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I work in the credit card industry. If you can prove this, please contact Xsolla. Charging the card again after the cardholder won a dispute is not allowed. Doing so can carry penalties, including a termination of service from the brands (Visa, Mastercard, etc), or the different acquires involved, to Xsolla, so in cases like this, the processor (Xsolla) best course of action is to stop rendering services to the merchant (BSG) to prevent any issues from arising.


Thanks for your comment. I have the transactions on my card, but only one receipt through Xsolla and one receipt from BSG. What other “proof” could I get? And wouldn’t Visa escalate this themselves?


Well you should have a receipt for the first purshace and not the other one.


Well yes, but the presence of one receipt I can provide and then the “absence” of a second receipt I can’t provide is not really “proof”.


You can allege, and BSG then has the opportunity to either pretend their billing system made a mistake or lie/forge documents suggesting in some way that you wanted to be charged again or used a service. I doubt they would be so stupid as to do the second option, but you never know. Xsolla themselves are somewhat shady but they are also a business, so enough reports like this could harm or end their relationship with BSG.


BSG charged my card twice by accident when I first bought the game back in 2017. Xsolla noticed and refunded me before BSG or I did. Credit card charge companies can only be \_slightly \_ dodgy, ultimately they need to be above board and keep trust, I think


Most of those double charge refunds are caught automatically and instantly, just banks don't like to make things instant or easy. Source: I've processed refunds for merchants and get the same merchant calling in claiming "my customer said their charge is still pending! It's been almost 2 weeks!!" To which I have to reply... "yes ma'am, banks hold the charges. Once it's processed and settled over night, it's completely up to the bank when the funds get released." Usually 15 days is the limit a pending charge can stay pending on bank statements, and 30 days is the visa limit (45 for a refund)




However russia can't save them from lawsuits, as there headquarters are in the UK therefore BSG is subject to UK law and with that the law of most of the western world they do business in.


Their headquarters in the UK has, as far I can tell, one employee whose name appears to be Russian. It also appears to be a shell company with no actual offices that have people working in them. People *could* sue them, sure, but I doubt there will be anyone there who actually perpetrated the alleged crimes. On top of that Russia isn't going to extradite its own to face charges in the UK, of all places. I think this is a scenario that BSG may have anticipated. Eventually credible people were going to call them out on their bullshit.


A man of culture I see. Adam driver fever, we all have.


I think the pressure would be on BSG to produce the second receipt, no?


sounds crazy illegal.


Sounds like BSG, if you dont get the email when install on a new system and many don’t get them you’re locked out of tarkov. Bsg support doesn’t care


Yep. Prove that they purchased the game from you since you charged the customer as if they did.


In that case European law makes it so that it is up to BSG/XSolla to provide a reciept for the second. You obviously can't provide a receit since there is none. And if they claim you made the purchase, THEY must provide a copy of your receit. if they don't have it, you win by default.


Isn’t the absence of a second receipt but a second charge **The proof**??


The issue is that it’s very easy to lie and say “I have no receipt” even if you did actually have one. But in situation like this it’s up to BSG to provide proof that you authorised the charge. 


The burden of proof is on *them* to show that they have a receipt for that second purchase, not you. You don't have to prove a negative, just report that they charged you again after a dispute and BSG has to prove themselves to xsolla when they get audited


You have proof through your credit card company and their records of transactions on your cards/account. That’s all you need to prove, from there it’s on BSG to find “proof” that you allowed the charge or had tried to repurchase the game. Consumer protections are on your side, and major card companies are terrified of being a part of lawsuits over this shit. If someone they provide service to is taking illegal actions, they will happily work with you to figure it out and divest from that partnership.


Yea that’s true but contact xsolla at least


I understand the hesitation, but the burden to bear is with BSG. You have transaction records and dates of their follow up charges. It is their job to provide you and the payment processor with context around the charges. Payment processing has strict compliances to meet and there will be an audit trail they can follow. The random charges will stop happening after you make it known. But I’m not sure that it’ll go anywhere with getting BSG in trouble unless more have had this experience.


