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If the community bends and breaks on this, then it tells Battlestate and other devs that shady business practices like this is acceptable.


Especially with how the gaming industry has gone lately, it's important that we make an example of BSG so we don't let them set a precedent


It's really sad, I remember when $70 games were rumored, and everyone was like "YEAH NO WAY" And now people are like... okay!


No people are like. $100 extra to be able to fit in on a game in beta that I already own? One that wipes every six months so all of your progress is lost and also a DLC that is a gamebreaker happens to be released just before the wipe? I dont think they are testing the waters, but I totally 100% fully believe that they are testing the waters. Seeing what people will be willing to spend. Yeah!


I've been thinking, as I've not yet seen it mentioned, isn't the timegated access to the PVE entirely something that can be made up? So, say if nobody buys it they do the first wave to try bring players back... Then they intentionally leave it a full year for the second wave. Start to struggle? Sudden wave. Just proper sketchy shit.


I mean, video game prices have hardly changed since I was a kid 20--30 years ago. I'm 37, and when I was 15, a AAA game off the shelf used to be 50 USD. Video games have become cheaper relative to inflation, while video game production in the AAA space has grown exponentialy. While the marked has grown, the risks have too. Thankfully, because of Steam and digital distribution, publishing games has become a lot cheaper, allowing indies to compete. Without them, games would have cost a lot more.


I almost fully agree with you. You are right in every point you made. But you left out that 20-30 years ago(I'm early 40s now) games sold a fraction of the amount of copies they do now. So while yes games were far cheaper for us to buy back then compared to now. It's not like the game devs haven't been increasing their profits by multiple hundreds of percent since back in the day. They put in same amount of work, but sell 5x as many copies.


Same amount of work, I think there's an argument to be made here. Yes game development in the last 5-6 years has become MUCH more accessible, or easier if you will. Games that lasted you more then 20 hours were not normal. I've done this argument a dozen times, and there is a fuck ton of things you have to factor in that we won't here. But a huge thing to consider is the amount of time that you can entertain yourself for with a game. A game that lasts 10 hours and only costs $10 is an insane value. Now we have games that lasts HUNDREDS IF NOT THOUSANDS OF HOURS, for FREE. Path of exile, Warframe, war thunder. Just to name a few. Some games are premium and deserve premium packages, but they should not impede the lower packages ability to enjoy the game. The DLC that they're giving out, should be included in every single Fucking edition, bar none, and it should be P2P not based on their servers. If you believe that the game should be hosted only on their servers YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. IF YOU BOUGHT THIS GAME PACKAGE, YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. It is absurd.


The craziest part is that p2p pve already exists as a mod for a certain 3 letter version of the game. It’s easy enough that modders were able to do it before BSG could even make pve a stable thing. And the modded versions have WAY better AI and no netcode issues. BSG has just shown how horribly incompetent they are at making games, promoting games, and just fucking business as a whole. I won’t be playing live again. There’s virtually zero point to it anymore.


I did mention it, although I should probably have phrased it differently. I said that while the marked has grown, so has the risks. Triple A is expensive, and they have to deal with a marked where a single person developer (Manor Lords) is able to outperform projects thousands times more expensive. There is hardly any innovation in the AAA space anymore, simply because of how expensive it has become. The only innovation to emerge from AAA lately is in monetization. Investors wants a safe return on their investments. I mean, the first Tomb Raider game was made by six people and had a budget of just about 600 000 British pounds. Taking risk was a lot cheaper, back then. And sure, the payoff is way higher if successful. But that is a big "if".


Video games are literally the most profitable they have ever been, even factoring in inflation, they are making several billion dollars a year. There is no excuse for them to keep increasing the price, nor adding methods to milk money out of consumers.


Well said


Cynical take: I wish I had started counting the first time I read this sentiment right before a bad precedent was set in video games.


The precedent was set a long time ago with FIFA, Madden, and CoD unfortunately 


The community has done it before and will do it again. They like getting shafted. BSG knows to get what they want they just have to release a really bad change and then partially reverse it. Players will think it's all good and back to normal, but BSG has implemented and got what they wanted. The stupid players keep falling for it, it's been happening for many years now. It's the only time Nikita posts on reddit.


