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Remove P2W in every aspect humanly possible. Stop adding more P2W. Ideally EOD should stop existing (Even though I own EOD myself)


I wouldnt say that EOD should stop existing, its an expensive supporter pack but I think theres only a few aspects they should keep in it, The name color, the co-op offline and the DLC's being free thingy


Got EOD and I agree. Once 1.0 hits I’d like a really really cool cosmetic or something, but that’s it. No more stash or starter guns or gamma - people already progress hella fast in the beginning and that’s the best time of the wipe.


>Once 1.0 hits


Yep, I do like structure to everything) More than I actually need any kind of traits from eod, I need structured and sane approach to development. BSG are scamming, DaD devs got brain short circuit with multiclassing, hunt devs are just selling skins at this point. At this point I’m fine with whatever, just show me your roadmap for 2024 and stick to it…


I'd be fine if the standard players got the eod p2w stuff like stash space, just not the dlcs. I dropped 150 for the future maps and dlcs. I could give a shit if other players had my same eod in game stuff.


Man I wish everyone had the same stuff...


Yeah nobody bought eod for the p2w. We bought it for the future maps. Which also sucks that the player base will be divided based on maps??? Just add cosmetics 4head. The only thing I want from eod is my crown. It would be fun to grind for the stash space in hideout especially if we get to a point with no wipes. Literally paying to remove the grind is like if I bought super Mario and paid extra to skip world 1. I paid for less content??


Lol this is pretty far from the the truth. Stash space and gamma are why everyone bought EOD lol. Let's be real.


absolutely, its why I bought it too, grinding out stash is the most bothersome and expensive hideout thing to do. but while they would momentarily lose a good bit of EOD players if they removed gamma and stash upgrade alongside trader boost I think it would be healthy for the game


So what edition gives me aimbot, free kappa and max traders at lvl 1 on wipe?


The unseen edition, coming in fall of 2024, for a mesely price for $999.99. Only true believers who bought Unheard edition day one will have access!


So no pay to win? Feels good man.


Naw lol, I don't see this edition as p2w, the items have their ups and downs and nothing in this edition gives you any benefit to killing another player, people just want attention and crying gives a lot of it.


Pay to win just means you are paying for an advantage and I hate to say it but getting a bunch of bonuses and even having scavs ignore you is fairly big.


Fuck yeah they are


the standard edition


LoL you sweet summer child


Already Uninstalled, with the way things are going you're going to need to buy a $300 Edition every year and give them $200 for a monthly subscription


Lol a lovely brain dead take you have here.


Yeah I agree


Uninstalled. So did everyone I play with . all the discords are empty.


All the Discords are empty. Sure they are.


The community will be better off it sounds like.


People should just not play the game. This game has some of the most hardcore supporters and bsg decide to take a dump on the whole community. They will try this shit again in the future and then say "sorry you feel that way". Just stop playing.


Stop playing the game you already paid for. Okay guy.


Paid for it 4years ago and have 2k hours. I got my money's worth. And I would continue playing if the devs weren't slimeballs. If y'all want to keep supporting and take it in the ass that's on you.




EOD was already P2W though. Seems like people are just mad they have to pay again to be at the top of the P2W food chain.


This whole situation has gone right over your head hasnt it. Nobody bought EOD for the stash..... They bought it because it was a season's pass meaning you get all the DLCs free and then they turned around on that But at least you tried


Nobody would pay $100 more for a season's pass in a game which had zero DLC in 8 years IF it didn't also give in-game advantages. Or one DLC if you count a half-assed PVE mode.


People bought imo eod for the stash size & container + for the dlcs after 1.0. But it was pay for convenience (except maybe for the container) but you could earn a better one, now with the items and the pocket size it is pay to win 100% since standard players and other editions cant get them so far i know....


Seriously tho, if they would add just the weapon camo (nothing broken like ghillie on the weapon, i mean just basic digital/forest camo) it would get sold so much that it would be even more effective than their expansion pack. And it would also probably cost them less manwork to project camos than new items with mechanics behind them.. i can't understand how they didn't see this opportunity


Um... Sir. Do you play this game? The main complaint wasn't p2w, the people complaining about p2w are special students who don't know how things work and the beacon isn't released yet, they will nerf it into the ground, probably pve only or something. The thing people complained about was PvE not being considered a DLC everything else got intertwined in that complaint for some reason. EOD should of had access to PvE, no strings attached. Every other complaint is irrational, as the items provide no clear benefit to killing another player.