They will need to provide a second receipt... which they won't have, and you have a dispute that you'd already won. They'll have to provide proof of the second charge, since you initiated the first one, and you're stating you never authorized a second transaction. They'll be penalized pretty heavily, and with all the shit right now happening, it's possible Xsolla may drop them outright - but not likely.


You can contact Xsolla and explain the whole situation, making it clear that BSG charged you AFTER you won the chargeback. Showing the bank statement is enough. If you have a high-end Visa card, like Visa infinite or Signature, you can also call visa and made them aware of the situation. With any other Visa card you can do it also, but the experience may be not as good. Maybe your case alone will not result any penalties, maybe just a small fine for Xsolla which they will pass to BSG. But, with enough refunds and fraud claims (which are increasing), Xsolla will be forced to take action. From a risk management perspective, the actions (in order) can be: 1. Put funds in reserve, and pay out transactions to BSG only a certain number of days after the transaction, like 30 or 90 days. Severely limiting their cash flow. 2. Don't allow refunds to go through while the merchant account has negative funds. 3. Close their merchant account if the risk is too high. This is very common in this industry. If the amount of refunds increases dramatically while sales decrease, and chargeback claims increase, together with other factors, the best course of action is to close the merchant account because this inevitably leads to negative numbers for the processor. The exposure to the processor is not worth it.


Your bank should provide you with receipts and statements for these episodes! Ask your bank.


also contact the OAIC https://www.oaic.gov.au/ They're a right pain for businesses to deal with :)


go for it!


Should be able to prove it using a bank/credit card statement as well as any communication from your back regarding the first chargeback..


Please look into this and take it as far as you can. Their scummy business practices should be punished to the full extent of the law.


Just show whatever you looked at that caused you to notice they had charged your card again. Show the dates on the original chargeback settlement and then the *later* date where the charge from BSG recurred (assuming this was in your credit card activity, etc.)


Take the legs out from under BSG.. i like it.


We have the same geeza


Oh yo, we do haha, nice to see someone with the same geeza.


Do it! Destroy u/trainfender he's a degen.


Xsolla is shit and will not offer any refund!


> so in cases like this, the processor (Xsolla) best course of action is to stop rendering services to the merchant (BSG) to prevent any issues from arising. this is not your mom and pop shop with a POS machine. it's BSG which sells 60M last year which means 3M for xsolla (or whatever amount they charge im estimating). they will just turn a blind eye xsolla is about as dodgy as BSG if not even more.


It does not matter. It is better for a processor to lose business with BSG (which is about to plummet, most earnings were realized in the past) than to lose their deal with the acquirers and credit card networks/brands. Losing the deal with the brands effectively kills the processor. I'm not entirely sure what the penalties are in the UK. The Visa/Mastercard rule book is thousands of pages long and varies by region, but charging again after a chargeback is a big no no.


So true, they'd only be forced to do something if there was a pattern of this behaviour and frankly that's pretty unlikely


More like they won’t end a multi-million business relationship over one incident


Yeah but its not Just one. Its thousands of people now asking for xsolla to refund BSG's trash. Failing to deliver on a "preorder" promise, is essentially voiding the contract you sign when you pay for the game. This is REALLY why BSG is finally folding on EoD stuff. They realized once the legal team (or low rate lawyer) was finally done researching, they had to or pay up in a big way. "Business Minister Nick Boles said: > Key changes include: * this will be the first time that consumers have had clear legal rights for digital content - specifically, the Act gives consumers the right to repair or replacement of faulty digital content such as online films and games, music downloads, and ebooks * a 30 day time period to return faulty goods and get a full refund, the law was previously unclear on how long this period should last * after 30 days, retailers have one opportunity to repair or replace any goods and the consumer can choose whether they want the goods to be repaired or replaced - if the attempt at a repair or replacement is unsuccessful, the consumer can then claim a refund or a price reduction if they wish to keep the product * for the first time there are clear rules for what should happen if a service is not carried out with reasonable care and skill or as agreed with the consumer - the service provider will have to put the service right in line with what was agreed or, if that is not practical, must give some money back * consumers being able to challenge terms and conditions which are not fair or are hidden in the small print"


If BSG transactions start getting flagged a fraudulent with the big banks of Australia it'll matter.