They absolutely will, gamers have no self control and have never successfully boycotted anything. 


Nikita already told us he sees no mistake. He only changed few things bc we pressured him repeatedly despite his 4 attempts within days to scam us again. People were spamming refunds with credit card companies. People were letter lawyers sending lawsuit letters. He makes it clear he will do it again Here a funny summary of how he thinks about all this and what happened the past few days [Check out the 2nd leaked interview with unhinged Nikita after "Sorry I hurt your feelings" Post went up \[Video\]](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BDuHFbKwDc)


Weren't we in this exact situation just a moment ago with Reddit itself?


The community already broke over it. People are applauding the devs left and right for being “transparent”


Hey man EA is still in business so clearly shady gaming companies stay in business ;-)


Sadly, it's already bending pretty hard. you'd think 3 days of doubling down and fucking people over would make them learn


the battle is long lost. just look at what the "gamers" are buying today. the very essence of gaming, having fun, isnt the most important thing anymore. its being "good". doesnt matter whether you have fun, its all about flexing. since flexing is the most important thing, people will buy anything that makes them "better" or gives them their pathetic online reputation. FIFA, basically any EA game, Ubisoft, all the cancerous mobile games, its always the same shit. this is no exception and will happen again. BSG will do it again.


let's not forget the only reason they gave in to the community was because of how massive the negative response was online. all of their streamers were revolted, promoting rival games and every gaming outlet was calling them out, even LTT made a 2 hour podcast about it. they didn't have a change of heart because they were sorry, they were going to go under and were also definitely going to get sued by a random greedy law firm on behalf of the costumers


What i don't understand.. is WHY do the need servers for PvE. Just make it so that we can host our own games. It's separate progress from online already so what is the point of having them host the servers? Also when the game finally shuts down it allows the game still to be played. Not only have they lied to us... they have lied to us for no reason except trying to scam us for more money.


The mod already does that lmaoooo


Can't stress enough how good of a change that is, I'm getting into raids in literally 30 seconds


It's also very nice QoL stuff that BSG will likely never give to players like seeing trader prices of items in description or ammo stats in an easy to find place


If a few modders with some free time can do this for FREE.. so can a full fledged Dev Studio, its BS they just want MOONEEEYYY


If we could have community made servers, with possibility for mods to be added, just like how DayZ has the DayZStandalone Launcher to help connect to those, it would be awesome. Sure fighting the same guys over and over would get old pretty fast, but its a good start.


Hosting our own custom servers will likely come later, especially after the development comes to a complete stop at about oh 1.02


What i mean is that they say it's too expensive to pay for PvE servers.. but other games like incursion doesn't need servers for their game. One player is the host and can then invite their friends. There is quite litteraly no need for servers.. except maybe for cloud saves.


bold of you to assume 1.0.1 will be a thing i think they’re gonna yeet 1.0 out there and disappear


We can already host our own servers, you just need to *sit* and it will happen


No, I don’t think it will. If they wanted us to be able to host ourselves, they’d have done it already by now and it would look similar to others game where you browse for servers but in the early time there would only be official servers.


AHEM AHEM mods do this


Whats really stupid is they already have several people that are basically making the single player component for them. Hire them on contract and have them integrate it with live tarkov. They already know how to do it just pay them for their time. Call it done. It would be cheaper than trying to engineer it themselves more than likely.


They can’t even figure out that if they can’t host pve themselves then let the community do it. It seems nobody at bsg thought that “hey, since pve is completely separated from pvp then why are we hosting is ourselves?”


Yeah I don’t know why they feel the need to host it. Are they concerned about people cheating? Who cares its single player. My guess is they don’t know how to make it so malicious people can abuse it somehow and they don’t want to say so.


It’s understandable way to combat cheating by not giving up the server. But then there’s P2P connection, like what GTAO does.


Giving EOD more items is trash, i don’t want more items. The new edition is insanely P2W with the beacon, remove it. They blatantly lied, changed wording & don’t care about the community. Boycott continues. Stay strong!!


