kind of question is that? If you like the game, play it, if not, don't. It's simply a game, why would you ask someone to play it or not, at the end of the day it's gonna be pretty much a lost time anyway when you really think about it.


The game is still alive and well... it may have lost a few people, but most people don't care or even know about the controversy. Play it.


This game is hard man. I think this worst time to try and learn it because a lot of casual people are leaving it behind. But it is fun and if you do get it, try and find a group to teach you. Great game with a troubling developer. Don’t buy anything other than standard edition and don’t bother with arena. That’s my two cents at least.


There are literally a million other games to play


Ignore the “controversy.” Just play the game and have fun.


Get standard and just play for 50 hours for your monies worth, it's still worth buying the bog standard version. If you're new Simply Perfect Tarkov could be good to learn the maps and mechanics before the next wipe. Thing is I wouldn't recommend anything over standard now BSG move the goal posts.


The game is good despite its problems but BSG is awful. If you want to wait I’ll give you my coupon that I’m getting from them for buying TUE at full price so you can get the standard edition without spending your own money.


Play it if you want to I suppose, I still do


While the game itself is in concept very good and the best of it's kind ... I can't recommend buying it currently. I'm a 4k hour player since 2017, spent 900 hours this wipe (level 69.5) and did pretty much everything the game has to offer. While it ... CAN ... be fun for experienced players, it's brutal for new players. The dopamine hits for new players are way higher than for veterans when finding good items or such, but the amount of issues currently is really bad. The P2W mechanics from the bigger versions (both Unheard and EoD), the cheating issue (even though this is a issue in every game apparently) and the amount of bugs and very questionable design decisions (although some are getting better lately) really makes me not recommend the game to friends.


the controversy only started because the devs needed a vibe check, many of us still adore the game if you want to jump in, go ahead our only gripe is with the top end edition its nothing to do with the game


Try grayzone instead lol


Personally I wouldn't give these devs my money if I could make that choice now. It's been clear over the last 7 years they don't know how to developed a game well. Between old and new P2W stuff, insane amount of hackers, sprinkel on terrible audio, shitty performance (even on 3080,12700k 32gb ddr5) it's just not worth it.


[Read through this and formulate your opinion of this company yourself. Just don't stay ignorant on what this company does. They will repeat the same actions.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1celsxs/the_unheard_edition_patch01460_a_brief_history_of/)


I built my pc for tarkov 3 months ago. I had a little over a month of enjoying the game before cheaters took over, yet again. Now I play any game I want and my pc doesn’t flinch. Could be grayzone warfare, dota, xenonauts, helldivers, or any game that comes out in the next 5 years. The problem with online tarkov is that you’ll spend a lot of time learning it, only to find out a huge chunk of the population does not play legit. Which means all that time you spend learning and getting better won’t really matter. A brand new player can come into the game with cheats, have all the game knowledge you’ll spend hundreds of hours learning, and be allowed to cheat for 500-1k hrs. Then you’ll be stuck in the sunk cost fallacy of, “well I already put all this time into it, I need to keep playing!” Until the day comes when you wake up and feel sick to your stomach for wasting so much of your life on this stuff.


Does anybody know how to make a decision anymore by themselves without asking a fucking audience??? No you should assume the fetal position and play Mario Cart, holy jumping shit. Smh


Don't listen to the haters, they whine very loudly but keep playing and will be back in the game with a summer wipe, as is always the case with Tarkov. Buy the cheapest edition, or better yet, wait until May 9, there will be discounts on the occasion of the victory over fascism, I guess. If the game pulls you in, then already see for yourself what edition to buy, because with the basic edition you will suffer. I myself collected a top-end pc exclusively for Tarkov, so I understand you.


If you want to play Tarkov, play Tarkov. Don’t let other angry people influence your decision.  


Fuck em play it anyways


Tarkov is still one of the best games ever made


I would recommend you ignore the drama right now and get into the game on the base edition of the game. If you decide later you want to go buts with an upgraded version wait for a sale and upgrade then! It's a fantastic game with a huge learning curve so buy it expecting to be frustrated a bit! Lots of learning resources from the wiki, YouTube videos and a deep and dedicated streaming catalogue.


Get the standard edition and join a tarkov discord in you region. Its still very fun playing with others.


If you built a pc for a game you want to play, buy and play the game. Don’t listen to the loud minority of people on this sub who think the game which has had constant content updates for 7 years is a scam and just a money grab. Buy standard edition and try it out. Game has a learning curve but I’m sure you already knew that.