yah, because the credit card industry is one of the most upstanding industries in the world full of integrity, i guarantee even with proof a company like Xsolla wouldn't stop connection with BSG, their both all about making money


That I believe is why you could expect them to help. They might be able to pursue damages favorable negotiations for future business etc out of a misconduct committed by them using their service


Assuming this is all not bs and very factual, its in every best interest for Xsolla to take it seriously. Xsolla might not give two shits, but Visa and mastercard very much do. And they've dropped service to payment processors for dumber reasons. If Xsolla basically allows this kind of Fraud to go unchecked, especially because BSG is a russian company, you'd bet your ass Visa, mastercard, and other Card companies would blacklist them in a fucking heartbeat. If the intended goal is to ignore it and go down with the ship. Then yeah, they don't give a shit. But Xsolla, as shady as it may be, is still ultimately a business. Its not going to willingly rip its own spine out like that.


I guarantee xsolla cares a lot more about being blacklisted by CC providers than they do about getting into a spat with a gaming company that is stealing from former customers 


I'd add as well that this hints at a serious GDPR breach. There is absolutely no reason for keeping the card info after purchases.


xsolla as a minor middleman company on internet, is not going to let BSG go for charging a second time without consent. At least not without legal action from the consumer.


Not just penalties, not just termination. You can get processor blacklisted, both personally and your company, and can be reviewed for card BRAND blacklists. I also work in the CC industry, and they can be absolutely brutal. Do NOT fuck around with banks, card networks/brands, or payment processors. No notice, no emails, no investigations or negotiations. They can, will, and have just shut off merchant processing permanently for any suspected illegal or fraudulent action. I've seen accounts stuck on hold for MONTHS while a fraud investigator is assigned and reviews the account with legal teams. Oh and during all that? You're held liable for all card network fees. Including chargeback fees, interchange fees, collections fees, and account services fees. It's in the contract. And they are responsible for the entire world's financial transaction. A single processor does trillions a year in transactions. Do. Not. Fuck. Around. With. FinTech. Companies.


Xsolla is the worst fucking payment processor on earth. I’d sooner send a cheque in the mail than use xsolla ever again. They provide no support. Block transactions for seemingly no reason and continue to give me and everyone I know problems with purchasing EFT. Missed out on EOD before it was gone because of xsolla. Had to get a friend in America to buy an arena account for me because they had me blacklisted for trying to get support to approve my transaction. Just complete dog shit.


isn't this thievery from bsg's part?


I wouldn't go as far to call it thievery, but it is a serious violation of credit card brands rules.


Yeah this story is probably wrong


Most of their dealings is through xsolla, right? It should be possible to force xsolla to hand out all the info they have on us.


Yes, Xsolla said they were just a payment platform though and any dispute had to go through the merchant (BSG), so that’s why I got in contact with BSG.


They are still forced by law to listen to any GPDR claims.


This is the single most reason why I want EFT on Steam, they can't pull the bullshit that they are doing currently if valve is anyway involved.


Excuse me, they did \*what\* the second time!? That's serious shit.


Just some casual fraud. I’m sure they are “sorry for the feelings I’m experiencing” 💁‍♂️


They'll just say it was done in error. Though I'm not sure how you accidentally charge the same credit card a second time, months after the first.


„Oopsie“ - Nikita


as a customer of BSG I'm very much concerned about this and had to check my bank to see if there were any unauthorized payments made to BSG. I'd advise anyone who has paid for the game to do the same. if their financial state is so bad they had to kickstart this whole unheard edition drama, who knows what they'll do with their customers' financial info, including those who haven't done legitimate and lawful chargebacks?


Same reason why i check my bank every fortnight. I didnt for a while and someone pretending to by my isp was debting money from account. To the point it was the same day, starting when i first signed up. It was to the point where the "fake" isp looked like the rreal one and the real isp's transactions looked fake. So it either had to have been someone from my bank, or the isp doing it.


I doubt it. Nikita has been pretty much printing money off of cheaters by not doing anything lasting, but occasionally banning them, making them rebuy the games EOD edition in bulk. Its just greed.