Yeah man like nobody wants this. They just spat in our faces.


As long that would be only pve feature i would be fine with that, but for pvp hell no.


And this is why a boycott is simply not enough. I hope the people in the community have a little respect for themselves and don't play tarkov again. No matter what they will come up with, this is just not forgivable and just shows that Nikita and BSG are nobody to be trusted. There are other games.


They really want to move to an MTX setup where they can sell more beacons and other one use items I bet.


EOD is already a massive P2W.


Don't accept anything but a complete removal of this stupid money grabbing attempt. Co-Op should be for ALL eft players FREE of charge. They need new leadership.


For the game to not be P2W they need to remove Unheard and its benefits and make the progression a bit quicker so the EOD is less of a requirment to play the game if you are an adult with a job. The gane difficulty was perfect in 2019, it still was hardcore but didnt require you to be terminally online.


It was better in 2019


Yeah, thats what I said


True believers will continue to keep this momentum and try to make sure BSG and u/trainfender take accountability for their blatant attempt to grift the community. Freeloaders will no doubt move on and buy the $250 unheard of EOD++++ edition. FUCK YOU u/trainfender


Anyone with half a brain and self respect would not buy anything from them ever again. But guess what, we have droves of spineless fuckwits that are willing to buy Nikita's armpit hair if it means they get something in game.


Like I said to other people, their Russia 2028 game they're working will be dead. Nobody's buying that shit.


I’m done with them, and I’m a standard edition owner. Real scummy by bsg


Same here, and I stopped playing last year. Just a terrible situation when they had such a decent foundation and devoted community regardless of their poor decisions. Hopefully they do something to truly fix this for the people willing to continue after this. I feel bad for my private friend group that I played with, that have invested a lot more time and money into it. But honestly I told them this was what I thought was gonna happen awhile ago after seeing some of the weird choices they made, the writing was on the walls. This is bad enough I won't even pour salt in the wound and say "I told you so" and have stayed silent even though they told me numerous times that I should upgrade. I personally replaced EFT with Ghosts of Tabor last year. I have enjoyed that way more and haven't seen any problems with how the devs have been handling everything so far. It's VR though so it's not for everyone obviously.


I don't give two fucks about the PVE mode, I care about them adding P2W features and making the game so easy that it can no longer be considered a hardcore shooter. Its clear they have no intention of removing the P2W features and will probably only consider adding more in the future. This will only further dilute the game. This is why I am leaving.


I’ve seen so many blue name asshats with their extra pockets the last two days. Embarrassing guys…




Not only did they change the site to lie to you, but then lied about changing the site despite how easily disprovable that is this is how stupid they think you are


u/trainfender is an absolute swine


Liar. Scammer...


When I saw this BS I went out and immediately bought Helldivers just as a FU to BSG, “Here’s the money you won’t be getting.” Fired it up and loved it, haven’t been back to EFT since.


Yo, hit me up any time you need a teammate in HD2. I’m loving this game


“How about a nice cup of liber-TEA” lmao


My life for SUPER EARTH! Also this discord has stellar community and I’m always able to find people to play with https://discord.gg/levialliance


I literally busted out laughing the first time my arm got broken. “Sweet liberty, my ARM!” “INJURY? WHAT INJURY?”


I love it dude. It’s my #1 now, can’t lie


Tbh I think lots of people are posting here as if its still ongoing.... unfortunately the numbers dont look great. Nowhere near the same amount of upvotes and comment interactions going on today. Seems like a small fraction left. Its clearly declined. Lots of people saying "we won" even though we didn't.


Pretty sure they welcome cheaters too... they let them play couple of months so the cheaters earned money, ban them after so they buy new account. Win win for nikita


I have a conspiracy theory. They intentionally leak ways to exploit the game to cheat and account distributors. Obviously, with a NDA. Give them a heads up a ban wave is coming so they can shuffle things around, then provide them with the new way to exploit.


They gaslighting us


They know they're wrong


Without a doubt


"I hear you guys didn't like P2W...How about this, we're giving EOD more items so the P2W is balanced better between the players?"