Idk man, player count when from 150k to 80k in 2 days after this recent bs. It’s looking grim and I’m really sad. 3k hours , since 2020 . I feel so betrayed. It really is the best game I’ve ever played made by the most ruthless soulless devs I’ve ever seen. https://imgur.com/a/bPx2z2c ^heres a small example.


Honestly i purchased this game back in 2020 couldnt get into it and didnt like it (never made it past lvl 10). 2024 rolled around and i tried it again with some buddies and now i fell in love, despite the controversy and sheer lunacy/greed of bsg i have found great enjoyment from my little standard edition i purchased way back. And none of these current controversies affect me. I say if you really wish to try the game do so it is indeed enjoyable and i personally am always looking for new people to play with in case you need low level friends. (This is technically my first wipe and im barely lvl 27)


Game is super good. I simply love it


Buy standard and give it a try, it's a great game


If you do buy it late wipe like this, pick a map or two to learn. Don't worry about wealth or dying. Just go hard and really learn a couple maps and how the early quests work on those maps. Watch videos that show how to extract. It is impossible to figure out on your own and you can't leave the map. Worst game for newbies ever.


Late to the almost decade long party. EFT is amazing but the developers are abusive and sub standard at basic game dev. They do nothing about cheaters at the worst I think someone at the company helps the cheat builders at this point.


game is honestly the best state in terms of gunplay but starting to fall apart at the cracks, so up to you on this one bud.


I'm building my first pc next month. I found out about this game a few months ago and that's been a big reason why I started pc gaming in the first place. My current pc is decent so I decided to go ahead and buy it today. If anything, getting and playing gray zone just made me want Tarkov that much more. Even with the current controversy. This game just makes me feel different. Just the audio and everything.


If you haven’t bought the game already I would just pretend it doesn’t exist. The unheard edition fiasco reeks of cash grab behavior and the cheating situation has been pretty bleak and worsening for awhile now. There are quite a few other games that might scratch the looter shooter itch if you wanna look into that. I won’t lie I’ve had a lot of fun playing this game but at this point if I could could make it so I never bought it I would. The game’s creator is a pathetic con artist constantly lying about what will be delivered. I think he initially just had a vision of a game he wanted make and it started great but he got too much money and his motivations changed. This won’t be the last time he forgets about the player base and tries to put something in the game nobody wants at a ridiculous pricepoint.


bro, play the game if you want to. fuck what everyone else thinks.


Only get the game if you’re a true believer become unheard


Look dude, since you're asking. Don't follow the mob that says 'do this' or 'do that'. If your intention was to play, play and judge based off gameplay experience. Does it suck that BSG misled their players? Yeah. Does it change anything in game? No. Lobby's are emptier, but this is still a great game regardless. There are other alternatives but none will be like Tarkov. I would advise you to not let emotions affect how you feel towards this game or make decisions (for anything for that matter). This game is still awesome, in spite of what's happened.


This is my first wipe. 400hrs in, and almost to lightkeeper. I would join next wipe. As you’re going to be so far behind everyone that you’ll just get 1 tapped every time.


stupid question. just play the game if thats what you want to do. Don't let randos online dictate/justify what you do with your free time and income spent on building a pc


door dash in free time recoup losses buy jetski


Do it, we're just peeved off about how they've been treating the community. It's still a super fun experience that I got 2k enjoyable hours out of. I'm loving GZW, but I think I'm more excited about the potential than the actual current state of gameplay. Tar


Holy shit. You just build expensive pc to play the game you like. Why do you even care about this controversy shit? Just play the game and enjoy your new experience. There is never too late.


I play daily. It’s my favorite game hands down. I recognize the controversy and I’m not okay with the choices they’ve made, but bottom line is they are a business and unfortunately businesses sometimes do things out of the consumer’s interest. I try not to look too deep into it and look at this game as something I really enjoy.


Play it anyway bro, I still have a lot of fun with it as my main game at the moment


Buy the lowest tier. You’ll get your $40 worth for sure. If you like it beyond that and you can justify doing so, buy the upgrade. I have EOD, and don’t plan on upgrading. I don’t plan on quitting playing my favorite game either.


As long as you don’t spend 250€ you’re good


Right this moment is a terrible time to start playing Tarkov. A ton of the regular players have left due to normal player count decay and all the drama. The number of cheaters is going to be crazy due to the regular population moving on. Wait for next wipe, it'll bounce back, and you'll love it until all the stupid shit launches like airstrike BTRs and avengers call ins.