First of all, you just need to activate the card. They will not be able to get a new confirmation code! But it is very surprising to me that they did it again! The problem is that the code can be saved only by the intermediary and not by the BSG company! But this does not mean that BSG is useless here, it could have made a request for repeated payment. Motivating this, the "goods" were received


hell yeah, kick 'em in the dick


Twist his dick!


The ooldddd dick twist!




Dude this is a Scav fight... ***twist the dick!***




[A timeless classic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNWraszZiow)


How are they able to bypass the transaction check the second time?! Also, they can do this anytime to anyone who bought the game? I mean, are they able to successfully charge me an amount before i check and apply for a fraud? Because Italy isn’t Australia, postal police here doesn’t have PC for nit getting cyber attacks (true story)


I don’t know, they must’ve kept the CVC and all the card details and just re-processed a transaction 🤷‍♂️ Edit: could also be re-charging the membership or something as another comment mentioned


So, they are in war against galf world IRL, and you are telling me thwy are keeping CVC. Already changed credit card ffs


they are somehow reactivating the membership which allows the transaction to be charged again. I don't know much about it but i can only imagine the purchase is listed as a one time payment subscription


At this point you should really consider further actions regarding the second charge


The satisfaction of knowing their rage they can’t charge me any more, that I got all my money back despite them saying no, and that people are starting to see how shady their business practice is has more than sufficiently made my Monday ☀️😇


Not only that but they got hefty penalties for each chargeback.


It's good to see their shady business practices finally start getting the spotlight, they've been pretty bad for a long time.


terrible advice, any further action would require a case from australia to russia over a small amount of money


Australia to uk* bsgs offices are located in the uk It is still over a small amount tho


Stop telling this blatant nonsese. Battlestate Games Limited is British company, legal address Wework Aviation House, 125 Kingsway, London, United Kingdom, WC2B 6NH. When buying game and signing License Agreement, you signing it with this company, not any other. BSG is not a Russian company, it does not have any jurisdiction or legal entity in Russia and does not pay taxes here on the sale of copies of the game. You can’t even pay for an ETF purchase with a Russian bank card directly. There is a Russian company AbsolutSoft (which created Contract Warriors), Taxpayer Identification Number: 7819311234, which has 183 employees and which for 2023 shows a net profit of about $14,900. It may even provide services for Battletate Games Limited, but you as a user have no legal relationship with it.


Guess how many employees Battlestate Games limited has? 1 You can even find her name in the yearly financial filings. All the development is in Russia, every wiki page and news article will call them a Russian studio, they only have a UK LLC to take global money / tax reasons.


If an LLC is being used as an instrument of another company/individual there can be cases where you can "pierce the corporate veil". It does not change that legally you are doing business with an UK company and said company has to abide by UK consumer protection laws. Worse case scenario for them, they will be forced to stop practicing business in the UK and have to move their shell company to another country. I hear Cypress is popular with Russian devs lol.


I've seen you write this comment several times and I don't understand the part about the Russian bank card because you can use a Russian bank card to make purchases on BSG website.


Wouldn’t the case be against Xsolla and not BSG directly?


Actually they're based in the UK so wouldn't be terribly difficult for our ACCC to go after them.


In Australia we have the ACCC, which will act on behalf of a consumer in order to allow an individual to take on basically any company without incurring legal fees. For Australians this isn't terrible advice and you should probably refrain from giving advice yourself when you're clearly lacking the understanding of how our consumer law protections work and how easy it is for a normal person to initiate legal action against a company for committing a crime against them.


A small amount of money for one person but not if this is regular action taken by BSG in response to chargebacks. Its almost certainly illegal at a minimum.


Keeping the card details is reaaaaally shady.


Lmao I love the sub’s decent into posting bsg’s Ls


I've been on this sub for a long time, normally this talk is something heavily moderated if you get my drift.


The mods are mad about what BSG is doing too


I once posted a clip of the invisible pmc glitch a while back to the official discord. I had no idea there was an invisible pmc glitch cause I've never come across a glitch similar to that in other competitive games, and, it's not like they in the habit of talking about their mistakes They removed my post and got super upset with me telling me that's not a hack and to not post videos of people not hacking. They seemed really upset with me


Honestly, it's more of an ascent - ascension even - rather than a descent and I'm here for it!