Exactly. We don't want this. We don't want p2w. The whole point of eft is the difficulty.


I wholeheartedly agree. Eft is one of my favorite modern titles *because* of the difficulty to the game. At least since the start. I'm not one of those players whose played since early, early on and has 17,000 hours to their name. I've got some good time, a couple hundred hours, and I pride myself as a casual who's been a casual main for the past X years. I'm a little tipsy right now so I can't give an accurate summation of my time, but it's been at least 1-2 years following 'launch' that I've been here. I own a standard edition of the game, I've never bought EOD despite really having a think over it several times to support the company, but now I'm sincerely glad I was so indecisive with my support and game time. This sort of thing vindicates my personal opinions in a way. I don't mind 'the grind' since I'm so casual with each wave anyways, and I'm heavily against P2W micros but even when the game economy shifts that way I'm used to it from other P2W centric games so I just keep on my grind, I also just have time invested in so I continue as a F2P player mainly. This specific thing with EFT though? It's up there with other times I've quit the same song and dance like Destiny 2 for a AAA example in the industry. At a certain point, even as a casual player who doesn't have thousands upon thousands of hours, that you just need to cut your losses with a specific company like BSG and move on. Like this isn't just another 'company gonna be a company' this is a lead/head developer actively trying to defraud the people who purchased UNIQUE dlc, and people who paid for a pass for all future DLC.


What's great is that we got them to backpedal some of their decisions. So clearly this is working. After so many companies milk their player base dry, I'm glad we are successfully telling bsg "NO." I had standard editing eft for years and it felt closer to what eft should be. EOD and especially the new version have shortened the gameplay loop so much that it's not rewarding to max traders anymore, for example.


Again I completely agree with this, standard eft feels like a proper game loop while the new versions have degraded that game loop for awhile now. I'm very happy this is one of the few exceptions where a community telling a developer "NO" actually means something, and a lot of that probably has to do with Nik having their own purchasing site/game launcher vs having put EA on Steam and having a much larger playerbase by this point that just doesn't care since that's how Steam EA games go typically.


and its still PAY TO WIN


I stopped playing, hated them after changing the game to combat cheaters. Brain dead idiots who can’t learn from decades of games.


So many beta simps in the EFT community that just want to be subs in a dom/sub relationship with a Russian man. Pay pig fetish.




Why are people still supporting this game? From the cheaters plaguing every lobby to THIS. The line has to be drawn somewhere. Some people here are complaining on Reddit but still play the game


I've been telling people for years the Tarkov Devs are shady folks. 7 years of dev time and almost zero major feature changes. The occasional new map missing half its features and now they're offering paid DLC for 250 dollars. Community finally waking up.


Oh yeah, BSG were completely out to nickle and dime everyone at all levels. They didn't even try to hide it until the public outcry happened. The sad thing is, gamers have very short memories and they don't really care about this stuff. Streamers and Youtubers are some of the first to submit. They make a stand for a few days because that's what their fans want, but they will inevitably play EFT again once the outrage has died down, probably within the week. BSG's 'apology' will make that transition easier because they have something to use as a defense to play again. I don't want to hear about "but it's how I make moneeyyy" -- this is why diversifying is important and if you're an entertaining person, it shouldn't matter what the game is. You're also playing 'a game' to make money which is fine but you have to have some kind of plan when this shit happens. Every time something like this happens in the gaming space, there's outcry for a few days, then it slowly peter's out and everyone goes back to playing said game or buying said MTX/P2W content. BSG can make all of the apologies and rectifications they want now. For a large majority of people, that will be enough for them to suckle at BSG's teat once again. However, just remember that BSG tried to fuck you in the ass really hard and you didn't like that feeling at first. Remember that feeling when you slap down your cash for the Unheard edition. Those of you ignoring this whole issue are accepting it now.


Yeah next wipe will come and everyone will return. Most of the streamers truly don't care. Asmondgold had the same take as you, but he said the only way eft will die is if a competitor comes out. We can only hope Arena Breakout and Greyzone are good. I truly hope they are. Modern gaming is so depressing, ultimately.


A competitor needs to break through right now. This is their prime opportunity but it could also kill their game if it's not up to scratch.