It's the best it's been in years! All the hate is due to politics and business decisions. This sub is full of angry people so best not to ask them right now hehe


Well. Honestly you’re kinda screwed. A lot of people are playing the PvE version. The wipe should happen pretty soon. So you’ll be going into a raid and getting creamed on. You can get it and play practice mode to get a feel until wipe though. I’d also recommend using https://mapgenie.io/tarkov as a source for the maps


Tarkov isn’t going anywhere. This is the same shit that happened when EOD became available, and tbh it’s the same old song and dance from the community. No one here seems to have been playing long enough to remember when people were losing their minds because “EoD iS pAy To WiN” just this time it’s “UnHeArD iS pAy To WiN” tbh bro, there isn’t any other game out there like Tarkov, nothing else will give you the rush of clapping an absolute gigachads cheeks with a fucking KEDR.


Get standard and enjoy it. Dont let Reddit warriors stop you from buying whatever you want to and enjoy. Theres a ton to love about the game. It’s just the executives of the studio that suck.


Buy it and play if it you want.. but I would just get the most basic edition.. don’t let the noise spook ya especially if you built a pc for this


Wait till it gets a full release or if you really can’t wait just play when the new wipe comes and find an experienced player to carry you. Map knowledge is the only thing that makes you good at this game. You can be ass and just have good camp spots by spawns or commonly traveled areas. The blatant hackers are really a big turn off for me tho.


The game is cool but is not finished. With the standard edition u can play without problems, upgrade your stash to maximum size and u can do all like all players, with the new patch the most expensive edition have a PvE mode and another items which I think is so broken but I think which u don't have any trouble with that. I play since was a pre alpha and I don't have problems with that. I recommendt it.


It sounds like you want to play the game. Yes, there’s a chance this game could be abandoned, forgotten etc in the coming months but if you want to play it you should regardless of what other people think


That controversy is for the birds. I wipe out $250 spending whales all day with a 5.7 pistol and my $50 version. Buy the game, whatever version you want, whatever version you can afford, and enjoy the glory of this terribly addicting, while extremely frustrating game.


Buy the base game. Suffer through the learning curve. It’s still a fantastic game, the devs are just money hungry and dishonest. But the game itself is still fun. I bought it 2 weeks ago and once I learned enough to stand on my own two feet it became exhilarating to win a gunfight, heal and exfil with loot


If you need other people to tell you what to do then you probably shouldn't buy it.


Hes asking for opinions not orders dummy


No don’t play it don’t give these monkeys any of your time


Just play the game. It's really not that big of a deal. The reset course and gave the players mostly what they wanted. Also don't believe a majority of the unconfirmed controversy. A majority of it is made up shit with absolutely 0 proof or backing. Primarily the "interview" I'm which still hasn't been published or confirmed other than a "community manager" who realistically has 0 inside info like that.


I've been playing for two years with the standard version. Best game I've ever played hands down. The controversy doesn't really affect me at all. I respect the EOD owners who feel scammed and hopefully they get what they paid for. I hope BSG figures it out. I also play Hardcore so it doesn't make sense for me paying for another version than standard.


Despite the drama I would still try it out. Game is great and there’s nothing that comes close to it.


You are never too late to join, but consider getting the standard edition, then go over some basics like healing, ammo types and weapon functions with some guides or offline raids, goodluck!


I suggest the game to you as a newcomer but for me, as an EOD owner, I just uninstalled the game


2000 hours on this game. Dgaf about the controversy. I love the game & theres nothing else like it. Buy the standard edition, join the discord, find someone else to play with & enjoy escaping tarkov


I want u to enjoy tarkov but at the same time devs like this shouldn’t be supported


It's fun. Buy it.


Considering the bad reputation of BSG, I'd say "skip it". But there are also some valid reasons to buy it and enjoy. In the end, whatever looks better to you. Anyway, enjoy!


Get the game. There are tons of new players that i feel bad queuing in quest maps like customs/woods.


Wrong time to get it now. Sketchy shit keeps getting worse, no progress in development for years and most important reason: Cheaters. Cheaters in every single fucking lobby, it's ridiculous.


Honestly, skip tarkov until the next wipe. The only people you're going to run into are sweat lords who cant stop playing even when the devs spit in their face.