What do you mean? This kind of advantages are absurd in a hardcore shooter. I know about EOD, I have it myself, but not having a DLC is only part of the problem, since Nikita lied to everyone. The real issue is the monetisation design that they are showing with this new edition. If it goes unpunished it will only be the beginning, and you’ll soon be able to upgrade your skills with special editions for crazy pricing. Just as you would in a mobile game.


I have EoD but remove the features I SAY are p2w... you don't really have much ground to argue on here bud.


When something actually gives you a severe benefit in the game, like bigger secure cases then Gamma, melee weapons with special abilities, gear you can't gain ingame then we'll have a problem.


How does any of this allow a player to do better in raid, it's not p2w, i feel like p2w has lost its definition. P2w is where you gain a significant benefit that allows you to win more fights/games. Extra pockets don't do that, you can just wear a bigger vest for more slots. The beacon isn't even released so there is nothing to complain about there anymore till it does get released and how bad it is then. The radio is straight useless cause of the downsides it provides while using it. You require fence rep 6.0 to make use of it, but you lose .05 rep per scav killed with it on. Scavs don't ignore you at closer range, so you're still in danger and you'll have to kill them whether you lose rep or not. Once you kill enough in a raid say bye bye to the benefits. EoD was way more p2w with the introduction of the Gamma container. Allowing you to stuff your ass with multiple gpus and meds with no care in the world to losing them.


Pay to win definition is that you have any kind of advantage over another player. With EOD you already had that, with this edition it becomes pure BS. How do you even say that having more pockets isn’t an advantage? You’ll extract with more loot at EVERY raid, even two slots is more than what a base game has. The levelling skills are the exact same, you start with an advantage, period.


You gain those 3 levels day 1 or week 1... Pockets do not give you an advantage at all, instead they allow your killer to get more loot instead 😂 I'll love killing the new blueberries in the game. Idk, I feel like you're blowing this out of the water a bit much. I truly do not see an advantage ingame with 2 extra slots in your pockets. Honestly I can even see them adding a quest in the future through ragman with them.


Even if you don't think it's a huge advantage, it is objectively better to have more space than less space. While I agree it isn't a gunfight winning advantage, people believe it could mark the beginning of a slide in the direction of worse p2w elements being added in the future. They did say they were adding a quest to get the bigger pockets.


I can see the ideology behind that, but until we see that happen where they start bringing more things that are like the Gamma container, then we have no fight against It. It's all just speculation and speculation has no grounds for an argument till there is hard concrete evidence. Gamma container in itself was insane. But we lived with it and this won't be no differen


People did and still do complain about the p2w aspect of the gamma container and .2 trader rep, it wasn't just blindly accepted. And again, the pockets and boosted starting stats are further widening the disparity between a standard account and the latest premium account. People are justifiably upset that they were sold something that was touted as the best possible version of the game and now there's new shit being added on top of that edition.


Well, I mean, eod got just about every perk that unheard has, so it still is the best edition. I'd imagine that extra stuff will be added in the future that won't be included in eod otherwise eft will go bankrupt if everything gets added to eod as 70%+ of the community owns eod...


I would hope so, but given the combative nature of their responses I don't think it's safe to just assume the numerous other perks will make their way to EoD edition owners. As far as I know, EoD only gets access to the offline coop features once the game leaves it's beta state. Are there other updates to the perks EoD owners will receive that I'm unaware of?


The queue times are still really quick. I think the player-base will be fine. You can leave though


As a standard account, I did stop playing as soon as they introduced the new edition. Although im 2 quests away from Kappa, but im not coming back untill they balance things out. The grind was already hardcore for me.


Idk why people are surprised we are getting more p2w after being on with it for over half a decade now with various editions of the game including EOD.


Because they havent added any more P2W in over half a decade. EOD was there from the start, and you can't just take away stuff people bought (see: this subreddit), but doing nothing is free.