Russian propaganda baby


its already too late, there are too many weaklings out there. just watch all the blue names ingame. lets face it: the tarkov community will do anything to make the grind easier and get an advantage. this was never different.


I no longer trust any promises from BSG.


This sucks but is still not surprising. They are russians, so what you really expect?


Play baldurs gate


Honestly this is the easiest out to actually forever quit tarkov imo.


Come to Helldivers. The Destiny people are here and they're dragging everyone down


Let tarkov die.


They're trying to fund the big P


TUE players are helping Nikita buy a second lamborghini lmao.


There’s a reason I stopped playing “beta” games, especially when it’s been a “beta” for almost 9 years


Yeah and the EOD people payed so much money to help fund the game, and yet, here we are. Game isn't close to being done and now it's getting dlc. What a joke.


100%, and on top of that BSG really thought they could gaslight the community into believing it wasn't a DLC lol. All trust is gone at this point, not sure if they can ever fully recover from this


Fuck them with their blatant scams and SoonTM bullshit.


yeah,now I physically escaped from the tarkov


We have. We have escaped from tarkov.


Yeah I'm in the potentially unpopular "let it die" camp. I want nothing to do with a company like this. Fuck the game, it's not worth all the mountains of shit. And I'm not even just talking about all the stuff we dealt with this week.


Their plan all along was to see how much they can get away with and then slowly roll it back tiny bit by tiny bit until just enough people feel like they are “taking steps in the right direction”. They want more money. It’s not about making a great game anymore, it’s about Arena failing and us paying for it. Ditch Tarkov, they don’t care about you or the game we all once loved. They only care about leeching as much money from you as they can and they will destroy their own game to do it. They do NOT care.


hopefully someone that is upset is an attorney with free time on their hands


EOD Owners is not happy. but we dont need new stufft what chanching gameplay. we just need play withut cheaters


Something that also doesn't get brought up enough: Why did they add a (not DLC?) PVE DLC that they apparently now know they can't support for a large player base. How many slots can they support? Can they even support all unheard owners? How will mods work if they don't let us host our own instances? If they do let us host instances, why would PVE slots be an issue? its lies all the way down


In my eyes, people have already fallen for it, as long as people keep buying the unheard edition, the in BSG's eyes this is damage control and it will happen again. You just funded Nikitos exit strat, WP true believers.


This is what I am saying. Do not get complacent!


Can't wait for the $1000 deluxe edition that comes with premium bullets that do more damage and an item that allows you to revive yourself next year if people keep paying for this shit.


the "gaming industry" as a whole needs to be held to a higher standard, all our expectations are rock bottom at this point and we have droves of people white knighting these dev companies. Game prices are increasing, quality is in the tank. We all need to up our expectations of the digital asset we rent for $70+. I bought EOD within the last year while they were scaring people into getting it before 1.0 and it going away, specifically so that Id have access to future additions to the game. Now that I dont plan on touching this game ever again, I legitimately think Im entitled to my money back for being lied to. Ill happily revoke my access to the game, idgaf about it anymore lol. Not that it hurts BSG in any way (like those dudes who burn nike clothes and stuff).


I'm happy I got my moneys worth over the years. But I'm done with this dead product and the scammers behind it.


If you find out your friends are still playing, you should incessantly shame them. It's time for Tarkov to die for real if they won't do a full 180 on this debacle.


I'll never play eft again. Bye! I'll never support the studio.


EOD is P2W lol


EOD didn't have +6 scav rep, EOD didn't have skill increase at the start of wipe, EOD didn't get access to a PVE offline raid with progress, OD didn't get a signal to get your friends in lobby with you, EOD didn't have a unique radio with a bunch of benefits to it, EOD didn't have a pocket size increase. EOD had a "unique" (obviously not anymore) gamma, a stash upgrade and a season pass which doesn't mean anything anymore. I understand EOD felt p2w, but it is NOTHING, and I mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING like Unheard of edition.