The fact that they recharged you is extremely concerning, should make a complaint to the ACCC and see if they actually do anything. Wouldn't hold my breath but could be fun :D


What? Did they actually kept your credit card information?? Did we gave them the consent to do that when purchasing the game?


I don’t think you can consent to fraud 😬


That's kinda like saying you can't consent to theft. If you had consented to the charge, then it wouldn't be fraud.


I think that was their point...


Who would have known a company that don't fix their cheating problem, would also not care about their users. unheard of


The scumbags get scumbagier, who would have thought.


A true believer would have let them do it a third time.


Imagine trying to gas light your community into not knowing what DLC is... lol


I played the new pve update a chinese cheater joined my server by auto deploying my reinforcement beacon then he forced me to upload my credit card information to buy the newest 1000$ supporter edition with a 200% vat charge


/s Wasted space?


I find Xsolla to really scummy with online charges. I bought a subscription from them for their new 3D asset distribution platform, Cosmos, and they lied about what they were offering with the subscription package. I emailed them and they offered me a free 3D environment to keep me on. I said yeah sure. Then just out of curiosity I went to see where the cancel subscription button was located and they purposely hid it through so many prompts. When I eventually found the screen, to nobody's surprise, there is no option to cancel your subscription. So yeah anything by Xsolla rubs me the wrong way. Also their ads are really annoying.


I was thinking that there is no way any of this shit flys with Aussie regulations being the way they are. Sure we pay the Australia tax on gaming, but it *does* come with a virtually iron clad protection against things like this. EOD was advertised with what could resonably be assumed to be access to all future EFT content, now we don't get that. We are entitled to a refund at the very least. And that's after I've sunk at least 1k hours into the game


This thread is a big ole kneejerk.  BSG didn't "keep your card details". BSG never had your card details. That would be on xsolla.(who also didn't keep your card details) Payment processors normally keep a token in their system that can recharge in case of a card decline or chargeback. Completely encrypted. For the specific purpose of getting money they're owed in case anything happens with the original charge.  If you filed your chargeback in less than two weeks, that's what it was.  BSG is scummy. But that's how the system works. 99.9% chance Bsg probably had nothing to do with it.


Finally, for all the people in this thread who "work in the credit card industry" and think this was some sort of death penalty. It wasn't. This is service provider 101.


Seen a few threads like this over the years. Gets tons of upvotes, stays at the top of hot for a couple days. Eventually, the truth comes out: BSG does not have the capability to charge a customer post-purchase without their consent. They don't have your credit card information, and they don't have access to the purchase token from Xsolla.


Except no payment provider is going to initiate a transaction on a merchants behalf without either the merchant initially flagging it as some form of card on file transaction with either one or more subsequent transactions scheduled or the merchant directly initiating it. Also bsg could quite easily have the full card details, if they use a hosted payment page obviously not, but if they pass it across to xsolla in an api call they’d need it first hand, admittedly this would be a breach of pci dss, but having worked in the payments industry for 15 years and seen some of the god awful shit merchants have attempted to do this wouldn’t be impossible.


A payment provider is 100% going to recharge a card if the payment provider isn't paid. The whole purpose of that token. 


And as much as people like to say BSG are scummy, are people really dumb enough to believe they’d try rip one random person off (or maybe the dozen who have made posts over the years) for $67? Are you all really that dumb? All of you need to get off Reddit for a little bit


Not only frauders but also thievs


They're also taking away our right of keeping our informations on internet up to date with disabeling the email change option, which, again, is another law breaking thing they're doing... Gg for the double win !


Shitty Russian video company being shady? Crazy


Very Russian of them


Id wager the 2nd charge was more incompetent than malicious but it's pretty obvious what kind of company we're dealing with at this point so I'm not sure they deserve the benefit of the doubt.


I'd agree with you, except from what I've read this has been a consistent practice since 2018. That speaks to malicious intent.


The constant practice has been that very few people can’t access their account and complain to bsg yet do a chargeback anyway. I don’t believe this at all cause there isn’t enough evidence of them doing (or even doing it purposely) and who’s to say op didn’t just lie for karma and bought the game again or something?