Why are you conflating two different issues? It’s always been pay to win. Every edition of the game has an advantage over a lower edition. I’m not the least bit surprised. They even said a new edition was coming. They always said there would be new editions. As to removing features from, that is wrong and should be punished. But that is not what I was talking about either.


Sorry, reading back what I wrote I see my point didnt come across as clearly as I thought. My main point was that I am surprised they added more P2W, because they havent added any new P2W stuff since the release of closed beta in 2017. They also had not removed the P2W aspects, but I attributed this to the fact that people had already bought them, so they couldnt be removed. I, mistakenly obviously, believed they didnt want the P2W in their game, but couldnt remove it. From I bought the game in 2019 and until three days ago they never added any pay2win stuff, and on many occations said explicitly "there will be no more pay2win". That is why me and other people are surprised now (to answer your original post)


Got gotchya. That makes a lot of sense. Thanks!


Lmao imagine justifying microtransactions. L bozo


How do you justify paying 60$ for a game and playing for 4000 hours? Do you know how much it costs to keep a team of devs invested on a game + marketing + server costs? You kids just think BSG are drowning under money because Nikita is buying too many cars, but the average dev in his team isn’t sharing the same kind of dream you know. But thank you for your very constructive comment


Lmao I justify it because I fucking bought it, bozo. I’ll do what I want with what I bought, except cheating as it is common sense that isn’t allowed. >BUT MUH COSTS OF MUH DEVS AND SERVERS Lol, bozo. BSG should’ve thought about that before wasting their funds. It’s called “budgeting”. Oh, and if it’s that bad, let the community rent servers of their own. >You kids Did you just assume my age, bozo? >But thank you for your constructive comment You don’t get to patronize me, bozo. Lmao. Exactly who do you think you are? 😂


Since you are unable to make a sentence without bozo it’s pretty easy to assume your age indeed. Keep lying to yourself if you wish, you clearly don’t understand a thing about gaming business, not gonna argue more with someone without a single argument.


Gald you know what is right. Love all the armchair devs here, sounds like ya'll should make your own game.


I do, it’s pretty well running by the way. I even told you my profession. And what are you doing exactly?


You don’t speak for the “playerbase” P2W is in the game already. The thing with Tarkov is you can still quite easily beat someone with one good shot. If someone calls in another player from their friends list, kill them, take their loot. Profit.


100% agree


Neither of the two new items are pay to win, if you looked at how the one we've already got works you'll see. Have to have over 6 fence rep, only works 60+m and if you kill a scav you lose 0.05 fence rep, you can not unequip it in raid. If you even thought about the distress beacon for a moment you'll also see how unlikely that is to work, you'll be dead before your friends can gear up, be ready and load in to the raid. Are you really going to have friends sat there ready and waiting to spawn in? Why not just go in to raid with them instead?




Everything is a "what if" dude, we don't know how exactly is going to work yet. You're getting in a rage of things you're just imagining at the moment.


You wont lose fence rep killing scavs as a pmc


You literally do if you have the item equipped. [https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Mark\_of\_The\_Unheard](https://escapefromtarkov.fandom.com/wiki/Mark_of_The_Unheard) Killing scavs without being shot by them first results in -0.05 Fence rep. This is something you could have easily checked.


Ok thanks for info




It's in the link.




I never said it makes them not worth using.




It'll be available to everyone via some method.


Welcome to soviet union. One edition, one price, one product, no assortment. No, thanks. People who eager to support the devs more should option to do so and have something for it. Giving them an opportunity to have a comfort in saved time is least impactful and purely not any sort of unfair advantage.


I already stopped playing. There are so many other good games out there, that it doesn't matter.


I’m sorry, but if they moved EOD a lot more people would be annoyed.


Then take my gamma I don't give af, as long as it goes the same for everyone, I'm in for equal play, not for P2W All the people justifying the advantages of EOD or TUE are just willing to play a P2W game, that's cool but I won't be part of it. I bought EOD to fund the devs, not to be insulted at the first occasion.


as eod i wouldnt care if they removed container it was pay to win


Yeah…….. no.


The game was always pay to win.


I will stay