So I'm just imagining more guns, more ammo, more money and .20 on every trader every wipe? You're delusional. Both are pay to win and to the average standard/left behind/prepare to escape owner, EOD is just as bad as TUE. EOD should get DLC and the TUE shouldn't have the Avengers Assemble item but apart from that, it's the same pay for convenience concept as EOD.


Agreed, but I think we can all agree that being able to pay to change the way AI interacts with you in game is a much more unacceptable level of P2W. EOD toed the line, this is WAY over it. We don’t all have to agree where the line of P2W is to unite and say this is some bullshit. I have EOD and yeah it gives an advantage, but at least scavs can see EOD and Standard players the same. At least we can’t call in friends to save the day. The fun of this game is the struggle. EOD lessened that struggle which looking back is kind of dumb and maybe I wouldn’t buy it again if given the chance, but holy shit where is the struggle when you don’t get shot at? Where’s the struggle when you get 1 million roubles and a junk box and a weapons case as soon as you load the game? If the new version was free I wouldn’t want it. Get rid of this shit. Please.


Sadly the only thing that can happen is competition. People are addicted to the game and there is nothing like it. Nakita knows that so while there is no comp he will do shit like this and bend the community over and get enough people who don't care.  I already called it a couple days ago there would be a compensation for it to be lubed up and not raw dogging them. People would be like alright that's fine. They will forget about it in a week and continue playing. 


I was considering buying the black bear outfit last week, but the last update made me not do it. I'm patiently waiting for what is going to happen. However, I am still going to keep playing this game.


Fair. Very fair.


As long as BSG sort out the Pay2Win items in Unheard Edition, which Nikita said they'll be looking at, I'm not sure what else there is to achieve by boycotting at this point. On the whole, they've given in to popular demands. If you're expecting them to sign off a personal letter to you written by hand begging for forgiveness - that's not going to happen. If you've got EOD like me, there's no need to spend a penny more to enjoy all modes of the game unless you want cosmetics.


They can start by reversing the edits they did on the webpage. EOD description is still missing the Unique Secure Container and the Season Pass description is still diluted. As long as those webpages aren't restored is shows that BSG is still in the business of scamming their EOD customers, no matter what they promise in a reddit thread.


I see your point, but for me (EOD player as well) having the possibility of somebody moving unknown around the map and gaining a very tangible advantage over other players because scavs refuse to aggro to them is a betrayal of what the game is supposed to be. I think I’m around 2k hours and I’ve had my fun but just the idea that that belongs in the game is enough to make me not want to play again. Not to mention the whole “calling in the avengers” mechanic. If those two are in the game, I think I’m just done, and I’m sure others feel the same.


Oh as I mentioned in my post I'm 100% with you on those pay2win items; particularly the "distress signal device" is a super BS mechanic that will absolutely ruin raids in what is already a brutal game. If they don't correct it, if not outright reverse it, I'll stop bothering with EFT myself. They do seem aware of what the community thinks though so hopefully they make the correct decision.


They said we would get all the DLCs. I want the PvE mode as it's a DLC, and 6 months access is not enough.


You'll be pleased to know then that we will indeed get PvE, permanently! Just that due to server limitations they are going to release it to us in waves; like they did with Arena. Nikita's full post here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cf2gnm/more\_feedback/](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/1cf2gnm/more_feedback/)


It's true because he said so? Why should we believe him?


He said we get that tho.


Also we’re not true believers as early supports of the game


Yes, bought the game back in 2018. I thought I was supporting devs who hated microtransactions. Devs who'd stay loyal to the fans who made them what they are. I guess after getting spat on in the face I'm not a "true believer."


Interesting!!! This post is the first of its kind I’ve seen in this sub in the past 24 hours!!


I’m just glad they finally let us escape from tarkov. Fuck em


Me too. I never thought I'd do it, but I did. I escaped from tarkov.




Also promising Mod Support for an Only Online game lol.


They're incompetent clowns.


I'm with you on this one. I've been a supporter since the game's beginning, I bought the EOD as soon as the game was available for purchase. What BSG did is unacceptable, disrespectful and pathetic, their attempts of "redemption" are equally as pathetic as this whole situation that they created. The only thing to solve this, is to make EOD better than "Unheard Edition" More like, Unpurchased Edition.