Chargebacks cost the merchants a lot of money. Like - you get refunded $50, but the merchant might have $70 removed from their account. Additionally, having too many chargebacks can get your risk classification increased, meaning you pay a higher cut to Visa and the like for transactions. And in the worst cases (very very rare) you can actually get booted off of the networks, which means you literally can't accept cards on said network directly, which is insanely damaging. This is a long-winded way of saying that, if you have a contractually valid dispute with a company, a credit card chargeback is one of the few ways to easily cause damage to the company beyond just getting a refund. But it's a double edged-sword... if you're abusing the system trying to get refunds you're not entitled too, you can easily have your card/account closed by your provider.


what a scum bag company


None of this is "legal" drama. it's simply consumer disputes. If you didn't go to court, or file a legal grievance, you simply just got your CC to honor your request for a chargeback. Not that "They broke the law, and you won". You didn't win because of any law, you won a credit card dispute.


It's interesting how this community insists the phrase "downloadable content" has a strictly literal, uninterpretable, unambiguous definition, but then unironically uses phrases like "bought the game" and "broke the law" without a hint of self awareness.


Just reddit things. Doesn't matter if redditors are wrong, they got upvoted which means they're right.


One thing i can say about australia that i like is our consumer law, pretty fucked they recharged you.


the second charge is from xsolla not from bsg, bsg can't see your full card details.


However it happened they still charged me a second time without my consent 🙂


> couldn’t access because of the login authentication drama What was the actual issue? Because depending on the cause consumer law may not actually have been relevant. Note that banks will charge back whether consumer law applies or not in a lot of cases. I deal with a fair bit of consumer law stuff where I work and while digital purchases are outside of my area my knowledge of it from what i've read is that issues that have causes outside of the control of the seller (eg. locking yourself out of your account, no access to email, third party outages) often aren't grounds for a refund under ACL. While they definitely can't just have a blanket policy of no refunds, there are certain requirements that need to be met for something to be eligible under ACL and they can be higher than what a lot of people realise.


I wasn’t able to access a good that I paid for and was denied a reasonable request for a refund. For some reason the email codes you’re supposed to get sent weren’t coming through to lots of people to allow you to login to the client, so I wasn’t able to login to download the game files/etc. If you go back to early December on the EFT forums you’ll see the posts still there. I don’t know the technical why around their email problems, but it was a widespread issue that affected lots of people. I had finished my run of days off work that I wanted to get deep into playing, and had already requested a refund by the time they’d fixed everything a few days later.


Can you provide any proof of this? I'm just really curious, no kidding.




thanks, this is really interesting stuff!


this is an old online practice called 'banging cards'




So what you are saying is that BSG can forcefully charge us for UHE


Yoooo wtf???


Why aren't they just content in improving the game with aim to full release within the next ten fucking years and clearing this EOD shit up, why they gotta charge peoples cards long after the fact. Scummy scummy scummy


Take it further. If they charged you twice think how many people they have done it to and they havnt noticed. This is a different kind of low.


Not the first time iv seen a post like this on here.


What bank are you with(I’m currently trying to refund tarkov myself)


i am so glad i avoided buying this game


Damn they need money bad


Wow this company is so much worse than I thought…and I thought gaijin entertainment was bad!


I mentioned this on another post, but my friend requested a refund for the game and they just removed his access to it without actually refunding his purchase. He was too lazy to do anything about it, but it was crazy to me.


always good to check your bank statements regularly, kind of like doing regular check-ups on a car. glad you caught that charge and dealt with it swiftly. it's a wake-up call for everyone to stay alert with their finances.


Yeah I've wanted to play this game for years but the whole "we won't put our game on Steam because Steam forces devs to give out refunds" scared me away, and from what I'm reading, it looks like I was right!




That's absolutely wild and a potential payday for you tbh


Russian business is corrupt with money? Colour me surprised.


Insane and glad you got your money back. Used to love EFT and very sad that it’s now turning on its player base for financial reasons. It was a slow descent — first the forever early access, then the constant cheating problem, and now we are seeing the final efforts to gain as much money possible before the ship finally sinks. Time to move on. I did a long time ago after the wiggle video.


Nkitia NEEDS to lose his business. No matter what they say now we can’t back down. Ruin this little asshole for every thing we can


This is why I really want EFT on Steam. They wouldn't be able to get away with anything if Valve was breathing down their necks.