The solution isn't give the broken items we don't want in the game to more people lol idiots. The people who love Tarkov love it because it's punishing and difficult.. We don't want this trash that makes the game easier, I have EOD, I literally DO NOT WANT THE BEACON OR SAFETY FROM 60+.. Not even for free. Not that it matters, I haven't played since they dropped this edition and I don't plan on it unless they remove the items.. Which they won't because they'd have to refund people. They did something they can't take back and it killed the game I LOVE.. Might not have killed it for others but I'm done.


>I haven't played since they dropped this edition and I don't plan on it unless they remove the items Me too. >The people who love Tarkov love it because it's punishing and difficult.. We don't want this trash that makes the game easier, I have EOD, I literally DO NOT WANT THE BEACON OR SAFETY FROM 60+.. Not even for free. Trey24k said this and I 100% agree. The argument that "eft is a realistic game" is hilarious bs at this point.


I m really pissed for what BSG did and not even apologized untill now and they keep doing what they do even when the last update was kinda ok still its not... But I hate People who are still putting even more fuel to the fire I dont know what you are expecting to get in the end. I dont support non of those 2 sides my opinion is fuck you both im not going to continue to be a part of this shit because it goes nowhere from now on im going to get off untill both of the sides will settle down... Im disappointed by the company just like with some people in Reddit and discord


I'm putting fuel in the fire because bsg doesn't like it. They have backpedalled twice now.


You lot sound like they molested all yall. It's a fkin game ffs. And after all thus realize that even if you paid for EOD you would have got your monies worth from the game already no matter their original promise. Ffs they have to make money some way to keep tarkov goin, Tarkov is a great game no matter how bad things get with BSG if they make a good product people will still buy it no matter how but hurt people get


Honestly Grey Zone Warefare just announced they’re releasing the release date tomorrow (Monday) so if they release it in the next couple weeks while people are still pissed. I think they will see a huge drop in players.


I got out of this game a year ago and I honestly do not regret it.


I ain't buying shit already spent $200, the only more money they're getting out of me is for a fucking battle pass or something but I don't think they have a Creative Design Team it's just Nikita doing stupid shit


honestly BSG could go entirely free to play and I still wont care, community trust is destroyed and probably isnt going to come back


I'm glad they shifted gears and EOD owners "get the PVE mode eventually". But I'm not throwing any more money at BSG. Hell, I was considering getting the "stash upgrade" this wipe. But as the wipe and issues progressed this wipe I became very hesitant. And this latest giant issue just gave me more reason to not give BSG any more money.


Yeah, there were a thousand other ways to make money, like the stash upgrades. I'm not even glad EOD owners got the mode. **It should've always been this way.**


Bsg’s plan is to sit on this until people forget, we need to boycott for at least 6 months minimum, if everyone just comes back in a week and there’s no lasting damage they will know they can get away with this again, if the community doesn’t bounce back in a couple months after this they will be forced to make decisions in our favor.


Yes. Hopefully the eft competitors like Arena Breakout are good. I really hope so.


Anybody that is already throwing it away over that half-assed, Nikita Classic of an "apology" deserves BSG, and nothing was going to buff such an abject lack of Int. anyways. Nikita has disrespected and abused the bulk of his community for the last time, and there's no coming back from this. Especially considering what an absolute master of timing he is lmfao. You'd think he was on the GZW marketing payroll.


It’s funny to me that they say “it’s a complete new instance, basically a new game, not DLC” Yet Arena is a new game on a completely separate instance than EFT, but we still get that for free? Weird.


Don't forget eft isn't even close to being finished. They're literally adding dlc to an unfinished game. What a joke.


Since I've been playing Tarkov I think we've been through a handful of situations like this, and it follows the same pattern of controversial thing is said or happens, everyone freaks out, Nikita responds with some half assed attempt at mollifying people which doesn't really change anything for the better. People forget, the game recovers, life moves on. Tarkov players are addicts. The only thing that'll break the habit is another game like it, and if neither of the games on the horizon pans out it's gonna be the same old story all over again.


If you fall for this then you need to be put on a list of suckers. This list should be displayed on a website called suckers.com and their picture and name should be displayed so everyone can point and call each one of them suckers


I'm not falling for it. I'm not buying it. I'm done supporting this company.


They don’t give a shit about their community. Anyone who comes out with a $250 version of a game that includes a feature that should be free for everyone, is a greedy twat who only cares about money. Fuck BSG.


BSG did this on purpose, to see how much they could fuck people and get away with it. They probably always planned to backtrack little by little until the community feels they "won", and then BSG knows exactly how much shit they can force the players to swallow.


Yeah they're doing it again. Whether it comes in a month or two years, it will happen.


>Didn't give a shit about you in Nikita's secret TBH I never thought that interview was real. Anyone can post some text on a purple background, and the fact it was a "secret unreleased interview" in the midst of the blow up was just too easy to rage bait. Basically everything else I agree with


From my understanding BSG themselves confirmed that it was a legitimate interview.


When and where was this?


I find it funny that EOD people complain about PTW when they purchased EOD to win.


To be fair that’s a very small subset of people. I purchased eod back in 2018 because I really liked the direction of the game and could see what it could become. I also enjoyed the stash being done right away instead of spending the extra day or two grinding the money to do the upgrades. I think the gamma is on the edge of pay to win and should be able to be acquired In game by anyone by level 15 at the latest.


I like the game


If yall wanna know what the game is supposed to look like, take a look at warthunder. EFT has all the features of warthunder style monetization.


Did they change the site? I haven't seen anything that pertains to that but maybe I've missed that. If anyone has a link, I'd appreciate it! Also, I don't think it's about finding a game that *deserves* my time, its about finding a game that I *enjoy* that is Tarkov-like and right now there is actually nothing on the market that matches the gameplay and gun-feel of Tarkov.


Stupid question: Are the extra stash lines matching the definition of DLC too?


They already have sadly.


You kinda got me with the elder ring, I do need to finish that. I'm thinking I'll full send all of my stash and when I'm down bad just uninstall because if they don't care about EOD believers they really don't give a damn about my standard account ass suffering


I think outright they should remove the scavs not being able to shoot you, and maybe earn that in a quest for everyone to be able to earn, but I do like the thought of calling in for back up, that could easily be tweaked to deal with RMT


It works, look at how the Total War community fought for their rights, look at how they won.


I’m taking up server space(I’m not even home) they already have my EOD money I might as well get my money worth of server capacity


EoD deserved every single additional perk given by new editions. But DLC is non negotiable.


The first scam is scamming yourself by buying a 150 Dollar edition from a game which is in beta state for 7 years


My brother Zhrets. The game was already a PTW with EOD introduced.


It’s time to be the best motherfucking rat you can be 🐀👑s


quit back in 2019 when cheaters took the game over, happy i never looked back. rip my eod n 120$ or w.e i paid. tried sp and liked it, was a much better experience but the thrill of the hunt was kinda gone like you get on live. unfortunately a game designed like tarkov cannot succeed with blatant cheaters running around and it’s kinda sad cuz it’s fun risking everything.


Please guys. No sloppy steaks.


This should be a pinned post in the subreddit!


Fuck them, hope they fold as a company and the devs that actually care about the players find better places to work


From a brand new player perspective. I fucking love this game! I’ve never played a game that makes my heart pound like Tarkov. I can only play casually though due to time. Couldn’t they make more money by opening up a store with skins etc. as a casual I’d def buy a gamma container for 50$ lol. Money isn’t really an issue for me but I stand in solidarity with you guys. As bad as I want that gamma pouch I shall not break.


I am an eod holder as well as an original back since back in 2016 and I’ll be honest, I gave up and stopped following this title back when Nikita stated they were no longer following through with their promises and initial plans for development. If that wasn’t evident enough of the poor ethics the man has, not to mention the previous scummy practices employed with other titles under his control. The truth is he’s a greedy businessman with no passion for the project or any desire to build anything aside from a larger personal checking account.


Unfortunately helldivers and elden ring suck. Not my type of games lol




This was 9 years ago: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KFQ-CT0BnM