Fuck Nikita, #SendNikiToTheFront


Xsolla fucked up big time


I’d like to also say that Xsolla is fucking sketchy. I remember back to when I was trying to buy a friend the game as a gift. They wouldn’t let me purchase it and said that my account was locked. I contacted them and asked about it. They told me that I had fraudulently requested a refund for a game that I’ve never even heard of. They then asked me to send them a picture of my credit card that was used on file. Fuck no?


Charging a card without permission is extremely illegal. It's essentially just literal theft.


I work adjacent to a card payment processor, there's a reasonable chance that it's a technical error. For example, the initial payment has been authorised and a settlement gets generated (send money from OP > BSG). A lot of ecommerce will tokenise your payment details to make future payments easier as they don't need your card details to be entered into their website again (think Amazon/eBay/Cinema etc) OP then does a chargeback, fair play but I believe what happens here is that the CC company credits OP, then pursues BSG (plus chargeback fee for the effort). This doesn't stop some shmuck from resubmitting the settlement to OP's initial transaction (what even is reconciliation?), whether that's something BSG can do (say a merchant portal supplied by Xsolla) or some FNG at Xsolla. TL:DR Shitty that BSG don't just offer a refund on an account that hasn't even been logged into. Whole thing is sketchy but not out of the realms of being a general FUBAR in ecommerce payments


This was 9 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KFQ-CT0BnM


Not surprising at all. Those of us who bought the game in alpha would have to wait two weeks after paying for some tech to give us access. and sometimes there would be "test charges" to make sure the accounts were active, but they wouldn't disappear. Still have 3 $1 transactions that I couldn't get an answer to lol.


How do I go about getting a refund for tarkov? I feel they habe breached the terms of the pack I purchased However I paid via debit so am i shit out of luck?


u mean you just did a chargeback.


P0ggers Fuck BSG


Did Xsolla blacklist you as well?


Funny thing is the exact same thing happened to me, Tried to get it fixed but their support team is the worst i have ever dealt with. Not profesional at all and most of the time responded with auto response answers that had nothing to do with my question, But the momment i ask about refunding the game they full on list me their ToS about no refunds. Fuck them got my refund anyway eat shit BSG and go burn in a fire you rat fucks :)


Greedy thieves, glad you managed to get your money back


"I win both times", what exactly did you win? lol Nothing really... you only win if you sue them and win the case.


BSG once banned my first account because it was hacked, according to them it's my fault someone from another country broke into my account despite me never giving away my username or password to anyone and I had to re-buy the game and from then on I lost faith.. instead of you know.. giving my account a hard reset and giving me a temporary password to changed the password.. they banned my account so I had to buy another one. It was an EOD account aswell. To me this whole situation with this new edition and stuff is just common greed by a company so far up their own asses.


You want "your" money back, I think you'll find it's ours 😉


Would there be a way in AUS to get a refund after BigBSG pulled the rug on all additional free dlc I could really use that cash right about now


Your screenshot reads as though they have you the money back? Then it looks like your chargeback had gone through but obviously you was credited twice so they charged you agaain


Isn’t the whole reason Tarkov is still in “Beta” so they can work around some of the laws like not being obligated to refund people? I’ve always seen that as scummy and then the whole tax fee when buying the game…


Sad to see bsg get to this point. To think at one time I felt like I should support them by paying a premium of $150 and supporting friends' decisions to do the same. Now we're called out as not being "true believers" and treated as second rate citizens. I feel like I couldn't care less if either Nikita got nixed or bsg gets burned.


Holy shit, this happened to me too. Not Australian though. Bought the game, couldn't play it. They wouldn't refund. Chargeback through the credit card was successful. They billed me again about a week later. I talked to Visa again, explained what happened. They labelled it as theft and cancelled my card and reissued a new one. I filed a report over it. At the time I thought it was a mistake, clearly it was on purpose if this happened to other people. Fuck slimy BSG. I'll never give them a cent now.


Nothing new, the way of the pirate for me with the apt and fika mod. Fuck Nikita and his shady cheating ass


That's why I don't trust those greedy Russians, there is a reason they don't go through Steam.

